Hello there!


Hi! I'm really bad at introductions but you guys can call me verano or simply Ver!

I'm a 23 year old fantasy genre lover from Brazil, so please forgive me in advance if I make any mistakes in my future RPs because I'm not a native English speaker hahah. I really enjoy writing characters and creating stories and I look forward to that and of course, to interacting with everyone here!
Welcome Verano!

Glad to make your acquaintance and be able to welcome you to the forums! I think you'll find people are very welcoming here and that there are a lot of talented writers as well. Hope to see you in some threads soon!

Also on a side note I dig your avatar. What series is that from if you don't mind my asking?
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Reactions: verano
Roan Dorn

Thank you! I'm just cleaning up a few details before creating my character so I can get started! As for the pic, I don't really know tbh hahahah I was just browsing Pinterest for some avatars and happened to find this one

Silver Romani

Thanks for the welcome, Silver! Hope to get to some writing with everyone soonish!
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Silver Romani