Private Tales Healing of the Heart

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Cillian grimaced at the offering of coins and instead placed a silvery leaf on the counter top making the bakers eyes light up with joy. The pair nodded at one another then Cillian followed Sierra outside. There was a glimmer and then he settled a glamour over Sierra's form. If she caught herself in the reflection of a shop window she'd see pointed ears and angular features, even a set of gossamer wings against her back.

"Ye shouldn' o' come out here alone, lass," he said beneath his breath. Frau Frau stood in the square, tackless, and pawing at the ground next to Sierra's own horse. "Ye gave me a fuckin' heart attack!"
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Sierra
She reached the reins of her horse and began untying them. Her hand smoothly going over the mottled-grey hair. She let her hold on her magic relax and felt the tiredness begin to creep in. But nothing trumped her fury right now. Even as she looked down in the water trough and caught her new reflection.

She spun to Cillian, one hand still gripping the leather of her horse. Her voice was low.

"I gave you a heart attack? Me?!" Her fury was beginning to catch like kindling starting a fire. And gods help them if she didn't keep control on her magic or she would be making him feel very angry soon enough. A finger tapped against his bare chest as she got closer. Her horse's ears twitched and flickered back, a hoof restlessly and uneasily pawing at the ground.

"When were you going to tell me where we really were? When were you going to tell me about ANY of this? You think this is SAFE for ROSE?" She took a sudden step back, heart stalling in chest. "You left Rose alone?!"
  • Nervous
Reactions: Cillian
"NO! No... I would ne'er leave 'er alone," Cillian was hurt she would even insinuate he was so irresponsible. He'd been looking after the girl for weeks on his own and been doing a pretty fine job, if he did say so himself. The leprechaun knew he would never be a replacement for her mother - never wanted to be - but he had hoped he'd been a good stand in. Every picture on the wall was a sign he had been. He dragged a hand through his hair and tried to keep a tight hold on his emotions.

"I did'nae lie to you lass, you're somewhere safe - both o' ye - but wanderin' off like tha'... the fae paths dinnae work the same way as human roads. An' this town... nobody will hur' you if they know you're wit' me, but you just wanderin' in here wasn't smart."
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Sierra
One hand angrily pushed away auburn strands that had fallen across her face. Through her simmering heat, she could feel Cillian's hurt. It took a tiny bit of bite from her anger but not much.

"How am I supposed to know what I don't know?" Her head hung and she took a deep breath, heels of her hands coming to push against her eyes. They dragged away as her head snapped back up toward him. Toward those golden eyes that always seemed to find her gaze.

"I didn't even know fae existed until I met you. I found you, Rose, and the glen traveling off a road from Vel Anir. I just wanted to do something nice for you...for once. I just thought I'd be back on the road. Gods Cillian, this is all new to me."

She was used to being one of the strongest and most feared beings in a room. And now where was she on the food chain? She couldn't even get some goddamned morning pastries without messing it up.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Cillian
"I know," he took a deep breath. "I know I know I know," Cillian shook his head and then gently wrapped one arm about her waist and pulled her closer, balancing the cups of coffee and hot chocolate in the other.

"I just panicked when you weren't there when I woke up. Sierra... I don't know... I don't know what I'd do if you never came back one day," he whispered against her hair. The scent of her filled him and comforted him. She was here and she was fine. He'd got here in time. He knew a part of that fear was an irrational part of his own mind spurned on by the bond he could see between them. This town was not dangerous. The fae here would push, but the same troll who served human baby pastries had also made a flower crown for Rose and listened to her babble about her idea for a giant unicorn cake.

They were safe.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Sierra
It was like pulling in a prickly porcupine. At first. She remained stiff and rigid even as his arm looped around her. Even as she looked over Cillian's shoulder and saw a pointed-eared female walk by with daisies for clothes whisper to a green-haired female with leaves for clothes as they passed.

Each had razor-sharp teeth.

Her heart twisted at his words, her attention coming back to the worry in his eyes. What she heard in his tone. And felt as it burned off most of her anger.

Not all.

Finally, she leaned against him. Just a little bit. "Let's go home." Taking in one more deep breath against him, she stepped back and took the drinks. She had a carrier for them in her bag.

"Don't think this gets you off the hook for having a very serious conversation about this later. I have a lot of questions I want answers to." Placing the drinks in the holders, she saddled up and waited for Cillian to do the same. Her mommy-mind shifted to Rose again.

"Who did you leave Rose with?"
  • Nervous
Reactions: Cillian
Cillian watched her go to her own horse and made sure she got on all right before swinging up onto Frau Fraus back in a quick vault. Almost as soon as he was seated she aimed her next question and he ducked like it was an actual arrow.

"Wit' someone I trust, she's ah wa'er nymph. She belongs teh tae river at teh bottom of my glade, 'er and Rose have gotten close over the last few weeks. She's safe," he glanced over at her waiting for the next torrent of anger. His back was braced like there was an iron rod down it.
  • Haha
Reactions: Sierra
A sprinkle of amusement played across her features at Cillian's reaction. But she tucked those feelings in tightly as they trotted out of town and back up the path that wound through the woods. "You said last night other fae can come into the glen. Do we have to worry about other fae coming in; ones you don't trust?"

And for once the dreadlords that were after her were the last thing on her mind.

She couldn't quite put down the image of the tall fae with the silver hair from the shop.

"Does this mean I won't be able to leave the glen as an escort?" Her eyes bulged at her own question, voice tense and strangled as she asked. She didn't like the idea of being powerless or trapped somewhere.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Cillian
There were so many things to explain and Cillian would rather not have been having the conversation when they were on horses and she was mad with him. He could feel that anger like a razor across his senses. Cillian's brows pulled into a frown at the last question in particular and his head shook vigorously.

"No, No lass yer not a... not a prisoner or somethin'," he scratched at his beard as he thought about how best to explain it. "Teh... place where my glen is, they don't hate humans. Not like in some other... fae places," he grimaced at the thought of summer and the irony of how close she had once been to those lands. Unknowingly. "When ye go out ye just need to wear somethin', somethin' tae show ye mean no 'arm. That you're a friend o' teh fae. You remember teh necklace Rose was wearin'? Well you'd need somethin' like that," he sighed and then ran a hand through his hair.

"As for fae comin' into teh glade, well... they just... wouldn't. Hospitality is an important fae rule."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Sierra
She felt our own tension begin to slowly unwind. Her anger burning away to be replaced by something deeper. Wearier. The fear she'd felt in the shop. The use of her magic. All before having breakfast and coffee was a little...much.

Especially for a dreadlord on the other side of Rebellion.

Gods, she was tired. She didn't want to fight with Cillian. She just wanted to spend time with him. And Rose. She wanted a moment where she didn't have to worry about keeping Rose or herself safe. Where she didn't feel herself hurt Cillian's feelings.

"I never thought I was a prisoner, just to be clear." She didn't want him to think that. Ever. "I just didn't realize we were in a Especially a world where I'm not in charge," the side of her mouth twitched upward.
  • Sip
Reactions: Cillian
"It's.... not another world exactly," he sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Kress, lass, t'is wasn't how I wanted teh explain all this tae ye," he breathed out through his nose and then took another deep breathe. Where did he begin when it came to the fae? His kind were a messy, complicated, ancient thing that had been around since before humans had been alive. Or at least, that was what the legends said.

"Teh fae... they can... it's like an illusion but mages, elves... teh can't see through it. Only someone wit' teh sight can. But these towns, cities? They've always been there. Only now... now ye can see 'em too," he glanced over at her to see how she was handling the information so far.

"Ye shouldn't 'ave been able teh find that town. I didn't think..." he blew out a breath. "I guess it makes sense, seein' how you turned up here."
  • Stressed
Reactions: Sierra
"Would you rather have explained it between the bedsheets?" A golden-brown brow lofted in the leprechaun's direction. Her horse whinnied and it was hard to tell for one moment if the horse understood what they were talking about. Head shook and Sierra adjusted her grip on the reins as they continued up the path.

Up ahead she saw the tell-tale signs of the entrance to their grove.

Two curving oak trees with moss hanging down like a curtain between them. The dreadlord thought about what he said. Was that why Vel Anir hadn't really known about the fae or their world. Or had been so focused on the elves as their enemy?

"What did you call it," she looked over to his bearded face, for a moment letting herself appreciate his bare chest with no sense of shame. "You think I have the Sight?"
  • Smug
Reactions: Cillian
"I'd 'ave rather o' explained it over wine," he muttered and frowned at the space between Frau Fraus ears at the road ahead. There were actually, a lot of ways Cillian would have rather have explained all of this to Sierra. None of them involved charging in in a wild panic to the local town and creating a stir. Now fae would be interested. They'd want to pry. They simply couldn't help themselves it was just in their nature to gossip and dig for information. Information was power after all.

"Yes... I.. I'm not.... 100% certain why but that's teh only way you would have found the town," he ran a hand through his hair. "I gave it tae Rose, but I hadn't given it to ye... I was goin' tae! Just... was plannin' on it after this... conver...sation...." he trailed off and sighed.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Sierra
"You gave it to Rose?" Her voice raised an octave as she tried not to get angry. As she realized all those conversations about Rose's friend unicorn and the fairy house might have actually been real. Cillian had done this without asking her?!

Fingers tightened on the reins as she forced herself to take a steadying breath.

Again, all before coffee.

She could already feel a headache begin to form behind her eyes. At her temples. If Cillian had done it, she could trust he'd done it for a good reason. Couldn't she? He was the one that came before the work broke out. Met her in the middle of a battle with the undead. Taken her daughter to safety upon request.

Remember Sierra, REMEMBER.

"I might need some wine before coffee this morning," she grumbled.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Cillian
Cillian flinched at the ire in her tone and ducked when he glanced back towards her with a sheepish smile.

"Well... she said she wanted teh see a real unicorn..." he begun to explain then realised that the explanation might only hinder his attempt to not get a slap around the face. So wisely he shut his mouth and focused on the glade that was fast approaching instead. It looked nothing special, just another twist in the road, until they were past the bowing trees and the glade as Sierra knew it came into view.

"It dinnae hurt if that's what you're worried about," Cilli consoled her and glanced over to her once more, already feeling more relaxed she was back within a space he knew and could protect her in.
  • Smug
Reactions: Sierra
The familiar site of the house with the flowery-filled fields and soft grasses. The river down the hill and Rose's treehouse. The moss entryway a curtain at her back. Her horse immediately paused and dipped its head, happily munching away.

Sighing, Sierra got down, carefully balancing the drinks and breakfast items. "No, I'm not," she would've pinched the bridge of her nose if she'd had a free hand. "I'm not sure what I'm worried about." She'd learned a lot in the last thirty-minutes it had taken to get breakfast.

She had fae sight.

Rose had fae sight.

They were right down the road from some fearsome beings even though Cillian wasn't worried about them directly hurting Sierra or Rose. "Just promise me you'll discuss any future decisions that involve Rose with me first?" It had nothing to do with not trusting Cillian. It had to do with knowing they were a team now. Or, she was trying to see if they were a team.
  • Bless
Reactions: Cillian
Cillian's eyes flickered between hers and then he nodded.

"Aye. Aye, lass I can promise t'at," he gave her a shy, crooked smile, as though he was still unsure whether or not she would scalp him some more. Seeing no further bad reaction he gently reached out and took the drinks from her hands so that she wasn't balancing everything. "C'mon, I think I know where she is," he tilted his head towards the river and then begun to walk.

Cillian lead them down towards the river, beyond where he had taken her yesterday on their picnic, to a spot around the bend. Sure enough, there Rose sat on the sand with a girl who looked to be made of water itself. The nymph was delicately braiding the girls hair with flowers when she looked up and spotted the pair. With a squeak she stood and then dived into the river with barely a ripple.

"She's a bit shy," he explained.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Sierra
"Mommy!" Rose smiled and stood running as fast as her little legs would carry her until she crashed into Sierra, locking her arms around her waist. Sierra lightly grimaced mixed with a smile and managed to keep hold of the pastry bags.

Thankful Cillian had taken the drinks.

Her grey eyes remained on the surface of the river though. Scanning. Finally, she looked down at Rose's dark-haired head and the braid of flowers. Her free hand lifted and carefully stroked Rose's hair around the flowers. "You look beautiful, Rose. Are you hungry? We brought breakfast."

Rose pulled back and placed her hands on her little hips, getting a look that Sierra got sometimes.

"Mommy. You cannot just leave the glade without asking Ceecee," Cillian. "And you need a special necklace. See? Like this one." Rose proudly held hers up, looking over at Cillian with a look like, what're we gonna do with Mommy?

"Oh and this is Ariel and she's my friend!" Rose looked behind her and took Sierra's hand in one of her sandy palms and gently nudged the dreadlord down closer to the river. "Ariel, it's okay. Mom this is Ariel. Ariel this is mom."

Sierra looked as the water began to move and shift and dug into one of the pastry bags. She didn't know how any of this fae stuff worked but she thought sharing food across cultures might not backfire in her face. At least, she hoped it wouldn't. "Would you like a guava pastry?" She held it out toward the water.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Cillian
Cillian tried very, very hard not to give Sierra one of his signature smirks when Rose told her off. He couldn't, however, not give her one of those I told you so stares and share an exasperated sigh with Rose who smiled in delight at not being the one in trouble. For once. He then turned to watch instead as Sierra was tugged down towards the water edge and took up a spot where Rose had been sitting in the sand to enjoy his coffee and remove the giant claymore from where it was strapped across his back.

A watery see-through head slowly materialised from the water and large pale green eyes stared at the extended pastry. The water nymph then glanced to Cillian as though to make sure the human was indeed safe before carefully emerging and accepting the treat. It was hard to say exactly where the pastry went for a being who seemed entirely made of water but delicate bite by delicate bite it vanished.

"Thank you," she said in a voice that sounded like the brush of the waves against a pebbled shore. "Would you like a shell?" she offered shyly, plucking one of a delicate pale yellow from the shore and holding it out.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Sierra
A trickle of amusement mixed with ire as she felt the smugness from Cillian. Also from her own daughter. A small sigh of resignation left the tip of her nose, letting Rose and ‘CeeCee’ win this one.

Sierra had known someone who could manipulate water at the academy. But this was entirely different. The magic to the empath felt more ancient and wild. And Sierra was more than relieved when the pastry was accept and consumed. Surprise at the offer back.

The dread lord wasn’t really one for baubles and nicknacks but knew it would be a blunder to refuse. “It’s lovely, thank you. And for watching my daughter. I can tell she likes you, a lot.”

A hand brushed some of Rose’s hair over one of her shoulders. Rose wiggled and looked up. “Moooom.” But the girl smiled, happy that everyone was getting along. And that Cillian looked more like himself than when he’d left this morning.

“Ariel, can we finish my hair now and then can we play the splash game in the shallows?” Sierra sighed and plucked another pastry from the bag. “Eat first please. Then you can play.”

Rose snatched the pastry and nearly inhaled it, her priorities no secret to anyone. With a resigned sigh and a soft chuckle, Sierra turned and joined Cillian on the sand. Plucking up one of the coffees and offering him a pastry in exchange. Her shoulder brushed against his as she sat, watching how happy Rose was. And that alone nearly broke something inside of her.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Cillian
Ariel slowly crept from the water the rest of the way once Sierra retreated, though the shy nymph kept glancing in her general direction as though she were sure she might change her mind and launch some attack. She did, however, go back to braiding Rose's hair with flowers and eventually also took up the song she had been singing before the pair had interrupted.

Cillian let out a breath and finally let himself relax as calm serenity settled once more over his glade. He offered Sierra a small smile when she headed back towards him and a bigger one when she offered out a pastry as an olive branch. The grown fae was not much better than the small fae as he inhaled the pastry and licked his fingers clean.

"T'ank ye, for teh pastries and coffee luv," he murmured and took a sip. "Tis my favourite cafe in this spot."
  • Aww
Reactions: Sierra
"You're welcome," she murmured, nursing that coffee for all it was worth. Trying not to let her own emotion overwhelm herself. This is all she ever wanted. To see Rose this happy and carefree. To know she was well-cared for.

And now that Sierra was with Cillian?

To feel cared for like Rose was...that was something Sierra never dreamed could happen. Never thought possible. Never dared to wish for it.

She picked out a cheese pastry for herself and set the bag down, munching thoughtfully. Finally asking, "What did I do wrong back at the shop? My magic was working and then they all just knew."
  • Sip
Reactions: Cillian
Cillian almost chocked on his coffee as the laugh caught him by surprise. The result was scolding the inside of his throat and he thumped his chest as he cleared the blockage whilst still trying to laugh.

"Ye said thank you," he glanced down at her with great amusement twinkling in his golden eyes. Something so natural and positively human that it would have broken any kind of spell or glamour even the most powerful of fae could have woven. "Teh fae... we dinnae say thank ye," he shook his head, lips still curved into a smile though tempered somewhat. "When ye do a bargain - even a sale - yer trading something fairly. Tis not somethin' teh be thanked," he shrugged.

"Is just good business."
  • Haha
Reactions: Sierra
"All because I said two words?" Head shook, auburn brows lifting on her light skin. The feeling of his ausement sparked her own. This fae world was something else. She had a lot to learn if she was going to stay here. And it seemed Rose was a far faster study than herself.

Rose and Ariel had moved to the shallows of the river, where the change in flow brought up a little strip of sandbar. Ariel was making some beautiful animal shapes out of water, flowing them around Rose's outstretched little hands. Splashing the little human playfully.

Rose's laughter lit up and filled the space of the glen.

Grey eyes turned back to Cillian.

"I suppose it was good you chose that moment to come in all your fae, shirtless avenging glory. Sword on your back and everything." Hand lifted, brushing some of his hair away from those golden eyes of his. "You sure you want a dreadlord and her little hellion around and causing this much trouble in your world?"
  • Haha
Reactions: Cillian
"Aye," Cillian gently caught her hand before it could fall away from his face and turned his lips to press a kiss along the soft, sensitive skin on the inside of her wrist. "I don't think I've ever been more sure of something in my life, Duchess," he assured her. And fae couldn't lie. Did she remember that from when they first met? Did she still not believe him or had she done her own research on his kind? He would just have to be patient and wait for her to believe it for herself.

"So... does.. that mean ye want to stay here?" He asked, unsure if he wanted to hear the answer in case it wasn't what his heart wanted so desperately.
  • Aww
Reactions: Sierra