Looking for another story.


I have not been intensely active on Chronicles for a year - one or two threads going at a time at a pace of a post every week or two.

For the last couple months that has increased to weekly or every few days. Still only really been a couple active threads. Well, I would like to change that!

I do not have any specific plots in mind. I am offering up Aeyliea, Maranae, or creating an entirely new character for the purpose of someone elses plot if I cannot make it fit within one of my existing characters. If you have an idea in mind that you have wanted to play out, I would be game to try most anything. If you have wanted to RP with me and just haven't had the opportunity, we could work something out.

Just want to get a little more active than I have been, and all you lovely writers out there inspire me greatly.
I am a seasoned writer but I have had major issues with my muse fleeing me for the last couple years. I am trying to get back to writing for i deeply do miss it. Life has somewhat improved and I also find myself at a place where I feel I can take on a few threads.

Thror Firemane is the character I am offering. Do you think we can somehow get a child of the desert and a Dwarven ranger/adventurer to cross paths? I am down for any sort of rp.
Hiya! I'm trying to become more active after getting derailed by real life myself. I've got 9 characters right now that I can write with (Managarmr isn't ready to go, as I'm rethinking what to do with him, if anything).

Was there any direction you wanted to take your characters in terms of development, even if you don't have specific plots in mind? Like some sort of general idea as to how you wanted your characters to change. I also saw you have other characters not listed in your original post. Did you want to do anything with them as well or just Aeylia and Maranae at the moment?
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I do have thoughts regarding the brewing civil war in Dornoch/Oban, and might retool Miriel to fit a role in that story arc if you have any interest in that.

I am totally willing to make a new character to suit someone elses plot too. I could probably write Tian again as well.

Aeyliea's storyline has to do with broken faith and facing a world that is not what she grew up being taught with the numerous hurdles she has to deal with due to the culture she is a part of. I would like to push her down a road to maybe reunify her people and break them free from their religious zeal ... as soon as she can be broken away from it herself.

Maranae's story is basically one of finding her humanity. Her story is dark AF, and will be illuminated as such. Just think of the girl and the dog in Full Metal Alchemist and you have a rough idea of what is going on.

I took a peak at Discord and saw some mentions of a civil war, but I don't know too much about it except what I saw from June. o: None of my existing characters are directly connected to either but could be roped into the war as mercenaries. Evirea Nymbos is one of my mercenaries. My other merc is Micardrin Baenarn, but he's a member of the Blackshields; he probably wouldn't be able to get involved on his own. I also have an assassin, Cirithyll "Reverie" Faervel.

Raisanu might be my best fit for Aeyliea. She's a monster hunter by trade, being raised in a clan of hunters, and comes from the Taagi Baara Steppes. However, she does travel, so she's probably seen more of the world in contrast to Aeyliea. That said, Raisanu is still young and naive. She's very focused on her work, so she doesn't think an awful lot about the nuances of different cultures and ways of life. Perhaps she could be dragged out of that. If that sounds cool to you, perhaps they may run into each other out in the wilds.

For Maranae, I have Xián Yuè, who is a jeweler and a good-aligned faerie. He's similar to a unicorn; he can heal the sick and purify corruption to some degree. He'd probably be interested in trying to help in some way. I skimmed a more recent thread and saw a mention of learning how to create things. Perhaps he could help with that.
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I wouldn't mind a light thread right now. Or a heavier thread (Though you'd have to wait till after the holidays if you wanted something fast-paced)