Short cropped hair and longe goatee of dark red, scruffy beard across the face. Pale, covered in bright blue tattooing. Fond of a pair of leather bracers at his wrists, bronze neck torc, and other similar jewelry. Wears a plaid kilt of the Clan Seabhac, his mother's people from the North-West.
Skills and Abilities
*Sword, Spear, Shield - Liath isn't the best with a bow, but even a thrown spear from him is quite accurate, and he is extremely skilled with a short-sword and shield. One of the best of his clan and race, to hear him boast.
*Hunter - Though at less of a distance than a bowman, Liath is quite adept at tracking, stalking, and taking down game from varmint to the various beasts that roam the Fey-wilds.
*Musician - Not untalented with pan-pipe or small harp.
*Hunter - Though at less of a distance than a bowman, Liath is quite adept at tracking, stalking, and taking down game from varmint to the various beasts that roam the Fey-wilds.
*Musician - Not untalented with pan-pipe or small harp.
Potentially mad, to hear him joke and tease. Prone to laughing in combat, and quick to anger and forget. Often too trusting of those he trusts himself.
Biography & Lore
Born the third son of a fallen father, Liath grew up mentored by uncles and cousin's. From a young age, he was an afterthought, the emphasis placed on his older brothers being the future of the Clan, as one day they would have the right to vie for Chieftain and restore their family's honor. While not an unhappy childhood, it was far from blissful, and the youngest Seabhac was left to run wild and mostly free, his brothers away to the highlands to war and win fame to start their bids for power and standing enough to be Chieftain and maybe King, as was their ancestral right. Liath studied with preeminent warriors, scholars, and bards of his clan, training to be the perfect supporter and general to his brothers.
The two elder brothers had done much to bring some wealth back, and fame to their name. But what came back, Liath's mother shared to the even less fortunate families in the area, going without themselves. Charity and kindness would come to be a part of the man's future often enough to be a sworn trait. But eventually rivals from the South would raid their homes, burning and setting the families to flight. When the brothers responded, they were slain in an ill twist of fate, and the hopes of the Clan Seabhac came to rest on Liath.
Since that, he took what he could to bargain with the Dunaan Fiadh and secured his family's place. A bargain struck, the young Sebahac enjoyed the powers a Warlock gained to win unprecedented fame and fortune, restoring the Luck and wellbeing of his famil, Clan, and people. The Erainn were reborn and advanced, and eventually Liath was to take the journey to the standing stones in the center of his Isle, to attempt to draw the sword from the stone and be High King in name, rather than just de facto.
But such never came, the Dunaan Fiadh twisting his bonded word as the Fey as wont to do. Exiling him from the land of his birth, he was sent to become a wandering spellsword and mercenary, living the long decades and centuries as a legend of his people and nothing more, at her call when she grew bored. Almost all the lands have felt his steps and seen him in battle, and now the Warlock craves peace, a greater purpose, and a place to call home.
The two elder brothers had done much to bring some wealth back, and fame to their name. But what came back, Liath's mother shared to the even less fortunate families in the area, going without themselves. Charity and kindness would come to be a part of the man's future often enough to be a sworn trait. But eventually rivals from the South would raid their homes, burning and setting the families to flight. When the brothers responded, they were slain in an ill twist of fate, and the hopes of the Clan Seabhac came to rest on Liath.
Since that, he took what he could to bargain with the Dunaan Fiadh and secured his family's place. A bargain struck, the young Sebahac enjoyed the powers a Warlock gained to win unprecedented fame and fortune, restoring the Luck and wellbeing of his famil, Clan, and people. The Erainn were reborn and advanced, and eventually Liath was to take the journey to the standing stones in the center of his Isle, to attempt to draw the sword from the stone and be High King in name, rather than just de facto.
But such never came, the Dunaan Fiadh twisting his bonded word as the Fey as wont to do. Exiling him from the land of his birth, he was sent to become a wandering spellsword and mercenary, living the long decades and centuries as a legend of his people and nothing more, at her call when she grew bored. Almost all the lands have felt his steps and seen him in battle, and now the Warlock craves peace, a greater purpose, and a place to call home.