Dreadlords Kalix’s Spirit Week

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group


Raging Tiger
Character Biography
[for 2.0 and 3.0 dreadkids to join, possibly have some fun, possibly get in a bit more character development]

DAY ONE: Dance Off (Niamh )
DAY TWO: Bake Sale (Kristen Pirian (another can still join!))
DAY THREE: Maid Cafe! (Zael Castomir (another can still join!))
DAY FOUR: Potion Gone Wrong! (1)
DAY FIVE: Two on Two Magic Volley Ball (up to 3 characters can be in on this!!)

Kalix huffed, tugging at his tunic’s neck line. Suddenly, it felt hot out of nowhere. When the initiate had heard of Spirit Week for some reason he thought it would be about seances and maybe having Chasmine talk about the spirits she saw again. Or watch Dorian eat spirits for a week. Something like that, not a week of weird events where he had to participate in. Man, killing Raf had really turned out to be a pain in the butt, because he had to show the headmaster that he was going to take Academy activities seriously and maybe consider his classmates to not be enemies but comrades.

Whatever. This was stupid. While Kalix actually liked dancing, and was a good dancer thanks to Perseus, he wasn’t interested in having a partner. But that’s what this was: a dance competition that required two people to work together and make up their own choreography. Magic couldn’t be used, or it’d be instant disqualification. Also, performing by oneself was instant disqualification.

And that was the issue: no one was approaching Kalix and asking him to be their partner! And Kalix sure as Kress’ asshole wasn’t going to be asking anyone to be his partner. Unless they were some sort of hot and busty blonde chick. But at this point he didn’t see that. Just dudes and chicks. Kalix sighed, and crossed his arms over his broad chest. Continuing to pout, he only started to look more and more angry and even less approachable. His gold eyes went to the stage to see the first place prize: a pair of fluffy, goose-feathered pillows, one for each initiate. Damn, he hadn’t had such a luxury until that single night when he slept at the Banlick Estate.

He wanted that dang pillow!
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  • Aww
Reactions: Niamh
Niamh received the same letter as everyone else announcing this ‘spirit week’ they were to ‘participate in’. Really, it was pointless to try and gather the entire class for more socialization with graduation only being a few weeks away. What were they going to do if no one showed up? Hold all of them back with the next class of worthless children? She highly doubted they would be so deliberately obtuse.

At least, she thought, if she participated in the first event they may consider that a good enough effort and give her the rest of the week off to enjoy her coveted alone time somewhere far, far away. To her surprise, or delight, the first activity was some sort of dancing competition. Unbeknownst to her classmates aside from Elias, Niamh loved dancing and aside from one semi-intentional tumble she was good at it.

She was certain her elegance was just a perk from the Banick bloodline.

She scanned the room and sighed when she noticed Elias had decided to skip out on the events. Her disappointment was thankfully short lived when she saw the ever so…brazen Kalix huffing and puffing at a pair of darker gray pillows. “Morning.” She folded the invitation and placed it in her pocket. “I didn’t take you for too much of a dancer. Did you also think this was some bizarre week-long funeral procession?”

She gave him the same bizarrely neutral smile she gave everyone else as she stood before him. "Gods I miss having such fluffy pillows. We used to have some like that at home, a similar shade of green as well. Did you know that down pillows are even fluffier and softer than the ones with the quills left in the feathers?" She would not ask him to be her partner for that was not ladylike. If he was so desperate for those pillows, he could beg.

  • Yay
Reactions: Kalix
His golden eyes slowly slid over towards Niamh. Ah, Elias’ main squeeze. Other than Ralene. Elias Sirl had type, and that type was unfortunately Banick women.

Kalix had always been more of Pirian-lover himself. Or Virak. Something about tall ladies always got him—

Yeah, I thought I would’ve seen Chasmine,” Kalix said, still not realizing that Chasmine had been gone from the Academy for a few months now. “Or Dorian. One of those skinny weirdos.” His gaze went back to the pillow, frowned then looked at Niamh. Gray? They were obviously white.

Had no idea. Don’t really need one.” The initiate grinned down at his classmate. “I plan on selling it to some rich-kid noble and making a fortune. I bet they all miss sleeping on their fluffy, white clouds covered in lamb-pelt.” He paused. “Maybe I could try it out for one night though, to make sure it’s not defective.

Seconds passed between them.

So are you gonna be my partner or what?

  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Niamh
A sharp exhale accompanied Niamh’s eyes rolling at the mention, no…thought of Ralene and Elias. How Kalix managed to think so loudly with what anyone could assume was the least brain activity was a mystery to her. It was still a shock that he didn’t have to remind himself to breathe and have a heartbeat. And somehow Kalix still managed to find the most irritating thing to think about. She clenched her jaw briefly and relaxed.

Selling a pillow…” Her eyebrow raised in confusion, but the weirdly neutral expression remained. What a strange creature Kalix was. “I think that is very entrepreneurial of you, Kalix.” She praised the simple boy like a child. “Perhaps you can sell them water with squeezed lemon and sugar next.” A quiet laugh followed before Kalix spoke up again.

So you are asking me to dance.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder. What a surprise. Niamh was almost sure she'd have to exert a little influence to get this dreadlord to function like a normal human. “I’d love to. And I’ll sweeten the deal. If we win, I’ll buy your pillow. Get you a little head start on your new business, yes?

  • Gasp
Reactions: Kalix
Squeezed lemon water with sugar? Kalix at first snorted but… the more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. People were always asking for water with lemon wedges all the time in those fancy restaurants! Why not actually squeeze the lemon into their water for them— rich people hated getting their fingers dirty after all— and then because lemons are sour, why not add in sugar?

Kalix was going to be mother-fuckin’ rich.

Yeah, didn’t you know, Niamh,” Kalix said, grinning as he crossed his arms over his broad chest, “I’m the most en… en… I’m the most interpreter person here!” HA HA! Look at him using big words! And look at that, he already had a buyer! Damn, was he a good salesperson or what? He was going to be so rich when he got out of the academy.

Yeah, yeah, partners.” He began to move to a place where they could practice, but mid step he paused to look over his shoulders. “Can you even dance though or am I gonna have to teach you everything?

  • Haha
Reactions: Niamh
Oh my god. He's really considering it. What have I done? Niamh could only stare with a bemused expression as she let him continue his bizarre thought process uninterrupted. He'd gone on so long that she had begun to consider that it was her who was bad with humor and not he, who was bad with using his brain. Regardless, his dedication was sort of sweet in a silly way. Always a curious creature was Kalix.

"I..." Interpreter? Huh? "Why, yes you are, Kalix. Yes you are." Best let the thing believe what it wants to. He was trying his best.

She began to follow his lead towards the open space, bumping into him as he stopped suddenly. "I can dance. You forget that not all of us were born in some dumpster in an alleyway. I adore dancing.," She reassured him. After all, her last mission involved a lot of dancing at some masquerade ball in Amol-Kalit. Though it wasn't particularly enjoyable with Elias' hostility and a little bit of murder she supposed. "Why do you ask? Did you already have a routine in mind?"

  • Gasp
Reactions: Kalix
Niamh could dance? Since when? But who cared? If she could already dance then they had this challenge in the bag!

Those pillows were gonna be his— then Niamh’s because he was gonna sell one to her! Look at him, practically a dumpster baby and now he was going to be a genius salesperson dreadlord!

Kalix grinned, gold eyes gleaming like a proud cat’s. He gestured for her to keep following them until they could have their own little corner, after he scared some kids out of it. Kalix had never called himself the brightest tool in the tool shed, but that was okay. When it came to physicality, there was some innately there that made him not such a oaf.

He was strong and powerful, yes, but surprisingly stealthy. He had surprised more than one initiate before on how quickly and quietly he could move.

Picking up dancing, especially from a teacher such as Perseus had been easy.

We’re going to do the Anirian Allemande.” Kalix declared, seeming to grow taller and broader with this statement. The Anirian Allemande was a dance that everyone knew of, but not everyone could try it. It was harsh and strict, movements needed to be exact from both partners or you’d most definitely fall down together in a painful heap. It was not a dance performed by commoners or even the middle class— and definitely not by initiates.

Even nobility shied away from it unless they were watching professionals perform it; or if a noble did do the dance it was clearly to show off.

And right now, Kalix needed to show off.

  • Nervous
Reactions: Niamh
"The...Anirian Allemande?" Niamh hadn't expected Kalix to suggest such an intricate dance, nor did she believe he was capable of performing it. If she was being honest, she had thought him more likely to choose something much, much worse. Something embarrassing- like an interpretive dance where Kalix could wag his gangly body about like a monkey.

Though if they screwed this up, it would be equally embarrassing.

"Are you sure you can manage that?" Her arms crossed over her chest. "I'm more than capable of performing a waltz or a minuet. They're much less technically demanding. You want to win, yes?" The concern in her voice did not match the look on her face as she spoke, but she hoped Kalix would pick up on her hint.

Showy was good.

Showy and sloppy? Not so good.

"I suppose if you're still dead set on it, show me what you've got and we will work on it from there."

  • Orc
Reactions: Kalix