Dreadlords First Day of Class

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group

Alistair Krixus

The Rune Knight
Character Biography
Alistair nervously stood at the front of the classroom as he persistently fiddled with several tools and magical equipment. He nearly knocked a whole stack of large books before he scrambled to grab hold of them. By now he could hear some of the initiates starting to wander into the class probably looking rather confused.

It had taken some convincing by both Alistair and Salak for this class to even be approved by the Academy. Magical classes at the Academy were typically held in the field and often involved combat. This would be a rare class focused far more on magical theory and experimentation. In fact, that is what the pile of books he had nearly knocked over was meant to prove.

Alistair had visited the Academy library before class to find as many books on magical theory as he could possible find. Some were barbaric, focusing on instinctual knowledge gained from life-or-death situations. Others were uneducated, one book speaking on a theory for fire magic that Alistair disproved in a matter of minutes. And some were just outright idiotic, one book actually chalking up some magics to the 'power of friendship', absolutely ridiculous. Yes, it was past time that the Academy had actual magical theory training rather than shipping off a few prospects to Elbion for a few months.

At the very front of the class, Alistair had set up a single candle surrounded by what looked to be a pile of cotton. The candle remained unlit. It would be one of several examples that Al would hope to use to convince these children that their understanding of magic and their own skills needed to change.

It had been the same for Alistair's work with Rhidian. His proctors had convinced the boy he was merely a bomb, but all he needed was just a different way of expressing his skills and now the child was set on the path of knighthood from what he understood.

"Alright everyone, please take your seats quickly. Let's begin. If you have any questions or complaints then fire away, but start with your name."
How lucky of them to be given a new class now that the Etiquette lessons were coming to an end.

This time, they were being given lessons of magical theory, something she would have sneered at in the past, but now saw it as a way to add to her repertoire on her way to becoming an Archon.

Vittoria slid into the wooden seat at on of the desks up front, gathering her things to prepare herself for the new class before eyeing the new Proctor. She may have been young at the time, but she recognised Krixus from his time here at the Academy and of late visiting and education a few Initiates in private lessons. Perhaps there was some credit to his teaching style if he was being offered the role of Proctor here.

Vitt turned to look over her shoulder to see who else filled the desks in this classroom, and which of her peers she would compete with in order to get that top mark. It was between herself and King in many classes, but academics were always something she liked to succeed in... but perhaps this class was a blend of academic and combative...

"And your name, is it Proctor Krixus?" Her hand had shot into the air before she spoke, putting up a pleasantly polite expression on her face. "Apologies, I am Vittoria Larrainth."
Kora knew who the proctor of this new class was- he had made quite a reputation for himself despite being of a minor house, something Kora's mother couldn't shut up about. Kora herself didn't particularly care one way or another who their proctor was as long as they were taught well. She sat down and got out her things, waiting for others to fill in the classroom.

The room filled rather quickly for the class only being brand new, but she supposed one thing they were not short of was ambition in this place. If there was a new opportunity to gain more power and knowledge, those at the academy would take it. Kora Urahil included.

She recognized a few of the other students and knew they'd recognize her (if only as another Urahil), but she made no move to talk to any of them. Not yet, at least.

Vittoria Larrainth spoke up eagerly, and while Kora did not know the dark haired girl well, she did know the polite smile she had on now was a rare sight and likely not genuine.

She wondered if she ought to introduce herself but she had no questions and so her hands remained in her lap and her mouth remained shut.

Alistair Krixus Vittoria Larrainth
A magic theory class. Well now - that was not something Kilien felt any great urge to miss. In fact, he had been one of the first into the classroom if for no other reason than he was just as curious as Vittoria about who would attend. When she looked back over her shoulder, she'd spy him towards the back.

Upon making eye contact, Kilien bobbed his brows at her over a faint smirk. No surprise to see her here.

He recognized a few faces, none of which he had any association with outside of training and sparring classes. As per usual, several of the seats around him were empty. That was fine, more room for him to recline.
Norah slipped into a seat in the back next to Kilien Basmarc as if the faint shadows in the room spit the girl back out from some unsatisfied belly. And as if she'd stepped through the shadows themselves instead of coming through the door. She noticed a few other students cringe and sink further in their seats at Vittoria Larrainth's casual glance back. Norah took note of the exchange between Kil and Vitty.

A bored expression eclipsed the petite girl's face followed by a cruel tilt of her lips.

Plain brown eyes shifted back to the front and Alistair Krixus. A small copper coin shifted effortlessly across her knuckles as she rested that hand on the desk in front of her.
Alistair watched the remainder of the initiates stream into the room and only broke his attention away when the flow seemed to slow and as a question immediately caught his attention. Al was flustered for a moment, having forgotten to introduce himself as he fiddled with one of the books he had.

"Oh yes, thank you Ms. Larrainth, you all may refer to me as Proctor or Proctor Krixus. I expect a certain degree of respect when referring to me, not for any reason more than that is what will be expected of you when you are assigned after graduation."

His hands stretched out and began to trace a rune in the air that when completed caused several books to float off of his desk and disperse to each initiate there. It was a rather simple book that was often introduced to Dreadlords at a very young age titled, A Dreadlord's Basic Magic.

It was a rather confusing book that did nothing more than teach children the rules of magic, while then serving stories of Dreadlords where these rules came into play, but really it was just a chance to teach some history on famous Dreadlord accomplishments. The book did a better job as propaganda rather than a scholarly work.

"I first want to start this class with a simple question and feel free to speak up. If you could describe the magic of the Dreadlords in one word what might those words be?"

Vittoria Larrainth Kora Urahil Kilien Basmarc Norah
Well, well. Evangeline had spoken of this one. The scientist, and Lady Kristen's former consort. When Vittoria had spoken her interest in taking a class helmed by one "Proctor Krixus," King hadn't known what to think. He'd never heard of a "Proctor" Krixus. Seeing him in the flesh, it could only have been Alistair, of whom Big Sis had spoken. If he'd earned the attention of a Pirian then he would have a baseline level of respect from King, at least.

King had taken his seat next to Vittoria as he usually did, and had spotted that ragged animal Basmarc on his way in. The mongrel had left a noticeable impression on Vitt, much to King's chagrin. The rest of the class was unremarkable as far as he was concerned.

Proctor Krixus asked his first question of the class, and King would hazard an answer.

"King Pirian, Proctor. And my answer would be 'versatile,'" he submitted. "Diverse" had also come to mind. The magics of the Dreadlords were as varied and disparate as one could possibly imagine.
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Brief glances over each face, no one truly demanded anything worthy of a greeting from the Unmaker, not until she spied Kilien and Norah at the end of the row of desks. Her lips did not move, but her eyes came alive with a wickedness as those two classmates were becoming something more than just peers of weak resolve.

Not friends, no. Certainly no need for more of those when her only friend she truly needed had occupied the seat beside her.

Vittoria's face betrayed an unfiltered expression of disdain at the book title as the light tome fell before her, holding it up to look it over before frowning to her friend as they could share their disbelief. It was something they had all learned early on in the Academy, one taught by the sister of King, Proctor D'Amour.

But she did not say anything that may invite a demonstration of her understanding of magical theory. It was never a lesson entirely dedicated to it, only taught in passing in other aspects of their education. Vittoria always believed that this was one of her stepping stones to becoming an Archon.

"One word?" She did not bother to correct the Proctor in his misuse of rank when addressing them, but Initiate Larrainth sat up straight and gave Alistair another polite facade. "Formidable."

But of course, not many were born to wield a magic so destructive as her own. Not many were born to kill so readily. "As you can imagine, even the weakest ability can be made a into a weapon, and we are only dangerous once we are put to use."
A short glance was given to the girl who took the seat next to him, brows raised curiously at her. Hadn't met her formally, though he'd seen her around. For now, given the class' imminent launch, he kept to himself and turned his attention to the Proctor and the books that began floating to each Initiate in attendance.

The book plopped itself upon his desk without ceremony and Kilien withdrew from an inner pocket of his coat a pair of reading glasses to take a closer look. Given his rather ... late arrival to the Academy, he'd skipped a good deal of what had been standard propaganda and education for Initiates in their youth and had been thrust directly into the open, combative realm of a late year training. This book had not been part of his reading agenda and he gave it a curious look through.

As for the Proctor's question?

Versatile. Formidable. True, he didn't disagree, but in his short two years at the Academy one thing had become abundantly clear to him. "Narrow," Basmarc offered as his own response, easing back into his chair while drumming his fingers along the front cover of the book.
Shaggy brows for a shaggy man. There was no warmth in her gaze for the moment @Kilien spared in Norah's direction. But her brown eyes did flicker a little more closely over his form. Looking for something before the small thud of a book on her desk brought her attention away.

A stare blankly ahead as she fought to keep from rolling those eyes of hers at Fabien and Vittoria's responses.

A slight arch of a brown brow at Basmarc's word. That rewarded him with another glance his way. The coin along her knuckles momentarily stilled, landing on the fate of The Fallen Star.


Norah palmed the coin.
All of them provided decent enough answers. If anyone had said anything stupid, then he really would have had to start from step one and that would have been annoying. Some answers were similar while others were directly opposed against each other. Alistair decided to first focus on the agreeing ones.

He pointed one finger at Vittoria and Norah, "Yes, formidable particularly because it is controlled. The Dreadlords have mastered the art of mass-producing magical soldiers. By specializing in each individual, quickly engraining the skills through extreme training, and then producing said results in great numbers."

There was a reason that the majority of Dreadlords in Vel Anir were of the third rank. It wasn't just because that was the average, but it was also because that was the bare minimum when one was skilled with their born skills.

Next, Alistair whipped around to point one finger at Killen and Fabien,

"But now you two, 'versatile' and 'narrow', those words feel very opposite of each other. My question to the class now is, are they? Are one of these young initiates wrong? Can they both be right? If so, then what does that tell us about Dreadlord magic in practice?"

Alistair asked with a broad smile on his face, this would need to be the first point he hammered home. If this lesson was greatly understood, then he did not doubt that those inside this classroom could become the elite of their class year. Even without overwhelming power.
Kora thought the question Krixus had asked was simple enough on the surface, but as he revealed when analyzing some of the class' answers, there was a hidden complexity to it all, and it was key to understand this.

She did not answer his first question aloud (she disliked speaking in front of people she did not know), but she thought of her answer to herself. Priceless, was her word. The Dreadlords' magic was a key part of their society and as evident in Vittoria's answer, the Dreadlords took much pride in their powers. It was certainly much harder to be powerful in Vel Anir without magic, when it was so highly valued and taken so seriously.

Kora finally spoke up in answer to Alistair's next question, leaning forward in her seat. "Each Dreadlord has a narrow focus on magic, while as a group our talents are quite diverse. We can succeed as a group, not on our own."
King rolled his eyes. That mutt Basmarc surely gave a contradictory answer for its own sake, but their neophyte proctor seemed to find that profound somehow. Terribly obnoxious on the part of the mutt, but it did leave some opportunity for proving a point.

"I assume Initiate Basmarc says 'narrow' when he means 'focused.' Dreadlords are war mages, and thus we practice our magic for the purpose of waging war. Our purpose is focused, but the means by which we deal death on our enemies is as numerous as the sands on a beach," he answered Proctor Krixus' question. The D'Amour boy cast a dismissive look over his shoulder. "Not to be confused with college mages and their parlor tricks. We are potent. Students of war, not frolicking schoolchildren."

The very thought of Elbionites put a sneer on King's face. How he loathed those wretched pretenders. College magic had its uses, but it was not to be lauded over a Dreadlord's sorcery. It was their inherent gifts that made them a cut above the average hedge mage.
"It is in our blood."

Vittoria smiled at King. "To learn our magicks is what is best for us and our loved ones." Loved ones, family, as if many of them were not taken from the very families they were born to. Were taught to forget about the sentimentality. "Proper education and learning of control not only hones us, but keeps Vel Anir and ourselves safe."

At this point, Vittoria looked over her shoulder to catch the eye of Kilien, gracing him with a small smile. "Bloodlines can be telling, too." And then her gaze drifted to the others present, pinning them with a predatory look. Vittoria was dangerous, and with King always at her side, they made a deadly pair.
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