Roan Dorn

Roan Dorn

Biographical information
Village near Vel Anir Late 30's - Early 40's N/A
Physical description
Human Male 6'1" 232lbs. Light Brown Blue Caucasian
Political information
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Large, well muscled and thick in thick in the shoulders. Keeps his hair short and his beard trimmed. Anyone looking at Roan can recognize that he's no stranger to long hours of hard work, the muscle of his body is tightly packed and condensed from a lifetime of lifting, packing and hauling. He tends to keep himself clean whenever possible but regardless of his dress Roan carries himself as a soldier.

Skills and Abilities

Martial Combatant - Trained as a professional soldier Roan knows how to wield a variety of weapons specializing in the combination of sword and shield with at least a basic proficiency with the spear, axe and other common arms. Knows how to use a Bow adequately though he likely won't win any archery competitions.

Armor Mastery - Throughout his time as a professional soldier Roan has donned a variety of different armor. At times he's dressed in Full Plate and on other occasions Chain Mail. Regardless of the armor he's wearing Roan's expertise serves him well. He knows how to wear his armor for long periods of time and in combat without feeling the same fatigue and exertion as other men do. Given the opportunity Roan knows how to wear most sets of armor in such a way the the weight is distributed evenly throughout making it seem lighter as a whole.

Slow but sure - Speed and swiftness are not necessarily Roan's forte whereas strength and fortitude are. While he may never win at a footrace Roan has vast reserves of fortitude which allow him to continue fighting longer after he's received grievous amounts of punishment and shrug off blows that would stun lesser men. He's also a strong man, his fists are like hammers and he can lift his own weight without much effort.


Patient. Roan has learned that life is a marathon not a race. He's perfectly happy to allow others to rush around making moves while he waits for the right time to strike once. When he does lose his temper it's generally a slow burn that others don't see coming until it's to late. Enjoys a good drink at the tavern and throwing the dice but is careful to moderate most of the time. Willing to teach those who are willing to learn but doesn't suffer fools for long. Somewhat charitable dependent on the circumstances.

Biography & Lore

Before he was a Soldier, a Mercenary hiring himself out for coin Roan Dorn was a Farmer in a small village northwest of Vel Anir. As the majority of villages are in that region this one was well within the sphere of influence of Vel Anir, it provided crops to the city in exchange for military protection. When trouble came to the village the soldiers of Vel Anir never came to help though. Whether they stretched thin or simply didn't care the men of Vel Anir never came to Roan's village and so he watched as it burned down around him, friends and family slain.

That was a lifetime ago. Sometimes Roan himself has trouble remembering it. Since then Roan has served as a Mercenary in one army or another and for one Lord or another for so long he can't fathom any other life. He's fought in Border Wars, against Bandits, against the Orcs and he knows enough of the world to recognize that little will change in this age or the next.

The future of Roan Dorn is written on the edge of a blade, roving from one place to the next......


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