Private Tales Legacy of the Damned

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography
Akiza Sonshal
Crowne Garisi

Looking at it from afar, one wouldn't assume there to be much wrong with the city of Reikhurst, but the closer Afanas got to it, the more desolation he perceived unfurling before his eyes.

Reikhurst wasn't as much of a city as it was a skeleton of one, a rough outline that had the meat stripped off its bones and lifeblood sucked out of its veins. High-rising walls encircled the city, their wind-kissed sides ragged to the point where they practically blended into the overgrowth of foliage.

The very air permeating the outskirts smelled wrong, stagnant, carrying the aroma of sun-baked decomposing wood. It assailed his nostrils and made his face scrunch.

He wasn't the squeamish kind, but the reek of hopelessness got to him; a once prosperous city reduced to an above-ground mausoleum, only the cadavers were missing to complete the picture.He strode through the main gate, its dilapidated archway glaring down at him like a frowning ogre.

Afanas spilled into a wide, hungry street and let his eyes wander over the buildings; barely a window was whole, barely a roof unmarred by ravages of time. Even the echo of footfalls and laughter was long, long forgotten.

In fact, Afanas couldn't hear much of anything at the moment. His sensitive ears failed to pick up on the chirping of birds or the familiar buzz of insect wings. Even animals avoided the dead city, it seemed.

What remained of the pavement was like a dull grey puzzle with pieces missing. The missing sections were, at times, filled in with debris and dirt, and grass, weeds, and short shrubbery, mostly evergreens, dotted the once pristine street. Other times, there were gaping holes, with chunks as large as his head sitting nearby.

Beneath an age-bowed tree lay a skeleton, its bones bleached white from exposure. Carefully, Afanas detached its skull from the rest of its frame and inspected it for any signs of fangs and other unusual growths.

Having found none, he determined that the cadaver was of human, rather than vampiric, origin.What little he knew about Reikhurst he knew because of his father. The man had, under a mortal guise, visited the city twice, both prior to and after its desolation at the hands of vampiric cohorts.The vampires dwelling under the very pavement he was currently treading upon were no kin of his.

They were diseased, every single one of them, afflicted to exist in a state of not quite life and not quite death till the end of their days. Afanas felt a measure of pity for the lot of them. It was difficult enough being born as a creature of the night.

Transitioning from a human and into one ought to be ten times worse. Nonetheless, they had succeeded in laying waste to an entire city many generations ago.

It stood to reason that many of them were capable, if not seasoned, warriors. Warriors he needed, in spades, no less. There simply wasn't enough quality manpower in Alliria for Afanas to work with, and, besides, most mortals couldn't meet the standard he intended to set.
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  • Yay
Reactions: Akiza Sonshal

Vaiz Onder Elissal called his Devils to a secret meeting. The time, he said, to make the first of their covert moves had come. Like the raindrop which disturbs the placid lake, small would its impact be at first, but its ripples would travel far and wide.

Elissal laid out his plan, and it involved the lost city of Reikhurst, and the Reikhurstan diaspora. And when he spoke of the perfect candidate for the plan's first phase, the eyes of Nemeska, Boesarius, and Castulo—fellow Devils—all turned to Akiza.

But she blinked and looked baffled. "What? They're not my friends," she said curtly.

As a matter of practicality though, Akiza could hardly argue. Reikhurst, as all the tales went, seemed a ghost town, but some knew the truth: that a whole host of vampires dwelt within, underground and unseen, a dark mirror to the ruined daylight kingdom above. Indeed, a Vampire King ruled there, and into his court he was said to accept envoys and entreaties from his fellow kindred of the night, and others whom civilization scorned besides: and that garment fit her well, didn't it?

How did the Vaiz Onder acquire all of his information? Well, Akiza wasn't one to ask. Or judge.

* * * * *


In some ways, it felt liberating to be on her own again. She didn't have to pretend to be a Penitent, and was free of the anti-magic anklet she otherwise would be bidden to wear. The solitude of travel through Campania and through the heights of the Spine came with a kind of solace, and the motion of it felt like stretching her legs after a cramped rest. But she knew not to become too relaxed, too complacent, and always to keep a keen edge to her awareness; she'd made that mistake in the past—a few times, admittedly—and each time it nearly cost her everything. The price of simple joy could be steep indeed.

At last she came within sight of the ruined city. Reikhurst.

Menacing gray clouds, dark and bleak, choked the sun and sky, and Akiza had to wryly wonder if this was merely a coincidence of timing or if King Jürgen had secret and powerful means to keep his "kingdom" so enshrouded. She could smell rain, but as yet none fell on the city.

Without the sun's tyranny she was free to use her magic. And she did. Instead of traveling through one of the ruined gates, she became a slick of blood and slithered to the top of the city walls and became human again. There she surveyed the city, and it was much as described: silent and dead, a years-old calamity evidenced in half the buildings, and the disrepair of abandonment clear in all the rest. She could see why most people would balk at traveling here. But her kind, so she understood, would be welcome; she needed only to find the appropriate entrance.

So Akiza morphed again into a spatter of blood and dripped down from the walls and to the ground inside. Human once more, she walked through those old streets, empty of life and purpose, and her eyes darted and her ears stood guard.

She heard something. Far off. Something like the snapping of bone? Unbeknownst to Akiza, another visitor, Afanas, had just taken the skull of a skeleton and lifted it up for his own inspection.

Akiza, many minutes later, for she tread carefully, would come to that selfsame age-bowed tree. With caution she approached the skeleton, finding it headless. She couldn't know if it had been headless since the calamity of Reikhurst, or if such had happened far more recently.

She glanced around.

Was she alone?

Afanas Crowne Garisi
Crowne Garisi Akiza Sonshal

Afanas clenched his fist, causing his fingers to sink into the cranium bone, puncturing it as if it were nothing more than a thin eggshell.

The entire skull cracked in his hand before crumbling into fragments, the majority of which slipped through his talon-like fingers.

Unimpressed with his discovery, he discarded a fistful of the organic detritus like the trash it was, snorting indignantly. He had little interest in the deceased's intrigues. Whoever left the cadaver in plain sight most likely shared his sentiments.

His sharp earlobes twitched momentarily. Even over the sound of bone being shattered and pulverized, Afanas detected the smallest trace of footsteps and a whiff of ambiguous scent that was neither his own or his companion's.

When he initially wrote to the king, Jürgen, weeks earlier, the monarch curtly assured him that there would be someone present to pick Afanas up when he arrived. It dawned on him that whoever or whatever he sensed approaching might be the one tasked with revealing him the entrance to the underground lair that was the true Reikhurst, rather than the desiccated shell of a city that existed aboveground.

In view of this possibility, he chose to wait, perching himself on a crumbled portion of a house wall until the promised guide appeared.
  • Yay
Reactions: Akiza Sonshal
Akiza looked again to the old headless skeleton. Hardly could she glean anything more than what she had already ruminated on.

She'd a mind to press on, to leave the bowed tree and the little square in which it was centered behind. She did have a purpose here after all, and she needed to find whatever secret passages there existed down to the everdark Kingdom below these ruins.

But a little nagging feeling bid her to glance about her surroundings just one more time. And so Akiza did, looking here at this corner, there at that corner, into old glassless windows and through doorways without doors. And then her eyes started to search upwards, looking upon what roofs and what upper stories remained standing. She was close to scorning that nagging feeling, thinking it a premonition without good cause.

But, at last, her seeking eyes found another pair of eyes. Looking at her. From above. On a crumbling house wall she found him, still and silent as the grave.

And following a slow blink (for wonder of how she could have missed seeing him there for so long), she gave a wan little smile and said with her brand of wry humor, "Not as sharp as I used to be."

Afanas Crowne Garisi
  • Ooof
Reactions: Afanas
Afanas' gaze lowered, meeting that of the stranger. His eyes scrutinized her, sweeping up and down her frame with a curious glint to their dark centers. His brows knit together. This woman didn't bear the heraldry of Reikhurst, therefore, she either wasn't one of the city's inhabitants, meaning she was here for an audience, or, far less likely, Jürgen felt it apt to be coy about the meeting. Afanas quickly dispelled the thought. King Jürgen was both too stern and too…forward, to resort to such rudimentary trickeries.

Without a word of warning, Afanas stood up and plunged from the height of fifteen feet. Colors and shapes whirled before him as he plummeted, before settlibg into the familiar sight of streets, buildings and trees once his booted soles struck pavement. Small lumps of dilapidated stone flew away from his feet, the force of his descent having displaced them omnidirectionally.

He dusted off, straightened his back and finally elected to take his hat off, placing the bottom of it against his chest. In doing so, he squinted, for light didn't treat his sensitive eyes with much consideration.

"You needn't sell yourself short, miss. You've merely had the misfortune of encountering a professional."

He flashed her a smile. His gums were tar black and shiny, not unlike latex, and his canines long, dagger-like and glinting wickedly against the stygian backdrop of his maw.

"Perhaps our chance meeting portends to a future partnership. Tell me, if you will, what brings you here, business or pleasure?"
Akiza Sonshal Crowne Garisi
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  • Yay
Reactions: Akiza Sonshal
The various strains of vampirism throughout Arethil were a minor interest of Akiza's—though she'd hardly taken the time for any sort of deep study. Spying the color of his gums and the incredible size of his fangs, the man before her was not of a strain perfectly suited for infiltration and mingling among the non-vampiric. Little did Akiza know of Afanas' true nature, however.

"The first. Regrettably," she replied. Then with a little shrug, a sentiment of who knows what the future holds, she added, "Maybe I can find an excuse for the second."

Making a display of regarding the whole of the man, her eyes tracing down from the peak of his formidable height and then back up again, she mused, "You don't look like a gallant hero, here to cleanse Reikhurst."

She didn't have anything against daring adventurer types. In some ways, she got it, she understood it, why someone or someones would come to a place like Reikhurst with monster hunting or vampire slaying in mind. Her only reservation was that "daring" had a tendency to cross over into "foolhardy" a little too easily.

"So. How about you, then? First or second."

Business or pleasure.

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Afanas
The various strains of vampirism throughout Arethil were a minor interest of Akiza's—though she'd hardly taken the time for any sort of deep study. Spying the color of his gums and the incredible size of his fangs, the man before her was not of a strain perfectly suited for infiltration and mingling among the non-vampiric. Little did Akiza know of Afanas' true nature, however.

"The first. Regrettably," she replied. Then with a little shrug, a sentiment of who knows what the future holds, she added, "Maybe I can find an excuse for the second."

Making a display of regarding the whole of the man, her eyes tracing down from the peak of his formidable height and then back up again, she mused, "You don't look like a gallant hero, here to cleanse Reikhurst."

She didn't have anything against daring adventurer types. In some ways, she got it, she understood it, why someone or someones would come to a place like Reikhurst with monster hunting or vampire slaying in mind. Her only reservation was that "daring" had a tendency to cross over into "foolhardy" a little too easily.

"So. How about you, then? First or second."

Business or pleasure.

"Reikhurst belongs to its current inhabitants by right of conquest. It would be hypocritical of me to oppose it, given my background as a sellsword and the inherently violent nature of my occupation. Although, I'll admit, I detest needless cruelty, and I've never spilled blood simply for the pleasure of it."

He strode in a circle around her, his pace languid and effortless. Moving with grace worthy of a feline, his booted soles barely brushed against the gravely substrate with each passing step. He descended the flat of his palm, almost as large as a dish plate, upon her slender shoulder and gave it an affectionate squeeze. His countenance lay shadowed under the wide brim of his hat, its ivory features barely peeking through the half-darkness of the protective shade.

"My name is Afanas, and I'm here to parley with King Jürgen Kaiser. He has something I need, and I have something he needs, so to speak."