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Lorelei Darke
Afanas, slightly disheartened by the redheaded woman's departure from the Blind Luck, decided to pursue her. He paid his tab in gold, not silver, for silver's touch was an anathema to his kind, and left the establishment mere seconds after Lorelei; his impressive bulk spilled through the brass doorway with preternatural fluidity.
Like a large cat, he trailed after Lorelei, his steps all but soundless, the soles of his feet barely brushing against the bumpy surface of the cobblestone street.
She was pretty, all green eyes, coppery locs and high, aristocratic cheekbones, yet it wasn't her corporeal shell that invited the brunt of his interest.
Afanas thought knowledge equal to power, and this mysterious woman seemed privy to more than just the local state of affairs. Earlier, he had noticed her komodi acquaintance and presumed the man was her retainer, if not an advisor. Given his extensive knowledge of the personal intrigues of the native nobility, it was reasonable to believe his mistress stood leaps and bounds ahead of him in the information department.
"Leaving so soon, miss?" he queried, standing some twenty paces behind Lorelei, hands linked together behind his back.
The white-haired girl, whom he assumed to be either a relative or a close friend of hers, was nowhere in sight. Somehow, that made things easier. The other woman didn't seem much amicable, or talkative, for that matter. In fact, something told him she'd sooner spit poison in his face like a cobra than entertain a conversation if she caught him prowling about.
"Before you hurl at me whatever sorceries it is that you can bring to bear- I just wanted to chat with you. You caught my eye and I happen to be notoriously bad at making first impressions."
Afanas, slightly disheartened by the redheaded woman's departure from the Blind Luck, decided to pursue her. He paid his tab in gold, not silver, for silver's touch was an anathema to his kind, and left the establishment mere seconds after Lorelei; his impressive bulk spilled through the brass doorway with preternatural fluidity.
Like a large cat, he trailed after Lorelei, his steps all but soundless, the soles of his feet barely brushing against the bumpy surface of the cobblestone street.
She was pretty, all green eyes, coppery locs and high, aristocratic cheekbones, yet it wasn't her corporeal shell that invited the brunt of his interest.
Afanas thought knowledge equal to power, and this mysterious woman seemed privy to more than just the local state of affairs. Earlier, he had noticed her komodi acquaintance and presumed the man was her retainer, if not an advisor. Given his extensive knowledge of the personal intrigues of the native nobility, it was reasonable to believe his mistress stood leaps and bounds ahead of him in the information department.
"Leaving so soon, miss?" he queried, standing some twenty paces behind Lorelei, hands linked together behind his back.
The white-haired girl, whom he assumed to be either a relative or a close friend of hers, was nowhere in sight. Somehow, that made things easier. The other woman didn't seem much amicable, or talkative, for that matter. In fact, something told him she'd sooner spit poison in his face like a cobra than entertain a conversation if she caught him prowling about.
"Before you hurl at me whatever sorceries it is that you can bring to bear- I just wanted to chat with you. You caught my eye and I happen to be notoriously bad at making first impressions."