Quest From Alliria To Elbion

Organization specific roleplay for governments, guilds, adventure groups, or anything similar
“Hey, Quoril isn’t it? So I was wondering what it is you do... I know that your some sort of Alchemist or what not, but what is your story?” Looking up from his book, Quoril saw Na’ill sitting atop of his bird Henry. The elf was a touch annoyed at the interruption, but decided he might as well answer his companions query.

“Me? I'm just some elf who was born in Elbion. Nothing special. My mother was an alchemist and healer by trade, and my father ran a library full of rare tomes full of magical knowledge. At a very young age I found out that I had a knack for alchemy so I spent most of my childhood training with my mother. And in my spare time I would go to my father’s library and bury my nose in books. After trying my hand at many of the types of magic I had read about, I discovered a talent for elemental manipulation. I run a small potion shop in central Alliria, but I spend the majority of my time wandering the continent gathering potion ingredients. That’s about all there is to me. So...Uh...What about you?”
Tathra knew himself better than to stay on the ground after the events of last night. He needed the cooling sky beneath him and the warming sun above. As soon as Na’ill and himself were fully packed and ready to depart, he took to the skies.

It was a rather unceremonious event, his wings unfurling their full length to thrust him skyward. After a clumsy false start, he was off, grateful few had been paying attention. Once he was sky bound, his head was slowly allowed to clear. The caravansary was an easy point to circle, and he did so with a lazy gait until the caravan departed. They weren’t swift, and Na’ill’s bird was easy enough to spot. Following them would be easy.

Eventually the mage found himself where he needed to be, the Aberessai Savannah stretching out before him to the north and west, and the sea appearing in the distance to the east. The sight was a soothing ointment for the poor Raaka’s brain, granting peace and calm where the crowd would have no doubt driven him mad in his current state. Hours had passed and all was calm, the small cloud of dust that marked his caravan was far to his right and behind him, having lazily drifted further afield. His mind had drifted to his time in the academy, and was currently debating the applications of marrow as a component when another dust cloud caught his eye. Strange, fast. Suppose a closer look is warranted.

When he approached, he saw dozens of riders, all adorned with armor and weapons, too shrouded by their garb to make out much more at the distance he remained. He could not make out any discernible markings, but what he could do was determine the direction and relative speed. They were headed on an intercept course with the caravan.

Tathra double timed it back to the caravan and dove until he had almost impacted. Sledge was the nearest he recognized, and so breathlessly he reached her. “Sledge...Pretty Boy...raiders, headed this way.”
Laqueta's head snapped up as she recognized the voice of Tathra nearing at a rather alarming speed. Raiders? She pursed her lips.

"Delightful." She pulled her blades from their sheaths and strained to hear what direction the raiders were coming from. Once determining the direction they were approaching from, she dismounted in a rather elegant fashion by leaping from Midnight's back to the ground in a graceful duck and roll motion. The dark stallion neighed softly before continuing to walk along with the caravan whom were rapidly approaching the raiders.

Laqueta felt her skin tingle as her aura turned a dark crimson and she shot forward as a red blur. Finally some action.