LFG Calling all Pirates and Orcs, you have a Dead problem

Who wants an invasion?! Not the Nordenfiir, but they're getting one. The Eternum marches north along the eastern side of the blightlands in mass numbers, with undead Monstrosities both of this world and not (thanks demons) tearing their way through the land, their sights set upon the distant Eretejva tundra.

To any pirates of questionable morals, you stand to make quite a deal if you were to ship the army of the dead to these distant shores. Those who have more of a heart, however, may wish to impede the inevitable advance using any means necessary, which will no doubt gain them some points among the various undead hating organisations (looking at you, Templars).

Before all that, however, the Dead march through orcish territory. Killing any they find and adding to their growing horde. Perhaps, they may not go completely unchallenged?


OOC: Basically, the Eternum army of zombies, skeletons, shoggoths and giant bone chickens is marching their way north and is looking for transport. Players who play orcs or live in the Blightlands can interact with them (they will be hostile), and anyone who plays a naval character stands to gain from interacting with the lot, whether through offering aid and gaining coin/gifts or trying to stop them and decreasing future impact within the Tundra.
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