Open Chronicles Lost In the Open

A roleplay open for anyone to join

Arumi Shacen

Character Biography
It was cold here. Cold, desolate, and lonely. Arumi hated the cold, but he loved the mountains. They felt like home.

He sat perched upon a massive wall carved out of the living rock, part of a structure the delved deep into the mountain face and reared out into the spaces between. It had been a road at some ancient time, he guessed, by the way it was formed and the tunnel it became. The icy wind buffeted him, ruffling his feathers, tangling loose curls around his horns, and pulling at his inadequately thin attire. His source of warmth was a ball of flame, about the size of a melon, that he cradled almost tenderly between his hands.

Arumi had found the Outer City, apparently abandoned, during his long flight from the east. He didn't know what he wound find if he continued west, and this seemed a safe place to stop for a while. Months, in fact. His feet padded the dark hallways, explored massive caverns filled with grand pillars. found damp cellars with low ceilings, but always he ensured a way out. The mountains felt like home, but they also felt like a tomb, and he would not allow himself to become lost or trapped.


The flame in his grasp stuttered out and he put his head in his hands, hot tears rolling down his cheeks. It didn't matter if a signpost and map were posted every stride. He was lost. Everything was lost.
She was far from home, farther than she had ever been before.

It had taken Selene months to take the journey from Vel Anir to the outer reaches of Belgrath. The ship had taken her most of the way under the southern reaches of Liadain, but after weeks upon wees of travel even the ocean had proven to be too slow.

More than once she'd nearly threatened to throw someone overboard or toss them into a nearby grave in order to make things go faster.

Her party had not been swift, despite her best efforts, though in all truth they had likely made the journey four or five times faster than anyone else had before them. Still, it had not been quick enough, and even now they were crawling closer to Belgrath, but it just didn't seem fast enough.

She needed to complete her mission.

Nothing less, nothing more.

Letting out another sigh, Selene glanced behind herself at the small trail of wagons and men behind her. Most of them were Anirian Guard, soldiers who had been ordered along with her. A few in their number however were Merchants, men and women simply seeking profit from this trip.

Selene didn't blame them too much, though she was rather annoyed. "Hurry up."

She called, pressing her horse forward.

They were nearly to the outer gates now.
He wept for some minutes, as he had most days since... since he had fled. Since she had been destroyed in front of him. It was almost becoming a ritual for him - denial, rage, grief, defeat. Followed by fury at his own lack of control over his emotions.

It was the echo of hooves and voices that broke him from his wretchedness. He turned his face to the intruders, not caring enough to wipe the travel stains of tears from his cheeks. Arumi was furious at being found. He had come here because the place was abandoned. Because he wanted to be alone. And now an entire party was upon him, from the sounds of it.

He tucked his wings tight to his back in agitation, drew his knees up to his chest, and clenched his fists, taking on the appearance of a scowling gargoyle. He had found this place, and he would stand his ground. Or sit, as the current case may be.

Selene Avar
It had been awhile since he found himself back in the cold, frigid climates. It was a mountain too, and it brought back not-so fond memories. Mentor had been eccentric like such. Abandoning him in several such landscapes for more... 'training'. Bless the Mentor for turning his skills into the cryomancy he wielded with such methods, but in retrospect he probably should have called out the more... esoteric practices, he mused, the winds buffeting his robes of fur, leather, and cloth.

He could feel the bite of hoarfrost upon his flesh, but it would not reach into the flesh itself. He considered himself all but kin to this frigid cold, like a pyromancer to the fires. He could even hear the eerie songs of the north whistle in the winds, of nostalgic memories during his childhood in the Eretejva Tundra. Never had he felt so alone and at ease. Mentor had remarked about this oddity. He would not claim to be a lone wolf, but sometimes, there was no cure for temperament except the solace of solitude.

Shame it did not last long. He had not ignored the caravan sounds from the roof of the tunnel entrance he had been sitting on, hidden by the rocks and the snow piled up to his head. Only icy blue glimmered behind the obscure opening in the mound of snow, and he watched the caravans approach. He failed to notice the winged one a few ways off however, that one far more... vindictive than he.
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Reactions: Selene Avar
The outer city was in ruin, or at least half of one anyway. There were half a dozen skeletons stuck within the earth here, some of them armed, others stripped of their things. A battle had taken place here, just as the reports had stated.

"Hold here." Selene said as she slipped off the side of her horse.

There was a soft thud as her boots landed on the earth, three of the Anirian Knights she had taken with her quickly following suit. Some of the merchant did as well, though most stayed on their wagons peering about in paranoia.

"Fan out." The Dreadlord ordered. "Make sure everything is dead."

Selene knew that even from the outer fortress it could take two or three days to actually reach Belgrath, and thus making camp here would be ideal.

She just wanted to ensure nothing lurked from the battle.
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Reactions: Focraig'Diin
Arumi became impatient with waiting. He could hear the voices, he caught snippets of smell on the wind of the reek of travel, but they seemed to be taking their time to approach his perch. He caught the final instruction Make sure everything is dead.

Standing, he hopped down from the wall, wings opening to slow his descent, and landed gracefully on the cobbled thoroughfare. The wind was less intense in the enclosed space. He followed the path for a short way, coming first upon corpses, and then setting his mismatched eyes upon the fire-haired woman, and the group of wagons and travelers not far behind her.

"The echoes of your group cause my bones to ache," he sneered, his voice slightly horse from disuse.

Selene Avar Focraig'Diin
The mage at last, saw action as this winged figure seemingly appeared out of nowhere, a blur of blackness against the lifeless gray canvas. As it settled upon the cobblestones, the wizard got his first good look at both the caravan leader and her new foe. And just in case it got violent, he willed the ice within him to build as he visualized his most potent construct. To the people below, they would pick up a slight increase in the winds, a buildup to a coming storm. His eyes glowed ever fiercer, and casting aside his snowy cover, he made his way directly atop of them, perching on a nearby fort with all the grace of a snowflake, hidden still by the tufts of white.

He heard the woman's words as he passed them by, and doubled his efforts to keep quiet. He knew a loaded bomb when he saw one, and if the woman spotted him now, he was toast. Literally.

All the while he wondered at the city he had reached, after hearing mention of it in a travel guide, of all places. Belgrath, the Mountain-City of the Dwarves. Once perhaps the crown jewel of all Dwarven cities, and a standard upon which all Dwarves would remember and exalt, here he was watching a winged humanoid and a fire mage about to duke it out. Life was curious like such. He could even hear Traecon of all people yelling in his head the obviousness of the situation. Damned bloodthirsty adrenaline-junkie he was.

He had to stop and wince a moment, the wood tiles creaking beneath him as the construct finished visualization in his mind. All he needed was to crack the 'shell', so to speak, in his head, and the magic would roar forth. But that was not now. He still had to watch and wait. Traceon had been ample example of just what would happen if one recklessly chose to fight, regardless of consequences. He had to lean in to catch the words of the conversation to follow.

Arumi Shacen Selene Avar
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Selene's head instantly snapped towards the winged figure, her lips thinning and her gaze heated with fury at the unexpected company.

Half a dozen of her Knights instantly drew their blades, some of the regular caravan guard pulling out their crossbows and pointing it at the winged humanoid. A frown touched her face, and instantly the Dreadlord tried to pull memories of this type of creature from her mind.

Unfortunately she found nothing.

The mages of Vel Anir were not like those of Elbion. None of them were trained for study nor knowledge of lore. They were killers, warriors utterly devoted to battle. Sure they knew much about their own magics, but species of the world of Arethil?

A peasant might know better.

Especially out here in the east. "Then perhaps you should leave."

Selene said as she took a step forward, her eyes flashing red for a moment as her own magic steadily began to flow into her.

Focraig'Diin | Arumi Shacen
Arumi's mismatched gaze flickered over the threats being aimed at him. Goosebumps lifted on the winged elf's arms as the wind rose bitterly in the high-walled passage. His wings were half open, ready to take flight if needed, but the shift of weather from the coming storm had him second-guessing if entering the sky was not a dangerous idea.

He scoffed at the red haired woman's suggestion, lifting his chin. He noted the flash of her eyes, the assurance in her stance, and the aggression of the step she took towards him. She evidently had no concerns regarding her own safety; likely because she had a dozen men behind her with weapons at the ready.

Arumi maintained a wide stance, arms loose at his sides but fingers curled. It would be folly to attack her. He may have laid his claim to this spot in his mind, but at the time he had assumed it was a caravan of peasants approaching, not a group with a fully armed guard. And he had not flown several hundred leagues to end up dead in these frozen mountains.

"The corpses will give you warmer company than I would have," he muttered. His wings snapped out with a single flap then folded comfortably against his back and he turned on his heel, back the way he'd come, fully aware he might find a crossbow shaft through his chest if he stayed.

Selene Avar || Focraig'Diin
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Reactions: Selene Avar
Well, it seemed the conflict would be resolved in peace. The mage however, did not release his magic. He himself had traveled far and long, and would need a lift into the deeper areas of this city. And said lift was right before him, just in front of the winged one who was walking in his direction. He figured the lady of war at the head of this caravan was the leader, and from the sheer danger she seemed to emanate even now, he decided to do the sensible thing, Traecon's influence nonwithstanding.

"Hail travelers! Care to help a poor mage find his way in? It's been a long trek, and my feet cannot take more strain!"

Damn that swordsman to hell. He made his way down from the fort, approaching the winged one. While this one was not the reason he maintained the flow of his magic, this entity was still to be wary of, standing between his impromtu ride and all. And if negotiations failed? He would improvise.
Selene was about to signal her crossbowmen to shoot the winged man and end his life when a voice boomed through the small valley.

She cringed slightly, and then quickly waved her hand down. No weapons were lowered, but none were fired either. Perhaps that was a good sign, but with the tension still high in the small alcove all bets were still on. Best to watch and wait.

"That depends." Selene called back.

This situation was not ideal. There were too many unknowns. A strange winged creature, a rogue mage? This had never been a part of the plan for this mission.

Still, she'd been trained for this.

"Where did the mage come from?" She asked. "And what does he want?"
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Reactions: Focraig'Diin
Arumi's footsteps stalled at the call that echoed through the area and the heavily cloaked figure that was now approaching him. Was this some sort of meeting place? It wasn't a crossroads, nor was there apparently anything of importance here. Just frozen stone, snow, and tunnels.

He glanced back over his shoulder as the woman responded to the request, the wind whipping raven curls out of his hair tie. So she would threaten Arumi on sight, then negotiate transportation for another random stranger a moment later? Apparently pretty words made a world of difference.

If only he could safely fly away from this circus without risking being blown into the mountainside.
He wanted to bite back on the sarcasm. He really did. What could a man want, dressed in such robes in the middle of a snowstorm? A good morning?

"A warm bed, for starters! And something hot to either eat or drink! I care not in which order they are served, only that they are found. I have been trekking for 2 bloody weeks!"

Yes, the sarcasm was loaded with this one.

He marched past the winged creature, sparing him not a glance. He knew better than to poke at a tense, cornered animal. Better show he meant no harm. By not showing the entity any attention or interest. He still had that spell ready, just in case.

In hindsight, not a good idea, but the cold and need for warm food was finally getting to him, worsened by the continued... corking of his magic. Sooner or later he would need to either use it or dispel it. He approached until he faced the woman face to face, icy blue orbs peering from the shadow of his hood like floodlights.

"What do you desire in return, by lending me such... simple things?"
Would she burn the man alive? The temptation was certainly there. Out here there was no law to prevent her from killing even an innocent man. It was a benefit of being outside civilization.

Mayhem, murder, she could embrace her darker side.

Still, killing anyone you crossed paths with was not always the smartest idea. Her mentor at the Dread Keep had always told her that every man was useful one way or another, you simply had to dig out that use and make the best of it.

Out here that was more true than ever. They were in the middle of nowhere, her supplies were limited, and the men she had brought her even more so. Any one of them that died she could not easily replace, and the journey to Belgrath would not be an all together easy one. Darker things lurked in those tunnels than just a few bandits.

Everyone knew that. "A name, and an intention."

As she spoke Selene laced her breath with fire, quite literally. Through the cold air did not come fog from her breath but instead a small spark of flame that would be hot enough to make the man think twice about stepping any closer to the Dreadlord. The heat of it creating an almost soft barrier between the two of them.

Her eyes were alight with magic, the intention a simple small warning not to get too comfortable.
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Reactions: Focraig'Diin
He was losing his patience now. Very quickly. There would be consequences. He would not be denied his comfort! And if she desired his name and desire, so she would have it. Jeeze, she really was a lady of war, and apparently on more serious business than he anticipated. He thought it was a simple caravan trade, not with its own goals aside from resupplying.

Then he spotted the flame. A spark really. Then came the barrier of heat. She really was a cautious one, wasn't she? He supposed some... dramatics were in order. He bowed slightly, a bit apart from the wall of heat, and replied formally.

"Rith'Equisid Cryomancer, Focraig'Diin. I come with a simple plea for transport. I will not be a nuisance nor a bother. I shall do my utmost to aid you in your travels until my own destination is reached. I believe it crosses with yours, if your current path is to be believed."

The shell cracked. His eyes flickered once. Then the heat found itself matched by an aura of cold, as his own magics activated. He decided to cancel the golem construct, in the end. The resulting replenished will was welcomed, however diminished.

"If you require any... armed aid, I can of course, be of service there as well."
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A mage.

Of course. Why else would someone be traveling out here? From the wave of cold that reached out from him she could feel what sort he was, though not a complete picture of course. It made sense to her, though in truth she cursed herself for not having seen it earlier.

It only left the question of the winged man. "Very well."

Selene motioned towards her man, and slowly they lowered their weapons. With the knowledge she had now The Dreadlord doubted they would have been of much use, though a well placed bolt would fell even the most powerful of wizards. That was a lesson The Academy had distilled into every Dreadlord from day one.

A simple weapon could kill you as much as any magic.

"And you?" Her gaze flicked to the winged man. "What do you seek?"

Focraig'Diin | Arumi Shacen
Arumi's wings tensed, his attention whipping back to Focraig'Diin as the cloaked man approached him. His divergent eyes narrowed... and the man walked straight past, as if he didn't exist. That appalled the avariel almost as much as if he had been poorly addressed.

It was probably just as well. Arumi had wanted to be left alone. But there was still the threat of the woman and her party. Even though he had stepped away without incident yet, it did not mean the winged elf was yet safe. He had hardly gone a dozen strides before halting where he currently stood. The conversation ongoing between the two strangers was not sounding wholly friendly, either, in spite of the resulting agreement.

The spark of fire magic popped in the air, causing Arumi to turn, curiosity overcoming him. He hadn't yet met another able to control the flames since entering this strange land. In truth, he had met hardly anyone, avoiding civilization for the most part. It was then that a sweep of deep cold rolled out from the cloaked man and over Arumi, causing him to shudder and wrap his wings about himself. Perhaps furs would have been a sensible choice of attire, rather than relying on magic to warm his body.

His surprise at being addressed by the woman, and without hostility at that, did not show on his face, but his gaze flickered to her feet and back up with mistrust. What did he seek? Deeply, nothing she could provide. But more immediately... "Are there settled lands to the east of here?" Arumi queried.

Selene Avar || Focraig'Diin
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The question seemed to amuse Selene.

For the first time since this odd meeting had begun the Dreadlord managed a crooked smile on her face. The expression was not a familiar one to her, and in fact it appeared...strange on her features. It was still there though, as if the question were a grand joke.

"Barely." The Spine was what split the two continents of Arethil. The east was sparsely populated, barely held together by a few tribes and small towns. The only city real city was Molthal, and that stood to the north.

If one traveled far enough they would get to Minaris, but that was thousands of miles from here.

It was in the West that one would find real Civilization. Elbion, Alliria, and of course Vel Anir. The crowning jewels of humanity and what they had built. There were the elven cities too of course, but Selene would not think of them.
Now he was just about to flash freeze the whole lot and just trek. He had expected the winged one to simply pass by and mind its own business, and now it asks for civilization? Why in Arethil would such a question be asked in good conscious? His temper was slowly slipping.

"I advise you join us then, and head to Belgrath. At least get some rest and food before setting eastward. We can all part on our ways there."

The clearly impatient tone was loud and clear, and the ice mage needed that foot rest, now.
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Reactions: Selene Avar
Barely? That was barely an answer. Arumi's brow creased in discomfort at the strange grin on the woman's face. He couldn't fathom what might be amusing to her. The unknowns concerned him greatly - was the east some hostile land? Or just empty? Or was it full of warring nomadic tribes that did not consider settling in one place to be a sensible way of life?

Clearly he wouldn't be getting any useful answers out of this woman, or her group of silent guards.

Arumi's eyes skipped to the cloaked stranger and he lifted his dark brows. This man was unaccountably presumptuous. "I didn't think this was your party to be handing out invitations," the winged elf chided. The idea of travelling with this lot was appalling to say the least.

His mismatched gaze returned to the flaming-haired leader of the caravan, but he maintained half of his attention on the man. He clearly had a shorter temper even than Arumi, and that said much about his character. "If I can beg of a single meal, that would be... appreciated." Arumi tried to keep the distaste of asking a favour out of his voice and expression. "And I might ask what you can tell me of fire in this land." He unfurled his wings from about his body just enough to reveal the ball of flame held in bare hands close to his chest, keeping him warm.
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Reactions: Selene Avar
Selene glanced at the winged man considerately, then looked back towards the caravan.

They had more than enough supplies to spare, that was true enough. Plus, perhaps there was something else to be gained here. The Ice Mage would make good meat for the grinder as they attempted to reach Belgrath, but this...creature might be able to give her information about something else she wanted.

Something else that no one in the caravan knew a thing about. "Very well."

The Dreadlord said slowly, waving her hand to the arrayed soldiers.

There was a moment of hesitation, and then each and every man slowly lowered their weapons. Hostility was her ordinary way, but that did not mean Selene knew no other path. Diplomacy had it's place as well, and out might be worth trying.

"Come." She told the two. "We'll speak after camp is set up."

The Merchants would be itching to get nearer the cavern opening. The ruins would provide a meager bit of protection from the elements.
"Allow me to assist in warding this chill."

As the Caravans reached the caverns, he gestured once, and ice crawled out over the edges of the opening, reaching towards the earth until it shaped into a narrow corridor, the winds blowing upwards into the mountainside, instead of into the caverns itself. Snow still crept in, but in amounts enough to be dismissed. He released a plume of frosted air, feeling a bit heavy on the mind as his magics receded. Not enough for any large scale constructs for another hour, at least.

He had enough to defend himself incase negotations went south, again. With another gesture, what chill and ice that clung to the wood/steel transports were gathered into a sphere in his open hand, a small, revolving mass of chill he breathed in quickly.

That would suffice as a small pick-me-up. A handy trick, but he didn't dare risk using the snowstorm itself for energy. He would become an ice sculpture worthy of a museum. And Mentor would haunt him from beyond the grave for being so foolish.

"Now, food?"
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Reactions: Selene Avar
Arumi nodded once with the slightest tip of his brow, acknowledging the woman's acceptance of his meager request. Threaten first, ask questions later. His wounded soul understood that form, but experience had taught him when to pick and choose the order of interaction. He got the sense this woman would aim an arrow - or her men's bolts, in this case - at anything, or anyone, she did not immediately deem without risk. In recognizing the woman's magic, Arumi understood why she was more willing to speak with the ice mage.

Ah, the ice mage. The winged elf managed not to roll his eyes at the man's theatrics. Clearly this one desired attention and approval. Arumi's wings drew closed together again in front of his body like a great midnight feathered cloak and he shuddered as Focraig sucked in the freezing air.

Arumi milled about the edges of the group while the caravan set itself up, thankfully relatively sheltered now near the mouth of the cavern. He was unwilling to assist with the setup, knowing he was more likely to be in the way than of any help. It was evident this group had been travelling for an extended time, and they were efficient in preparing camp. Besides, several members of the group gave him strange looks, clearly uncertain and uncomfortable with his presence.

As cookfires were established, he approached Selene, still wrapped up in his wings. "You wanted to talk?"
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The camp was set up with surprising efficiency. Perhaps it was the watchful eye of the Dreadlord, or perhaps it was simply the need for expedience in the cold. Most of them wore furs and thick coats, but the mountains had a way of drilling the weather into you.

That was one fact Selene had already discovered.

”I did.” The Dreadlord said as the odd winged man approached her. She wondered briefly if his kind had been documented by the great librarians, or if he was something that had hidden in the East for so long.

It was often impossible to tell.

”I seek something in the mountains.” She told him. ”In the very peaks.”

Selene glanced at his wings. ”Have you traveled there?”

One would assume so, though she supposed there were never any guarantees.
The men of the caravan thanked him for the shelter from winter's bite, and had a plate of warm soup prepared. Taking it with a nod, he pointed at the woman talking with the winged one, his intention clear. One of the men, a stout fellow with an unusually curled moustache, whispered beside him.

"She be Selene Avar, a Dreadlord in service to Vel Anir. Call her a battlemage for short."

He got the battlemage part down - her little display of fire was proof enough. But why the... discretion? He tilted his head in curiosity, and the man seemed to understand.

"We don't tell much 'bout em. They be but servants, emotionless husks, if what I hear is true. She's one of the more dangerous ones as well, so don't go rilin' her up. You may be good with ice, but you don't wanna fight a Dreadlord and hope ta walk away in one piece..."

Inwardly, the mage chuckled. He wasn't looking for fights anyway. Often times his hand was forced. They would part ways after reaching Belgrath, so there was that too. He was fairly confident in his odds should it come to pass however, as they were in the mountain areas. Finishing his soup, he thanked the men then approached the two conversing people, maintaining a distance to not seem intrusive.

And what would a fire-themed Dreadlord be searching in these mountains? He himself was revisiting a part of the Rith Cryocodex when he saw the caravan in the first place, involving weather attunement and sympathetic imposition of physical frost upon his ice. Simply put, using the weather itself as fuel for constructs, not himself as his willpower. But he had traversed the mountains, and was willing to share information.

"I have."
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