Learien Darke

Learien Darke

Biographical information
Anver A few centuries Elbion
Physical description
Aszai Male 6'5'' Platinum blond, long, straight Pale blue Fair
Political information
Out-of-character information
Velaeri 3/15/2025 "Suitphiroth" by Vhyrel


Defined most notably by the lengths of platinum blond hair, Lear cuts a tall, clean silhouette. Years of life grown in the Ixchel Wylds have shaped him into the man he is today: disciplined in mind and body, quiet in his soul. His is a lean form carved from fair alabaster sporting silvered scars of his trials and tribulations and the roadmap of his journey in the form of a continuously growing tattoo across his back.

Eyes of cold, pale ice set within a sharp, chiseled face are telling of very little in regards to what machinations churn within. His calm demeanor lends itself well to inciting calm around him, though makes for a cutting surprise during the rare displays of emotion.

The man's wardrobe reflects his status of nobility; custom tailored of the finest materials sporting tasteful embellishments of silver and gold. He favors blues and grays, white and black, rarely venturing into the wider spectrum of colors.

Skills and Abilities

Highly educated in historical and cultural lore, Learien's proficiency in the subject is bolstered by his skill of Flow Walking, taught to him in his previous life by his grandmother, Lorelei Darke.

From his father he earned a strict and militant lifestyle; living minimally, making strategic decisions, survival of inhospitable environments, as well as the art of warfare combat. From the Xaltuom he learned to kill quietly and efficiently. From Lorelei he learned various forms of sword combat and magic sorceries.

He did not learn how to swim from any of them and has a fear of traveling through water. Unlike a good portion of his family, Lear did not grow a love for animals or nature and if asked, prefers the clean cut lines of modernity and civilized society.

As the trueborn son of a Lord deeply entrenched in the darker arts of magic, Lear is pre-disposed to such corruption and has found a life struggling with the allure of power and prestige it promises. He tempers these desires by disciplined study and has crafted a training regiment with magic solely around neutral crafts, putting his mind to Mastering those and only those. In his history he has fallen to corruption before, only to be pulled back to sanity by his own family.


Well-learned, well spoken, and introverted. Lear's mild-mannered demeanor tends to put others at ease. He is a man who seeks inner peace, preferring to spend long hours on his own reading, studying, researching, or training. Disciplined and regimented, he partakes in very little that does not in some way benefit his lifestyle. Socially recluse, Lear makes for painfully quiet company - opting for silence unless his curiosity is otherwise piqued.

He's not a man that will often engage in conversation on his own, but doesn't decline when the subject is of interest. His list of friends is short enough he could count them on two hands - one if family members don't count.

Biography & Lore



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