Fate - First Reply Butchery[Dreadlords]

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join
Everleigh scowled at Edric’s feat. How did someone so big jump so high? His build wasn’t even that lean, someone like him shouldn’t just look like they effortlessly flying through the air! And to top it all off, he hardly made a sound.

She rolled her eyes, mostly at herself. But that competitive spark had been lit. She looked up at the wall, seeing how he was waiting for her. She wouldn’t have him wait long.

A deep breath, and then she sprinted off. There was a slight hop in her step, and she used that to help propel her upward. One foot met the wall, to further help with the momentum of her jump and she was so close to being over to wall. Only half of her made it, her lower waist and down dangling on the side of the wall. She waved Edric away— pulling herself up, albeit, a bit slowly until she got a leg up over the side.

Her face was blank, not even looking at Edric before she nimbly dropped off to the other side, staying close into the shadows in a crouch.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Edric
Edric let himself drop back onto the ground, rolling his eyes for a brief moment as he watched Everleigh nimbly dance fall.

They both knew that it would have been easier for her to simply accept his hand, but he supposed he couldn't blame her too badly. He probably would have done the same thing. A sigh escaped him, and then he quickly followed along behind Everleigh.

The two Initiates quickly cut through the village, moving from building to building and slinking through the shadows

As they went further in voices began to echo out, terse conversations.

"Something goin on at the front gate. Wanna check it out?"

"What? No I have to watch Sophie. She's taking a nap, you go. We'll be along."​

Edric stopped for a second as the sound of a door opening echoed out, a man stepping out of the small hut. He moved quickly across the square, then cut down a road. Must be the Dreadlords.

He thought to himself, then continued forward crouching low.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
A slight pause. People were leaving their homes— and Everleigh had to admit, what perfect timing. She wondered what it was Dreadlord Mareou had done for the news to spread this far and fast. Everleigh’s footsteps were sure and quick, even while crouching low, not a single pebble was disturbed. Her long braid trailed behind her like a violet serpent.

Everleigh was on full alert, using her ears more than her eyes. The man who had just left wasn’t what was bothering her, as much as it was the possibility of people following behind him— if it wasn’t now, then when? Wild card.

How long did naps take? Everleigh couldn’t tell, she hadn’t napped since she was brought to the academy; now, the idea was almost foreign to her. What a waste of time.

But she was getting ahead of herself. Right now, they had to focus on getting to the well undetected. Another door opened, people stepping outside. Nowhere near them, their footsteps soon becoming faint. A hand rested on the flask of poison on her hip, her face blank as she let Edric take the lead.

However, they soon came to the well, and Everleigh paused. Of course, like any small town, it was out in the open, nothing leading up to it that would allow them to slowly make their way there and hide. A young boy was there right now, pulling up the wooden bucket to fill a large vase on the side of the well.
  • Sip
Reactions: Edric
As soon as Edric spotted the boy he took half a step back, crouching in the shadows of a large tavern. His lips thinned for a brief moment and he motioned for Everleigh to stay back behind him.

The whole point of this mission was not to be spotted. Even a child talking about strangers might be enough to give both of them away. Like ghosts..

Edric thought to himself quietly. The young boy seemed to struggle with the bucket for a few moments, drawing out the heavy pale of water and dumping some of it back in before he turned around on his heel. He stumbled somewhat, but eventually headed towards the west of the town.

The Initiate watched him for a few more moments, glancing around the square one more time.

”Go.” There was no need for both of them to run out into the open. ”I’ll cover you from here.”

He said softly, his gaze sweeping over the windows and balconies of the homes around the well. While Evelerigh poisoned the well, he would watch over her and make sure no one spotted her in the midst of it all.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
One pro about Edric’s size: she could easily hide behind him. She held her breath, stilling her heart as much as she possibly could while the boy was at the well.

He moved like molasses.

Finally, he was done with his task and waddled away, splashing a bit of water onto the ground. He reminded Everleigh of a duckling. Everleigh nodded and murmured a slight “mhm” in response to Edric’s words. She would be as fast as one could be, remaining in a low crouch.

Young and limber, she crossed over the square as if it were a piece of cake, and still low to the ground so once she reached the well, the stone wall could hide her from the houses directly across from her. She opened her water skin quickly, and then lifted her head up slightly, peering inside the well.

Everleigh couldn’t really tell how deep it was, and for a moment worried if it would be enough. But she reminded herself that the more water one drank, the sicker they would get. She tipped the water skin over, watching the clear liquid pour down.

She then pivoted on her heel, quickly making her way back to where Edric was.
  • Sip
Reactions: Edric
Edric was true to his word.

Every second that passed his eyes flickered around the courtyard. He never stopped looking for one second, never stopped observing each nook and cranny. He was looking for faces, people, anything that might catch Everleigh unawares.

Luckily, the whole time she undertook her task not a single person showed their soul. It was quiet, deadly so, and by the time his companion returned Edric all but expected that someone else would happen upon them. When that didn't happen he quickly turned around.

One swift motion was all that Everleigh received, and the two of them quickly began to head off.

Or they were about to.

"Who are you?"​

It was the voice of a young boy, Edric's head turning almost immediately as he heard it echo out. Standing a few meters away, tucked in a cove where neither he nor Everleigh could have seen stood the same young lad who had walked away with the bucket. In his hands was clutched the now empty pale.

He stared at the two Initiates.
  • Orc
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
Everything was going smoothly. And then. It wasn’t. Everleigh tensed, her hands immediately going back her back, where she usually had hidden flat blades. She turned her head, to see the young boy. Immediately, her mind went to knocking him out with gas so he wouldn’t even scream before slitting his throat. Or maybe give him that whiff of anthrax that she had used as part of the toxin medley for the water supply.

But what if he ran? And screamed? Went back through that strange way he had came?

Hello,” Everleigh said softly, smiling at the boy. It was easy to do, faking a genuine smile was always easier when she thought of something going awry with a plan. A year ago, her hair would have been dark and she would have had gray eyes. A year ago she would be sure that her beauty would help disarm one’s caution against her.

Now with violet hair and eyes, Everleigh felt she looked more like a mushroom or a frog— something that screamed “stay away!” To the human psyche.

At least her voice was still soft and sweet.

My friend and I are looking for our lost kitten.” She said easily, the smiling not leaving. Her hand was still behind her back. “It’s a gift for… Sophie. Do you know Sophie?” A slight tilt of her head. A few steps closer to the boy and she could have him in a deep sleep as his respiratory system shut down. Right now she didn’t want to scare him away.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Edric
There wasn't a question of what to do.

Both of them knew. Both of them instantly understood. The Proctors had said they were to be ghosts, that they were not to be seen. It was a simple instruction, and easy one to follow by all accounts. Yet here they were, stuck.

The answer was an obvious one.

Everleigh moved before Edric could, and it was likely better than she had.

His method would have been fast, but the trail of blood would have been easy for other villagers to follow. So instead of approaching the boy his head seemed to swivel, searching, watching for anyone else that might come around the corner.

Every muscle in his body was tense, pulling at the pool of reserve which sat at his core. He prepared to jump forward, to dash towards the boy and slit his throat if he so much as opened his mouth to scream.

They had to be ghosts.


The boy said with a shake of his head.

"But my mumma is might know, she's real good at findin stuff."​
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
Everleigh glanced over at Edric, surprised he hadn’t lunged out and killed the boy. It was better if she dealt with him, in her mind, she’d be able to give him a much better death: gentle and quick. A death without pain, filled only with sweet dreams and then eternal sleep.

Another pro was the fact that it would for sure kill him as silently as possible.

Oh, no, poor kitty.” Everleigh murmured, shaking her head and having a deep frown replace the smile. “You see, it’s a small, black kitten. A girl. Well, you can’t really tell boy kittens or girl kittens from one another when they’re young. She’s about this big,” she gestured with her hands, trying to keep her voice light, as she took two steps towards the boy.

After all, the fact that this boy had mentioned his mother worried her. The longer she kept him, she worried if it would cause his mother— or another family member— to search for him. But the rambling was necessary, even if she was oversharing. It was a great way for her to move closer to the target and seem natural about it—which meant she could keep her voice quiet— as well as to hopefully dissuade him.

Ah, I hate to ask this of you but… could you help us search for Kitty? You’re smaller than my friend and I, and although your mother must be excellent at finding things that are lost, she’s tall too, right? Would you be able to just check one spot for us? We’re too big to fit inside, but you might be able to. It’ll be very, very quick, I promise. I’ll give you some candy in return for all the trouble.” Everleigh added.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Edric
Edric still remained behind Everleigh. He knew that anything he said would just make the situation worse. The boy was seemingly transfixed with Everleigh, and that was enough for him. If there was a movement, if he tried to run away, that was when he would move, that was when he would act.

A part of him hoped that he didn’t.

He’d never liked killing children. The Proctors had always said that at times it was necessary, but that hardly meant the Initiate enjoyed it. Whether they were elf or human, it had always seemed…wrong. Lips thinned for a moment as he pushed down memories, watching his companion as she approached the boy.


The boy seemed far more enthusiastic than Edric would have expected.

Perhaps searching for a lost kitten was more exciting than fetching water, or perhaps the arrival of strangers was something that marked the day out for him. Edric couldn’t have said, but he was strangely glad for it.

It would be much easier this way.
  • Sip
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
Everleigh smiled widely at the boy’s response and clapped her hands together softly. This was exactly the answer she wanted to hear. Who knew that by offering candy and asking a child to help you find a missing animal that they would be so willing to do so? Someone should really teach them about stranger danger.

Thank you so much, here, come here,” Everleigh said, waving the boy closer with her free hand. The hand behind her back reached down to a small pouch secured at her thigh, pulling out a thin glass needle. She looked away suddenly, pretending to cough into her shoulder, leaning downward so her bangs could help cover her eyes.

Eyes tightly shut and semi-hidden by violet tresses, mouth pressed into her shoulder as she imitated a cough, Everleigh’s eyes glowed. She pricked her finger, drops of blood staining the clear glass. When she turned to face the boy, quickly, leaning straight into his face

Dull eyes were now a bright violet and she blew the air into his face. It was a heavy dose and she steadied him as he faded into a land of sleep. Seconds later he was in her arms, collapsed against her chest. His breathing slowed.

Where should we place him?” Everleigh asked, looking over at Edric and holding up a needle. “This is the same as the one in the well.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Edric
Edric looked down at the boy.

If things had been different, if he had no source of magic or power, that very well could just as easily have been him. A frown tugged at the edges of his lips, gaze fixed on the body as Everleigh clutched him tight. After a moment he motioned towards the alleyway. "There."

He told her.

"Away from the well and the bucket." If the Villagers made the connection between the water and the illness then most of them wouldn't drink. They needed people to think that it came from somewhere else.

The alleyway was filthy, piled with trash and likely excrement. The boy had no doubt been told to stay away from it before, but children never listened. "Let them think he's patient zero."

Another cruelty, one that Proctors would surely approve of.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
Everleigh nodded her head in agreement, and carried the boy to where Edric had pointed. She set him down gently, as if he were her little brother who was exhausted from a day of play. It was as if she was putting him down for a nap and didn’t want to wake him. Her blank stare revealed nothing, even as she lifted up his pant leg slightly to reveal his small ankle and to prick him with her needle.

She placed the glass needle back into her hidden pouch and looked the boy once over. Ironically, she had placed him in a spot that seemed to be the cleanest to the human eye. Looking back at Edric, she went over and picked up the bucket.

Without saying a word, she went to sneak back to the well, placing the bucket near it and then scurried back to her fellow initiate as fast as possible.

I think that covers everything.” She whispered, glancing back at the sleeping child. His breathing was still steady, slow and calm. Good. Hopefully his respiratory system wouldn’t shut down until the middle of the night.
  • Sip
Reactions: Edric
Edric lingered for a few seconds, looking down at the boy as Everleigh crept up besides him. For a long minute he simply stood there, and the he dipped his head in a nod. "Good."

That was all they could do.

The boy would die, and no one would be any the wiser that they had ever been here. Some would have called it cruel, and perhaps it was, but this was what they had been taught. They were Dreadlord Initiates, soldiers for Vel Anir.

There had never been a question that this was what would have to happen. The boys fate had been sealed the moment he had seen them. "Let's get out of here."

Edric said with a jerk of his head, motioning towards the way they had come.

Without another word he turned on his heel, heading back towards the wall.
  • Dab
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
Everleigh couldn’t agree more that they had most definitely overstayed their welcome in this town. Especially after the little boy ate up plenty of their valuable time. At least it was someone gullible and naive instead of someone with more sense, like an adult.

Everleigh was right on Edric’s heels as they headed back to the wall. Everleigh’s thoughts were focused on their mission, focusing more that every footstep was silent, that she didn’t even disturb a pebble on their path back to the wall.

Guilt, much like shame and humiliation, wasn’t effective towards her anymore. There had been a time when she felt guilty about collecting her prize from the fools who made wagers against her. But then that passed. And then she had felt guilt for no longer feeling guilty when they would cry out in agony.

Feeling guilt on completing a mission? For getting high marks? For having the chance to have her name spread around the noble houses? For proving that despite her magic’s obvious limitations she could go farther than what proctors said would be possible? Only a fool would feel guilt.

Everleigh looked up, as if she could see those puppet strings attached to her.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Edric
Edric walked alongside Everleigh in silence. He didn’t say anything as they made their way back through the town, creeping through the shadows and moving beneath windows so that no one saw them.

Before long they had made it back to the wall.

It was as unimposing as it had been before, and Edric quickly made his way towards the wooden Palisade. That same magic was pulled from his core, muscles and tendons getting stronger before he broke out into a sprint.

With the same agility before he rushed forward. One quick jump and he found himself over the top of the wall, this time half lingering on top and offering the same hand over to Everleigh that he had before.

Would she ignore it again?

Edric had absolutely no idea. Everleigh was as hard to read as…well pretty much anyone he’d ever met. Fucking Noel was easier to understand than the poison mushroom.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol
Everleigh looked at the wall before her, watched again the way Edric seemed to scale it so easily and looking like he was just merely skipping through a field of flowers. She looked down at her bare hand, frowning for a moment, and then looked back behind her.

Before she could get a decent running start, now she couldn’t really. Well, not without a possible risk of someone catching sight of her. Gritting her teeth, Everleigh was about ready to take that risk before the sound of voices reached her ears.

Faint, but there. The worst part was how one sounded like a surprised cry.

Pride was shoved to the side as she sprinted as fast as she could, that same hop in her step before she leapt up. Once again one foot reached the wall to help propel her up but she didn’t go as far as she did the first time.

She gripped Edric’s forearm to help her scale the rest of the way up, and the moment one foot was solid, Everleigh let go immediately. And just as quickly she was down on the other side of the wall, scurrying off.
  • Bless
Reactions: Edric
Edric didn’t hesitate in the least. He felt Everleigh grip his forearm, and with one quick motion counterbalanced himself to get her up and over the wall. There wasn’t any place for ego or tricks on a mission, particularly not like this one.

Some of the other students saw tasks like this as an opportunity to thin the herd.

There were more than a few stories of some of their peers disappearing on one mission or another. Left behind, meeting with ‘accidents’, or outright murdered. Edric had never much seen the point of it.

He was strong, one of the strongest in the class.

Handicapping the success of a mission just because it might give him a leg up later? What was the point in that. He would end up beating whomever it was that he was going to face on the tower. Regardless of who they were.

Quickly the two students rushed back into the forest, moving along and up the ridgeline as fast as they could. It was not long before they were once again on the road, The Dreadlord who had sent them to poison the well already waiting.

“Everything go as planned?”​

He asked, his voice calm. ”Yes. The well has been poisoned. There was a boy who saw us, but he will not wake to tell the tale.”

Edric glanced briefly at Everleigh.

The Dreadlord nodded, and then motioned down the road.

“Good. Then lets leave this cursed isle.”​
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Everleigh Ebersol