Private Tales New Responsibilities

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


The Eternal
Character Biography
Amroe - Formerly Vel Aren
Aisling Weiroon

Ein slowly turned his head, eyes flickering around the open square as he jumped down from the shotgun seat of the carriage.

His gaze swept over the small crowd which seemed to be strolling around them, catching on no one in particular. The people here seemed happy, almost glad. A dozen conversations carried on all around him, some about the dignitary supposedly arriving today, but most about some inane topic that commoners loved. It was as though life had not changed at all over the last year, as though this city had always been the same.

A frown touched his lips for a brief moment, boots clicking as he stepped over towards the Carriage door.

Amroe was a city changed.

Just a year ago it had been known as Vel Aren. A city sitting on the border of Cortos, conquered by the Anirians nearly two centuries before the current day. It had been a manufacturing city, sat between two of the largest mines in the region and churning out weapons of war at a near constant rate. It was a city whose culture mixed between Anirian and Cortosi. After the Revolution it had broken away, declaring it's independence after deposing the rightful Governor.

Now the city was little more than a plutocracy. Ruled by a council of rich men, all of whom seemed intent on selling weapons to anyone and everyone. Vel Aren had been a corner stone of the Anirian wall, and now it stood an independent boulder.

Something that no one could stand for.

"Ma'am." Ein spoke, his voice loud enough to break over the din of the crowd as he pulled open the door. "We've arrived."

That was why the new Republic had sent one of it's puppet nobles. Someone they hoped could exert influence over the wealthy men of Amroe. A Weiroon, a merchant Queen, or so they had convinced themselves anyway. "We'll not want to linger out here for long."

They'd said this city would be safe, but Ein knew better than that. He had seen what people would do for freedom, and there was no doubt Amroe would be little different. Before the Revolution he had sworn himself to House Weiroon. That was why the Guard had chosen him for this task, and he would be damned if he failed in it.

If only for a sense of pride.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Aisling Weiroon
The past year had been an exhausting endeavor. Aisling had no need to worry about politics or whether a city wanted to call itself Vel Aren or Amroe or any other name for much of her life. As a corsair her days had been full of adventure on the high seas.

Now a dress had replaced her naval uniform. Simple commands and orders were gone. It was all nuance and intrigue from the Republic as Aisling tried to balance their wishes with what benefitted her own house. And with father's health continuing to decline she found that every day she was inheriting more and more responsibility for the affairs of Weiroon. It was a task she hadn't been prepared for.

And the Republic knew it.

Eyes of emerald shone a few shades brighter as the carriage stopped and Ein pulled the carriage door over. "Thank you Ein." He'd been a good lad for most of the trip, uncle Sullivan had told her the boy had cost a fortune but that the family expected him to be worth every penny. Then, the revolution happened and many of their investments had circled the drain.

"Do you believe us to be in danger?" She always requested that one of her personal guard carried an extra rapier on them. The thrill of a fight was something she'd gone far too long without. The request, unfortunately, was typically denied. "They all seem a kind enough sort."

Aisling waved at the gawking crowds in a style Admiral Jarun had insisted she master. It was both warm and inviting without being pretentious. Practiced enough that it seemed natural.

"I'm just glad I can stretch my legs," she whispered under her breath, not really intending it to be heard by anyone.
  • Sip
Reactions: Ein
"I won't pretend I believe every citizen is a danger to you, My Lady." Ein said with a smile, his gaze flickering over the crowd. "I'm not that much of an alarmist."

There was no doubt in his mind that the majority of 'Amroe' would never do anyone any harm, much less Aisling Weiroon. Yet he also knew that every city had it's scum, and unfortunately in this place, the scum now ruled. It was a fact that had been impressed upon him by those who had sent him along with Aisling, or rather, those who had pulled the strings to see he tagged along.

Not that he had needed much convincing.

A new age had dawned over Vel Anir, and the path that he had forged for his life had been thrown into disarray. So it was time for a new path, a new door. One that Aisling Weiroon might very well open for him. "But if I have learned anything over this past year it is that anyone can be driven to violence for the right cause."

And there was no doubt in his mind that an Independent Amroe was a cause for many.

"That's why I'm here." Ein said with a rather disarming smile. "Clearly the Republic wants to keep you safe."

His arm swept forward, ushering Aisling towards the entrance to the Hotel Ahead of them. The sign of a massive golden bell hanging over it's marble column entrance. "Otherwise they would have sent someone less qualified."

It was obviously a jest, the smile on his face not speaking of ego, but simple confidence.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Aisling Weiroon
It would've been so much more exciting had Ein been an alarmist. For a few seconds they could've pretended like the city was a dangerous place, discussed tactics, and theorized the best strategy for making their way out. She missed that part of her life.

Now she was here to simply offer something on behalf of the Republic, hope the self-appointed rulers of Amore accepted, and then report the incident back to her new masters. The free Republic of Vel Anir, huzzah!

"Too true, people love to act first and think second," she said in response to his quip on violence. In all likelihood a noble discussing such things with a member of the Anirian Guard was inappropriate. But Ein had been part of the Weiroon family, in his own way, not that long ago. Aisling failed to see much harm in speaking at least part of her mind to him.

And if not him, then who? She'd go stir crazy if she had to keep everything she was thinking bottled up until they returned home.

A snicker came as he kept speaking. "I'm glad you think yourself qualified, guardsman," she smiled cast a side-eye at the younger man, "I probably would've preferred a navy boy but what can you do."

Aisling had chosen not to address his comment about the Republic's desire to keep their favorite noble commodity safe. She had understood her role well enough. If she played the game they wouldn't harm her brothers or parents or cousins. It made her the most valuable noble to whatever cause the Republic wanted to ram down the throats of the nobility or the commoners.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Ein

That stung, but he tried not to physically wince as she said the word. Ein still hadn't come completely to terms with the fact that he was now serving as an extension of Vel Anir's military. When he'd received that letter in the Reach he'd practically burned down his house.

At least they didn't make him wear one of those ridiculous uniforms. "I'll do my best to live up to your standards, My Lady. I know it can be exacting."

Ein was well aware of the role that Aisling had once played.

He wondered if this was all as painful for her as it was for him. From what he understood the Family had never much liked her being in the Anirian Navy, but he doubted she saw the situation the same way. It was hard living in a cage, even if it was gilded.

As they chattered away the two Anirians stepped towards the Entrance of the Golden Belle. Behind them three Anirian Knights formed up, all of them practically worthless by Ein's estimation.

A strange rotating door greeted them at the entrance of the Hotel, Ein tilting his head ever so slightly as they stepped into the odd glass case and wandered in a half circle until they reached the other side. He glanced back at it for a moment, but had no time for quips as a slight woman approached the Anirian.

"Hello, Lady Weiroon? My name is Galya, I represent the Council and have been sent to assure your accommodations will meet your standards, and also to inform you that your meeting has been pushed back until tomorrow."​

The woman spoke at a level tone, but it was clear she was expecting Aisling to be angry.
  • Smug
Reactions: Aisling Weiroon
"You'll be the one person here I can count on," she muttered to Ein as they walked through the rotating glass doors of the Golden Belle.

A brief hesitation overcame Aisling as she noticed the younger man hesitate and then eventually dive forth through the rotating door. Such niceties were rare in Vel'Anir and it wasn't surprising to her that it might've been the first time that sort of architecture had presented itself to the redheaded Dreadlord. She held back a chuckle but the incident couldn't help but remind her of just how young, and inexperienced, her appointed security must have been.

Galya said her words once they were in the lobby. The council, apparently, had decided to insult her by delaying their scheduled meeting an entire day.

"Oh my," she started in the presence of Gayla, "I understand that managing one tiny city could be a huge undertaking for your masters. If they need any advice please let me know." A small smile overtook her face, "House Weiroon has the resources and expertise to handle such trivial tasks."

She'd gotten enough advice from Ellie to know that being perturbed in a situation such as this one was ill advised. Much better to shift the blame to your hosts.

Aisling motioned for Ein to follow closely, sensing this Gayla was anything but a friend, "so long as there's a bed, and food, I'm sure the accommodations you have prepared are more than adequate."
  • Haha
Reactions: Ein
Ein kept his face as a mask, but he couldn't help but feel amusement at the barbs thrown by Aisling.

Galya herself almost seemed to flinch as Lady Weiroon spoke, either shocked by the cutting remarks or simply by the fact that no one was screaming at her. For a few seconds it appeared as though she wasn't going to say anything, and then her head inclined.

"I'll relay your message to the Council, please come this way."​

Her hand gestured, and quickly the Anirians were lead forward. Before they got too far Ein motioned towards the Anirian Knights. "Find all the entrances and exists, see who has access."

The words were quick, terse, and met with silence as all three of the men almost immediately broke off and followed his command.

Maybe not so useless after all. Ein thought to himself as he broke into a quick step and fell in behind Aisling once more.

Within a few moments, and after a ride in something Galya called a "lift", the Anirians found themselves on the top floor of the hotel. Ein frowned as they stepped into a lush carpeted hallway, glancing back towards the contraption with a shake of his head. "I prefer my own wings."

He muttered as they were lead towards a large set of double doors down the hall.

"The council has seen you and your security have the finest accommodations. Yours is the suite, Lady Weiroon, and your guards have the adjacent rooms here and here."​

She pointed to two doors on either side of the main suites entrance.
  • Smug
Reactions: Aisling Weiroon
The garish look of the upstairs hallway was enough to make her stomach turn. Gods, this is what her life had become now. She was upset about the overly complex décor of the world class accommodations she was being offered. Not even Ellie was that much of a bore. Val might have been.

"Thank you," Aisling said with a bow of her head as her attendant accepted the keys from Galya. "For your troubles," the blonde noble added with a gesture to her attendant, who slipped a small copper coin into Galya's hand. The woman looked bewildered and opened her mouth to protest but decided against it.

"If you need anything at all, please notify the front desk," and with that their hostess turned on her heel and made her way into the lift.

Once she was gone the Weiroon woman cast a look at Ein. "Ein? Would you be a dear and help Clarissa with my bags?" Her attendant's face scrunched, there were only two bags and as a general rule Aisling had always traveled light. A carry over from her days in the navy. Verdant eyes convinced Clarissa to only bring the one bag and allow Ein to carry the other as the three moved into the large suite they'd prepared for her.

As they crossed the threshold she shut the door and waited for Ein and Clarissa to set both of the bags down.

"Something is fucked."

Aisling's arms were crossed, her gaze narrowed, and she began to pace back-and-forth as her brain raced into overdrive. As she stepped each of the heels she'd been wearing found themselves kicked off into the corner and, now barefoot, the noble woman turned diplomat continued marching to-and-fro. Had Ein not been present she would've already begun slipping off the extravagant dress she was wearing (the entire process took nearly ten minutes to achieve).

After a pause she finally spoke, her throat tight, "I know for a fact that these councilors are sitting around right now with their dicks in their hands." Clarissa winced at Aisling's use of profanity, her ever loyal attendant was quite modest. "So, the question is, are they doing this as an insult? Trying to send a message they don't need Vel Anir?" That they didn't need the incredibly generous bonus House Weiroon would offer them, at the insistence of the Republic, on iron ore?

Or... "if it's not a negotiating tool then what?" She snapped her fingers and pointed towards the redheaded phoenix, "what is your take?"
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  • Wonder
Reactions: Ein
To say Ein was surprised by Aisling's outburst was a bit of an understatement. He'd known of her background of course, had even heard some things...but...well this was a surprise even for him.

A pleasant one though.

Now a larger part of him was even more upset about the changes of the Revolution. Had he known that Aisling would be so cavalier he might have asked her Uncle to send him onto her ship, instead of to the Reach. It might have made for a more entertaining time than protecting a bunch of halflings.

"My area of expertise isn't in politics." Ein pointed out, though before that statement stood he more than happily interjected his own thesis.

"They could just be stalling." The Dreadlord offered. "Not sending a message, but waiting for something."

He mused. "Or someone."

"As you know, My Lady. Half of all military action depends on waiting."
Ein didn't meant to point out the obvious, but it seemed important. "Perhaps we're missing a piece of information."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Aisling Weiroon
Clearly, Aisling was losing her edge for military thinking. She’d been viewing every problem through a political lens (which was understanding given all the meetings she was expected to attend). Ein, on the other hand, was still in the thick of soldierly problems and his mind skipped straight over the political reasons and straight into the tactical options their hosts might have.

”Yes,” she mused while biting at her lower lip. Her pacing had entirely stopped. ”They could be trying to secure a deal with someone else first.” The Radiant Church, some Cortosi city-state, the Empire of Amol-Kalit, or any other number of suitors. All bad options.

Clarissa glared at Aisling and she ceased biting at her lip.

Arms crossed she raised a thin, sun-colored, eye brow. ”If they intended us harm they could’ve attacked us upon our arrival.” Their detachment was small and, even with a Dreadlord as capable as Ein, archers could’ve made short work of Aisling Weiroon.

Suddenly, an idea came that would likely kill two birds with but a single stone.

”You’re right, we require more information.” Aisling tore into one the bags that had been brought up and fetched out headscarf and fatigues before darting behind a changing divider. ”We’re going to go find out what’s going on.”

Clarissa had already whipped around behind the divider and, despite helping the straw-haired noble change out of her dress, was listing every reason under the sun for why this was a terrible idea.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Ein
Ein frowned slightly as Aisling slipped behind the divider. "My Lady I do-"

Before he could offer his full objection Clarissa began to list all the reasons why Lady Weiroon should not do what she was thinking of doing. Thus the Dreadlord fell into silence, and instead surreptitiously watched the mirrored vase which offered a view slightly behind the divider.

Going out into the city was dangerous, particularly for Aisling.

It hadn't exactly been obvious from the gawking crowd, but from what the Guard had stated in their briefing it seemed the people of Amroe were rather pleased with their new found 'independence'. Many of them held a certain pride in having broken away from Vel Anir.

If anyone learned who Aisling was...there would no doubt be trouble.

"Mr. Ein, please tell Lady Weiroon what a terrible idea this is."​

Clarissa's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and Ein turned his head back towards the divider. "I don't think it is safe to venture into the city."

Ein stated, which earned him a loud 'THANK YOU' from Clarissa, but before he could bask in that pride he added.

"However, it might be the smartest thing to do." He was sure that he could practically feel the woman's evil eyes even from behind the divider. "I could go myself, but I'm not entirely sure what I would be looking for, and I am confident I can keep Lady Weiroon safe."

Though she may not enjoy his...methods if push came to shove.
  • Cheer
Reactions: Aisling Weiroon
A grin overtook Aisling's face in spite of Clarissa's growing scowl. It was a real shame the revolutionaries had stripped the houses of their Dreadlords. She was beginning to really take a liking to this one.

"See Clarissa, Ein is confident that I'll be safe," another strip of silk was removed and replaced by the rough cotton of the 'commoner's garb' she'd brought along.

Clarissa, as if she'd helped the noble lady with this task a thousand times, began to tie Aisling's hair back into a bun and wrap the red scarf around her hair and head. "And what should I do if officials from Amroe come looking for you?" Her voice was especially perturbed this time.

Satisfied that her hair was firmly secured under the crimson scarf the ex-corsair cut back, "Tell them I'm indisposed. Woman's troubles." That earned a giggle not just from Aisling but Clarissa as well.

"You're going to get yourself killed one of these days," the attendant tsk'd as the Weiroon delegate stepped out from behind the divider. Looking very much like a pauper instead of the princess she appeared as moments earlier.

"No one is going to recognize me," she insisted despite her face being entirely uncovered. "Are you ready Ein? We're burning daylight." Truthfully she wasn't sure what they were looking for either but the idea of sitting in a lavish suite all day waiting for something to happen was far too boring.

Risking life and limb recklessly exploring a hostile city? That would make for an exciting afternoon.
  • Smug
Reactions: Ein
Ein managed to keep a straight face through most of the back and forth between Aisling and Clarissa.

His gaze flickering back to the screen just as Aisling stepped out from behind it. "I am ready, My Lady."

A part of him wondered if he should disguise himself as well, redheads weren't exactly common in this corner of Anirian Territory. The idea was quickly dismissed though, mostly because nobody would be looking for him anyway.

Ein wasn't important, and he was doubtful that the Council had received any information on Aisling's Dreadlord escort. Especially given that he could have been one of a few thousand. One benefit of this new regime he supposed.

As they began to walk towards the doors of the suites Ein spoke up. "I had the Knights search out the entrances and exits, as long as they keep guarding them I think most will believe you're still in the building."

At least if no one checked any deeper.

"Where do we go first?" Ein asked as he opened the door.
  • Cheer
Reactions: Aisling Weiroon
"Good," it was a prudent decision to lock down the perimeter of the hotel. Allowed the Anirians to be aware if something was amiss and now that Aisling was sneaking out it served yet another purpose. Smart.

Before stepping out of the suite she answered the Dreadlord's question, "the bazaar."

Vel Aren, or Amroe, had a large bazaar at the city center. Her cousins had taken her on more than one occasion and while the shopping and little cafes had been incredibly fun there was one place, as a girl, that her cousins refused to allow her to go see. Vishoff's Fine Cigars and Cabaret.

Apparently it was where the wealthy and powerful of Vel Aren congregated and even in those days the nobility of Vel Anir weren't looked up fondly by the generational families of the city now known as Amroe. Aisling assumed if there was information to be gleaned about the inner workings of the city's politics it'd be found within the cigar shop-gentleman's club fushion of Vishoff's.

"I know a place." Besides, she'd wondered since she was a girl what this forbidden place looked like on the inside. If they couldn't find answers here they could always try a more reputable establishment afterwards.
  • Smug
Reactions: Ein
"Oh good." Ein said as the two of them went down the hall, deliberately skipping the strange 'lift' and heading towards the stairs at the end of the hall.

"I had feared that this would be a case of the blind leading the blind." His gaze flickered briefly towards Aisling. "And I've never been much one for directions."

That wasn't really true of course.

Ein had been the perfect candidate at the Academy, and that wasn't just because of his magic. He had gone through his graduation quite easily, but there was a reason for that. Much of his time had been spent studying. He'd spent days upon days within the libraries, always searching for something more to learn.

Not for the love of study of course, but because of the benefit he knew it would gather him.

A benefit that the revolution had torn from him.

The two Anirian's quickly cut a path down the staircase, moving towards one of the Emergency exits once they reached it's base. An Anirian Knight stood by the heavy metal door, Ein simply shooting him a look as they passed. The man seemed to stiffen, and then quickly nod as the Dreadlord and Aisling escaped out through the door.
  • Bless
Reactions: Aisling Weiroon
Aisling had plenty of experience in leadership when she was commanding strike teams and boarding parties with the corsairs. What she hadn't expected about the lives of traditional nobility was that certain things remained unchanged. Appearing confident would often lead people to assume you knew precisely what you were doing.

That was true of her corsairs on the high seas and apparently it was true of Ein here in Amroe.

The other universal truth was that a terribly bad plan was still better than no plan at all.

Once they passed out of the hotel, much to the chagrin of one of the knights in her entourage, they found themselves in the upper crust of Amroe. The passerby's were far less studiously dressed than she had expected however but that could just be from the mass of people who had gathered to watch the Anirian procession still clearing out.

Directions from the hotel were a bit foggy for her, it had been so long since she'd come here, but eventually they found themselves in the center of the bazaar. Couples dined at the outdoor patio of a cute patisserie café, men stepped out in fanciful suits from the clothiers, and children ran around eating candied apples from a street vendor whose cart was stylized like a Cortosi war wagon.

Then, Aisling abruptly stopped mid-stride and gaped up at the building before them. The outside was painted in a bright violet color, the windows blacked out with paint, an elegant revolving door led inside, and a huge sign that had gold lettering which read, "Vishoff's Fine Cigars and Cabaret."

A wicked grin cut across her face as she glanced towards Ein. "This is it." Without waiting she bonded forwards, passing through the revolving doorway, and into the...

Her nose was immediately assaulted by the stench of cigar smoke. The entire place was carved out of a nice oak but in the center of numerous tables were women, half clothed, dancing on poles. This was the place the richest men in Amroe frequented?
  • Smug
Reactions: Ein
"Kress." Ein said as he looked up at the garish building. "I thought that the Golden Rose was ba-"

Before he could even finish the sentence Lady Weiroon suddenly burst forward.

With the speed she darted into the building Ein would have guessed that she was a Dreadlord. One moment she was besides him, and the next it seemed she was through the revolving door.

Ein's mouth snapped shut almost immediately, and with a quick burst he followed after Aisling. He cut through the crowd in an instant, darting into the the garish building and moving to the revolving door to step in right behind his mistress.

His boot landed mere inches after Aisling's, his gaze immediately sweeping up towards the center stage.

Amber eyes caught on a woman's thighs as she swept her legs upwards, hooking one around a silvery pole and swinging herself in a flurry of movement. "Wow."

Ein said, not thinking about who he was with.

"I'm pretty sure I couldn't do that." The Dreadlord said, quickly blinking as the woman suddenly came down onto the stage with a quick flip. Her top somehow discarded mid flight and tossed directly at Aisling. "Or that."[
  • Smug
Reactions: Aisling Weiroon
Aisling had never thought of herself as a particularly naive girl. The Weiroon's typically raised their own to be shrewd negotiators who saw through bluffs and cut at the heart of an issue. Aisling was not a typical Weiroon.

She blinked multiple times, even as one of the dancer's tops found itself hoisted across her shoulder. Her cousins had deceived her, in a kind way that one would deceive a child. Rather than explain to her the true nature of this place they had told her that it was a place where the elite met, where she wouldn't be allowed in, and she didn't bother to question it. Even twenty years later she didn't both to question it.

"I uh, don't think," no. She couldn't show weakness now. I had feared that this would be a case of the blind leading the blind, his words resonated through her head.

There'd be a way to solve this. Settle it. "I don't think they conduct business like this out in the open. Perhaps we should... find," another building entirely. A completely different place altogether. This was a mistake, there wasn't any shame in admitting your mistakes. All she had to do was, "we should ask if they have a room for the important people. A member's only type of clubhouse."

No, no, no! Places like this didn't really exist in Vel Anir but even if she wasn't so stupid as to not realize how awful of an idea this was turning into.
  • Smug
Reactions: Ein
Okay now he was really starting to be upset about not being a part of House Weiroon.

It really seemed like Aisling would have made for the best boss that anyone could ever asked for. Ein practically screamed internally as she continued to speak, cursing the fates and those stupid fucking Dreadlords who had rebelled. "Yes, Ma'am."

There was no hesitation, no question.

Ein slipped from Aisling's side as a river ran from the mountain. He made his way through the tin crowd like he'd lived his entire life there. A gentle touch was offered on the arm of a waitress, a whisper in her ear coming a second later.

The half naked girl giggled, saying something back to Ein before he feigned shock and bandied a quick word back to her.

Before Lady Weiroon could even gather her wits, Ein the Loyal Dreadlord returned to her side. A slip of paper had been passed into his hand, and he was practically beaming. "I got us into the VIP room."

He said, still all smiles and grin.

"You were right." Ein offered. "It seems most of the Council members are...attendees here."

Though mostly at night, not that he was going to mention that just yet.
  • Cheer
Reactions: Aisling Weiroon

The council members truly did frequent this place? Perhaps her cousins truly did know a lot about this city. Or they'd made a lucky guess. Either way Aisling was astonished by the idea that important city leaders would come here, of all the places they could've chosen. There were women stripping off their clothes. No wonder Vel Anir hadn't tried harder to retake Amore.

"Well, um," Aisling still felt a bit awkward in this place. It wasn't at all what she had expected. Likely the VIP room was much different. "Good work, let's get going."

The sooner they made it inside the sooner she could realize if she'd horribly miscalculated or if there was, in fact, a room for very important people to discuss very important business.

Aisling wasn't quite sure what was more terrifying. The idea that they'd be exposed to more of the revelry they'd already seen or if one of the council members was waiting for her inside, ready to talk business with an immodestly dressed noble of Vel Anir.

They entered a small room with a seating arrangement against the wall, not a single window, and the whole room illuminated by candle light. Ein and Aisling took their seats side-by-side and she whispered to her Dreadlord protector, "how long do you think we'll have to wait for a council member to-"

Before she could finish a woman dressed in a two-piece and with bright orange hair exploded through the door and began to move towards them. For a split second her face contorted, as if she was confused by a man and a woman being present, but then she started to dance in a seductive manner as she closed the gap.

This was definitely a horrible miscalculation on Aisling's part.
  • Smug
Reactions: Ein
This truly was the best mission ever. Ein was really starting to enjoy things in this city. Hell, if this was the world he got to live in perhaps he could tell one of the Colonel's that Aisling needed constant protection. He was sure they'd fall for it.

None of them were too clever.

Ein was all smiles as the woman slipped in front of himself and Aisling, his gaze sweeping up and down her form appreciatively. For a brief moment he utterly forgot why he was there in the first place, but some part of his training kicked him back into the right mindset.

Briefly the Dreadlord looked over towards Aisling, wondering what she was going to do. When she saw the display of horror on her features he had to stifle a laugh. His gaze flickered back towards the dancing woman.

As the girl slowly whirled around, displaying all of her...assets in Ein's face, he reached into his pocket.

The clank of gold coins echoed within his palm. "You can stop, Darling."

It was hard to keep the disappointment from his voice. A part of him would have loved to keep the show going, but he knew that they needed to get something out of this. The girl turned around, looking at him in confusion.

"We're not looking for any fun." He said, offering the gold in his palm. "Just want to ask a few questions, in private."

Though maybe Ein would come back later on his own.
  • Smug
Reactions: Aisling Weiroon
Aisling's face stabilized once the dancer stopped her movements though the reddish hue lingered on her cheeks a bit longer.

"Questions?" the carrot-top's voice waivered slightly as she glanced back at the door, ensuring it was secure.

In a slow nod the Weiroon noble confirmed and, having collected herself, managed to simply say, "yes. Just a few if you don't mind."

Their entertainment for the night shrugged, fetched the coins from Ein's hand and sat herself on an adjacent couch. She pulled the scraps of cloth that were meant to be seductive around her figure and Aisling couldn't help but wonder just how cold the woman got in here when she wasn't dancing around. "Ask. I will answer if I can."

Right, so, this was going well. It would be going well. She couldn't just come out and ask about information on, 'council members,' as that'd be far too forward and far too suspicious. They needed a cover story and to isolate their hunt down to a single councilor. From the dossier she'd been provided who among them was the most likely to frequent this place? Perhaps any of them would do. But she narrowed in on one in her mind who was quite wealthy according to the Anirian report she had seen, and who had a warning by his name that simply read, 'crude demeanor.'

"Mr. Hinsley," she said slowly in her trained, well spoken, tone. "We have business to conduct with him and followed a rumor he attends this place."

Their dancer's brow furrowed. "I cannot disclose the names of our clientele."

Aisling reached out in a pleading hand and added, "we just wish to seek an audience with him to discuss business. Do you know where we might find him right now?"

For a second it looked like the woman might have them tossed out. Or get up and leave without any further discussion. Instead she looked towards the door again, her mouth opened and she simply said, "coffee house." With that, she stood and walked out of the VIP room.

"No one is ever to learn about this," she imparted to Ein as Aisling stood and began to walk towards the same door.
  • Smug
Reactions: Ein
Ein sat quietly during the exchange, cursing the fact that he still had a sense of responsibility. It would have been much more fun to see the girl dance a bit before he offered the gold.

He wondered if at least Aisling would reimburse him for that.

"Of course, My Lady." The Dreadlord said as he stood up behind her. "Nary a peep will leave my lips about our visit here."

Though he was uncertain if he could say the same of the woman who had danced for them. She had received what must have been nearly a months wage from Ein, but that didn't matter much in this world. Had he not been with Aisling he might have suggested the girl needed to disappear, but he decided she wouldn't go for it.

He just hoped it wouldn't come back to bite them.

As the two of them stepped out of the VIP room, Ein felt an odd tingle roll up his spine.

It was a strange press of something, though what he wasn't entirely sure. It was as though something were gnawing at the base of his skull. A frown touched his features, and he slowly glanced around the room.

Nothing stood out to him, no one watching, no one even pretending not to. Yet that odd feeling remained. "I think it best we leave, quickly."

Ein said quietly, ushering Aisling towards the door.

Something was wrong, even if he didn't know what.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Aisling Weiroon
Aisling was all too eager to get out of this place. Even after leaving the VIP room they had to pass by women shedding their clothing, men throwing out coin and practically drooling. She wasn't sure if they even had such places in Vel Anir but she was certain she'd never been inside one (nor did she wish to).

Ein was quick to agree to silence. That was good, he seemed capable enough. Such a shame they'd lost him to the Guard.

"I agree," she echoed his concerns of getting out of here. It wouldn't do any good for someone to notice that an Anirian noble had stepped foot into this cabaret.

Although maybe there was something more going on. Perhaps he'd seen something that indicated danger. This didn't seem like the most reputable place in Amroe. "Are you concerned about something?" She leaned in and whispered to her protector.

If there was some threat she expected to be notified. Aisling wasn't the typical helpless noble lady, she was more than capable of assisting him should a fight break out. Even if he significantly outpaced her in raw power.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Ein
Ein shook his head. "I don't...know."

The odd feeling clung to the back of his neck, and then as soon as it had was suddenly gone. His gaze swiftly darted through the room, his lips thinning for a brief moment.

"Just a feeling." He told Aisling quietly as they headed towards the rotating door at the front of the club. "Nothing more."

He wasn't about to lie, not with something like this.

Playing games was all well and good, but Ein was well aware that if something happened to Aisling he would likely lose the few privileges he had. The Guard may have been a horrid cesspit compared to what Weiroon had given him, but he still had his own room and coin to spend.

One fuck up and they could yank even that out from under him. Best to keep his head on a swivel, especially now that his hackles had been raised.

The two Anirians stepped back out into the daylight, now cast in orange as dusk was slowly beginning to set upon them. The crowds had thinned somewhat, though there was still the ambling of peasant that rushed hither and fro. "Can I ask you a question, My Lady?"

Ein said as they began to make their way through the streets.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Aisling Weiroon