

Biographical information
Vel Anir 17 The Academy
Physical description
Human Female Tall Black Chocolate brown Black
Political information
Dreadkid 2.0
Out-of-character information

The House of Mahdi is a minor house and relatively new within the history of Vel Anir. Though new, the house comes with great wealth with a previous generation migrating from Amol-Kalit. Rumor has it, it was a ruling family of the vast deserts who fled a growing War Lord's reign. They came with carts and carts of wealth in the city and servants.

- Vel Anir, A Historical Account by Sven Vladimir


Perseus known by most as 'Perci' is a tall, curvy young woman with dark skin, hair, and warm chocolate-eyes. She typically tries to tape down and flatten her chest as best she can. Raised by a proud father who only wanted sons and ended up with three daughters, she was always shamed for being as far from a boy as one could get. She is often found to keep her leathers and armor on rather than switch to casual wear for the distinct reason of hiding her figure.

She loves shiny things and shows them off through her multiple piercings and bangles in her hair.

Skills and Abilities

Perci can touch any object and do one of two things:
1)Absorb the material so that it replaces her skin. If she touches steel, her skin becomes steel, if she touches rock, her skin becomes rock, etc.
2)She can become that object. This only works with inanimate objects. She can touch water and become a puddle of water, she can touch a sword and become a sword. She can touch a book and become a book, etc.

Typically, she can only transform into 2 different objects a day because it takes a great deal of her energy. If she's pushing it, she might be able to do 3. Absorption can last up to a few hours.

Perci can also track quarry or game and has a true skill at dancing and oral storytelling. She is proficient at basic survival skills. She is also an expert with using her spiked staff.

She does not have the patience for reading or writing and is not very good at it. She detests the cold.


Quick to observe and judge with a frowny-brow. While her glares, bias, and form can be intimidating, she is actually quite gentle with those she cares about. She prefers fighting than reading or strategizing. With her close friends she will open up and tell them some of the best tales around a crackling firepit. And if dancing is afoot, all caution is thrown the wind.

Biography & Lore

Perseus was born in the capital of Vel Anir, the youngest out of three sisters. Her father and father's father were also raised Anirian. The generation before migrated from Amol-Kalit, bringing with them enough wealth to start a minor house, the House of Mahdi. Though settled in Vel Anir for a few generations, Perci's family was all too happy to hand her over to the Academy when she started showing magical aptitude at the age of six. After all, there are some things money can't buy.

Though seemingly wealthy on the outside, the House of Mahdi has lost considerable riches leading up to the Revolution due to poor investments. And being the youngest, Perci was given the hand-me-down hand-me-downs. She was often forced to 'play rich' while wearing threadbare clothing and well-worn boots with third and fourth-class weapons. Perci just sees this as another lie and pressure to maintain for a father that never wanted her in the first place.

Perci didn't mind the brutal nature of the Academy. It gave her a chance to be away from her family and do what she loves, training and fighting. Though not always agreeing with the violence, she did what she had to in order to survive and made a few close allies along the way. Post-revolutions things didn't change much, other than less beatings for being tardy and more time for dancing.


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