Completed No Child Left Behind

Alistair listened to all of this with a faraway look in his eyes, seeming deep in thought as he tried to piece together a plan with this new information. If anything, the more he spoke with Bassel, the more comfortable he became. Bassel was more like him than Mariana. At least he had that soldier's training over the top of his personality. Mariana was more...emotional.

"Oh, I meant nothing to say about you. Simply facts that I have long been considering since I learn of my...extended family."

By this point, the guards might begin to wonder how long their conversation outside would take, but Alistair had no intentions of cutting this discussion short unless they stopped them.

"How exactly are you expected to serve this Emporer? Is it overly formulaic, or does he simply want the best, well-rounded warriors?"

It was a valid question. For the Dreadlords, each one had to have specialized training because of their magics, but they were all taught the basics. For some of the greatest armies in the world, the basics being mastered by each soldier prioritizing the unit over the individual was what made them great.

  • Stressed
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Bassel had never seen Emperor Gerra, or even Empress-Regent Medja (who seemed a lot easier to see on the streets of Ragash.) He had never spoken to either, or received any sort of correspondence. When the students left, they left. Bassel had never seen anyone return.

He wasn’t sure if that was because they were dead or busy. He always hoped it was the latter. He had hoped, before ever sending that letter to the head of House Krixus, that he would join his older brothers and sisters and serve the Emperor well.

Well-rounded,” Bassel answered, feeling a bit guilty for divulging this information to his brother. Even if Alistair was his brother, and even if right now he didn’t seem threatening or malicious, was it okay to spill secrets of the Madrassa to an Anirian? “Although, if you use magic, you get extra classes and training. But all of us are expected to perform at a certain level with everything.” He shrugged. “Even if you’re the best in your year with a sword, if you suck at throwing a spear, you’ll be considered a failure.” His lips dipped low in a frown, as if he had personal experience with such a thing.

Alistair Krixus
As Alistair suspected, given what little he knew of the Empire, the Emporer did not seem like the type to discard good cards just because they were not normalized. This meant that the soldiers were trained in a similar fashion to the Dreadlords, although with less psychological trauma.

"Good, then that will make things easier. I can invite you to visit under the guise of you coming to learn about a foreign culture. While I can not give you Dreadlord training, learning about a neighboring culture and maybe a few fighting styles you are not accustomed to would seem like a valid learning experience."

This way, visiting your family came to be shaped to look more like a training program. However, this does not really give Bassel a valid reason to stay if he chose to do so. However, he would leave that to Bassel. He wanted to look after new siblings, but it wasn't fair to convince them to abandon responsibilities that they were already committed to.

"Well, are you good with a sword? I specialize primarily with the sword, but I am proficient in all forms of weaponry."

  • Wonder
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Bassel brightened. Alistair had a good idea. Surely, something along the lines of cultural exchange, while unique, would be a good way to get him to Vel Anir. And if he did want to return home, he could. If he decided he wanted to stay? Well, that was a question for a later time. A problem that Bassel was quick to push away.

I am good with the sword. At least, it came quicker than everything else.” Looking off to the side, Bassel held out his hand, as if he were holding a sword right now. The way his arm moved was fluid, clearly using his shoulders and upper body even if there was no weight to hold onto. “I think mace-axes are too heavy, too blunt. Lots of boys like them and sure, they break through shields, but I don’t feel… safe with them. Like with spears. I feel vulnerable.” He admitted. “Or like something bad will happen when I use them.

His teachers couldn’t understand why, but Bassel always seemed to freeze up and be uncertain with the other weapons. It didn’t matter how much he trained, he didn’t like them. They felt wrong in his hands.

Bow and arrow isn’t too bad.” He added. “And in a bad situation, I know to just use anything to fight. But if I could only use a sword, I’d be happy with it.” Bassel smiled then. “Maybe it’s in our shared blood. Did our father like to use swords, too? Was he a warrior like us?

Alistair Krixus
Alistair smiled at seeing the boys half-form. It was clear from just that simple look that he was no novice. Good posture with fluid movements. It was unclear how his balance held up, and his style would certainly be different from his own.

The last question almost made Alistair snort, but he held himself back given the negative news he had only just given Bassel about his father.

"No, he never had the chance to learn the arts of war. He may have had talent, but it was never discovered or practiced. I was chosen to learn martial arts because of my talent for magic."

Yes, the magical talents that had been forced on him. Through painful child experimentation, where his father had carved several runes onto his very skin.

"He was more of a merchant and a craftsman."

Father was smart. He had to be to keep the floundering Krixus family a float. Like Alistair, he had a knack for learning an accumulating knowledge. He knew just where to hit Alistair to cause the most pain, but no leave a mark. If anything, he had a better talent for torture than swordsmanship.

"House Krixus is rather small. Our history of military service is...lacking." Well, besides his own.

  • Thoughtful
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What magic can you do?” This piqued Basel’s interest far more than if Alistair had said their father was good with a sword. It was a bit disappointing to know it wasn’t the case, but Bassel still saw their swordskill as something that bonded the two of them together. Besides, it made sense that their father was a merchant. Or how else could Bassel be here, right now, speaking to an Anirian despite living his whole life in the Empire? “Fire balls? Controlling the earth? Summoning monsters to fight for you?

Some at the Madrassa did have magic. Bassel did, yet didn’t. It was hard to say he had magic when he failed his arcane tests. But there was something he felt within him, whenever he looked at animals. He felt connected to them, and he swore, if he tried really hard, he could see through their eyes. But was that magic or just a gift?

If he had any sort of arcane ability, couldn’t he at least make a fireball or a snap his fingers so a flame could appear?

But then Alistair shared some information that Bassel didn’t know, or quite understand.

Small? I thought all Houses in Vel Anir were great?

Alistair Krixus
"I am more of a generalist. My specialty in magic means I can perform various spells. The spells become stronger the more time I have to prepare."

That was the vaguest way that Alistair could think to describe rune magic without saying rune magic. He had just met this brother and he wasn't sure if there were others listening. However, he could show some of the basic college magic that he had learned over the years.

A quick snap of his finger brought a light to his fingertips, and with a swift wave of his hand, it was gone again.

"There are better mages out there, but there are also many that are worse"

The second question left Alistair far more stumped. He did not like explaining that House Krixus was at the bottom of the barrel as far as noble prestige went. Some of the more recent business deals he had made, meant the family was doing better financially, but it wasn't anything impressive compared to the Great Houses.

"House Krixus is a noble house...However, some houses have better luck than others. My- Our family had a rough few decades, but we are getting better."

It sounded pathetic to his own ears, but that was the best he could do for the moment. He did not want to like to the boy.

  • Gasp
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Bassel’s dark eyes grew wide as Alistair made a light appear with just a snap, and with only a wave of his hand it was gone. He was able to hold back a gasp of awe as if he were some child seeing magic for the first time, but he couldn’t help the way his eyes followed after Alistair’s hand as if he could learn the secrets of the magic.

All too soon, Alistair reminded Bassel a fact that he never really liked hearing. The idea of being a mage was in his mind, not that it was clear or Bassel knew which steps to take to become a mage. Rather, it was the worry that Bassel would try exercising his arcane ability only to realize that when it came to sorcery he was one of the many “worse” ones.

He didn’t share this fear and self-doubt with his brother, although that had little to do with Alistair and moreso with Bassel’s self confidence. He wouldn’t share such things with anybody. Instead he listened to his brother speak and nodded his head. He was old enough to understand that what Alistair was saying meant that House Krixus was broke. He was also mature enough to understand that Alistair was taking a risk in bringing Bassel to Vel Anir as a bastard son.

I grew up poor.” Bassel said with a smile. “I still am poor. I care little for wealth. But I was taught that family was more important than coin. Blood is thicker than water as they say.

Alistair Krixus
"True, a lesson I have only begun learning, which is why I came out here to find you...Also, I would not call us poor by average standards, but when faced with the obnoxious wealth of some of the other houses of Vel Anir then...yes, we might be seen as poor."

Alistair quickly spat out the last part with annoyance, not wanting to admit such a fact. He had many business dealings in the works that may pay off, but there was no reason to speak of those until they came to fruition.

"As a family, I will do everything in my ability to assist your growth. It is the least you deserve for being linked with my family."

By this point, Alistair could see some of the guards looking at them from inside. It seemed their time was running short.

"I will speak with Raziya about helping me see if my suggestion would be acceptable."

  • Aww
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I’m growing just fine,Bassel assured Alistair. His brother’s words felt like a jab but Bassel was sure that there were good intentions behind it. “Although my trade tongue is rather poor.” That being said, there was always room for improvement. The Madrassa had taught all of it’s students that they could always do better, even if they thought they were good enough, it wasn’t enough to serve Emperor Gerra.

And as if she were waiting for Alistair to say her name, Raziya made herself be known as she strode out and over to the tree that the two young men were sitting under.
Alistair.” Raziya said, her voice calm but firm. “We need to get going. Bassel has missed enough of his lessons and at this rate he won’t have time for dinner.” She looked up to the sky, looking at the sun. Dinner was still an hour or so away, but it seemed Bassel was needed for things, especially things that didn’t have him speaking to an Anirian. “Make your good byes quick and then follow me. Quickly.” Raziya added.

Alistair Krixus
Alistair nodded to Raziya's insistence. He turned back to the boy and held out his hand, taking a good long look at Bassel, searching for all the facial features that told him they were related.

"Bassel, I will be leaving for now. I'll get back to you as soon as I can about our idea. Until then, good luck with your studies."

The Madrassa and Academy were likely different but at the end of the day they were both military schools with a likely, tough work ethic.

He waited to shake his hand and, once that was done, Alistair swiftly moved to join Raziya,

"I have some ideas I want to speak with you about."

  • Thoughtful
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Raziya watched Bassel get ready to bow to Alistair before realizing that he should take his hand. To the general, they didn’t look anything alike, but then again she had never been good with noticing the finer details of one’s face. She had never cared much about how one looked as long as they were strong. Once the brothers had shook hands and Bassel scampered off to continue with the rest of his busy schedule, Raziya made sure to make a show of ushering Alistair out of the Madrassa.

The guards had taken notice as well as other students. She was certain Bassel was about to be bombarded with a thousand and one questions about why a Anirian had came to visit him. She wondered how he would answer, if he even had answers for the questions that would follow.

Not that it was her problem. Not her brother, not her subordinate, not her problem.

I expected as much,” she said with dry wit, her lips curving up for a moment before quickly going back into a thin, serious line. “I’m certain these ideas might be of the risky sort?

Alistair Krixus
"They could be, I suppose, but if it is too much then I do not expect you to help. You have already helped so much."

Alistair followed her out of the Madrassa but kept an eye on the guards that would not break away from their gaze. It certainly seemed like he had made a bit more of a commotion than he planned for. Oh well, at least so far, he had not done anything illegal.

"I want to try and convince the head of the Madrassa to allow Bassel to visit me in Vel Anir on program. He gets to visit my family, while also expanding his knowledge of both warfare and the world."

The suggestion seemed rather simple to Alistair, it was a similar practice commonly used between Vel Anir and Elbion. However, he understood that The Empire was by no means Elbion.

"Do you think you can help?"

  • Thoughtful
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She sucked air in through her teeth as she considered Alistair’s words. The suggestion was simple, and in Raziya’s opinion, simple was good. Got too fancy and mistakes began to happen.

While you were speaking to your brother, I asked some questions.” The Madrassa was for Emperor Gerra’s personal army. Raziya had had little idea of how it worked as her men had never come from a place— much less a school of any sort. “One of these questions pertained to leaving the Madrassa for any reason. Bassel could leave.” That was the good news. “You are considered his family and the Madrassa only takes orphans. Bassel is here because his town was destroyed by a violent Djinn. Or battle mage. Hard to say.” For all Raziya knew, it could have been a dreadlord.

Now for the bad news.

If he leaves, he won’t be able to come back to the Madrassa. Even if it’s just for a week. He would be seen as unfit for the Emperor’s army and that is the sole purpose of this school.” She shrugged. It was the way of life to be met with nothing more challenges when things were important in one’s life. “If he left and came back to Ragash he would be out in the street. Perhaps the Empress Regent would pick him up to be a Hand or he could try mercenary work.

Unfortunately learning a trade would be too late for Bassel. He was too old and had no connections to gain a apprenticeship.

I think you understand what my point is. He either goes with you or stays here. Those are the options.

Alistair Krixus
Alistair had felt pretty confident about his idea as he said it, only to have his hopes squashed. It wasn't that Bassel was completely out of reach, but the options were...extreme.

If Bassel chose to come with him, then Alistair was confident he could get him a position either in the Academy or at least in the army. Vel Anir was not one to turn away able-bodied warriors.

Al just clenched his hand for just a moment before releasing and taking a deep breath.

"I will leave that decision to Bassel. It's a big decision, one that would completely change his life...If he decides to come then I will welcome him with open arms."

If not, then he would hope for the best for him, but that would be the end of it.

  • Aww
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Interesting.” Raziya said, looking at Alistair. “Seeing as you are a Dreadlord, I expected you to devise a plan to make him want to leave with you.” Whether or not Alistair was a Dreadlord really didn’t matter. Raziya inwardly felt like that was also the choice she would have been inclined to take.

Isn’t it better to have your family close to your side while you build up your house?” She looked over at Alistair. “You don’t have many allies who are willing to help you out without gaining something in return, do you?” They continued to walk through the streets, the sun starting to get low and make the bronze buildings in Ragash look like burnt honey.

Bassel doesn’t fit in at the Madrassa, you know.” There was a edge to her voice. “He’s not a bad fighter, but how to say it… he’s scared of dying. He has no family and yet he still fears death.”

Alistair Krixus
"Frankly, the Dreadlords have done enough forcing decisions onto people. I had to put up with it because I was trained there, but that doesn't mean I have to treat everyone else like that...Family should not have to be like that."

It was the one promise he had made to himself when he learned of Marianna and Bassel. He was not going to become like his father. Not only had the man nearly ruined their family, but he was also just If ha bad man.

"If he chooses not to be a part of my family, then he won't be and we will not have any problems."

Alistair let that simple statement hang as they walked down the streets of Ragash until Raziya brought up another point and he could not stop but roll his eyes. The Madrassa and the Academy were a lot alike in some ways.

"Being scared of death doesn't have to be a bad thing. As long as he can be taught to still take that step even when he is afraid...If anything, that just means he will make better decisions when the time comes. Think of winning first and death second."

  • Thoughtful
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Hmm,” Raziya hummed, “I don’t think I’d want men who feared death in my ranks.” It was a philosophical debate, and one that Raziya wouldn’t get into. Mostly because when it came to words and ideas, she had never been the most eloquently speaker. She was a woman of few words yet many commands. Of course, she wouldn’t push this conversation forwards. Alistair had more important things to think about.

So what will you do? Speak to him again and tell him his choices?” Raziya asked. She couldn’t help but to think that such a thing was incredibly simple and doomed to fail. Even if it was the most honest plan that either of them could come up with.

Alistair Krixus
Alistair could see the disagreement in her eyes and he couldn't help but smirk. She was right to a certain degree. Men like that usually did not work in the rank and file, but not all Dreadlords worked in the rank and file. There were a lot of positions that used someone a bit more...cautious.

"No, I've already spoken to him enough, and the more I was around him, then the more I would be bringing negative attention. Besides, if I vocalize the option and someone else overhears then there is no taking that back, even if he says no. I'll write him a letter explaining the situation. His answer will be if I see him at the gates of this city when I leave."

A letter?Raziya laughed. “You Anirians,” she said, using the whole of hand to gesture to all of Alistair’s height and brawn, “how callous can you be? Go to him yourself, ask him yourself. That boy is more Kaliti than Anirian. We do things face to face, not behind words.” It was advice hidden behind harsh yet playful teasing. They came to the building that Alistair would be spending the night at. Raziya looked up the bronze structure, the metal looking more pink than orange as twilight took over the sky.

I’ve always enjoyed speaking to you than writing with you.” She admitted. “Your words that are written down don’t do your heart justice.

Alistair Krixus
"Some would argue that is a good thing."

He joked back at her last comment, but he nodded to her suggestion nonetheless. In his own mind, his solution created fewer problems for the boy, but he would not deny her knowledge of this culture. Alistair remember how those guards and some of the other students had looked at him. He worried that if he gave Bassel the offer and others overheard, they would turn on him before he even made his decision, then the boy would just be forced to leave.

"I will speak to him tomorrow then...I'll spend one more day in the city, after that, to give him time to consider his options."

Until then, Alistair would need to find something to waste his time. Enjoying the food was one thing, but maybe he would look around for a gift for Mariana.

And what will you do until tomorrow, then?Raziya asked, centering her gaze on Alistair. “If you’re not going to invite me up to your room?” There was no coy fluttering of her eyes, no flirtatious smile, and not even a seductive hand to be placed on his bicep as she leaned in. She stood there, her back perfectly straight, shoulders back and chin tilted up, looking very much like a general instead of someone well versed in femininity.

The setting sun looked different on her than it did on Alistair, giving his pale skin a red-orange hue while a bronze outline stretched over her features. Still, her eyes were piercing and untainted by the setting sun. Pink and purple would begin to chase the yellow and orange back into the flat horizon, the glow of the moons slowly beginning to creep up on the opposite end. Soon enough, Ragash would go from looking like fresh honey dripping down a beehive and would be washed in the somber blue moon glow.

It was in these few seconds of the changing sky that Raziya thought maybe she had been too forward. Or worse yet: maybe she had been wrong. She turned her head away from Alistair’s looking at nothing in particular. “I suppose I should ask you to get a drink first. That’s the proper way. I’ve just always gone for the more simple and direct approach.

Alistair Krixus
  • Thoughtful
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Alistair's head whipped around to look at her with a single eyebrow arched in question. Needless to say, this was not exactly what he had expected to come from Raziya, but that did not stop a smirk from spreading across his face.

It was rare that he dealt with someone so forceful...actually, no it wasn't. Why did Alistair keep running into these types? Beautiful and straightforward, most men would kill for women like this.

He looked up to the sky as the approaching night signaled the end of the day, but also the start of the nightlife of the city.

"No, your way was perfectly fine, but how about we get some drinks first? My treat, it is the least I can do. And, if by the end of the night, we move to the second part of your offer then so be it."

  • Smug
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That would be foolish,Raziya said immediately. “If they see that you’re paying they’ll rip you off.” Her lips were pulled up into a genuine smile, and if it weren’t for her deep skin, perhaps Alistair would have gotten the rare chance at seeing Raziya blush. The most he would get would be the telltale sign of relief as her eyes softened, the glacial blue of her eyes less indomitable and more inviting.

Besides, my name can get us things. Free things.” She began walking, fully expecting the dreadlord to follow after her. Despite her offer for sex, Raziya maintained the same distance from him as she had before, like they were two comrades of equal rank going to a bar. “I’ve never heard much about Anirian nightlife, but there’s a reason why Ragash gets the saying ‘what happens in Ragash, stays in Ragash.’” She turned, and right in the center of the buildings was the Viper’s Den.

Come on, the night is young.”

The next morning, both Raziya and Alistair were at the gates of the Madrassa before the eager sun could rise up. Yet despite the early dawn beginning to settle over Ragash, and more importantly, the school itself, from outside the two of them could easily hear the chanting of the students.

The hum was loud enough to have them both understand it was something being said in Kaliti, but as for what the actual words were, neither of them would be able to transcribe.

Well, would you look at that, perhaps its a good thing we got here early because you weren’t sleeping much,” Raziya said, nudging Alistair’s arm and pointing over at a group of boys. “Your brother doesn’t have many friends here, does he?” A squeal from a baby goat could be heard before it was seen, with two boys pulling on it’s ears and tail to keep the kid from head butting and bucking them. And at the center of the group was Bassel himself, hands clawing at his face.

Or rather, his eyes.

Alistair Krixus