Private Tales Minus the Heel of My Boot

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
After a few more traded quips, Kailyn spent the rest of the day exploring the ship, careful not to get in the way of the workers. The lice. She found herself retiring to the space the captain had allowed her to stay in, just above the captain's cabins.

A small candle-light was held over several trade books cradled in her lap. Honeyed eyes peered at the numbers, frowning as she scratched out several figures to correct them. A hand rubbed at the back of her neck as she took a break and tilted her head skywards, staring at her clear view of the stars above, the gentle swaying of the ship beneath her.

Far different a voyage than her journey as a slave on the slaver's ship.

Before her thoughts could continue down that path, scratches and scrambling sounds broke through the otherwise quiet night. Hisses soon joined those sounds followed by screams along the ship.
  • Scared
Reactions: Lazarus of Minaris
Not much more than a shit's throw. That's what his mother used to say, tossing opaline stones across the often calm beryl chop of the Northern Liad. She was, of course, referring to the general direction of their homestead to the merchant foreshore of Elbion. Truth be told, she never had a very good sense of direction or at the very least, a poor form in describing it. It was on more than one occasion, when offering to give direction between the merchant republic and their small coastal village, that she was content to throw her arm towards the smell of the seas and point accusingly. Go that way and when ya see a stone as big as my arse, take a hard left and you'll be on your merry.
Or...take a few steps down the mountain, get those prissy pants crabshells locked in a boulder, and tumble on down along the high tide. You're bound to catch us eventually!
Jerus was, for all his life, a momma's boy. Even when she was planting that big foot of hers promptly on his rump, kicking him out the door and giving proper credence to the notions of sinking or swimming. It had been so long since the time he had spent with her that he couldn't recall if expatriation came around the official date of adulthood or, if like everything else, his mother was content to jump the gun. Either way, he had found that Elbion was a good deal further away than a shit's throw, even as the crow flies.
By the time he had made it to Elbion, if he wasn't a man yet, the roughage of brigand and vandalistic lifestyles had given him the appropriate dietary requirements to grow and put on a proper shell. Or perhaps it was just a healthy bit of grime. Either way, he stood out as someone who could carry himself and by the time he reached the port, he found no difficulty where twine and tar were of concern.
"Aye, yer do well here boy! And if ya don't, ta investment will be sound. On account of dose pearly whites!"
Jerus never went by his proper name. Not when he first started as tar tender and not when was promoted further, eventually making it to the Erca'Ryt Trading Company. Most called him Al, which was short for Ali, which was short for Alabaster. On account of dose pearly whites.
It was a common thing for men of salt to rot, from flesh to bone. And teeth weren't any special exception. Like white sea foam churning in the muck and mire that passed for Rou water, turning ever stronger shades of brown, the teeth were always on their way out. Scurvy, biscuits that resisted teeth like bricks holding off a wooden dowel, and alcohol for when the water went stale. But not Al. He was raised on a proper diet of oily fish, filled to the brim with phosphorous and all the other calcium requirements that one might need for healthy bones. And he maintained that habit at every port, using all his earnings to buy fresh food and the sort that would could keep. The recent trip to Ragash had been no different...
He chewed gingerly on a hard piece of cheese, watching the Baal-Asha shoreline pass by them in a northerly fashion. The cheese was pungent and carried heavy tones of soiled sock and hints of feet that were trapped in them. That was his preference; it kept the mooches at bay and it didn't bother him all that much. Taking another bite, he spied out into the dark waters and saw nothing but the glistening blots of the moons reflection, obscured by overlapping shadows of passing clouds. But where his eyes failed him, his ears picked up the slack.
"Oye, got some ruckus on the bilge port."
"The wut!" One of the toothless lice returned, smacking the mop against the boards.
"Heard something over 'er." Al pointed and the mopper moved over to inspect. A slice and wet flop was heard as the man stumbled backwards, holding his stomach where a primitive weapon had torn open flesh from shoulder to navel. The sound was followed by a thump and slosh, like an eel had been set along the tar boards.
Behind Al, Lazarus hopped down from the quarter deck, weightlessly. The landing, in the midst of the wild sounds of the river and the creaking of the ship along the water, blurred into the ambient noise. The Captain was eating an apple just as he motioned for Al to head up the stairs. "Scuddle up now tender. This lot is sure to see them teeth of yours and as miserly as they are, bound to try and use you like a weapon. Last thing I need is a toothy batty-fang on your account. Go find Terzine, tell him he's needed."
Just then, Lazarus lurched forward and flung the apple at the Kivren. It was wide of the mark but got the creature's attention. "Oye, porpoise! Where the fuck ya off to?" He turned back to Al. "Now, Al! 'Fore I get cross."
Al had just enough time to get halfway up the stairs before the Kivren was charging the Captain. And above them, an emerald streak of lightning cut across the dark sky.
She heard shouts and a familiar voice down the steps. The trade book closed with a considerable THUMP and she wiggled her way free from the hammock she'd been perched in. Book was left on the vacant, swinging net as she got to her feet. Fingers clenched at her sides as that eerie lightning lit up her face.

She'd never been a fighter. She'd always ran away. Or talked her way out of physical altercations. But as she came face-to-face with one of the creatures from the deep with those fangs, red-glowing eyes, and scaled skin, she realized her political tactics and negotiations probably wouldn't work here.

How had it gotten up here so fast?

Must've climbed up the back of the ship.

Kailyn began back-peddled toward those steps. Toward Al coming up them and toward Mister Smug Mug's shouts.

"Captain!" She yelled as the creature hissed and lunged at her.
  • Devil
Reactions: Lazarus of Minaris
The weather had abruptly shifted. Where pleasant twilight skies and the ever reluctant and taciturn wind met the tar of an unexpectedly assailed riverine voyage, the ether moved. Emerald filigree, like delicate lines of chopped parsley, coursed and branched through the recalcitrant backdrop of a darkened sumac horizon. The sudden thwap and clap of the lightning sent bolts of illumination across the ship, painting the paneling and various passengers and ship tenders with a sheen of lapis lazuli. Just enough to get the general picture before the images faded to darkened silhouettes, poorly lit in the moonlight.

Rain could be heard in the distance like a march on some nearby battlefield, careening across the adjacent foreshores and promising a prompt arrival for the transient crew Erca'Ryt Trading Company. And their guests. The voyage, to this point, had been rather uneventful in transit from Ragash down the Baal-Asha so by all rights, the weather was deserved. But the Captain couldn't quite kick the feeling that there was a bit more to it than just general hot and tepid mixing of moisture laden clouds with the surrounding arid land fixtures and natural declination when the two decided to meet.

Before Lazarus, the flash of light gave way to the odd image of the Kivren as it changed. Having scaled the vessel in marine like form, it began to morph as it moved towards him. Back flippers, or a tail, or whatever the academics might call it - quickly sucked into the beast like pursed lips, slurping a noodle. The scaly exterior melted away, like water rushing over the cracked exposed surface of sediment on the shoreline, to leave a smooth texture behind. It wasn't two steps before the labradorite shaded Kivren transformed into a gray desaturated humanoid with nothing but a salmon toned coral sword and it's swinging bits to stave off the Captain's sudden jolt forward.

He produced a curved bit of nasty metal, held in reverse grip, that extended from wrist to elbow. Perhaps by design or by lazy incontinence of the smithy who tended it, the unusual weapon's shaped was a stumbling hodgepodge between a short scimitar and a scythe. The coral sword smacked against the blade, held with two hands by the snarling Kriven, and shot sparks of embers and saffron dust on collision. With a quick movement that blurred in the dark but for the gleam of the steel, Lazarus spun and cut Kivren's new legs out from underneath it. It didn't have much time when it hit the ground; Lazarus made sure of it.

By the time he heard Miss Toffee's yell, the lunging Kriven's forward hand was pinned to the quarterdeck wall by the sickles blade - flung from the main deck a moment prior. Al moved passed Kailyn, and as soon as he did, Terzine seemed to appear at her back.

"Come now, Miss." He placed a hand on her shoulder, firmly. "Weather has turned poorly, it seems." The Kivren screamed as it tried to work the weapon out of its hand.
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  • Bless
Reactions: Kailyn
Kailyn's caramel eyes widened at the blade. She felt that pulse of magic in her gut. She could nearly taste it on the tip of her tongue and smell it with the tip of her nose. Like ozone before lightning strikes.

She spun with that hand on her shoulder.

"Terzine," she breathed, chest heaved.

And she wished many things in that moment. That she had a weapon of her own. That she'd trained with weapons at all. That she wasn't just a tradeswoman or artist. That her magic wasn't so...strange.

And seemingly useless in this situation.

Then again, eyes widened and her fingers wrapped around the man's shoulder. A droplet of rain plopped against her forehead. Then another.

"I can help...I think. Is there a place on the deck I can draw a hole with my charcoal stick? I know it's a strange request me?" She held up the thick piece of charcoal in one hand, hoping the rain would hold off just a tiny bit further.

"A hole big enough to push these things...into." She added, in case he needed her to paint more of a picture of her plan.
  • Yay
Reactions: Lazarus of Minaris
The vessel had quickly turned into a shifting bain-marie, slopping water up from the chop and holding it between the benches that lined the starboard and port sides. As if on command, the lilac gloom above opened up and wept curtains of hard rain on the ship and as far as anyone could see into the distance. It plummeted from the sky with an abruptness that shook Lazarus for a brief moment, lending him time to spy the cascading water as it pummeled the planks and surged from the deck into the holding areas below, lacquering the stairs in broth tinted waters and whiskey hued meringue salt foam.

"Miss?" Terzine spoke quietly but with the sharpness that could cut through bone. The Kivren was on the precipice of dislodging the bit of steel that stuck its claw to the wall of the quarterdeck. Terzine was inclined to remind her. "Can your charcoal write on water?" He flung a hand out towards the lower decks, covered in running water. "Haste now, haste!"

He stepped passed her just as the metal was loosed, sending it flickering into the dark like a fading star. The Kivren screamed and charged, swiping at the old barber surgeon - as if the moments pause against the deck were enough to recharge its vitality. The old man seemed to move like fluid, ducking below the swing and tucking into the Kivren. With a single move, a percussive thwap resounded as the beast was knocked back and stumbled against the wooden railing that connected this level to the deck below. Terzine turned back. "Now, Miss. Now!"

Below, more Kivrens found themselves overcoming the walls of the ship to plant themselves on the main deck. Soaked, sodden, and without another weapon, Lazarus seemed to be no less moved towards purpose as he approached. The first in his sight had quickly changed as it touched wood and swung a bit of coral that was lanky and branched - adorned with numerous sharpened barnacles of grey, blue, and green. Swinging in a flaccid horizontal arc, the weapon was met by the Captains outstretched hand. High pitched notes cut through the rain, like iron slapping through weaves of tin, and the weapon deflected back and away.
  • Scared
Reactions: Kailyn
She made a scowling face and gulped. A hiss of frustration leaving the tip of her nose.

"No," she tucked it back into her pocket as the rain quickened, soaking through her hair and clothing in an instant as the skies truly opened up. She followed Terzine, retreating from the beasts as the surged the deck. She gave one last look over the steps at Lazarus.

"But the Captain," hand came up to push away soaked feathered caramel hair from her eyes. "There's too many. He'll be over-run." Eyes like molten-honey that seemed to spark with the flash of lightning in the skies narrowed in the Captain's direction. But she didn't wait even as she asked the question, she followed after Terzine, ducking from instinct as a barb of barnacle shot toward them.
  • Devil
Reactions: Lazarus of Minaris
The captain ducked as if he were dodging a loosed mast: nowhere to go but down. The barnacled weapon knocked his hat loose like a twirling tin plate, sending it cascading into the gulping and thumping chop of the Baal-Asha. It revealed, in the assemblages provided by moonlight ambience and the sangria soaks strikes of lightning, a close cropped haircut adorning a scalp that was marred in deep and overgrown scars. As if cobble had been overtaken by the will of the grass.

Terzine grabbed Kailyn's hand with a sense of urgency that could have easily been born from the Kivren's pursuit. But it wasn't. "Cover your eyes, Miss. Now." He yanked her with a strength that seemed to be almost impossible, given the Barber Surgeons general physique. Tearing across the planks, he reeled her into the forecastle structure that invariable led to the mess hall. Quickly, he kicked the door handles and the doors slid gratingly together against their floor and ceiling mounted rails.

A sound interrupted the storms and commotion, cutting through the cacophony as if it had been nothing more than a thin veneer. The lightning bolts erupted but now with melody, like the force was pulled through a fife and extricated from any residual
thwap or kinetic energy. The lavender turned harsh, sending bleeding bolts of crimson light through the forecastles cross-guarded windows and showering the pale boards in pink and purple tones. Kivren battle cries turned stale, gasps heard on the wind. Until those gasps turned into screams and the general sense of attack turned into something else entirely. Like these attackers were trying to get away from something. Fins against the boards, yelps, and the sound of claws and weapons driven into wood. It was all chaos until, as if someone had covered the world's ears, it all stopped.

Silence but for the now gentle rain rang harshly against the previous noise. A vacuum existed outside the forecastle, where turbulence and violence were replaced as quickly as they had formed. And on the main deck, Laz stood quietly. His fingers curled and uncurled, catching drops of rain against the leather of his worn gloves. The scars across his scalp burned hot, like the flesh beneath were a burning coal fire and to peel it all away would reveal something that had been angrily churning for an eternity. He breathed slowly and despite the heat and humidity, steam billowed out.

And there was not a single Kivren body to be seen.
  • Love
Reactions: Kailyn
Cover her eyes.

She was doing anything but that. Eyes widened as big as saucers and glued to the Captain. As he took that hat of his off. The hair along her arms tipped upward with static and then she was tugged stronger forward.

"Wait," she barely got out but it was too late. Her view of outside and the kivren. Of the Captain. Of the holy hell that was outside vanished, replaced as the door thudded shut, closing her in with Terzine. But she couldn't look away from that closed door. What she'd only glimpsed before being closed in.

Her skin crawled with the magic she'd felt. Her stomach roiled. She'd only felt this way once before, though not as strongly. Once around the Emperor.

There were sounds and then there was nothing.

A burst of emotion and feeling and someone else's magic as strong as a tidal wave coming to surge over her and push her down, down, down. She'd welcome the peace and quiet in this dark tomb. Perhaps it would be better than feeling as if she'd explode.

Her world spun but she took a staggering step forward, then another. Trembling hands yanked that door open. She'd stagger upwards. Up-up-up.

Molten eyes practically glowed as they swept to the Captain and remained on him.

"What...was that?" Stars exploded across her vision and she felt the deck come up to meet her.
And the wooden slats of the deck bowed up to catch her...


"What in the hell possessed you to do that?" The old man's voice was muffled, as if heard through the filigree that separated sleep from waking.
"A bit o' a carriwitchett is that, innit? Not one for a batty-fang, meager or otherwise. Seem to recall your weren't either. But you weren't quite in the muck of it, now where ya?"
"I was taking care of your Miss Toffee." It wasn't easy to tell from tone, but his words gave the distinct impression that he gave pause to point to something. Or someone. The smell of wood, resin, and wax fire filled the air of the mess hall and ad-hoc infirmary. "It was a dangerous game, Lazarus. One that not even I could have withstood."

Terzine laughed. "The hall is far too stale for putting on airs."
Lazarus replied with a brief chuckle. "And I hadn't quite known you to eat vinegar with such a sharp fork."

That was followed with a sigh and the tell-tale wheeze of a chair, suddenly burdened with the weight of the barber surgeon's concern. "Yes, well. You deserve it. You put everyone at risk on this vessel. For what? Something we could have easily dispatched absent your disregard." He paused. "You best hope she comes to, Captain."

Lazarus pulled noisily on the pipe and kicked his legs on the table, spattered with the carcasses of once dimly lit candles. "
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Kailyn
She expected to wince as she moved her head but there was no need. Like with anything painful that had happened in her life, at least, physically, she found the pain typically didn't last. Nor did markings or scars. Toffee-colored eyes fluttered open, seeing a cluster of mostly scrubbed-clean pots and pans hanging above where she'd been laid. Head turned without lifting, her gaze slowly focusing on the two men in the mess.

"Please don't talk about eating vinegar right now," she uttered the polite request as she finally did manage to sit up. A palm still went to her head just to make sure there was no lingering bruise.

But there was nothing.

Her connection with magic though?

That still felt stretched and frayed. "I believe you two," eyes shifted between the two men, "but especially you," falling to the captain with a point of her sandaled foot lingering in his direction, "have quite a bit to explain to me. I've never sensed...magic like that before."

A start with a small admission of her own.

Honeyed-brows rose. "Well?"
  • Devil
Reactions: Lazarus of Minaris
"It's just an expression, Miss." Terzine interrupted. "Implies a certain sharpness about my disposition. As for explaining..." The barber surgeon coughed into his fist and looked towards the Captain who was pretending to have not heard the request. "I'm afeared that it's not an explanation I can provide."

"No, it's not." Lazarus finished pulling smoke from the pipe and finally deflated, side-eyeing Kailyn as she sat up. "A bit of a tussle between your chivvy and a row of shiplap, hmm? Not to worry, luv." He flicked the bit of tinder used to light the pipe, sending it cartwheeling across a nearby table and leaving bits of char in the wake. "Nothing that can't be solved with a change of airs and a cut of osier. I expect you can manage?" He turned to look at Terzine.

"I can, Captain. I stock all manner of willow root." Terzine turned and set about his glass cabinet. Lazarus raked finger nails across the scars along his head, suddenly overly aware of his missing hat. "A bad storm is what that was, Miss Toffee. The Baal-Asha is known for them..." He settled into his chair and closed his eyes, overcome with an acute sense of exhaustion. It could have been a show or the real deal; it was difficult to tell.
  • Smug
Reactions: Kailyn
She eyed where his fingernails went. Those scars. Those lips of hers curved downward still. Her long legs hung over the lip of the table they'd laid her on. Old stains from gods knew what flecked across the wood. And perhaps some not-so-old chips and indents from something like a knife.

She was grateful for Terzine. Where the Captain lacked in emotional intelligence he certainly made up for it. Her shrewd gaze did not waver from the man who usually wore a top-cap. "Perhaps it is you who needs the cut of oiser-what's it-willow root." She huffed lightly, hands gripping the edges of the table she perched on. Honeyed-eyes of hers drifted hesitantly to the scars he still picked. She wouldn't forget what she'd seen. What had come out of his...head.

"You can trust me," she spoke quietly, gaze flickering between the two. "I won't tell anyone. I won't tell the Emperor." Is that why Lazarus believed he could pass it off as a normal storm?

"And I was born and raised in Cerak-At-Thul," a weighted admission of her own. "I know storms. That wasn't one." Well, a natural-made storm.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Lazarus of Minaris
Eyes closed, he pulled tightly on the pipe and exhaled from his nostrils. Like a monster, intent on billowing smoke until sleep took him, he remained quiet for a few moments as the meandering sounds of Terzine continued, ruffling through amber glass bottles and tin cannisters. "Ah, there it is." The barber surgeon moved over to Kailyn and popped open the square tin, which could have easily held bobby pins as opposed to medicaments. Within, a white powder.

"I've ground it myself, Miss Kailyn. Roots of a willow, will resolve most rudimentary aches."
"She doesn't really need it, Terzine. Though if I were to need some mindful restitution, it would hardly be a paltry dose of bark trimmings."
" know it's a good deal more than that."

Lazarus waved the pipe at him before clamping back down on the stem. "Cerak At'Thul, the slavers fortress of the Black Bay. Home to rookery's, rollers, and screwsman. And an odd place for rearing of the Ragashian Mistress of Trade." If he was attempting to hide his interest, he was doing a mediocre job at best. "I imagine you've had a few changes in occupancy between here and there, hmm? Long strokes from the Bay to the Annuak Gulf."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Kailyn
She had to wonder if they were trying to drug her and make her forget. She had to wonder more if it would even work. Probably not. Before she could utter a word, the Captain spoke for her. A hint of relief and surprise flickered across her face.

Legs crossed at her ankles, the long straps of her sandals curving around the contours of her calf to just below her knees.

"Then you should know, my dear Captain, nothing is for free in the Black Bay and even that which is paid for can be stolen right back if the buyer lacks wisdom. Would you agree to an answer for an answer then?"
  • Devil
Reactions: Lazarus of Minaris
He gave her proposal some thought. Admittedly, he was curious how someone from slaver's bay ended up in such an esteemed position. But as it were, she had showed her cards regarding who was the most curious. His interest would only go so far.

"Terzine. Mind the masts..."
"But Captain, that's not part of my-"

Lazarus cut him off with a glance and tilt of the head. The barber surgeon nodded and clapped shut the cannister of willow powder, sending up a plume of white mist. "Yes, of course. The masts..." He gave a final nod and shallow bow to the Mistress before heading out, tapping some pots on the way out.

Sitting forward, Lazarus removed his feet from the chair that was serving as ottoman and faced Kailyn. Extracting the pipe from his lips, his free hand moved across his cheek, pressing a thumb harshly against the scar beneath this left eye. With a swipe, he seemed to free himself of a bit of irritant. "Miss Toffee, you seem to have struck at the heart of my occupation. Tit-for-tat. But, it stands a bushel for pence, easily swallowed for talk amidst wool and feathers. But that's not what this, is it...hmm?"

Leaning back, he propped one leg over the other and draped an arm over the shoulder of the chair. Pointing the stem of the pipe to the floor accusingly, he met those honey brown eyes with something approaching compromise. "Ask for the nail, not the plank. Narrow your questions down for equal exchange, hmm?"
  • Wonder
Reactions: Kailyn
A small nod with a wary gaze on that white powder plume. She leaned forward as if that one inch could give her a better studying view of the captain. She had many questions. Fingers lifted to tuck feathered hair behind a curved ear as she thought, a pregnant pause extending through the galley.

It had to do something with those scars, so visible and physical. She had to wonder...

"What you did on the decks, is it something you were born with?" Or did someone curse him?
A smirk slowly found it's away to the stage, born from the corner of his mouth. It wasn't an alien expression and in most circumstances, was a common countenance. But in this moment, it felt unintentional - speaking about one's past to strangers was not a habit for Lazarus. It was a thing better left where it was, beneath the shore and forever overtaken by the tides of time.

"Quite the deviation from tit-for-tat decorum to imply the answer to a question through your setup. Is this the bargain bin of the wet markets, then? Two for one?" He took a puff of the pipe, finding the warmth of the bowl to be almost uncomfortable. He didn't like the implication that he had done anything at all on the deck, even if it was right on the mark.

"Yes. In the most primeval of conditions, I was born with it." And cursed by it. "And you...for your time in the Bay, were you owned or owneress?" Slave or slave owner.
  • Smug
Reactions: Kailyn
A slightly apologetic cant of her head in the Captain's direction even as her eyes sparkled. "Can you blame a mistress of trade for liking a good deal?" She paused after the rhetorical question, looking down to her lap for a moment at his non-rhetorical one. Her eyes drifted to the tattoo on the inside of one of her wrists.

A black trident.

The slaver's mark.

Amber eyes lifted looking past the smoke he blew and to the man himself. Kailyn could've given him a one word answer. It was her right to do so. But perhaps she'd give him a bargain as well. And she was concerned he might lose his interest and in turn, snuff out the pathway she'd carved for answers.

"All children born to whores on the island become slaves or are dashed on the rocks. When I was a little girl someone once told me the thing that saved me from the rocks was because I had peculiar eyes."

A small pause.

"The scars, on the top of your head, how did you get them? Do you they hurt?"

So she cheated and asked two in one.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lazarus of Minaris
He spied her shift in attention, going down to the mark on her wrist. For as someone as quietly studious as him, he was ashamed to internally admit that he had not noticed the mark. And while the tone of her eyes were common points of commentary, particularly in the given moniker, he hadn't really taken the time to appreciate them. He could understand why they could be considered a commodity.

"A coffee house does best with a bit o' honey, hmm?" It was a cynical way of putting it but removed from even the passing circumstance of knowing one another, an unkindness didn't mean a lie. It was more often than not, the opposite. Bordello's tended to charge more for rarities. Of course, her answer didn't give way to whether she was still a slave or had truthfully ascended into the role she claimed - or if the two were mutually exclusive.

Extracting the stem of the pipe from his lips, he used it to scratch at a demarcated scar across the side of his head and winced. "Itches more than hurts, truthfully. Like a bit of venus's curse absent the tackle..." He chuckled and exhaled. "What do you know of vivisections?"

That was his question and as it stood, it seemed she was getting the better deal from this ongoing trade.
  • Smug
Reactions: Kailyn
Kailyn was the last person who would judge a whore. Especially one who might've been forced into that occupation. And her lips parted to explain that she hadn't been one. But she swallowed the explanation down before it could be uttered.

It didn't matter.

She'd never known her mother anyway. She'd died in childbirth. She didn't even know who her father was and didn't really care. Probably just a pirate or merchant passing through.

"I don't know much," she admitted, alarm and...concern crossing her face at the Captain. Shifting her weight, she let her feet drop to the floorboards and took to a chair, instead. Closer to him. She sat next to where his feet kicked up, her own feet raising to land on a chair beside the man. As if they had been two longtime friends catching up after a meal and a smoke.

A light tap of her foot against his side. "Are you saying someone experimented on you and those scars are the evidence?" She didn't want to insult him and she hoped she hadn't crossed a line.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Lazarus of Minaris
He watched with mild interest as she moved to mirror his sitting arrangement. Shaking his head and smirking, he leaned his head back as if to investigate the beams across the ceiling of the infirmary. As if in the deep cracks and recesses of the swollen beams, therein lied the secrets of the universe and all that was needed for its unraveling was his lazy inspection.

"Is a philosophical question, that is. Rife with implications...s'pose the notion of experimentation implies some end, hmm? Might be that exploration is the more apropros epithet, yeah?" The journey was clearly more important than the destination. "What do you get out of this, Miss Toffee?" He turned to look at her. "I'd toss a bag a clinks that the incipient habits of a boatswain matter little to the Emperors cause of charting courses from Ragash to Cortos, hmm?"

He turned back to study the beam once more, absentmindedly chewing on the stem of the pipe without properly smoking. "And if it's not professional assurance, does that not conjure some notions towards personal indulgences...I wander aimlessly at the appeal of such truths to a manumitted slavey, once from Black Bay." Maybe he felt his own sort of appeal in lethargically goading her with assumptions that were as likely to be true as they were false.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Kailyn
“You brought it up,” she pointed out. “Vivisection.” A hand came up to cradle her chin, fingers tapping just at the outside corner of her mouth. She certainly never wanted pity for her past, which is why she’d never bring it up in, unless asked. She hated the look others gave her when they found out.

At least the captain hadn’t acted that way. Perhaps surprised. Bitter?

He was a hard one to read.

“Not to the emperor but it matters to me. What I felt from you on the deck,” lips pursed. She’d shown another card. Her ability to sense and feel other magic. Eyes averted to the salt shaker on the table. Then snapped back to his face. “I like to know who I work with and I such an imposition to you? Far be it from me to make you an aimless wanderer, Captain. If that’s so, then we can part ways at the next port.”

A clench of her jaw and an agitated flick of her hair.

“I am a free woman, boatswain. Are you so jaded and so suspicious of everyone you meet to think all they’re after is a pound of flesh?”
  • Devil
Reactions: Lazarus of Minaris
He stood up abruptly, pushing the ottoman chair into the nearby table and rattling the shaker that had once caught Kailyn's attention. Scouring the shaker with a stern glare, he waited for it to stop rattling before shifting his direction back to Kailyn. "Which answer would you like, luv? Back to front, hmm."

He leaned forward, standing above her now, and approached a distance that might have broken the barrier of personal space. "From Seretian mountains to the College of Elbion, collect my pounds of flesh to make a stone. If you find me light on trust, it's only out of prudence - more clink in my pocket than spare credulity lying about...but a harmless game of tit-for-tat delves a bit deeper than either of us would have liked, hmm?" She had been wounded, which wasn't his intention.

Tilting his expression, he studied her now as he stood so closely. "As for luv, not at all. I find your likeness to the canvas of the sea, hit by the tracing of sunbeams and lacquered in gold. Your presence aboard this tar is ethereal, like someone came about abruptly, gutting my ship and exposing its innards for the cool summer breeze. But...your hiding things that slip from loose words like how you...felt."

Standing up straight, he winced before removing his black jacket and setting it across the back of his chair. Beneath, he wore a worn down white linen shirt with a slightly fancier black vest. Absent any cufflinks, he slid the sleeve of his shirt upwards to reveal a symbol burned into the meat of his forearm.

"I'magine...not a house you recognize?"
  • Wonder
Reactions: Kailyn
She flinched as the ottoman went flying. Yes, she was free but she hadn’t been freed that long ago. And there were signs that she’d learned to talk her way out of or to run when it involved men of the house. Her chin tilted upwards as she met Lazarus’ gaze, silently reminding herself that he wasn’t one of them.

Her legs slid delicately off from where they’d been propped. “Perhaps nothing is harmless. It’s just important to me that you know I’m not looking for a pound of flesh from you or...anyone. And even if your experience cannot allow you to believe that of me, then I will impatiently understand.”

She stood slowly, and stepped to him, not away. Being the invader of space this time. Eyes of amber and honey met his own as she asked permission.

“May I?” She’d reach gently forward with hands that were not very blistered, clearly she’d been a house slave. If he said yes, she’d step a tad closer and lift his arm to inspect it.

“I’m only familiar with Vel Anir having houses. But you’re speaking of a house of Elbion? You’ll have to forgive me, I’ve never been beyond the Empire or Cerak.”

Her fingers would nudge the sleeve of his shirt a smidge higher, if allowed. Eyes not wavering from his own as she lifted them away from the ink.

“I will not hide from you if you do not hide from me, Captain. Ask me what you want to know and I will tell you unless you think I should have reason not to?”
  • Bless
Reactions: Lazarus of Minaris