Victoria O'Connor
Victoria O'Connor is a young but formidable vampire who rules Greyrock Castle and the small surrounding territory.
Tall, slender, and deathly pale, Victoria is a striking woman. She has a cascade of brilliant red hair that she wears in all manner of styles, and a wardrobe quite becoming of a lady of her status. While her clothing is carefully chosen to match a needed function, she often boasts elegant gowns and jewelry. Blood reds and blacks predominate, but she has been known to delve into softer palettes when the mood strikes her.
Skills and Abilities
Victoria is of the Cassylvian strain of vampirism.
Vampirism has gifted Victoria with superhuman strength and speed, as well as unnaturally long "life." All of her senses have been significantly amplified, and she can see perfectly in complete darkness. She cannot be killed through any means other than sunlight, fire, holy water, or a wooden stake through her heart (though she may be incapacitated through other methods). Many holy symbols will burn her, and garlic will cause severe irritation if touched and sickness if eaten. Wounds caused by other means tend to heal much more rapidly than normal.
She is a young vampire and has yet to master many of the skills of her race. Currently she is skilled in hypnosis against the weak-minded, limited shadow manipulation, turning herself to mist for a short duration, and taking the form of a bat whenever she pleases.
In combat she is more than capable with fangs and claws, but is also quite skilled with an elegant rapier made entirely of silver.
She is a competent archer and favors a massive longbow that she has named Marugreine. Nearly eight feet long and thick as a sapling, the weapon can only be used by someone of inhuman strength and is only practical in situations of castle defense or siege.
Like all vampires, Victoria feeds on the blood of the living to sustain herself. This can be deadly, if the blood is drained completely. If the blood is only partially drained, then in combination with her hypnosis she can create a thrall. Thralls retain their life, but their minds are completely under the influence of their Mistress. They will serve Victoria to the death, but the thrall state is not permanent, and must be reinduced. The duration depends on the will of the victim, and how long they have already been under her control. Thralls that exist for more than a few years are unlikely to ever regain their independence.
Finally, Victoria can sire new vampires should she choose to do so. If she introduces her own blood into a victim that has been nearly completely drained, they will become a vampire themselves within 24 hours.
Vampirism has gifted Victoria with superhuman strength and speed, as well as unnaturally long "life." All of her senses have been significantly amplified, and she can see perfectly in complete darkness. She cannot be killed through any means other than sunlight, fire, holy water, or a wooden stake through her heart (though she may be incapacitated through other methods). Many holy symbols will burn her, and garlic will cause severe irritation if touched and sickness if eaten. Wounds caused by other means tend to heal much more rapidly than normal.
She is a young vampire and has yet to master many of the skills of her race. Currently she is skilled in hypnosis against the weak-minded, limited shadow manipulation, turning herself to mist for a short duration, and taking the form of a bat whenever she pleases.
In combat she is more than capable with fangs and claws, but is also quite skilled with an elegant rapier made entirely of silver.
She is a competent archer and favors a massive longbow that she has named Marugreine. Nearly eight feet long and thick as a sapling, the weapon can only be used by someone of inhuman strength and is only practical in situations of castle defense or siege.
Like all vampires, Victoria feeds on the blood of the living to sustain herself. This can be deadly, if the blood is drained completely. If the blood is only partially drained, then in combination with her hypnosis she can create a thrall. Thralls retain their life, but their minds are completely under the influence of their Mistress. They will serve Victoria to the death, but the thrall state is not permanent, and must be reinduced. The duration depends on the will of the victim, and how long they have already been under her control. Thralls that exist for more than a few years are unlikely to ever regain their independence.
Finally, Victoria can sire new vampires should she choose to do so. If she introduces her own blood into a victim that has been nearly completely drained, they will become a vampire themselves within 24 hours.
Victoria's life ended when she was a kind, sweet, innocent young lady determined to see the good in everyone. After her death, she took a very different direction, and her time as a hated abomination has left her cold, aloof, arrogant, and vengeful.
She is skilled in manipulation, using both her natural and supernatural gifts. While her views of the world are very different now, she is still the picture of nobility, and takes her family name seriously as its last "surviving" member.
She is skilled in manipulation, using both her natural and supernatural gifts. While her views of the world are very different now, she is still the picture of nobility, and takes her family name seriously as its last "surviving" member.
Biography & Lore
Victoria O'Connor was the second daughter of a wealthy lord. As such, her lot in life was simple: learn to be a proper lady, don't do anything to embarrass the family, and marry a respectable gentleman of high standing. She was more or less content with this life and excelled in her lessons, particularly music, history, and embroidery. While she did not particularly wish to marry, she was resigned to do so as her duty.
Her life changed, or more accurately, ended, on the evening of her twentieth birthday. She had already refused every suitor that had been presented to her, and while she was not under as much pressure as her elder sister to maintain her family's status, her parents had grown impatient. She had been told she would marry the next man they found for her, and he had been a guest of honor at her birthday celebration.
Miserable with her situation, she had escaped to the gardens after sunset while the party continued within the castle. It was there that she was met by a peculiar figure, a rather androgynous woman dressed in fine men's clothing. Intrigued, and with little care for the risks, Victoria allowed herself to be lured into the forest. The rest, as they say, is history.
Presumed dead after her disappearance, Victoria lived a life in the shadows. She followed her sire for some time, but eventually branched off on her own as she became more confident in her new existence.
News of her family's downfall found her some 100 years later, and in time she returned to Greyrock Castle and claimed it as her own. Fallen into disrepair and ruin, the keep is a shadow of its former glory. Victoria has been restoring it little by little, and the small surrounding villages once again recognize the house of O'Connor, and the mysterious Lady who rules them.
Her life changed, or more accurately, ended, on the evening of her twentieth birthday. She had already refused every suitor that had been presented to her, and while she was not under as much pressure as her elder sister to maintain her family's status, her parents had grown impatient. She had been told she would marry the next man they found for her, and he had been a guest of honor at her birthday celebration.
Miserable with her situation, she had escaped to the gardens after sunset while the party continued within the castle. It was there that she was met by a peculiar figure, a rather androgynous woman dressed in fine men's clothing. Intrigued, and with little care for the risks, Victoria allowed herself to be lured into the forest. The rest, as they say, is history.
Presumed dead after her disappearance, Victoria lived a life in the shadows. She followed her sire for some time, but eventually branched off on her own as she became more confident in her new existence.
News of her family's downfall found her some 100 years later, and in time she returned to Greyrock Castle and claimed it as her own. Fallen into disrepair and ruin, the keep is a shadow of its former glory. Victoria has been restoring it little by little, and the small surrounding villages once again recognize the house of O'Connor, and the mysterious Lady who rules them.
Recent Events
Victoria met Fallon, Alpha of the Garou, on a fateful trip through the Spine. Beginning as mortal enemies, the pair formed an unlikely yet powerful bond. Defying their very natures, they fell in love, and traveled back to Victoria's ancestral home where they were married.
At this time Victoria declared herself and Fallon to be Queens of Greyrock Castle and its surrounding territories. The sparse, rural countryside has no competitors for the title at the moment, but her grandiose claims are sure to catch the attention of ambitious ears sooner rather than later. Time will tell if her efforts to form and strengthen her own vampire coven have been enough to back up her words.
Meeting Fallon also revealed that Victoria's family tree had not withered with her parent's deaths. The O'Connor name had survived through a previously unknown brother, born after her conversion and disappearance. Though the family was now lesser lords and ladies Victoria was elated to meet them. Their visit was soured by her relatives' pompous attitudes and dismissal of Victoria's very existence. "Dying" as a 20 year old maiden finds oneself erased from history, so it would seem.
This previously unknown brother steered her family's lineage for decades before also disappearing into obscurity. Victoria has made new efforts to find out what happened to her brother and his descendants to learn more about her family's fate.
At this time Victoria declared herself and Fallon to be Queens of Greyrock Castle and its surrounding territories. The sparse, rural countryside has no competitors for the title at the moment, but her grandiose claims are sure to catch the attention of ambitious ears sooner rather than later. Time will tell if her efforts to form and strengthen her own vampire coven have been enough to back up her words.
Meeting Fallon also revealed that Victoria's family tree had not withered with her parent's deaths. The O'Connor name had survived through a previously unknown brother, born after her conversion and disappearance. Though the family was now lesser lords and ladies Victoria was elated to meet them. Their visit was soured by her relatives' pompous attitudes and dismissal of Victoria's very existence. "Dying" as a 20 year old maiden finds oneself erased from history, so it would seem.
This previously unknown brother steered her family's lineage for decades before also disappearing into obscurity. Victoria has made new efforts to find out what happened to her brother and his descendants to learn more about her family's fate.
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