Hello hello!


Matthew 19:24 says eat 'em
Hello hello! I'm Meg and thanks for checking out my introductory post thing that definitely isn't pasted on my profile! I've been an on and off roleplayer for a good ten years now but would by no means say I'm super experienced, and have decided to delve back into forum-based RP after a long hiatus.

Outside of bartending and occasional RP I'm an absolute glutton for tabletop RPGs, MtG and 40k, and have been writing the occasional bio for characters that'll probably never see the light of day for quite some time. Horror is an absolute favourite genre of mine, with fantasy running with that in tandem.

Despite being on n' off with roleplaying I'm always open to learning and discovering new things and improving how I write, and I'm always open for a friendly chat out of character!

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to talk and RP with you all very soon!
Welcome to the jungle!

Hope to see you around, looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Tried to think of some MtG puns, but I don't want to trample your enthusiasm-- You probably have some high vigilance towards that.
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