LFG Grab your pitch forks and bolt cutters!

Character Biography
I'm thinking of running a slave revolt thread with one of my characters, and all four of them could really use some more friends/enemies in this world. And depending on which character I use, could affect how the revolt runs.

Varos: Nice and quiet background work, whispering the words of revolution to ignite the spark.
Wulren: Full open revolt! Grab your pickaxes and shovels to turn on your masters! We brought backup to cover you!
Rerreno: Inspiring speeches, which may or may not lead to a semi-peaceful resolution.
Vulpesen: Something more mediated. Inspired by all three with a very human perspective as Varos, Wulren, and Rerreno are all god-like fae just toying with the mortal realm.

Soooo yeah? Who's down for a lil bit of revolution?
I'm thinking of running a slave revolt thread with one of my characters, and all four of them could really use some more friends/enemies in this world. And depending on which character I use, could affect how the revolt runs.

Varos: Nice and quiet background work, whispering the words of revolution to ignite the spark.
Wulren: Full open revolt! Grab your pickaxes and shovels to turn on your masters! We brought backup to cover you!
Rerreno: Inspiring speeches, which may or may not lead to a semi-peaceful resolution.
Vulpesen: Something more mediated. Inspired by all three with a very human perspective as Varos, Wulren, and Rerreno are all god-like fae just toying with the mortal realm.

Soooo yeah? Who's down for a lil bit of revolution?
Who are we revolting against? I'm open to slaughtering the drow en mass.
Vulpesen If your characters are fae, what is their stake in this? Where would said revolution occur and who would be the enslavers? Just trying to figure out the best way to plop Jantu in this.
The Vitae Court believes in protecting the mortal realm and slavery is against their core beliefs. Vulps is their warlock, so its possible that he's the one being sent in to handle it if they don't take a personal interest.

The thread is early enough in its planning that I'm fine with it happening most anywhere. For the slavers, I was thinking of a random town to be placed somewhere on our great big map. Slave society that the vitae court has decided to bring to its knees by a possibly(probably) violent revolution.

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Dauner Jantu

Think I might be throwing up the thread today if y'all are still interested. Ready for a bit of Vive le revolution? Probably gonna be in the Allir reach in some random corrupt city.