Dreadlords Music Until The Wick Runs Out

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Runa Eidolon

Character Biography
Meteora, near Southern Cortosi Coast before Cortosi Troll Territory

Before water became brackish and mountains melted into marsh, there was Meteora. Nearly two dozen miles from the coast, the climate continued it's cool and mild temperatures even through summer. The marsh could be seen in the distance on top one of the jagged mountains, it's deep gray and green hue peeking out from the spruce and bleached rocks. Pockets of red from the tiled roofs, a tradition of Cortos, led down the steep winding road the initiates had just trekked up.

Looking below, cool breeze rustling the branches above her head, Initiate Runa Eidolon thought that this must be the highest up she had ever been. Where they had started the climb was now no more than the size of a thumbtack. The road with all it's sharp curves and steady ascent reminded her of her sister's white ribbon that had never been as white as when she had first gotten it.

Just as Roo turned to enter the house belonging to the Obanese explorer, researcher and poet, Stelian Hale, she noticed the white and red bell tower. The bronze bell was a bright orange like steel that was just pulled from the hottest of fires. It competed with the setting sun, so gloriously burning and orange, that her eyes couldn't look away. It tolled, ringing out throughout Meteora eighteen times. Birds were frightened and flew from one tree another, breaking Runa's concentration.

Dark eyes followed the brightly colored birds, unsure if they were rollers or bee-eaters. When they landed on a set of spruce, copacetic to square shrubbery and white stone, Runa could see the makings of another home-- mostly hidden, but there was a window and if she angled her head more to one side she could see a corner of red tile that she had missed the first time.

"You must be the help Master Hale hired." Roo pivoted, spinning to see the maid that had snuck up on her. "He is inside." The maid turned, long skirts barely sweeping against the stone staircase that led up to the manor. Her heels clicked against each step as she hurried up them, prompting Runa to chase after her. When the large yet simple red door opened, shouting could be heard echoing through the halls. Others that were dressed in the same fashion as the maid hurried up and down the stairs, carrying priceless discoveries in their arms.

More than one maid had a broom in her hand. Clattering and shattering mingled with the sharp heel-clicks and constant roar of masculine anger in a cacophony that made Runa want to step outside.

"As you can hear, that bell tower antagonizes Master Hale every hour, day and night. Provost Corbett has done it on purpose, using our taxes to build it instead of fixing the road or digging another well."
It was... quaint.
Keel liked travel and the exotic west was always something next to his father's eastern cold climes.
Hands in his pockets and simple dark blue tunic and slacks to help with the heat, he looked less like a warrior and more like a tourist.
Like Runa he spun to listen to the maid and take in the information granted them.
"... I see."
He chimed in when the maid had finished before adding.
"And is that what we are here to do? Stop the bell ringing?"
His smile was simple and good natured as he spoke, as if on some level he was in on an unspoken joke.
  • Thoughtful
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Yuric was far too distracted by the scenery to pay much mind to the stately manor they'd spent so much time climbing up towards. How could be find any fascination in any sort of man-made structure when the sights crafted by nature herself were so captivating in the sunlight, so broken by the tall hills and crags of the coast to cast long and dramatic shadows over swaths of the land before them?

It was the deafening toll of the bell that brought a hand to his temple and a sneer to his face. Whoever it was that shouted so angrily from within the doors that had just opened before them... he agreed. It was even enough to distort his connection with the Spirits, his sight of the beyond flickering away for a moment, until his ears stopped ringing.

Aggravating though it was, Yuric found himself knitting his brow at Keel's words. Surely, Dreadlords, even initiates, wouldn't be deployed over something so paltry as a neighborly dispute? Brushing a few stray hairs from his face, he stepped forward to gently nudge Runa's shoulder, eyes following maid after maid as they ferried priceless valuables away from Master Hale's wrath.

"They wouldn't, would they?" He almost pled for affirmation from Runa, a look of apprehension on his face. "I understand that Stelian is an important figure, and I'm appreciative of the trip to the coast, but... a bell?" It didn't matter, he supposed. Yuric wasn't in the business of turning away his duties. Still, he seemed to tighten as he walked into the manor, clutching his jacket tighter to his chest as he warily fell in to follow the maid.
“Yes. You must stop that bell.” The maid whirled around, skirts flaring out from her hips until the dress looked for a moment far grander than it actually was. She had a pretty face, even while it was stern, though her brows were sparse and fair, nearly giving her the appearance that she had no eyebrows at all. Her eyes, however, would cause the initiates to gaze into them, so bright and sparkling, glittering like a well crafted jewel.

“Master Hale is not… this.” She gestured to the raging man upstairs. “But that bell changed him. Sometimes, I think it changes all of us.” The maid looked down at her hands, inspecting her open palms. Her fingers trembled. “There are nights that I do not remember at all and someone else fills in the pieces, and if it’s not me, then it’s someone else.” She straightened her shoulders, gaze suddenly steely as she made sure she was prim and proper once again. Master Hale had stopped his tantrum, his shadow appearing against a upstairs wall.

His back was hunched and the shadow quavered up and down, unable to be still.

Runa brought a finger up to her cheek, poking it hard enough so she could feel the underside of a tooth.

“Hmm… interesting.” She said, gazing up at that wall that had Master Hale’s shadow. “I didn’t sense any magic. Did either of you?”

Keel De Reye Yuric
He watched the maid speak and acquired a question of his own but held it for the moment.

"I did not but perhaps it's more subtle than that or maybe it takes a while to feel the effects?"
Keel looked to his companions. They had all learned to sense magic at least to some degree but it was not an exact process.
"I don't feel any difference in myself. You two?"
Perhaps sharper instincts were held by the others yet instead of waiting for their reply he approached the maid and with a look of gentle concern.

"Might we know your name? I know that Master Hale hired us but since you are the liaison I think we should be on first name basis."
Smiling he offered his hand.
"My name is Keel. This is Runa and Yuric."

Runa Eidolon
  • Wonder
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