Open Chronicles Friends In Need

A roleplay open for anyone to join


Master Thief
Character Biography
Cortosi Border - Eltos

"Fucking rat Veiaran's." One of the Red Guard spat as he stepped just a bit too close to the supply wagon, hands almost immediately shooting up as he turned on his heel. "Keep your dirty paws off our supply wagon's. You'll get your dole end of the day like everyone else. Contract we made with you all lot stipula-"

Elio did not allow the man to finish, not wishing to spend the rest of his evening listening to another lecture. "Of course my good man, I was just looking for a-"

"I said, keep your hands off the wagon. We don't trust you thievin' rat Bastards." The Red Guard and his compatriots took two steps forward. It was just like the lot of them, thinking that threatening violence would get you what you wanted. Brutes never much thought beyond anything else, he was surprised these simpletons managed to dress themselves in the morning.

"Yes yes." He said, waving his hands openly so they would see he wasn't holding anything. "I'll wait until dinner then. Good job doing your duties soldiers. Cortos will never fall now, what with all of this trust and cooperation between the Free-Cities."

Elio rolled his eyes as he stepped between the two men, though in truth they were entirely right not to trust him.

Despite the recent forming of The Coalition of Free Cities, it was still a fact that Cortos was a shattered land. The most powerful monolithic force stood as the Radiant Church, but even they did not have the power to unite the land. So even with a pact of cooperation, the individualism and the small hatrets flickering through each separte man of a free-city was more than obvious.

Particularly when it came to Elio's lot.

The Church and the other cities of the Coalition had decided that Veiara desered it's place in the Free Armies, but being a home of pirates, smugglers, thieves and cutthroats did not exactly breed trust. Not that any of them particularly cared. "Elio, you get it?"

"Of course I got it, Mot. Who do you think I am?" The Rogue sneered, snapping a finger and letting the box he had stolen appear in his hand. "Use it carefully, I doubt we can get more parchment soon."

"Aye, I'll send the letters to the right place. Can't believe the Anirian's picked it clean in a night." Elio frowned slightly as Mot mentioned what the Anirian's had done to the small village around them. Once a thriving farming and trade down, Eltos had put up a resistance to the invaders. Palisades built and farm tools converted to weapons.

They'd never stood a chance. "Get going, I'm heading out with some of the others. Scouting party to the west."

Mot nodded, knowing what he was to due as Elio turned on his heel and headed towards the outskirts of the small temporary camp. Wondering what fun little group of misfits he'd be working with today.