Most people see very little of Jantu, as he prefers to wear a long, dark robe, hood, face covering. His eyes, brow, and hands are the only glimpses of Jantu’s flesh that anyone is likely to observe. His forehead bears a wide V-shaped tattoo. Beneath the outer black robe are further layers of cloth in deep greens, browns, and blues. He wears a large necklace holding an amulet made from woven fibers, metal, feathers, leather, and bone.
Jantu carries a light polearm with a flared metal blade on one end. He appears to use it more for walking and to direct his animal companions than actual combat.
Being Nazrani, Jantu’s canines are larger and stronger than other subraces of humans.
Jantu carries a light polearm with a flared metal blade on one end. He appears to use it more for walking and to direct his animal companions than actual combat.
Being Nazrani, Jantu’s canines are larger and stronger than other subraces of humans.
Skills and Abilities
Jantu is a warg, able to temporary transfer his mind and take control of an animal companion. He sees through their eyes, hears through their ears, tastes with their tongue. He controls the animal in this state while his own body is paralyzed and vulnerable. He is effortlessly able to control animals that he has formed a bond with, but he may attempt to control any animal within his line of sight with varying degrees of effort. Being nearby, especially in physical contact, makes the action much easier. In general, the more intelligent the animal, the more difficult it is to "warg into."
As warging is a form of mind control, he is able to telepathically communicate with animals in a similar fashion (although he will often vocalize as well, as it makes for better conversation). The degree of communication that he can achieve depends on many of the same factors as govern his ability to warg into them. This also enables him to tame animals much more easily than most. He is able to communicate perfectly with animals that he has formed a bond with.
As for non-magical skills, Jantu subsists mostly by hunting and is a good tracker. His Nazrani race allows him to subsist on an almost completely carnivorous diet.
Holona is a koryoraptor that Jantu befriended whilst they were both held in bondage in the Aberresai Savannah. She is his closest and most loyal friend, and a fierce predator. Her scales are predominately a light tan/cream color, with deep gray, almost black swirling patterns concentrated around her eyes and back. She has a large crest and dulap, both a striking scarlet red. Her claws are extremely durable and sharp, and the second digit of each foot bears an oversized talon. Holona’s kick is lethal to most enemies.
Holona is large and strong enough to carry Jantu and all of their supplies while maintaining a running speed comparable to a horse’s gallop. Released of burden, she can outpace all but the fastest mounts.
Jantu is reserved and distrustful. He holds kindness within himself, but it is buried deep. He will never willingly put himself into a situation that he cannot control or escape.
He prefers the company of animals, with which he finds easier conversation and companionship. His understanding of the world has been shaped by this bond, and he still views many situations in an “animalistic” manner.
Jantu’s past has given him a deep empathy for mistreated and exploited children. They are, in general, the only human lives he prioritizes over animals.
Biography & Lore
Jantu has little memory of his early life in Aina o Ka La. He was born to loving parents and developed his warg gifts almost at once. He would hold regular conversations with the lizards, birds, and insects that called the islands home (as much as a young child could).
He was kidnapped by Cortosi slavers before he was five years old in an invasion that saw many of his kinsmen captured or slain. Thus began a part of Jantu’s life that he refuses to speak about to any human. He was bounced around Arethil, and his only friends were the animals he was able to speak to in secret, from the birds that flew to his barred windows to the mice in his cell or room. He was trafficked as far as the Aberresai Savannah before escaping his bonds at the age of 15.
His escape was assisted in large part by a koryoraptor that had also been shipped to the savannah. A pack predator by nature, the young and isolated creature found as much comfort in Jantu’s company as Jantu found in her. He named her Holona, and with some assistance from very nimble-fingered rats the two fled in the dead of night.
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