Thunder of Thanasis Family Dinner

Threads open to all members of the Thunder of Thanasis group
Before she could sound a groan unbecoming of a Princess to her Queen Mother, Jensen stunned them all with the ring he presented. Orissa's stomach did all sorts of acrobatics, her chest tightened with an emotion that pricked tears at her dark eyes. The sharpest intake of breath could be heard, enough to make Nasri look her way.

"Matching jewellery. Seems you found the perfect match for Riss, Mother." He chuckled, reaching for his wine.

Orissa's cheeks heated, but she grinned at Jensen in the only way he had been able to bring out from her. "Blue is one of my favourite colours." She repeated the same words she had said the day he had shown her the Thanazite caverns.

The Queen and King looked to their only daughter for a few moments before seeing the true happiness she showed. Never had Orissa been so free with her expression and emotions with someone apart from Kaveh, but Orissa made no move to take the ring. "I would like to see it up close after dinner, if that suits you?" The Princess then looked to Danika, giving her a heartfelt thank you for now she had made both her tiara and engagement ring. Jensen had suggested she ask his twin for the tiara to be made, and now she knew why.

The ring matched the tiara in style, something she had fawned over very much after receiving the final product.
Briseis gave a soft laugh under her breath as Danika spoke of Vhagor's age. "Perhaps even older." she mused with a smirk. "But yes, his methods are questionable, but effective, I suppose.. There's no motivation quite like facing imminent death.." she commented with a quiet look at Kaveh. It really was a wonder how this family hadn't already killed her.

Her head shook as the woman spoke of the Wall, the thought alone chilling her blood slightly. "No. Not yet.." she said, trying not to let her dread seep into her words. "I am sorry for what happened to you, Lady Danika." she offered softly. "I only hope I possess at least a spoonful of your strength of character to adapt as you have."

She listened to the Queen's story, peeking over to see the beautiful ring that Danika had made, and complimented it, though the smile she wore would once again falter as Mehren finally chirruped with his little insult. Her eyes rolled before she focused her attention once more on the plate in front of her, food she'd barely touched. It was difficult to have an appetite when dining with dickheads.
  • Frog Sweat
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