Private Tales By Pale Moonlight and Silver Stars...

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
“May I call you Liath?” he asked, returning his tea to the table. There was very little conveyed in his level expression, but he smiled gently and listened to Liath without interruption. There was, however, cunning calculation in the way he watched him.

“The isles of Delbhna and its infamous Green Court,” he mused. There was something keen in the way he grinned. “It is a rare privilege to make your acquaintance. Kings do not often visit my humble establishment, fae or mortal. You are, of course, welcome here whenever it pleases you.” Wu Wei-Cai gestured to The Lunar Tiger. “You’ve nothing to apologize for. We do not judge our guests on their appearance; all are welcome here.”

The duanann uncrossed his legs and resituated. He moved his book and the tea setting aside, making room on the table between them.

“You say you’ve brought me something from your Lady, Fiadh?” At this point Wu Wei-Cai began to look excited. He folded his hands in his lap but leaned forward gently, awaiting the parcel.
With care, Liath presented the package on the table between them and waited, leaving it wrapped. He was courier only, and did not know what his Lady had sent him with. But the parcel was closer to Wu, and laid so he could twitch aside the wrappings to reveal it easily.

"I am not sure what it is, but I did not question her. Any man would be wise not to. But she stated it of import, so I took the straightest route here. Ley travel was deemed ill-suited for it while in my care, or it would have come sooner. It seems to attract all manner of magically inclined beasts and folk, like iron to a lodestone."
