Fable - Ask Fortunes On Fire [Noel]

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Noel was more than happy to push the conversation away from Edric.

The fact Gilram had absconded with so many of her class, the fact that she couldn't even stop fucking Meredith from holding her back, and the pigheaded idea that Edric thought he could do more good than harm by running off with that pack of fools was all too much. It angered her in a way that took her focus off the mission.

Off the task at hand.

"I'd blame Sable," she remarked, matching Ralene's smirk, "he's the one who asked me to break everyone's collars and shackles." Of course, he had no way of knowing that it was an ask that was out of her ability at that time.

Noel kept her gaze trained on the leader of the Anirian Knights and tilted her head slightly in gratitude. "I'm not a half bad teacher." Then she added, "if you ever need just the armor let me know. I could whip something up in around thirty seconds." She'd never been exactly certain how Ral's runes worked, if they could be applied after the fact or...

"Honestly, I'm surprised I didn't accidentally maim or kill all of you. I wasn't really in control." Noel had managed to get the metal to shatter outwardly back then but the difference between pushing or pulling was similar enough. "I was so much less experienced back then."
Blame Sable. Sure. Ral chuckled and shook her head and turned her gaze back to the fire to listen.

"Thanks, but I prefer to make my own," the idea of just simply whipping up armor in thirty seconds was, of course, appealing but that would be taking the easy way out of which she had no intention of doing, "I like working the forges. Every drop of sweat has value." The art of practice and learning, putting new knowledge to work, testing the limits of her body, her magic, her materials - it was an effort she believed Noel would understand.

Though if a forge would still be a needed element for her next planned set of armor she wasn't entirely sure. Banking on the thought that she could convince these elves of Loriden to teach her the skills and techniques for a simple exchange was a gamble, but Ralene had never been afraid of meeting a challenge head on.

"We all were," Ral agreed with that, trying not to think of what might've happened had Noel really lost control and turned her armor to shrapnel instead of goop, "I certainly didn't know who I was before. Still figuring that out now. I spoke with Everleigh and Kristen while I was in the capital - it's become clear to me that there are still outliers of the old regime at the Academy and within the ranks of the Nobility and Military, working against the change the Republic is trying to effect. I don't trust that what happened to us at graduation won't happen again for the next class."
  • Wonder
Reactions: Noel
Noel nodded along as the lieutenant spoke. She understood the desire to create with ones own hands. Particularly something as personal as the runic armor she employed.

As the conversation drifted to more serious topics the allomancer's interest hung on each word spoken. Much of the sentiment she could relate with and she waited until she was confident that Sam was done until she uttered a single syllable.

"It won't happen again," her voice as confident as ever, "Gilram won't set foot on the academy's grounds again."

It wasn't likely that Noel would actually be able to stop Gilram from doing whatever he wanted but if she'd still do whatever it took to prevent what had happened to her class from happening again. Even if the cost was a bit too high for most to bear. "I don't know who I am either, at least not fully, but I know what I want."

An end to this silly conflict. Gilram's head on a spike. And to bring every single one of the fledgling Dreadlords who left back into the fold.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Samantha Black