Runa Eidolon

Runa Eidolon

Biographical information
Vel Anir 16 Vel Anir
Physical description
Human Female 5’4 petite dark dark fair
Political information
Out-of-character information
silence conspiracy 05/17/24 link

Amber husk
fluted with gold,
fruit on the sand
marked with a rich grain,

spilled near the shrub-pines
to bleach on the boulders:

your stalk has caught root
among wet pebbles
and drift flung by the sea
and grated shells
and split conch-shells.

Beautiful, wide-spread,
fire upon leaf,
what meadow yields
so fragrant a leaf

as your bright leaf?
-“Sea Poppies” by H.D.


She is small, petite, and unassuming overall. She prefers to keep her hair short, has bangs, and wears loose-fitting tops with some frills to contrast against the more severe and moody black breeches and boots. She always has to wear a belt, not just because she needs help keeping her pants up but also because it gives her another area to hang pouches.

Skills and Abilities

S K I L L S :
  • Literate, has tiny and neat handwriting, with each letter never seeming to change no matter how quickly she writes.
  • Understands how to use weapons and often carries a concealed dagger alongside whatever weapon she brings. She doesn’t have a favorite and is average with everything: bow and arrow, sword, staff, axe, lance— there’s nothing she’s particularly good or bad at.
  • Can ride horses and knows basic survival skills such as catching animals, skinning them, making a fire, and making shelter.
  • Artist, and a very good one. Her sketches are lifelike.

A B I L I T I E S :
A Psychic Unlike Any Other
Runa is psychic, and while her psychic powers are average at best, with some abilities like psychokinesis (moving objects with your mind) being some of the worst ever witnessed at the Academy, she has one special gift that no one has showcased before. Runa can create life. All she needs to do this, besides magic and a good imagination, is an egg or a seed. Eggs work best when utilizing her animacy, while seeds are preferred with her organic manipulation.

This magic is tricky, and it should be noted that whatever she creates lacks free will. Some proctors speculate it's unintentional mind manipulation; others believe it's because the life she is making is just an empty shell. Runa is not at the point where she can create life out of thin air despite being able to succeed with pyrokinesis and other elemental attacks that seem to come from nothing. She needs a medium to channel her magic into, and eggs or seeds are small, in high abundance (at the Academy), and easy to carry. Sort of. A broken egg could be used to create life, but it never goes how she wants. Runa is not a competent fighter, so she wouldn’t take the risk unless the situation was hopeless.

A trick Roo likes to do is pit her opponents against themselves. She can create beings.
They use magic, but these creations only live for a short time. They are also limited to her imagination, so many of her classmates have learned that it’s best not to show everything they can do in front of her. If Runa thinks a classmate can only use certain magic or moves, then her creation can only do what Runa thinks. She prefers to wait and see; patience is her greatest virtue because it’s often better to create something challenging for her opponent, such as a water mage, to fight for her against a fire mage.


  • It takes a substantial amount of time for Runa to create complex life forms. Humans that can use magic take at least ten minutes. Any distractions or disruptions will affect the outcome of her creature.
  • This sort of magic makes Runa more of a one-hit-wonder. At times, she can endlessly create simple monsters, gross amalgamations more closely related to an oyster than the hound or panther they represent. When making something specific, like a classmate or opponent, she has one shot to do it, and there is not always a guarantee that she will succeed.
  • Any life she creates through animacy (animals, monsters, mortals) must be killed after it has done its part. Her creations rapidly age, but they don’t die. Instead, they keep evolving. All creations become hideous, horrifying, mind-bending monsters seeking free will. They always end up attacking Runa once they get to that stage.


Runa prefers books over the company of people. She is immensely fascinated by all aspects of the world around her, enjoying fiction and magic, science and mystery, history and myths. She has been going through the many encyclopedias in the Academy’s library for years and is close to completion. She will often have a moleskin diary to help her remember anything interesting she comes across— a word, a date, a place, a creature, a person. It is often nonsensical to others, but Roo can easily navigate her many diaries.

When she doesn’t have her nose in a book, she can usually be seen eating— her favorite snack is a couple of red apples—as her magic takes a lot of energy from her. She’s not the sort to go out of her way to talk to others, not because of timidness but because she likes to observe others when they think no one is watching.

Unfortunately for Runa, everyone at the academy, including all proctors and initiates, knows she is highly averse to pain. Some discomfort she can handle, like muscle soreness or aching feet, but a bee sting will send her spiraling into a full-blown episode of mismanaged emotions, powers, and anxious solutions. She will do almost anything to avoid pain and often has a bland personality because, yes, words can hurt, too.

Biography & Lore


C H I L D H O O D:
One of many daughters to a humble rat catcher and arthritic seamstress, Runa looked like all her other sisters. The six of them all shared a room (the kitchen/dining room/living room, but at night, it became theirs) and tried to ignore their parents fighting in the only other room of their small home. They liked it best when their father was away, getting rid of rats in a village that was not theirs. They also wanted it when he first returned that night. Their parents would get along for the first twenty-four hours, sometimes more if their father had yet to waste money.

The expectations on the sisters were minimal: help with chores, keep things clean, and at night, they would take turns soothing their mother's joints.


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