LFG - Quest Cult of Calamity

Still trying to get a couple more people involved in this, and get it off the ground. Apply within, etc etc
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Reactions: Kyla Scathach
I should probably outline the story here, should gave in the first place.

A bunch if trade caravans have go e missing in the foothills of The Spine,and one mercenary company as well. A village has vanished too, leaving no trace of its inhabitants.

The mission is to discover where the people have gone, and there appears to be something nefarious at work here.
  • Yay
Reactions: Kyla Scathach
Ok, I will get this rolling solidly soon, as in tomorrow.

A few general rules during this quest:

NPC's are to be treated as player characters unless otherwise stated for purposes of interactions and/or combat. I will post here when there is fodder that can be handled without my micromanaging.

There is a reason for this :) ~I know something you don't know, I know something you don't know~ lol

Szesh Scythe and Nyght Elise Darkwater