poor roki

  1. Roki

    Knights of Anathaeum Not Far From the Tree

    Roki was busy packing his things. His brow knit with frustration as he shoved what little knick-knacks and garments he could into his ruck. "It'll be alright, Roki, you... I mean, it's just a month!" Lemock tried to console his bunkmate. Roki but grumbled, going on with his furious packing...
  2. Noa

    Fable - Ask Soil and Bubbles

    Some time had passed since Roki’s misstep in battle with, as the Knights would soon learn, Rory Bellamy. Syr Noa had felt a twinge of pride that Roki had sorta-kinda-almost outwitted one of the Bloody Bellamy’s that were known to cause more trouble than Roki had. More importantly, she was glad...