Open Chronicles Hospitality | Bhathairk

A roleplay open for anyone to join


...and a dozen other titles
Character Biography
Tag: Urzog Mhartoc

What a disgusting little city. Truly wonderful.

Part of Aivrid didn't want to go to Bhathairk. It was far from his dealings in Amol-Kalit and the Seret Mountains, and he knew little about the current state of affairs in the great orc city. But he supposed that was part of the appeal -- he was here to expand his influence to a place that he knew little of and that knew little of him. According to the rules, he wasn't really supposed to be showing up at places in the flesh, but he had been invited personally, and who was he to turn down some orcish hospitality?

He did learn a little more about clan Mhartoc, though. Aivrid's run-in with Urzog wasn't something he remembered very well -- well, some parts he remembered, but he didn't particularly remember Urzog unfortunately. Still, he wasn't one to forget a name. Clan Mhartoc was known for their beast taming prowess, which made sense considering Urzog's hunt for an antlion. A master might be able to properly tame such a creature. The proverb "Ride on a Mhartoc, and you will only have to ride halfway" was quite the sell for their products, and he was eager to see what beasts they had tamed.

Even so, there were faster ways to travel than a mount. The skystreams were the greatest transportation systems in the world. Despite his many attempts to divine more of their nature, he had yet to find a way to replicate the skystreams. Thankfully Bhathairk was close enough to the ending of one of them -- the time it'd taken to get there from his domain was short enough.

The dull day in the orcish city was broken by the roar of the black behemoth from far above. Aivrid was no savage beast like some among dragonkind, but a little roar would alert the people of the city to his presence. A slight tilt in his flight caused him to bank to the left, and the wyrm glided a few times around the city; the last time the tip of his wing nearly touched Bhathairk's walls. The air seemed to change, not just due to the movement of the great dragon, but his presence as he landed in a field outside the city's gate. This was the site of a great event, surely, heralded by the arrival of a leviathan of unparalleled size and power. Aivrid stood tall, his neck raised such that he could see all the city -- and all the city could see him.

Knowing they could hear him, he made his address. "Urzog of Clan Mhartoc," he boomed, "I am Aivrid of the Seret, and I am sure you know why I am here." Whispers and rumours traveled quickly through the streets -- was this some greater being that had been tamed by the great Mhartocs? Their status as legendary beast-tamers was surely well earned if that were the case.
  • Yay
Reactions: Urzog Mhartoc
Urzog poured whiskey on the cut of his right arm. He had spend the day wrestling with the Antlion he had captured in Amol Kalit. While the beast had accepted it's new place in Bhathairk and stopped trying to batter the fences, it hadn't yet accepted a rider. Communicating with such beasts was an intriguing task that Urzog continually learned and improved. One thing that almost always stayed constant was their tendency to communicate in violent fashion. As an orc, Urzog was not opposed to this, but it left him with scars to tend to most days.

"Urzog, outside." The doors burst open as one of his clansman entered the room. Urzog looked at him and noted a sense of seriousness. He would have asked what had concerned his cousin, but the sound of the dragon's roar split through the city and removed any questions.

"To the wyverns." Urzog commanded, abandoning the process of treating his wounds and heading over to the wyvern stables. Rushing over he mounted Lucky Day, a strong red wyvern with blue stripes across her wings. He took hold of the bridle and clicked his heels onto the beast's sides, and into the air she went.

The dragon was a great black beast, and easy enough to spot. It seemed to be landing outside the city, but did not raise it's claws or summon it's flames. Odd, Urzog had not known dragons to perch.

Then it boomed, in a voice Urzog hadn't heard, but one that called to his name. Urzog fought through his memory and recalled that the host of the dinner he went to had the name Aivrid.

He had dined with a dragon? Dragons couldn't hold their liquor? Not to mention all the other things he had done with the dragon . . .

"Urzog, did it call for you?" His clansman asked as they rode towards the dragon.

"Yes brother, I know this one. Go home and prepare a feast, we have a guest this day." Urzog yelled at his companion. The orc gave Urzog an odd look, but turned his wyvern around towards their home. Urzog flew towards the outskirts of town and landed his drake near the creature. Part of him wondered if it would be an offense that he rode a wyvern to the dragon, but wyverns were mindless beasts only partially related. At least, that was how Urzog understood it.

"Aivrid!" He greeted Aivrid outside the city gates. "You've gained weight." He said with a laugh. "It suits you."
  • Wonder
Reactions: Aivrid
our travels have taken me and my men many places on many quests but no quest had prepared us for this, my company of troops have dwindled what was 10 is now 3 including myself. pitiful.

the beast landed 50 meters from were we had dug in and concealed ourselves with magic. we usually camp near towns rather than in them its much cheaper that way.

with that gust of powerful wind from the beasts landfall it disrupted my scouts concentration causing us to be immediately exposed.

"we cannot fight the demons of the sky with so few men" i mutter to myself staring at the beast.

it began to rowar common speak into the city. calling apon beast tamers of some class, just what we needed more problems. this was to be a simple mission now its become a mess, it is my dutie as a servant of the gods below and his majesty to seek out all demons that would seek to harm the childeren of the darkness and end there lives or die trying, but i must be smart not all creatures that fly know the old ways nor do they know the lionmen rule and fall.

"stand your ground men. it has not seen us just yet. we are behind it so unless it turns around we should be able see what its intentions are, we cannot let it attack this city, the gods say to turn a blind eye to death and destruction is to cause death and destruction" i say in a hushed tone, my words were right but of course they are just words to keep them calm and focused, i have no idea whats about to happen

we stand very still and quiet watching this creatures movements very carefully
Tag: Urzog Mhartoc Lieutenant Shko

Pleasantries are so rarely pleasing.

As expected the city became a buzz of activity. In the distance he watched wyverns -- his disgusting little cousins -- hop into the air, soaring towards him. Their venom was strong, but only their eldest might have teeth and claws that could pierce Aivrid's thick scales. If he had been attacking this settlement, he probably wouldn't even need to take to the air; he could just stomp on through, crushing these little orcs and watching them run away from him...

The dragon inhaled through his nostrils. Unfortunately he didn't know Urzog's smell due to the restrictions of his form from their last encounter, but he could only assume that the great beast master rode only the greatest beasts, or as close as could be managed. Wyverns were likely the closest creature to a dragon that a little one could ride without enraging Aivrid.

As he waited a few furry beasts -- no, they were humanoid, weren't they? The dragon looked upon the lionmen with a single purple eye with disdain, refusing to explain himself. He was not here to fight, though he was sure many would love to prove themselves against a dragon...

Still, being welcomed by Urzog was much better for proving his intentions; or at least soothing those who thought the dragon might be here to do as dragons often did. After all another black, fiery dragon had been roaming across the lands nearby, burning all who he saw. Aivrid would need to speak to Zull, though in truth there was no real consequence to burning a few dozen villages.

The dragon gave a genuine laugh. From what he remembered, Urzog's voice had been deep and powerful, but in this form it sounded rather comical. He imagined seeing a once small and frail man turn into an enormous dragon was quite the sight as well. "Indeed I have! Though I see that your city is not entirely prepared to receive me in this form," he said, looking at the tightly-packed buildings of the city. Aivrid raised one of his front legs, seemingly clutching something in his claws. He brought it to his face and spoke a few words in draconic. Suddenly the dragon disappeared, in his place standing a blue orc of the Seret. He'd chosen this form to better ingratiate himself among these people. Unfortunately, fear wasn't everything.

The orc walked over to the beast tamer and his mount. He was dressed in a quaint robe and coloured beaded necklaces; far from the majesty of a dragon, but certainly a prime specimen of the people of the Seret. "You must tell me more of this city and your people, Urzog. I have much to do... but first, food. Open the feast to the public, I am sure the food you prepare is the most exquisite that this place can offer." He started towards the gates of the city.

There was much to do.
As the dragon laughed and spoke to Urzog, certain memories of the lunchdate began to clear up in the orc's mind. He distinctly remembered the phrase 'populate the world with dragons'. It seemed the phrase was not a metaphor like he originally thought.

The dragon appeared to cough, transforming into one of the blue-skinned orcs he'd seen while in Amol-Kalit. Urzog could feel some of the tension leave the city as the dragon adopted a more convenient form for mingling about Bhathairk.

"Upon hearing your call I told my brother to have the Mhartoc clan prepare a feast. There will be much food, drink, and games to be played."
Urzog said as he dismounted the wyvern. He would take a moment to bring his palm underneath the chin of the beast, then bring his forehead to it's nose. Then the orc would click twice, and Lucky Day took off, returning to the stables.

"I am glad you have come Aivrid. It is an honor to repay a good host."
The Orc said as he walked with the dragon through the gates of the city, garnering the craning of more than a few necks as they went by. "We shall eat vigorously, then I can tell you whatever you wish to know of our wonderful city."

Urzog always tried to be a good host, but neglected to greet the sight of Lieutenant Shko and his troops in his excitement at seeing Aivrid. The city guards would let them in without incident, but warn them to stay out of trouble. Bhathairk was known to be one of the safest cities for merchants to travel to, largely because no individual member of Bhathairk was afraid of providing some 'street justice'. They would, of course, be welcome at the celebration the Mhartoc clan was preparing.
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  • Wonder
Reactions: Aivrid
Tag: Urzog Mhartoc Lieutenant Shko

Quick to the uptake.

"Excellent." He'd expected as much. From his experience, orcs did indeed love to eat. Though from what he remembered, Urzog hadn't done much eating -- of the usual kind at least -- during their last encounter. Aivrid had no plans to waste a good meal here, but he did have plans for what remained of his visit. If everything went according to plan, he'd spend a few weeks here. If not, he'd head home tomorrow with a full belly.

The disguised dragon nodded to his new host. The rules of hospitality were foreign concepts, but he understood promises. Dragons would lie and cheat and deceive, but when there was a true promise given, they would not forget. Urzog had vowed that Aivrid would be well-received upon his arrival. Repaying someone in turn tended to be in terms of vengeance and violence; it was an odd experience to have such an idea be positive in nature. "It is an honor to be hosted by you, Urzog." Well, maybe it wasn't. Aivrid didn't know how exclusive Clan Mhartoc's hosting was, after all.

The pair began to walk through Bhathairk; Aivrid allowed Urzog to lead the way to his hall. The blue orc could not entirely tell what the city's denizens were thinking. They poked their heads out of their windows and spied from the alleyways, retreating if he looked at them, then reemerging once they had passed. Aivrid decided he did not entirely like the feeling of being watched. Perhaps he should be more courteous when scrying.

"Tell me of the leaders of this city, Urzog," he asked -- well, perhaps more ordered, but the sentiment was clear. "And your clan. Clearly you have tamed many formidable beasts." Urzog could become an excellent agent in the future... he'd have to create a few more speaking stones tonight.