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It had been so long...
The sands of Amol-Kalit had been his home for decades now... 50 years of his life had been spent there, and no small portion of it spent helping to safe-guard and train the Abtati of Mari-Kuul - a greatly beleaguered tribe - in a time where they lacked leadership. They became the greatest of the Empire's Sipahi, led by their Vizier, Ashuanar. Ashuanar, who had also been a protege of his, until the time had come for him to leave.
He'd been drawn away...
The whispers of war in the east had not fallen deafly upon his ears, and he knew quite well what this had meant.
One hundred and thirty years ago, to the year, that is when it began. The day had passed, for what it was worth. But yea, that was when it all began. He - for his part - didn't know. The Aerai, in their grandiose opinion of themselves, thought they could assuage the tide on their own. Such folly, as they, and those who trusted in them, would suffer.
Laru'Dahl and his lot were among those who would suffer from such hubris, driven from their homes by hordes of monsters, and forced to dwell...
...In this place...
Carved out of the mountain upon which the Aerai's great capital rested upon, Othronn was known as Sharyrdaes' Sister. And admittedly, it was a grand city. Much of its architecture mirrored that of the surface city, grand and ornate. It was large, and its streets were encompassing. But also too, there were carefully carved passageways, sometimes quite narrow and dark, and many portions of the city that were not as open as the great, wide and open chamber that was the city proper. It was a vast openness beneath the mountain, save for the great natural pillars that spanned from the city's top to bottom, rising like tall spires here and there.
It was perched upon one of the tall buildings within said chamber, Laru'Dahl peered down into the city. It was lit by great veins of luminous blue crystal that lined the cavern's walls like spider's webs. Throughout, dotting the streets, there were altars that shards of the same crystal hovered over, strung up by some unseen force to light the surround. There was also torchlight and lanterns, and all of which lit the city and her streets. There was no exposure to the open world, save for through the passages that took one out in to Sharyrdaes which were upon the upper levels...
Few left from this place.
It was too dangerous outside... and admittedly...
He remembered the beasts... he remembered the screams... he remembered the dark of fog that they brought with them, the tension in the chest, the blurring of the eyes...
He shook his head.
He remembered... but there were many who did not. There were many in this city who did not know what it was that dwelt above... what it really meant that they were here. And he could admit, that he was fortunate that in these days that the war seemed to go well, and his journey back to this city had gone relatively well.
But that was not to say it had gone without incident...
As he peered down from the height of a tall structure, he could see a great many things. As he had known, this city had become home to a great many people. There were his kind, elves who had descended from the El'thulians, driven from their homes by the ravenous Gwathui and their master. But there were also various sorts of humans, lionmen, lizardfolk, and various other ilks as well. Unfortunately... they did not all get along. A brawl between a few orcs and a number of humans and elves had broken out, and it was quite violent.
In the opposing street, some differing tribes of lion-men had begun fighting one another as well, and it was not long before the first blood was spilled...
That would be far from the last.
He departed from his place, and descended down into a quieter side street, where he would duck out from only to slide down another, moving past one of the conflicts, and on down toward a more populated section of the city. It was what a lot of people around here called The Line, with various bars and taverns, shops and merchants. It was said there was almost anything to be found down here...
At this point, all he really wanted was a drink.
The sands of Amol-Kalit had been his home for decades now... 50 years of his life had been spent there, and no small portion of it spent helping to safe-guard and train the Abtati of Mari-Kuul - a greatly beleaguered tribe - in a time where they lacked leadership. They became the greatest of the Empire's Sipahi, led by their Vizier, Ashuanar. Ashuanar, who had also been a protege of his, until the time had come for him to leave.
He'd been drawn away...
The whispers of war in the east had not fallen deafly upon his ears, and he knew quite well what this had meant.
One hundred and thirty years ago, to the year, that is when it began. The day had passed, for what it was worth. But yea, that was when it all began. He - for his part - didn't know. The Aerai, in their grandiose opinion of themselves, thought they could assuage the tide on their own. Such folly, as they, and those who trusted in them, would suffer.
Laru'Dahl and his lot were among those who would suffer from such hubris, driven from their homes by hordes of monsters, and forced to dwell...
...In this place...

Carved out of the mountain upon which the Aerai's great capital rested upon, Othronn was known as Sharyrdaes' Sister. And admittedly, it was a grand city. Much of its architecture mirrored that of the surface city, grand and ornate. It was large, and its streets were encompassing. But also too, there were carefully carved passageways, sometimes quite narrow and dark, and many portions of the city that were not as open as the great, wide and open chamber that was the city proper. It was a vast openness beneath the mountain, save for the great natural pillars that spanned from the city's top to bottom, rising like tall spires here and there.
It was perched upon one of the tall buildings within said chamber, Laru'Dahl peered down into the city. It was lit by great veins of luminous blue crystal that lined the cavern's walls like spider's webs. Throughout, dotting the streets, there were altars that shards of the same crystal hovered over, strung up by some unseen force to light the surround. There was also torchlight and lanterns, and all of which lit the city and her streets. There was no exposure to the open world, save for through the passages that took one out in to Sharyrdaes which were upon the upper levels...
Few left from this place.
It was too dangerous outside... and admittedly...
He remembered the beasts... he remembered the screams... he remembered the dark of fog that they brought with them, the tension in the chest, the blurring of the eyes...
He shook his head.
He remembered... but there were many who did not. There were many in this city who did not know what it was that dwelt above... what it really meant that they were here. And he could admit, that he was fortunate that in these days that the war seemed to go well, and his journey back to this city had gone relatively well.
But that was not to say it had gone without incident...
As he peered down from the height of a tall structure, he could see a great many things. As he had known, this city had become home to a great many people. There were his kind, elves who had descended from the El'thulians, driven from their homes by the ravenous Gwathui and their master. But there were also various sorts of humans, lionmen, lizardfolk, and various other ilks as well. Unfortunately... they did not all get along. A brawl between a few orcs and a number of humans and elves had broken out, and it was quite violent.
In the opposing street, some differing tribes of lion-men had begun fighting one another as well, and it was not long before the first blood was spilled...
That would be far from the last.
He departed from his place, and descended down into a quieter side street, where he would duck out from only to slide down another, moving past one of the conflicts, and on down toward a more populated section of the city. It was what a lot of people around here called The Line, with various bars and taverns, shops and merchants. It was said there was almost anything to be found down here...
At this point, all he really wanted was a drink.
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