LFG Crime Syndicate of Arethil

Whether Eilerias gets kicked out of her church or starts her own denomination depends entirely on the favor (wish) she asks of Gilgamesh when he offers or she asks.

BTW, is everyone demon possessed? What's up with all these shadows and whispers? If it's a consuming darkness Gilgamesh could help temporarily by draining it out of them (feeding on it), it would weaken the effects for a little bit until it grows in power again (in which case he would be more than happy to feed again). The drawback would be that when it comes back, it'll be double its original power.
In Isak's case, it's not really a possession, more like they "happily" coexist. The demon grants him power but he's a bit different for a demon, meaning he's more into learning than destroying for the sake of it

Some of the whispers he hears are more down to a few of his past traumas, not really demon related
Not sure about everybody else, but for Charity my idea for the overarching backstory for her new powers is that they're the result of Amadeus' demonic energy rubbing off on her over the years and slowly embedding themselves in her mind and body.

I think everybody else's is either demonic possession or hereditary but idk
Charity doesn't know about their origins of course and she didn't even have any magical ability until she met Gilgamesh. She just thinks they appeared one day. Gwen probably would be able to figure out where they came from while training her but I doubt she would tell Charity as that would reveal to her that her father is actually a demon
Eile doesn't have any demons, just a shadowmancer for a deadbeat dad somewhere in Fal'Addas. Her shadows and affiliation with the light kind of oppose each other and cause a lot of inner conflict. She knows very little about the shadows and has only really used it once.
Isak and I have plans to go meet her dad in another RP at some point to find out that he's not a very good person and would very much like to siphon off her powers for himself.
I think Gwen has her suspicions, but she also knows how thorough he is about protecting his secrets, so even though she might have stumbled on evidence that he's actually a demon, she's just as likely to believe that it's a rabbit trail placed deliberately to mislead her.

As far as Eilerias's deadbeat dad, he won't be her dad anymore and with it any claim on anything to do with her. Just come back in one piece and expect any remains of her blood father to "mysteriously disappear" as soon as Gilgamesh hears about it. :)

Urchin the way it sounds to me it's like I can't keep my powers to myself. Just stick around long enough and I guess you'll be hearing whispers to!
As far as Eilerias's deadbeat dad, he won't be her dad anymore and with it any claim on anything to do with her. Just come back in one piece and expect any remains of her blood father to "mysteriously disappear" as soon as Gilgamesh hears about it. :)
Oh but I doubt there will be anything left once Isak is done with him XD