Private Tales Clashing Fangs

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
It occurred to her that she had never actually watched a vampire feed. Why would she? She was built to kill them on sight and if she'd ever witnessed an attack they were put to an abrupt halt. The harrowing act repulsed her, yes, but there was something raw and real about it that made her unable to drag her gaze away. The huntress had taken pride and enjoyment from Fallon's suffering and there was not one ounce of remorse that could be felt for her as she watched her pale and shrivel into a lifeless husk.

A confusing flash of pride passed across her mind as she watched Victoria drink in her victory, breathing the satisfied sound of a hunger sated. The soft halo of silvery moonlight glowing on her alabaster skin made her look all the more beautiful to her, and she couldn't help but stare up at her from the blood-soaked dirt that she lay in.

"I told you to run.." Fallon smirked as her eyes closed again, her voice barely audible. She was safe now, and the thread that her life had hung by was slowly sewing the seams back together. Until then she'd need a safe place to recuperate, and she hoped she wouldn't be alone.
  • Bless
Reactions: Victoria O'Connor
Victoria's body still felt light from the bloodlust. Like a drug, the huntress' life dulled the pain that had swept her body and mind. Feeding was always pleasant, but this woman had been powerful. She had the vigor and strength of youth, and while there was no tang of the arcane nor the sweetness of virginal blood, Victoria could not remember a time when a meal had been so desperately needed, nor so satisfying.

Her leg still pained her, and it would not heal quickly, but now the burning agony had transmuted. The nerves still fired, but their signals had become mixed and muddied, and her mind was having trouble telling the difference between pleasure and pain.

"I told you to run.."

Her head lazily turned to the source of the voice. Her mouth was still parted and a couple drops of blood reached the bottom of her chin and fell downwards to her chest in long, sticky strands. Amidst the high of blood and victory she looked at Fallon, and it took a few seconds to absorb all of what she was seeing.

She saw strength. She saw raw, primal power. The moonlight caressed the muscles in Fallon's arms and legs and framed the bones of her face. Fallon was not broken, she was surviving. She fought for life in a way Victoria could never again experience. Victoria stared, and as her heart pounded in her chest to pump her recent meal across her body, she decided she had never seen anything more beautiful.

She leaned forwards and crawled the short distance between herself and the wolf. Her eyes were hooded, and she bent down close to the blonde woman's face. A new hunger flooded her senses and without truly thinking she slowly snaked her hand to the back of Fallon's head. She wanted to run her fingers through her shimmering hair. She wanted to feel the softness, and then grip firmly at it to turn Fallon's head upwards.

Unless the wolf pulled away, and Victoria's strength would make that difficult, their faces would be but an inch apart. Eyes like rubies bored into silver and a single fang trapped Victoria's bottom lip as she bit back primal emotions of her own.

She swallowed. Get ahold of yourself. Her grip loosened.
  • Love
Reactions: Fallon
Fallon's eyes opened again as she heard Victoria crawl toward her. Her brow furrowed slightly as the cold hand reached for her and for a brief moment, she tensed, reminded of the fact that the pair were sworn enemies, that they'd both tried to kill one another..that they'd both failed miserably. With that thought she eased..

She came back..

There was nothing much she could do about the vampire getting so close to her and she was as vulnerable as she possibly could be. Even if she could move, she knew she wouldn't have. She dared the moment to unfold and as she felt the fingers grip at her hair, her breath hitched as a thrill of flustered excitement rushed through, tingling at her skin that begged to be touched. Other than the quick, white plumes of breath that escaped her lips and the thrum of her heart in her chest, she remained perfectly calm, almost defiantly so on the surface as she stared back at the woman, her eyes shifting quickly between each of hers as she leaned so close and flicking quickly to the blood glistening on her lips.

Without thinking, the second the grip loosened on her, Fallon's hand reached to snap around Victoria's wrist to keep it where it was and she let out a shaky breath. She twisted onto her back with a grimace, her eyes fixed almost hypnotically to Victoria's and her other hand reached hesitantly toward the woman's face. It was like frost to the touch, but Fallon didn't mind it, and she let her fingertips follow the contour of her cheekbone until they ran into her fiery hair and pushed it back from her face.

She gripped too, and her heart stumbled over itself as she considered and reconsidered what she was about to do before deciding to ignore her mind entirely. Suddenly, she drew the woman toward her to close the static gap between them and seize her bloodied lips with her own.
  • Love
Reactions: Victoria O'Connor
The buzz of blood and desire kept Victoria's mind fuzzy, and she fought desperately to ignore any of her returning senses. She wanted to stay in this dream where there were no wolves or fires, where there was not cold ground nor the last lingering screams of villagers fleeing into the treeline. It was just her and Fallon.

But her better judgement did nudge her for a moment, cracking open the door to reality with a gentle whisper as she started to let the hair fall from her fingers, but it was slammed shut by Fallon's own grasping hand. The fingers were so strong around her delicate wrist. They were rough, and they were hot. Victoria lay frozen as Fallon's fingers traced across her face like firebrands, leaving streaks of warmth that ebbed away into the night.

She let her eyes roams obviously and hungrily over the garou's body as she turned it. The fawnskin hid little, but before Victoria could properly ogle Fallon their faces were pulled together and a startled, husky moan escaped onto Fallon's lips as they kissed.

If Fallon's fingers were irons then her lips were an inferno, but it was the one flame that Victoria could not turn away from. She craved it, greedily soaking in the warmth like she had sucked in her macabre meal moments before. Fallon's hand had shut the door to reality and her mouth had barred and barricaded it.

Victoria sunk gladly into lust. Her hand gripped once more at Fallon's hair and forced their lips to stay together. The taste of the garou and blood mixed on her tongue and she swung herself over the recumbent creature in a flurry. She couldn't think more than one word at a time.

Kiss. Taste. Touch. Feel. Breathe. Can't. Breathe. Can't. Move.

She pulled away suddenly, straightening up atop Fallon's hips just long enough to grab the upper edges of her corset and rip the garment in half. She bent back down as the splintered whalebone hit the dirt.
  • Love
Reactions: Fallon
One taste and it was over. She felt electricity in her skin, hormones shutting down of her higher brain and the rise of her animal self. From there on in it was all passion, intense, intoxicating. It was her release, her escape, her drug... Too many of her switches were flicked for a reverse gear to be possible. If she was smitten all she could do was go along for the ride and pray her instincts were right.

Apprehension was quickly forgotten as she felt Victoria's inner thighs straddle against her. The woman was sure of herself, she took her control and Fallon surrendered completely, realising how much she had craved the this. Her. Every touch caused her skin to tingle in a frenzy of static, her hands sending her body into a transitory paralysis, her mind unable to process the pleasure so fast and there was no room for the pain that her body was in in reality.

Fallon stared up at the woman as she straightened, her hands settling on her hips as her eyes folded over her body, travelling from her face to her collar bone, delicate in the semi-darkness, then lower over her perfect form. She didn't linger too long, just long enough for Fallon to see how beautiful she was in her skin. Her hands would tell her the rest.

She propped herself up onto an elbow, fingertips finding purchase on the back of the woman's neck as she dragged her back to meet her with an urgent kiss. Sensual, fiery and passionate as her body writhed shamelessly in the dirt underneath her.
  • Love
Reactions: Victoria O'Connor
Victoria was not a celibate creature. She had enjoyed the company of many young women over the centuries, but they had been hollow endeavors. Physicality for physicality’s sake. Not since the earliest days of her transformation had she felt passion like this. Not since Morgan.

She did not think about any of this, of course, her mind was still singularly focused on sensations and Fallon’s enragingly gorgeous face. She kissed feverishly at her lips as Fallon pulled her back down, drawing in her scent, her taste, her sounds. She missed the hands on her hips, and so she took Fallon’s wrists from her neck and from the ground and planted them exactly where she wanted, shoving the woman back to the ground before lunging for her again.

Her lips danced at Fallon’s face, her ear, and slid down to her neck. She felt her fingers growing warm as they clung to the woman: grasping, feeling, even scratching in spasms of excitement. Fallon’s body was hard and powerful, and Victoria wanted to feel each individual sinew under her hands.

The warmth of lips and fingers was no longer enough. She lifted herself just enough to see the leather between them and she grabbed at it with a free hand, pulling at it and speaking a single word.


It was not a request.
  • Love
Reactions: Fallon
A growled moan pushed its way past her lips as Victoria’s cool kisses peppered their way to her neck. There, for a brief moment, she tensed, but the acceleration of her heart-rate had nothing to do with fear and everything to do with what her body really wanted.

Her head rocked backwards and her back arched; each dangerous kiss engulfing her senses and stealing away her worries. In that moment she only alive in the present, and all thoughts of past and future melted away. All complications of her world became an unimportant blur that was banished into the far recesses of her mind.

The demand caused the corner of her lips to twitch, and despite the pain that it took to move she dragged her fingers from Victoria’s perfect hips to curl them under the barrier of the torn and bloodied fabric, and she wriggled herself free of it.

She returned her hands and squeezed at the woman’s flesh and she paused, not to refuse, but to savour the moment before it began. Fallon’s gaze wandered over her, the sight stealing the passion from her eyes in a way that only magnified the spark. There was no smile on her lips, only the hot intensity of her gaze that promised the inevitability of the carnal inferno to come.
  • Love
Reactions: Victoria O'Connor

Victoria lay on her back, the real world slowly coming back into focus. Fallon was at her side and the warmth from her body a stark contrast to the cold dirt beneath her, and the chilled mountain air all around them. She exhaled, and miraculously her breath produced a small fog. Her entire body had been warmed by the wolf's closeness... it felt odd, but actually quite lovely.

The moon was lower now, arcing steading towards the western mountain peaks. She felt Fallon breathing, felt her heartbeat, felt the sweat evaporating from her skin. All the loud and messy machinations of life were churning through her and it brought a bittersweet nostalgia to the back of Victoria's thoughts.

The sweetness began to succumb to bitterness as her own euphoria calmed and she was forced to think upon what she'd done... what she continued to do. She lay embracing a werewolf... or lycan or Garou or whatever she was, the point remained that she was an ancient blood enemy. By rights, Victoria should have killed her when given the chance. She had been more than powerful enough after siphoning the huntress, but she had been blood drunk, and her inhibitions had left her alone with her darkest desires. Fallon had been weakened to near death, it would have been the perfect time.

The recognition interrupted her thoughts and she peered down at the living woman, now acutely aware of every cut and bruise and filled with a deep concern. The living seemed so fragile, so many things had to go just right or they would... she did not want Fallon to ever... No! She shouldn't care... but she did. She cared so much.

She sat up, gently extricating herself from Fallon's hold. The thoughts were too confusing and she had to focus on the here and now. Her initial plans for her mountain trip seemed far away now, she was in no condition to meet anyone, much less to discuss politics.

"...I need clothes." she said softly. It was all she could think to say.
  • Cry
Reactions: Fallon
Fallon's breathing calmed as she slowly tumbled down from those heady and blissful heights and her eyes closed, letting herself be at peace for that moment of limbo between contentment and the pain of reality. The pleasant tingle soon subsided, and the aches seeped back into her mind and quickly became agony. Her jaw clenched, and she held on to Victoria a little tighter for a brief moment before she squirmed out of her embrace. Her eyes opened, heavy lidded, exhausted and filled with confusion she'd rather not have to face. The moment couldn't last forever..

Her brow furrowed slightly at the woman's words. That was it? I need clothes?.. She felt a new sort of pain that was nothing to do with her injuries. This one started in her chest and pushed up into her throat and caused her eyes to pool into glassy, silver orbs that she closed before giving them the opportunity to weep.

What had she done? All logic, all manner of sense had been cast to the wind, and now she'd betrayed her own kind, her pack.. herself. A growl rattled in her chest as she forced herself to sit up, and involuntary whimper spilling from her lips and her arms trembled as she planted her hands into the ground and attempted to get up. "I have to.. go back.". The words were ground out with some effort, and the moment she was crouched onto her feet, her legs gave in and she was on her knees again, dragging in a hiss of air through her teeth and assessing the sickly silver burns around her legs. She tried again, and again she fell into the dirt with a growled huff in frustration.
  • Cry
Reactions: Victoria O'Connor
"Wait-" she blurted out as Fallon tried to stand. She couldn't leave, not now. Victoria's head was still frayed at the edges and she didn't want to think about the real world but she knew she didn't want Fallon to leave.

Fallon's inevitable collapse was painful to watch, but Victoria felt a guilty relief that she couldn't run off. "You are in no condition." She reached out a cool hand to touch Fallon's shoulder, a rare gesture of comfort that had come from somewhere unconscious and long buried. Her eyes were no longer filled with a cloudy lust, they were clear and sparkling rubies.

What should she say? Hours ago they were trying to kill each other, and even after they declined to do so there was animosity between them. Had it melted away in the heat of passion? It felt that way, but it had yet to be replaced with anything that Victoria could understand. There was a nameless confusion within her, but her intentions felt more solid when she looked at the garou.

Stay with her. What binds you to her? Your family. Olivia. She felt a sudden tension when picturing Fallon and her former lover. Was she jealous? That would be absurd, but she knew what had just happened was not going to leave her anytime soon. No matter how much she wished it, it had not been a meaningless fit of lust, and so she didn't want to think in too much detail about why her appearance had shaken Fallon so much.

"We need to rest somewhere safe," she continued. Although she was practically back to her old self, they were still out in the open in a dangerous woods and there was no telling when the villagers might return, or who they would bring for a second attempt.

"Let me help." She would help support Fallon if allowed.
  • Bless
Reactions: Fallon
Fallon’s fingers curled into the dirt in frustration, her eyes closed tightly against the pain and her head bowed below her shoulders, hoping the curtain of silvery white hair would shield her face. Her back rose and fell with each deep breath as she ignored the woman, the hacked flesh on her back raw and black with bruising, but the blood was drying and she was no longer losing any. She stared silently at the dark crimson cruor that covered the grass where she’d been beaten and left to die, it glistened in the breeze and brought the scent of her own blood like a tendril into her nose, and straight into her mind. How close she’d come. Her heart had stopped beating, her last breath had been drawn. How, why was she here at all?

Had she really seen her?

Her body trembled and her jaw clenched, her mind racing through too many emotions at once, it was difficult to keep up and she tried to just…breathe. Her confusion was overwhelming. She wished she could have gone with the excuse that Victoria looked so much like Livvy, that her beauty had been the only reason she'd felt drawn to her, but there was so much more to it and wrapping her head around it would take more energy than she had right now. Whatever it was that she felt, it couldn't go on. She had to draw a line under her mistake and mark it down as a need for comfort. A moment of weakness.

Her hearing was muffled by her thoughts, and she flinched as Victoria tried to help her, casting a look upward and making the mistake of meeting her gaze. She looked as pathetic as she felt in that moment, and she dragged her gaze away from her in shame. Fallon could be stubborn when she wanted to be, but she wasn't stupid by any means. She'd never make it on her own, and she reached a hand up to allow the woman to help her to her feet, her knees buckling under her weight as though her body needed to revert to it's foetal position in protest of movement.

"Just... get me back to the tree. You can leave me there." she rasped out, the words forced past the pain they caused in her throat.
  • Cry
Reactions: Victoria O'Connor
Victoria lifted Fallon to her feet and supported most of the woman's weight with her unnatural strength. Fallon may have been as strong as twenty women, but she weighed only the one. She had felt a terrible, wrenching pull at her chest as Fallon had looked up at her. Defeated, broken... had their moments of delight worn off so soon?

She knew that Fallon must be dealing with the same mental anguish as she, trying to justify what had just happened. She remembered the hatred that those silver eyes had held for her and her kind, and the shock and confusion as they landed on her pale face. If the rumors about the blind pack loyalty were true, the wolf was probably having a harder time that the vampire in dealing with this.

That wasn't to say Victoria was having an easy time. The attraction hadn't left with the high, and she still enjoyed the closeness of their bodies. What was worse, she could not shake the terrible, clinging concern for her wellbeing. It was like a stomachache that she couldn't ignore. She was disgusted with herself, but the shame had yet to outweigh how good it felt to be near her.

The tree was not far. Indeed, the huntress had caught them embarrassingly close to their hiding place. The villagers would remember the tree, but she hoped that they would not dare to return so soon. It would take them at least a day to find another hunter... she hoped.

With difficulty, the pair managed to get inside, and Victoria set Fallon down against a cool wall. She knelt before her, naked, dirty, and bloodied. Obviously, they weren't going to kill each other anymore. It was a dramatic understatement, but it was the one thing that she was sure of right now. Even with how strong her feelings were at the moment Victoria had no idea what was in store for the pair of them. How would it even work?

She decided, once again, not to think about anything beyond the present. She needed clothing, and Fallon needed food, water, and rest. Maybe she could go find these things while the garou waited... but the thought of parting hurt.

"How... do you feel?" she asked in a lame attempt at speech.
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  • Bless
Reactions: Fallon
Fallon’s lips pressed thin and her jaw clenched as she tried to hide the level of pain she felt. Sharp huffs of air inhaled and quickly expelled from her nostrils, dragging with it the scent of her blood and the blackened, silver-burned flesh. The scars wouldn’t bother her. She had plenty already. But any wound inflicted by silver never seemed to fully heal, she’d feel them ache in her bones, and her flesh seemed to hold the memory of the pain and keenly reminded her every now and then. Her mind clouded with rage as she hobbled along side Victoria, this was why she stuck to the mountains, the woman who’d laughed over her dying body shared her life’s purpose, the mob who’d cheered for her death were the very people she dedicated her life to trying to protect. And in this moment, how she hated them.

She was silent other than for the quiet growls that rumbled in her chest and occasional hisses as her legs threatened to give in, and she clung on to the vampire a little tighter.

“Thank you..” she grit out through clenched teeth as the woman helped her sit, and she pulled her knees in against her with a brief glance up at her, but she let her head fall back against the wall and her eyes closed. A frown creased at her brow at the question, and her eyes opened again to look at the woman with a hint of incredulity. She felt many things, and a few spiteful words danced temptingly on her tongue but she swallowed them and faced forward with a sigh.

“Weak.” She answered dryly.. “But I’ll live.. Thank you, for coming back for me. You should go, get your clothes. I’ll be fine here for the night. I’ll leave in the morning.”
Victoria could not help but give a small, warm smile as Fallon thanked her. It had been so long since she’d helped anyone, so long since she’d wanted to. She wished she could do more to ease pain, but she couldn’t. Of all the fantastic abilities vampirism had gifted her with, none could do anything except hurt others or help herself. Maybe she could attempt to hypnotize Fallon and make her forget her pain, but she doubted the proud garou would agree to that.

She was taken aback by Fallon’s answer. Did... did she want her to leave? Victoria leaned back a little bit, sitting up straight on her heels. ”Oh...” the sound more escaped from her than was consciously spoken.

Of course. The garou didn’t want her here. She had reconsidered, or come to her senses, and remembered that Victoria was her enemy. She still had to guard these woods, after all, and vampires weren’t welcome.

Why did it hurt so much? Victoria closed her eyes and fought to keep her face neutral, crushing down her grief into a hard pit in her stomach. It had just been sex, she told herself, it had just been an outlet for pent up frustrations and adrenaline. Just a wonderful, wonderful dream, but now reality had to come back.

Her eyes reopened, a little more glisten in them than before. ”Alright,” she said robotically, but there was a tiny tremor in her voice. She rose to her feet and stood there for what felt like ages. Her body felt like stone, she didn’t want to walk away. She remembered looking into the silver eyes while Fallon’s body enveloped her with burning passion. Remembered what had awoken in her breast. This wolf had gotten its claws deep, deep into her flesh and it wasn’t letting go.

She could almost hear her bones grinding together as she turned to leave. Only her bruised pride pushed her towards the tree’s entrance. If Fallon did not want her to stay, she wasn’t going to beg, and unless the garou made a sound she would step out into the night.
  • Cry
Reactions: Fallon

She hadn't realised a single syllable could cause her to ache so much. It rose above her physical pain and threatened to spill from her eyes. She looked away, knowing it was the right thing to do, to part ways with her. The woman had already dashed her expectations of further affections the moment she'd let her go and avoided any acknowledgement of their tryst, and so she could only assume that she'd realised her mistake and was quickly retreating, disengaging, and so her walls shot swiftly back up. Now though, she could practically feel the woman's hurt in the palpable air around them..

She didn't want to leave.. Why couldn't she just say that?...... Why couldn't she?

Fallon picked up the quiver in the vampire's voice as she agreed to go, and she looked up hesitantly to meet her gaze, the glistening rubies all the more evidence that she'd hurt her. It was part of what they were, hurting each other. It was simply the natural order of things and what they'd experienced was some unnatural blip that should be quickly buried and forgotten.

Her jaw clenched as she watched her turn away. She knew the pride that carried her, it was the pride that had turned her cold when she'd felt rejection and regret. The thought of her never seeing her again felt like dying all over again, but she was determined to let her go and do that 'right thing' she believed that it was. The second the woman disappeared from view however, she sat upright, as though she'd awoken from a cruel dream and her breath caught in her throat. It was panic, pure and simple, and she stumbled over her words as she tried to get them out quickly enough to stop her..

"N-no, wait!.."

A traitorous tear spilled from her lashes and rolled, washing a pale streak through the dirt and dried blood on her face.. "Victoria!" she added quickly, her voice trembling with dread.
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  • Wonder
Reactions: Victoria O'Connor
Victoria felt cold. She never felt the cold, it was as much a part of her as it was the mountain air, but as she crossed into the open night she felt it. It was a hard, hateful thing. Devoid of comfort, devoid of life, reminding her that her body moved via unnatural forces long after its own death. She hadn’t felt dead in a long time. Good. Dead hearts did not break.

”N-no, wait!..”

A leaping, hopeful beat as her heart resurrected, and she stopped. Thank you she thought emphatically. Warm relief washed over her, thawing out her icy blood, insulating her against the cold air.


She turned on her heel so quickly that her hair was flung around her shoulders, and it took every ounce of restraint not to throw herself at the garou at superhuman speeds. Instead she walked quickly. The sight of Fallon on the ground, alone and helpless, would have incited sadistic glee days earlier. Now it brought forth waves of compassion so strong that Victoria didn’t have time to be disgusted with herself.

She knelt and wrapped her arms around Fallon’s shoulders. The sheer, desperate relief she had felt at being called back had broken the lie she’d been telling herself. She did care for this woman. She did not want to part from her. It was naive and stupid to fall so hard in so short a time but she didn’t care. It didn’t make her feelings false.

”I will stay,” she whispered through a spasming throat. It was as much a reassurance as it was an assertion.

She stayed glued to Fallon for a long time, feeling her warmth coming through to her core... but there was less warmth than before, and she worried. With her head still buried in the crook of Fallon’s neck and shoulder, she spoke softly. ”What are we doing?”

She hadn’t felt so helpless and confused in such a long time, but neither had something felt so right.
  • Love
Reactions: Fallon
Fallon stared unblinking at the empty mouth of the little cavern, it was a brief moment but felt like an eternity. She could feel the fear in her chest waiting to take over, to drag her into the emotional hurricane that simmered just below the surface. Perhaps the fear only wanted to protect her, but there wasn't any physical danger, only the grief she felt at being left alone, at being without her. The moment she stepped back into view, the panic evaporated, her arms like a weighted blanket, grounding and comforting her and her body begun to relax but it'd take her heart some time to slow..

She breathed her in, her own tremulous arms wrapping around her and her fingers of one hand dug gently into the bare skin on her back, the other hand at the back of her neck, holding her to her and finding a light grip of her hair. Her reassurance was like a cup of poppy milk, she felt it rush through her like it'd absorbed straight into her blood and charged through her veins, soothing every muscle and nerve until she breathed slow and steady and her pulse was calmed. Her eyes closed and her face buried into the crook of the woman's neck. She might've fallen asleep if not for her question.. Her brow furrowed gently as she searched her mind for an answer but she could find none.

"I don't know..." her voice cracked and she swallowed the rawness from her throat. "Can we figure that part out tomorrow? Just lay close to me tonight.." her frown deepened, the woman's face so beautiful it was almost painful to look at. She reached absently to let her fingers trail over her skin, stroking back a lock of flaming hair and trailing over her cheek and tracing the dip of her Cupid's bow. Studying. Cherishing.
  • Love
Reactions: Victoria O'Connor
The fire of Fallon’s skin has dimmed to gentle embers. Victoria was already growing accustomed to it, and she was already resenting its absence on any part of her that wasn’t touched.

The cold, dark hollow of the tree felt very different this time. It wasn’t a pitiful refuge from daylight nor a dirty prison shared with a deadly foe. Now it was a secret retreat with a dear companion. The closeness of its walls were no longer a liability, they were a tight and comforting nest. 24 hours ago Victoria had wished longingly for her satin bedsheets and lavish chambers. Right now she would have given all of it away if it meant she could stay in this place with Fallon for just one more night.

”Can we figure that part out tomorrow?”

”I would like nothing more.”

She was tired of thinking, and tired of feeling guilty about it. Somehow, the fact that Fallon did not wish to address it right now either made it easier to let go. It gave her an excuse. Tomorrow. They would figure it out tomorrow.

She gazed with a helpless fascination at Fallon’s face as strong, yet delicate fingers traced her face. Though the woman frowned, her beauty stunned Victoria even now. It was hard and carved deeply into every line of her face, and it could not be hidden by any expression. Everything was striking, every bone designed to guide her eyes up her jawline, along her cheekbones, and deep into those quicksilver pools.

When the finger traced her lips it left pins and needles in its wake. She slid her hand to cup Fallon’s cheek and leaned forwards, satisfying the itch with a kiss. It was tender and slow, not the hungry attack of lust like before.

She felt a flutter in her stomach.

I’m fucked...

She thought happily.
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  • Love
Reactions: Fallon
That cool, silken voice that possessed her cords sent nerves dancing up her spine. The smile sent her mind into an uncontrolled, captivated spiral and her cold touch lingered pleasantly, branding her soul with a mark that would surely cause her agony to remove. Every tempered word she spoke invaded Fallon's mind, like ivy tendrils seeking any point of weakness to enter; they wrapped her body in a blanket of comfort and consumed her soul in the heat of lust. Fallon had always had a way of being able to explain things, she was logical and wise, particularly talented with words despite her wild ways. But this? This she could not explain, this she could not put into words that could for a moment describe what she was thinking or feeling.

As Victoria looked back at her, nothing else was important. It would have no doubt been a shocking contrast for any who knew Victoria to see her as she was now. She'd been so regal and elegant, dressed in finery, well kept and without a scorching hair out of place. Now, Fallon's lips curled slightly as she glanced over her naked form, covered in dirt and blood stained, looking wild and beautiful.

"One night with me and you look like you've adopted the wilds.." the Garou laughed quietly under her breath and winced at the pain it caused.

Her body tensed briefly in anticipation of the kiss as she leaned closer, but the moment their lips met, the world fell away, her brain ignited and the warmth spread throughout her entire body, flooding her senses and easing her aching muscles. After that, she knew she was addicted, that kiss being both her salvation and her torment and suddenly she lived for them, and would die with the memory of it on her lips, as though her lips had burned and imprinted on her own.

She let out a long sigh as she kissed her back, softly capturing Victoria's lower lip with her own before pulling back only enough to graze her lips against hers for a moment. Her eyes closed, content to ease, and she struggled to open them again as sleep pulled on her lids. Fallon pressed another feathery kiss at the corner of the woman's mouth and let gravity drag her to the earthy floor, and Victoria along with her.
  • Love
Reactions: Victoria O'Connor
She smiled at Fallon's teasing, acutely aware of the state she was in. "The rewards were worth it," she answered back, lazily, "but don't get too used to it. I said I wouldn't tame you, I never said I wouldn't bathe you." She nipped playfully at the lips in front of her.

Victoria surrendered to Fallon's embrace as she was pulled to the earth. She let her eyes close, holding their faces together with a gentle hand at the nape of her neck. Although she was physically healed, her mind was eager to turn off for a few dark hours. Too much had happened, and her thoughts were getting cloudy.

For once she didn't want to be strong, and feeling Fallon's arms around her let her dip deeper into a fantasy of dependence. She was lost and helpless, but this fearless wolf would keep her safe. She didn't need to worry about anything anymore. How long had it been since she'd been able to depend on another? How many decades had she fended for herself, clawing back to her birthright? These thoughts, too, fell away to fog as she felt Fallon's warming breaths.

Reality could come back at dusk. She could resume her role of protector over her convalescing lover when the sun had risen and fallen once more. She could ponder the ramifications of their actions then. Her tattered clothes would remained scattered about the woods for the next day, and the silver of her sword would gleam alone in a field of mud and blood. Tomorrow. She would fetch it tomorrow.

She did not need to truly sleep, and so she let herself focus entirely on the woman lying next to her. She counted her breaths, traced every heartbeat, even ran her fingers over the chilled, goosebumped flesh when a gentle breeze came into the cavern. She wished again that she could warm her. Eventually, she did submit to unconciousness, lulled by complete and utter contentment.
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Reactions: Fallon
Fallon's cheeks dimpled as her lips curled into a grin, her slightly sharpened incisors betraying the beast that she held within. Silver eyes blinked heavily at the woman and she pressed her forehead against hers and pulled her close with a soft rumble in her chest.. "I don't smell that bad.." she protested with an underlying hint of amusement. Her scents were a mingle of earth, pine, wood smoke and wolf. She supposed it might be a little off-putting for someone of higher standards, but she smirked and returned a gentle kiss.

"You smell like frost..." she told in a whisper as she breathed her in. There was also something similar to the smell of the static air after a violent storm that she enjoyed. Perhaps she smelled different to others, but Fallon's senses were keen and even under all of the blood and dirt she could smell Victoria.

She tried to keep her eyes open for as long as she could, but exhaustion and contentment were a sedative tonic and she drifted off to sleep. Her hands squeezed at her every now and then as though her subconscious was ensuring that the woman was still there, but otherwise she was still and peaceful.

Her body healed rapidly as she slept, her wounds visibly knitting and bruises fading considerably, even the wounds caused by silver healed to the point of raw, painful scars. A faint blush of colour returned to the pallor of her face and her skin started to warm again as more of the blood she'd lost regenerated and coursed steadily through her veins.

Fallon stretched and shuddered as she slowly roused from slumber, absently burying her face against the crook of Victoria's neck with a soft huff. She was tempted to force herself back to sleep rather than address the question she'd asked, rather than accept that she had to leave. She remained silent as she let herself wake up, letting a soft kiss pressed to the woman's pale neck speak for itself.
  • Love
Reactions: Victoria O'Connor
“Mmm...” a soft and gentle murmur escaped Victoria’s chest as Fallon’s lips touched her neck, and she leaned instinctively into them. Her eyes opened like panels of stained glass and caught messy blonde hair in their periphery.

For a second she was confused, then it all came back to her. It wasn’t a startling rush, though, it was a warm and happy feeling. She remembered her. She remembered the battles, too. The wendigo, the huntress, but they had all lead her to Fallon, and that was good.

She stroked the hair as Fallon rested her head in her neck. “Good evening,” she said with a voice that had turned just a hint more ragged from disuse during the day. She did not move to unentwine their bodies. Fallon had regained her usual, burning heat, and Victoria was keep to stay close to it.

She knew, as did Fallon, that things would become very complicated. She tried to hold on to a few more minutes of ignorance, but the questions would need to be asked sooner or later.

“Fallon,” she started. The name was like honey in her mouth, and she adored how it felt to say. “I... don’t want to leave you, but I cannot stay in these woods forever.” She was oddly comfortable with admitting her attachment. Maybe it was because she was still waking up, but Fallon had enraptured her in the course of a single night and she wasn’t ashamed of it. A little bit of Lady O’Connor was coming back, though, and with it a desire to hammer out details and practicalities.

She wiggled even closer to Fallon as her body tried to deny their inevitable separation.
  • Cry
Reactions: Fallon
The throaty sound of approval she made vibrated pleasantly against Fallon's lips and she smiled against her skin, delighting in obliging the woman with more as she kissed again, leaving a slow trail of heat to her clavicle until Victoria insisted on dragging her back to reality so soon. She huffed and buried her face into the crook of her neck for just a moment longer, a muffled groan escaping into the palpable air like a petulant child being made to do something they had no desire to do.

"I know..." she sighed as she leaned back again to look at her, her voice gritty from sleep. She let her fingers sweep slowly across Victoria's brow, collecting a lock of hair and dragging it around the curve of her ear as she studied her face, savouring the sight of it. Her brow furrowed, knowing that their time together had to end whether she wanted it to or not.

"But i'm not ready." she admitted. Victoria's eyes were everything that Fallon should have loathed about her. They were the innocent blood spilt by her hand, consumed and delighted in. They were monstrously beautiful, and Fallon found herself unable to feel disgust in them at all in that moment as she was willingly lured in, hooked and utterly entranced.

Her lips curled bittersweetly as Victoria wormed her way closer and she sighed deeply and wrapped her arms around her to hold her there with a soft rumble.."Just.. let me keep you in my arms for one more hour. It's all I ask." Her voice was barely a whisper, not that it had to be any more than that given their closeness, but she was afraid that her voice might break if she used it properly.
  • Love
Reactions: Victoria O'Connor
A girlish delight swelled in the old vampire when Fallon denied her attempt at practicality. She liked that she was wanted, liked that Fallon didn't want to leave her, for she absolutely did not want to leave herself. Another hour, a day, a lifetime, in her fully infatuated state Victoria would have gladly given any of them... save for the ounce of pragmatism that tugged cruelly at her.

She let her hand roam, starting at the sharp lines of Fallon's jaw and tracing like icicles down her neck and over the prominent muscling of her shoulder. She touched gently at the soft skin of her breast, such a contrast to the former, before indulging herself with an ample feel of her abdominals. It was like those clusters of muscle had been carved from stone, and Victoria felt a tingling lightness inside of her and slid her leg up the side of Fallon's.

"I would stay in your arms for ten thousand nights. Until the blood runs dry and the sun burns the world." She caught herself and glanced up at Fallon. "It's a... vampire expression." And she looked back down, a little bit cowed. Bringing up the obvious disparity in their races seemed less than tactful.

Truthfully, Victoria didn't know what to think about it anymore. She ought to be disgusted with herself but she was simply too enamored to care about it. What was it about Fallon that had forced her to break nearly every principle she held dear in the face of raw, primal attraction? Was it her golden hair that shone so cleanly in the moonlight it almost made her wish for sunlight? Was it her silver eyes that made her feel like a rabbit about to be devoured? Could it be her incredible body, cut from the earth by gods themselves in their grandest image of power, ferocity, and elegance?

It had to be something more that mere physicality. It was her strength of spirit and her indomitable will (which she had in fact managed to dominate at least once). Maybe it was because she was so incredibly opposite of Victoria herself. Or maybe it was just that being embraced lovingly by arms that could break her spine had a special sort of tenderness.
  • Love
Reactions: Fallon
Fallons's eyes slowly drifted closed as those cold fingers trailed over her scorching skin like a cool rain on a hot day, both soothing and invigorating all at once. Her muscles shuddered under her touch and a trail of goosebumps bloomed in the wake of her fingertips.She pulled in a sharp breath and gently gripped at the back of the Victoria's neck with a guttural rumble as something more carnal stirred.

The vampires' choice of romantic words, although a little gorish, were smirked at as she took the compliment. "Nights I would gladly give, if I had the choice..." she frowned.

"You're not...making it any easier.." her words tumbled out in a breath, thick with the desire for more. She bit on her lip as she felt her leg slide up her own and she quietly groaned and gripped a hold of her hip before quickly rolling to pin her to the ground, propping herself up to look down at her in all her pearly glory. Her pupils dilated, like an animal about to devour and her skin burned hotter as her pulse quickened.

The garou let out a quiet huff at the dull ache in her chest as she examined her mendaciously delicate features.. "How am I supposed to leave you?.." she half whined.

Fallon couldn't leave her pack, and the thought of keeping such a secret from them was killing her, but she couldn't expect them to understand something she didn't understand herself. She'd taught them their lore, their purpose, to hunt and kill creatures such as Victoria as their gods had intended. She felt like she'd fallen into a trap, that some form of magic had ensnared her and yet she had absolutely no desire to claw her way back out of it.
  • Devil
Reactions: Victoria O'Connor