Holiday Secret Santa Gift Exchange (Sign Up Within)

Character Biography

Tis the season of giving!

Twas the night before Giftmas,
and all through the lands,
every creature was busy,
making merry and plans.

For they knew with the sun,
the Dawnbringer would appear,
with her giant basket of gifts,
filled with good tidings and cheer!

Each creature would hurry,
to buy, find, or make
a lovely gift to give someone,

so a gift they might take!

The Holiday Secret Santa Gift Exchange is meant to be a fun way for your characters to show off their skills of crafting, finding, stealing, or buying. Each gift offered into the exchange will be given to another randomized character who has also signed up and provided a gift! Here's how it works:

  • Gifts must be submitted to me by PRIVATE MESSAGE and use the template provided below
  • Gifts must be submitted to me by no later than 11:59PM EST, 12/23/2021
  • Gifts must be ACTUAL IC items or things your character would craft/make, find, steal, or buy to provide as a gift
  • Gifts will be delivered ICly in an Open Chronicles thread by Vela Claws on Christmas Day
  • Only characters that have provided a gift to the exchange will be eligible to receive a gift
  • You may provide one gift per character
  • Velaeri will be giving away a single Golden Feather to one lucky character enrolled in the Gift Exchange


Gift Template
Send this to Velaeri in a PRIVATE MESSAGE

Gift Giver: (name of the character providing the gift, if they wish to remain unknown simply put "Anonymous")
Gift Name/Title: (What is the gift called?)
Gift description: (Tell us what the gift is, describe its appearance, uses (if any), powers (if any))
Gift Image: (If you have an image for your gift, put the direct link here)
Gift Note: (If your character would like to leave a note about the gift, put it here)