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"It will be Thanasis' flame that claims him." He did not care which Dragon did it, but there would be no mercy this time. Nasri would not be allowed to spin this story or change the tale of what happened here.
The citizens of Yurelia supported them, that much was clear, but the Nobility might not. Rumors would circle and fly, stories would be told, but Kaveh would be the final arbiter of what was said here.
Without hesitation the two royals of Thanasis flowed by a group of guards. One of the Captain's attempted to stand forward and stop them, but Orissa's Gilded Wings carefully stepped between. Hands flashing to swords as the Prince forced their way into the Throne Room.
Already the Vizier stood, his words quietly flowing into the ears of the King. "Your Majes-"
The King began to speak, but in his own hall Kaveh interrupted.
"Your Highness." Some respect was still due. They were in a foreign land, but they were not strangers. "I am sure that you have heard the news."
Eyes flickered towards the Vizier. "I call upon you to enact the justice of your City, of your laws."
His voice was cold steel.
"Turn him over to me." Kaveh did not deign to mention the serpent by name. "As well as his conspirators."
The Vizier visibly paled. "His crimes will not be forgiven."
The citizens of Yurelia supported them, that much was clear, but the Nobility might not. Rumors would circle and fly, stories would be told, but Kaveh would be the final arbiter of what was said here.
Without hesitation the two royals of Thanasis flowed by a group of guards. One of the Captain's attempted to stand forward and stop them, but Orissa's Gilded Wings carefully stepped between. Hands flashing to swords as the Prince forced their way into the Throne Room.
Already the Vizier stood, his words quietly flowing into the ears of the King. "Your Majes-"
The King began to speak, but in his own hall Kaveh interrupted.
"Your Highness." Some respect was still due. They were in a foreign land, but they were not strangers. "I am sure that you have heard the news."
Eyes flickered towards the Vizier. "I call upon you to enact the justice of your City, of your laws."
His voice was cold steel.
"Turn him over to me." Kaveh did not deign to mention the serpent by name. "As well as his conspirators."
The Vizier visibly paled. "His crimes will not be forgiven."