Basic Details
- Name: Lord Naleze
- Species: Formerly Human
- Age: Unknown
- Height: 6'3
- Weight: Unknown
- Hair: Unknown
- Eyes: Glowing Red
- Skin: Pale
Personal Details
- Occupation: Former Lord
- Place of Birth: Faragen
- Affiliation: N/A
- Home: Formerly Faragen
- Aliases: The Undead
Dark and foreboding in appearance, with eerily glowing eyes, since his return, Lord Naleze has not once removed any part of the ornate armor he was buried in. His lumbering mass only shows glowing, eerie red eyes beyond the beautifully carved mask.
Skills and Abilities
There is something that Lord Naleze learned, part of him that he cast away, in order to gain victory and live forever.... he sucks the life out of people, the land around him. He feeds off of it, a dark spell conjured a thousand years ago. It gives him strength, speed, insight... and powerful, awful magic that seeps into the very air in which he stands in and wherever he walks, death follows and life is poisoned, rotted away.
He commands the undead hordes of the former townsfolk of Faragen, some preserved in a deep trance, some already succumbed to his will and had their very souls taken from them to feed his insatiable hunger.
Cold, calculating, and ruthless in his quest for power and eternal life.... Lord Naleze was once the son of a nobleman, in line to be King. But Death, ever since his wife and father's passing, hung over him. He felt as though it was waiting to claim him, to take him for it's own. He is terrified of Death, and has gone to great lengths, and at great personal cost, and more importantly, at the cost of others, to cheat it.
He feels wronged by the townsfolk of Faragen, no matter the time passing, and the generations that no longer knew his name or his misdeeds. He seeks revenge on all things, on all the people, living in the world. He wants to live forever.
And he'll do anything to make that happen.
Biography & Lore
There was once a man, William Naleze, Lord of Faragen.
He was born, he lived, and he married- as most men of his status did. But there came a change when his wife was taken by illness and his father passed due to age. He became obsessed, mad with the fact that he too, was going to die, he was going to pass away. He was going to die, and there was nothing he could do to stop it...
Until, he found that there in fact, was ways to stop it. Ways to prevent it from coming. He brought in scholars, mages, those that could grant him eternal life. Rituals, sacrifices of innocents, bathing in blood- all he attempted, but all failed to give him the result.
Until a man in black came...
And offered him a deal.
Sacrifice his soul, his body, and feed on the souls and life of the innocent and the very life around him, and he could live. He would be a monster, he would be a creature of insatiable hunger... but he would live, he would live forever. He was not immortal, no magic could ever truly make someone unable to be killed, but he would never die.
So began a reign of darkness over Faragen. Sacrifices. Random kidnappings by the guards.
Until the Templars came.
The Templars nearly burned Faragen to the ground, after receiving word of years of abuses to an isolated village, by their Lord. The Templars came at night, killed the guards that had been serving Naleze, and took with them, an Iron coffin. They sought punishment in the most fitting of ways, to let Naleze suffer for years upon years until the magic wore off, inside an iron coffin from which he would not be able to escape. Many Templar died in pursuit of justice, but ultimately, Naleze, terrified, writhing and cursing the Knights that placed him there. They sealed him inside, and buried him, and all his guards with him, in unmarked, mass grave. His guards were burned and buried with their possessions, along with the ancient tapestries of the Naleze lineage. All recordings, books, and anything that mentioned Naleze's names were collected in the town, and used as timber to heat the furnace that made the nails for Naleze's coffin.
Quite literally, they used his memory as the final nail in his coffin.
He was forgotten with time, those that were victimized by him and his guard were relocated, or moved away. Eventually, Faragen forgot their evil Lord with time, and with it, prosperity reigned, and generally, Faragen did well for itself, free of their long-forgotten Lord.
But Naleze never died.
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