A story that he had not yet shared with her.
He thought for a while. A lifetime, of stories. Failures, victories. Great hunts and great bounties. But he supposed he could start with one of the more... interesting ones. Knowing how superstitious his people were, and all.
"The Axe of Knottington... used that to increase my business in the Spine."
He said with a grin, thinking of the mountain of coin buried away under a certain cottage. He ran a hand across his face, thinking for a while.
"Lord Naleze..."
He said with a whisper, eyes flickering back up to Maude.
"The great, undying Lord of Fargen."
He began his story as it should've, a contract, simply put. The encroaching
dark magic emanating from the town, the total loss of all life around the village. The outlying
villages seeing ghostly pale shadows moving about in the forests. Meeting the companions who would later help him in removing Lord Naleze from the realm, in the tavern of all places. A Dreadlord, a Witch, a Dwarf, and a swordsmen. He commented on how it should have been a story outline, rather than a real thing that happened to him.
His voice grew low and quiet when he told her about the Ghosts, and the red lights that hung about the town. The Ghosts of the dead, lives stolen by Naleze, their very life taken to empower the demon. His dive into Lord Naleze, and the beast that he was, his unholy pact with the underworld to live forever- at the expense of those in his charge. How
the Templar order of old buried him deep, contained to never see the light of day. And how, obviously to the dismay of the town- he escaped.
How they had to scour the town, until Naleze awoke once more, having taken the souls of every single person in the village and the life from the ground itself to empower himself. The terror of wading through a town with no life, filled with the ghosts, the demons that Naleze surrounded himself to protect himself with.
He told her of the fight, how they barely overcame the
undead Lord, finally ending him with a well-placed sword and a blast of magic. How the very ground shook when he died, releasing hundreds of years, the ghosts of all those that Naleze had stolen in his pursuit of power, and his undying lust for power.
He finished his story with a solemn look, thinking of all the ones that suffered of Naleze. But, as usual, Arnor, tried to move on from the pain and misery in his life with a glancing deflection.
"Didn't even get paid for it, at the end."