Open Chronicles Blood of Nobility

A roleplay open for anyone to join
Character Biography
The country of Mardania: A nation north-northwest of an arm of the Spine.

The city of Mardus: The capital city of Mardania, the seat of government, a bastion of safety and the center of trade and education.

The School of Script: The countries most advanced university of magic and finishing school for the children of Nobility.

The ball court, an outdoor grass court where social events are often held to give the students of the finishing school a chance to mingle and practice their training, drinking tea together, talking, dancing, presenting themselves with grace and poise as expected of proper Nobility.

"You're Lady Arminian, aren't you? I just love that dress on you! I'm Lady Calcutte, absolutely charming to meet you!"
Melina Calcutte, a proud daughter of the Calcutte family dukedom. She wore a bright red party dress with a wide skirt and a modestly low shoulder, back and neckline.
Her auburn hair was put up and held fast with a rose pin.
A choker of red beads and a blue stone adorned her fair neck.

Melina walked about the court with her personal maid in tow, waiting on her needs.
Because this was meant to simulate a high class function, the students personal maids and servants were allowed to attend and perform their duties for their masters and mistresses.
Melina's particular mission was to meet everyone who was worth knowing, the children of Dukes and Barons specifically, but also the nobles and merchants of high standing as well, because a title alone didn't set one apart, but those who had power in spite of their titles and birth were also important and Melina had made particular note of who those were. She had a mental list and she was checking them off.

As the daughter of a Duke herself, and a powerful one at that, many also came to introduce themselves to her and curry favor.
Melina didn't take the active approach for her own sake, however... As if she needed to curry favor with anyone.
She was, in actuality, asserting her dominance in the brutal pecking order of high class nobility.

Of course she didn't just socialize with the ladies.
There were men present as well and Melina was sure to make her presence known there as well, shaking hands and exchanging introductions. After all, statistics showed that most nobles who attended the school of Script met their spouse here as well.

The final and most important introduction on her list, the Vasserets. From one Dukedom to another it was difficult to share the power dynamic between them, so she had to assert herself over even those of equal rank and standing if she was to be successful here.
"Ah, Lady Vasseret, correct? I am Lady Melina. I love that necklace, was it a gift? I simply must know the craftsman who made it!"
She smiled politely with almost genuine interest, already having perfected the mask of a noble lady that concealed her true thoughts and feelings.

What a disgusting necklace. And the sort of company she keeps... No, this will not do.

Beside miss Vasseret was a lady of lower status, here on a pity scholarship no doubt... From the Salamanca family, if her information was good.
A lower merchant family.
Priscilla Vasseret would do well to keep better company immediately.
Eris, as usual, arrived late to the party. Not that it bothered her. She wore a tight dress that was black as night with a dainty lace bow sitting just above her hip.

Eris pretended to listen as she was scolded for arriving late, valiantly resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Really, who actually cared if a Knight's daughter was punctual or well behaved? She was the lowest of the low at the School of Scripts. No better than the dirt on the bottom of a kings boots compared to the others in attendance. Eris was a noble by name and nothing more.

She wasn't here to make friends. Eris was there for one thing and one thing only. Power. As it stood, she had very little, but she needed more. Taking any means necessary, Eris dreamed of climbing to the top to challenge royalty. The power off a Knight was nothing compared to what she could have for herself.

After the discussion was over, Eris entered the throng of other nobles. Most ignored her, but she did stop to make polite conversation here and there. Spotting her favorite victim, Eris sauntered her way over to her.

"My my Lady Vasseret! Don't you look... nice." She offered Priscilla a bright, fake smile. "It must have taken you all morning to get ready." Eris waited a moment for a response but none came. "Hey! Cheese-for-brains!" she hissed quietly, nudging Priscilla's foot with her own. "I'm tryin' to talk to you here!" With a sigh, she turned to the two other girls.

Beside Priscilla stood a girl who appeared to have not sleep for a number of days. If I remember right, Eris thought, she's the daughter of a merchant or something. Ew...

Now the second girl was an entirely different matter. She was beautiful and exuded confidence and power. A clear hallmark of a high ranking noble. Eris instantly knew that if she wanted to move up the social ladder, she would either have to crush this girl or make friends. And crushing her was definitely the more enticing of the prospects.

"I don't believe we've met. I'm Lady Fulton." Eris politely held out her hand. "Oh! That's a lovely hairpin! I believe my grandmother used to wear one just like it!"
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"So, like I said, getting to know these people would be wise, sir. Without establishing some relationships, attending the academy is useless."

One of the knights, a member of the lesser nobility, made a case for why the two of them should go to the celebration together as Kallach listened.

He stared at the middle-aged, balding man and responded, "You raise a valid point, but I'm hardly a social butterfly."

That was false, or at least only partially true. Kallach readily consented to the plan, dressing in his finest attire and dousing himself in fragrance from head to toe.

He was a scarily tall man, broad-shouldered and with deltoid muscles as big as bowling balls. Truth be told, he was built more like a warlord of some kind and people could confuse him for one if not for his boyish face and colorful attire.

As far as clothes were concerned, Kallach opted for a darkly teal-colored zupan styled with floral patterns, each a different shade of the aforementioned color, ranging from aquamarine to turquoise.

"But in the end, what these folks really want is my practical knowledge. Which, among other things, includes teaching their snot-nosed brats on how to perform magic properly."

The way Kallach treated the young noblemen and noble ladies made the knight cringe because it was obvious that he had no regard for their social standing or fortune. Which made the man consider his question, "What was Kallach doing here in the first place?" Furthermore, there's no way somebody came all the way from Elbion just to earn some extra money. There had to be another explanation for it.

But the two of them had already arrived at the ball court before Sir Knight had a chance to ask anything of the sort. Disgruntled, he looked around himself, feeling out of place among the higher nobility.

"Is something wrong?"

"No no. All is well,"
replied the older knight.

Kallach shrugged off the obvious lie, stroking his strangely shaped beard with one hand. The carefully trimmed mass of hair curved slightly forward like a crescent moon symbol.

"Well," Kallach's eyes threw glances in all directions, taking a better look at the other participants.

"I think I'll be leaving you to your machinations now. If you need me, you know how and where to find me."

And with that, he marched off in the opposite direction.
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Stella was miserable.

Granted that wasnt saying much.

She was always miserable.

Her quite conservative black dress was accented with a pattern of roses made of white silk that shimmered. It hugged what little curves her skinny frame provided and helped conceal her general "Lack of assets." her meager bust presented.


Her mother had told them they would come in...Or maybe she hadnt...Stella had stopped paying attention after the words "bust." and "Lacking darling." Personally Stella could not care less. She did not even want to be here. She would rather be at home with Lanna teaching her.

The tutor had always been strict, but she had always allowed Stella to pursue what interested her as long as the basics were covered and mastered before hand.. But that was before that fateful day.

it was "An oppurtunity of a lifetime."

"Their daughter invited to attened the school of scripts."

The connections!

The possibilitys!

The sheer and total lack of !@$#s. Stella could find in her heart to give.

They shipped her off to some big fancy babysitter play pin for pencil dicked @#$& heads and demonic harpys they called daughters who couldnt help but spread their legs and play the damsel in dire need of a child and a ring before reality came knocking.

At least Priscilla was here. Her only friend and the only bright spot in this whole blasted prison sentence of a strech of time she had to spend in this place. She simply stayed by Priscilla and looked akward as everyone pranced about with their fake smiles and stilted greetings. “I hate these things..” She muttered to Priscilla glancing about in her generally lazy way.

Make up had done little to hide the dark circles under her eyes due mostly to her lack of skill in using it. She had only decided to put some on because Priscilla insited. So she had gone with the liberal approach... Not that she cared.

They were a badge of honor in her eyes. Earned from many late nights of study. A young lady approached her as she stood quietly gesturing for Stella to lend her an ear.

“Patrick and Edward had that fight last night over Bella as you said. Patrick beat him up pretty badly…” Shit. She cursed herself mentally. Edward had been the 5 to 1 favorite. Patrick had been the 10 to 1 underdog. When had that weasel decide to grow a back bone before talking to her first.

“Mark it and deliver the winnings after this is all over. No one gets anything until then. And if that stoat eyed bugger Chandler tries to squeeze you for it early tell him I still have those answers to the coming astronomy test and if he wants to pass it he’ll get paid when the others do.” She whispered back stifling a yawn halfway through her angrily hissed sentence.

The young lady nodded and blended back into the crowd. Stella returned to her sulking as two new bringers of sunshine came their way.

Stella sighed to herself staying close to Priscilla who was, as usual, off in her own world.

"Ah, Lady Vasseret, correct? I am Lady Melina. I love that necklace, was it a gift? I simply must know the craftsman who made it!"
She smiled politely with almost genuine interest, already having perfected the mask of a noble lady that concealed her true thoughts and feelings.
Melina Calcutte. As in "Me-Lina over for everyone to kiss my proud noble tooshie." (Not that anyone could prove Stella had started that.) Now there was a face Stella could go a decade without seeing. Speaking with charm as fake as the smile carved into her face.

Stella remained silent as Eris Fulton made herself known as well. As sure as thunder followed lightening or in this case, as stink followed manure.

Though comparatively Stella would prefer the manure and stink to this pair.

"My my Lady Vasseret! Don't you look... nice." She offered Priscilla a bright, fake smile. "It must have taken you all morning to get ready." Eris waited a moment for a response but none came.
Eris managed to pull a smile faker than Melinas which to her credit, was quiet the task. Stella was almost impressed if the feat wasnt being more of a phony than Melina. Stella simply ignored her along with priscilla after a glance that seemed to manage to say "go take a long walk off a short cliff." With out a word being uttered.
"Hey! Cheese-for-brains!" she hissed quietly, nudging Priscilla's foot with her own. "I'm tryin' to talk to you here!" With a sigh, she turned to the two other girls.
"Ooo full sentences." Stella said with a deadpan mock shock. "must have had you studying late. No wonder you werent here on time. All those big words..Well big for you considering it isnt just grunting.." She shot at Eris The only indicator of her mood being the slight slant to her eyes.
"I don't believe we've met. I'm Lady Fulton." Eris politely held out her hand. "Oh! That's a lovely hairpin! I believe my grandmother used to wear one just like it!"
"I remeber that.." Stella said with a yawn. "That was a round the same time she started to go mad wasnt it?" Stella asked in a mockingly genuine yet still level tone.

" I heard she was using it as a paint brush to paint abstract paintings with her excrement a couple of months before she died."

She glanced at Melina.

"It suits you." Stella said in her usual dead pan. Hoping this opening volley would drive back both girls enough to give her and her best friend some space.
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"I think you look lovely, Stella!" Priscilla could tell her friend was uncomfortable at the party, but she would do her best to at least try to make her feel like she belonged with all the other ladies.

She gently rubbed her thumb under Stella's eye to blend a bit of makeup she had missed. "I know you hate them, but it's good to show up." She gave her a toothy grin. "Plus, you get to hang out with me in pretty dresses for a night." She twirled for her friend, the details on her emerald green party dress shimmering in the light.

She was too enamored in her own dress to notice the woman walk up to Stella and whisper in her ear. "It's so pretty!" She squealed. While it wasn't her first choice in dresses, her mother said it covered her 'sturdy' lower half well and made her look like a princess.

She only fell in love after she convinced one of the servants to hand sew thousands of crystals on it so it reflected rainbows wherever the light hit.

She stopped to regain her balance after a voice called out to her. "Oh! Hello Lady Melina!" She curtsied for the fellow noblewoman. "Yes, I'm Lady Priscilla Vasseret. It's lovely to meet you." She yanked Stella over by her arm. "And this is Lady Salamanca." She wasn't sure if she was technically meant to be called a Lady, but it didn't matter to her. She may not have been a "Lady", but she was a lady. And she was her best friend. She would not settle for anyone treating her as lesser just because she was on scholarship.

She pinched the emerald green jeweled necklace she wore as Melina addressed it. "Oh, yes, it was a gift from one of my mother's friends. One of a kind." She began to take it off. "But, I'm not really one for heavy metals around my neck. Here, you take it!" She forced the priceless antique into Melina's hands.

She all but ignored Eris' sudden entrance until a foot found its way against her own. "Hey!" She snapped right before Stella responded. She turned towards the blonde woman, giggling at Stella's comments towards her. "You're right Stel, she probably was studying. She gets very good grades. I've seen them myself!"

Priscilla was blissfully unaware of the backhanded complements the women were giving to one another until the topic of a grandmother came up. "Oooh! I've heard that as well. Is it true the paintings are in one of the galleries in Mardus? We should go visit together!"
She stopped to regain her balance after a voice called out to her. "Oh! Hello Lady Melina!" She curtsied for the fellow noblewoman. "Yes, I'm Lady Priscilla Vasseret. It's lovely to meet you." She yanked Stella over by her arm. "And this is Lady Salamanca." She wasn't sure if she was technically meant to be called a Lady, but it didn't matter to her. She may not have been a "Lady", but she was a lady. And she was her best friend. She would not settle for anyone treating her as lesser just because she was on scholarship.
Melina cringed just slightly when Priscilla brought forward her little goblin of a friend and introduced her, confirming that her information was accurate.
But for the sake of winning over Priscilla she smiled cordially.
"A pleasure to meet you, I'm sure."
By the gods this Salamanca girl looked like she hadn't slept in days!
Quite an unpleasant creature to look upon.

She pinched the emerald green jeweled necklace she wore as Melina addressed it. "Oh, yes, it was a gift from one of my mother's friends. One of a kind." She began to take it off. "But, I'm not really one for heavy metals around my neck. Here, you take it!" She forced the priceless antique into Melina's hands.
Her willingness to part with such a trinket caught her off guard. But she had complimented it so she wouldn't lose face by accepting such an ugly decoration.
"Oh! Why thank you Lady Vasseret, I'm sure I will treasure it always!"
In another life!
"... But, I am sure your mother and her friend would be cross if she found out you had given away such a priceless gift. You should at least keep it if you don't wear it."
She put the necklace back in Priscilla's hands and closed her fingers over it.

"I don't believe we've met. I'm Lady Fulton." Eris politely held out her hand.
Another lady approached and introduced herself, Fulton? A simple knight family of some wealth and standing, but still a lower house by Melina's standards.
"Likewise, I am Lady Calcutte."
She accepted the hand with an amiable smile.

Melina touched the rose hairpin holding up her hair and smiled to herself as the obvious insults flew her way.
These girls were as subtle as cowbells, plainly they felt threatened by her obvious superiority and felt the need to take the offensive to establish boundaries.
Melina didn't suffer under her mothers brutal tutelage to take this laying down.
"Oh! That's a lovely hairpin! I believe my grandmother used to wear one just like it!"
"I remember that.." Stella said with a yawn. "That was a round the same time she started to go mad wasn't it?" Stella asked in a mockingly genuine yet still level tone.

" I heard she was using it as a paint brush to paint abstract paintings with her excrement a couple of months before she died."

She glanced at Melina.

"It suits you." Stella said in her usual dead pan. Hoping this opening volley would drive back both girls enough to give her and her best friend some space.
Priscilla was blissfully unaware of the backhanded complements the women were giving to one another until the topic of a grandmother came up. "Oooh! I've heard that as well. Is it true the paintings are in one of the galleries in Mardus? We should go visit together!"
She gave a laugh that was clear and genuine, showing that she was unshaken by their combined assault... Minus Priscilla who seemed to simply find fecal art fascinating...
"My dear Priscilla, THAT sort of art displayed in Mardus? Don't be silly, it would put the gallery on a blacklist if it didn't get them shut down completely."

She tempered her good natured laugh with a touch of mock concern, seeming to take Stella's side in the verbal attack for the moment.
"But, miss Fulton! I was unaware that your grandmother went mad, That must have been a horrible ordeal for your family, perhaps that's why your father is only a Knight? It must have taken years for your family to show their faces in public again."
She adjusted the hairpin carefully, adoringly styling it.
"Although I must admit, your grandmother has exquisite taste! My father got this for me in Belgrath, made by the dwarves master craftsmen! The dwarves have a massive forge deep in the mountain at the center of their city, it's truly impressive if you get the chance to see it! When it's in use it glows like a sunset in the underground city."

She turned her golden brown gaze on Stella next, her smile unfazed by her low brow insults.
"My my, miss Salamanca. Perhaps you should find a better news source. To think that they would allow a madwoman to possess a potentially dangerous item such as a hairpin? Why, that would be sheer irresponsibility on the wardens part!"
She took on a secretive demeanor and leaned in slightly, but her voice was just above a whisper so all those involved could hear, and a slightly dangerous edge entered her tone.
"A hairpin could easily be used as a ladies weapon, in fact, my mother used one to blind a man who tried to lay hands on her in her younger years."
Implying that her mother had also taught her to be so versatile.

She maintained her secretive conversation a moment longer.
"On another note, miss Salamanca. I'm sure you know that brining up the topic of "fecal matter" is not appropriate conversation for noble ladies, I'm afraid that might be a point against your grade should the staff find out."

She arched an eyebrow at Stella meaningfully before straightening and clapping her hands excitedly with a bright smile.
"Excellent! I'm glad we understand one another."
By "understand" it's clear that they were enemies and Melina had no intention of losing even outnumbered as she was.

She looked over the small clique they had formed, of course, theirs wasn't the only clique with a hostile undertone. She wasn't about to walk away now, but this conversation needed a change of scenery.
"It looks like the punch bowl has finally cleared,"
She looped her arm with Priscilla's.
"Shall we avail ourselves of some refreshments? My maid will serve us."
Without waiting for an answer she started leading Priscilla towards the table with the punch, almost certain that the others would follow but she was eager to tear them down another notch for insulting a gift from her father.
She paused, turned and gave both Eris and Stella an indifferent glance.
"You're free to join us if you feel you must."

First rule of domination, always take charge of the situation.
Kallach was about to ladle his fourth glass of punch when he observed an odd little group of young women coming toward him.

The ladle was set down and rested against the punch bowl's side. He arched an eyebrow as he gazed inquisitively at the visitors.

He was plainly a few years older than the females in question, which was underlined by his already mature appearance. True, Kallach appeared and sounded older than he really was. The fact that he was muscular and hairy in addition to this didn't help.

"Ah, and what is this?" He wondered aloud, raising his voice high enough to be heard. The strength it carried was greater than even what his frame would've otherwise implied. Could it be that he was using magic to make himself more... imposing? Possibly.

He could tell they were arguing over something by the tone and expressions on their faces, but he wasn't entirely sure what.

The man shrugged and made the decision to stop them, sauntering in their direction until they were only a few meters apart.

He came to a stop, looking at the girl who was in charge of the crowd. Then it dawned on him that they were probably the pupils he would be instructing while in Mardenia.

For a brief minute, he felt foolish and was about to apologetically scratch the back of his head with his palm.

Instead, he grinned while pulling his lips into a thin line at the corners of his mouth.

"My sincerest apologies for the intrusion, but you wouldn't happen to be the Melina Calcutte, would you?"

In reality that was the only name he had managed to remember, and only a stroke of luck did it materialize in his mind.

His eyes, framed by long lashes, bore down on the brunette girl heavily. He was looking down at her from an elevated position, and those eyes of his seemed to sparkle a little. It was hard to tell if it was simply the sunlight bouncing off them or if they were, in fact, glowing a little.

Melina Calcutte
Eris Fulton
@Stellaris Salamanca
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She arrived fashionably late. No one questioned her.

If she was late it was deemed so by someone far above the pay grade of any of the staff in a position to discipline her.

Elexnia Fulton drew every eye as she entered the courtyard.

Her white formal dress fitted to accentuate her perfect form. Curves in all the right places.

But never too obnoxious. Her dress was conservative and covered her quite well, but her figured oozed such sensuality the dress merely needed to fit it.

Nothing swooping or low cut. A bright blue sapphire sat centered in the lace choker necklace around her neck.

It complemented her icy blue eyes that seemed to almost glow with chilling confidence to the point of light bioluminescence.

She walked calmly with purpose as if every step was well thought out, planned and expertly executed, and her posture made those that glanced at her to stand up a little straighter.

Her usual group of admirers swarmed her all trying to curry favor. She smiled nicely and excepted thier hands in greeting like a queen happily greeting her subjects.

Her every mannerism reeked of authority. Soon her icy gaze fell on the reason she had arrived.

She excused herself from her own large and quickly forming group.

Her eyes barely leaving her new found target.


Her good for nothing younger sister.

Even her twin brother had been less of a disappointment.

But he was a boy.

More under her fathers area of raising. He was adequate at what was expected of him and was kind enough to win over those he couldn’t with skill.

In short? He was no threat to her reputation even if he did not add to its growth in any serious way.

Eris on the other hand was nothing but trouble. Fighting, drinking, uncouth language and poorly executed backhanded insults.

A stain to be tended to on occasion.

And now she was surrounded by urchins.

Leeches clinging to her sister no doubt knowing her relation.

Melina was the only one worth her time in the least. And she certainly meant in the least.

Being ahead of the rest of this assembled group was no better than beating a man with no arms in a sword fight.

Needless to say…

It wasn’t saying much.

The rest simple dregs, and that included her sister.

She made her way over with a smile on her face as she approached her sister first. Eris’s back was to her so she doubted any of them noticed.

The smile was genuine though rather than being the smile of a loving older sibling it was the smile of a predator taking joy in catching her prey unaware. She would gently place a hand on her sisters shoulder. “Hello sister..” She would say casually giving her a light kiss on the cheek.

“I see your making friends..How..charming.” She would say in a way that she always had.

“Charming.” Clearly being a substitute for surprising. Eris had always had trouble making friends and Elexnia would never miss an opportunity to point that out. After this quick greeting she would pull away her hand and brush past her younger sister ever so lightly allowing their shoulders to touch. So that the group at large could face her.

“I would be remiss not to introduce myself.” She said the smile never leaving her face as she made eye contact with every member of the group.

Sizing them up.

Not even giving Melina a pause.

As if she saw what she needed with a glance and the girl was worth no more.

A nonverbal slap to a woman who undoubtedly had the mental capacity to fully take it on the cheek.

“I am Eris’s older sister. Lady Elexnia Fulton.” She would say with a short graceful curtsy.
She paused, turned and gave both Eris and Stella an indifferent glance.
"You're free to join us if you feel you must."
Eris was still fuming as they departed for the punch bowl. A wicked grin slowly crept onto her lips as Melina spouted an endless stream of noble nonsense to Priscilla. Eris got closer and deftly yanked the hairpin out of Melina's hair, and watched smugly as her hair fell. She waved the hairpin in the air, as if she were laying brush strokes down on an invisible canvas.

"If Lady Melina keeps talking," Eris remarked nonchalantly, "I'll have enough excrement to paint a whole 'nother set of canvases with what's coming from her mouth."

"We made a fortune from my grandmother's paintings, just imagine the price we could fetch if the "paint" came from a noblewoman!" Eris smirked and bent the pin in half before carelessly tossing it at Melina's maid. She pushed past Melina, taking the lead.

"Ah, and what is this?" He wondered aloud, raising his voice high enough to be heard.
A tall, handsome, and most importantly, older man, approached and stopped a short distance away. He, of course, only recognized Melina. That stupid bitch! Why did SHE get all the-

She would gently place a hand on her sisters shoulder. “Hello sister..” She would say casually giving her a light kiss on the cheek
Any lingering frustration Eris felt flew out the window as an icy voice sent a chill down her spine. Her posture instinctively corrected itself as she turned to face the woman behind the voice. "H-Hello... Elex..." Eris stammered fearfully, all the arrogance and boldness having left her body the moment she heard her sister's voice.

Elexnia Fulton. Perfect in every conceivable way. Perfect hair, perfect posture, perfect ladylike demeanor... She was everything Eris wasn't. Elexnia had discovered this very early on in their childhood and lorded it over her younger sister. She had her subtle ways of making sure Eris knew that she was a lesser creature in her eyes. Elexnia had lofty standards that Eris could never live up to.

“I see your making friends..How..charming.” She would say in a way that she always had
Eris hugged her sister stiffly, before releasing her and turning back to her little group. "I wouldn't say we are friends, Elex. We..." How was she supposed to tell her sister that she had been tormenting these girls? Oh Elexnia would just love that. Just another way for Eris to prove that she would never be a proper lady, or love up to high standards. And the way she said "charming" was infuriating! Elexnia always found a way to belittle her and she hated it.

She also hated just being around her sister. There was no choice but to submit. Standing up for herself was no use. Elexnia had ways of tearing down even the most steadfast person. "Thank you... I hope to become even better friends with them during my time here." What the hell was she saying? There was no way she was going to be friends with these girls!

Eris breathed a small sigh of relief as Elexnia moved on to introduce herself to the rest of the group.
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"I think you look lovely, Stella!" Priscilla could tell her friend was uncomfortable at the party, but she would do her best to at least try to make her feel like she belonged with all the other ladies.
A light blush would alight on her cheeks as Stellaris would shrug at the compliment clearly disagreeing with her wonderful friend..

Stella knew she wasnt much to look at. It didn't bother her persay, but she always did notice when Priscilla ever found a boy she liked and asked her to go on double dates...

The dates they brought were always weirdos.. quiet kids with strange interests. Never really "lookers" either.

She hated herself.

Why would she enjoy the male version. It was like an elf being placed next to another elf like "Oh your both elves. you must love eachother."

Idiots....But..Priscilla was her friend, and her feelings would be hurt..

The look in her eyes when Stella would refuse would often be enough to break her down into agreeing..
She gently rubbed her thumb under Stella's eye to blend a bit of makeup she had missed. "I know you hate them, but it's good to show up." She gave her a toothy grin. "Plus, you get to hang out with me in pretty dresses for a night." She twirled for her friend, the details on her emerald green party dress shimmering in the light.
Stella flinched at the contact but eventually just stood and took it. She liked it when Priscilla touched her. It was gently and kind..

It wasnt innapproprate..

Well maybe a little if Stella looked into her heart of hearts. But in all honesty Priscilla was simply one of the only people in her life besides her parents that Stella fully trusted.

The only touch other than her parents that didnt result in someone loosing a finger.

or a hand..

or an arm..

Afterwards she simply dead panned at her waiting for her to realize that none of those words but "With me." were even on the same plain of existence of anything she would find remotely appealing.

But she grinned appreciatively at the glittering of her dress. It was pretty...
She stopped to regain her balance after a voice called out to her. "Oh! Hello Lady Melina!" She curtsied for the fellow noblewoman. "Yes, I'm Lady Priscilla Vasseret. It's lovely to meet you." She yanked Stella over by her arm. "And this is Lady Salamanca." She wasn't sure if she was technically meant to be called a Lady, but it didn't matter to her. She may not have been a "Lady", but she was a lady. And she was her best friend. She would not settle for anyone treating her as lesser just because she was on scholarship.
Stella smiled slightly at Priscilla calling her a lady..

She was on scholarship and Priscilla knew that. Her family had offered it to her in the first place..It just showed her how kind her friend could be..
She all but ignored Eris' sudden entrance until a foot found its way against her own. "Hey!" She snapped right before Stella responded. She turned towards the blonde woman, giggling at Stella's comments towards her. "You're right Stel, she probably was studying. She gets very good grades. I've seen them myself!"
Another deadpan glance her way..Seriously..Did priscilla not know how bad Eris's grades undoubtedly...Well..This was Priscilla...Her father's purse had single handedly carried her through every failing mark..
She turned her golden brown gaze on Stella next, her smile unfazed by her low brow insults.
"My my, miss Salamanca. Perhaps you should find a better news source. To think that they would allow a madwoman to possess a potentially dangerous item such as a hairpin? Why, that would be sheer irresponsibility on the wardens part!"
She took on a secretive demeanor and leaned in slightly, but her voice was just above a whisper so all those involved could hear, and a slightly dangerous edge entered her tone.
"A hairpin could easily be used as a ladies weapon, in fact, my mother used one to blind a man who tried to lay hands on her in her younger years."
Implying that her mother had also taught her to be so versatile.
The young woman felt Melina's gaze shift to her and already felt sort of self conscious..Melina was everything Stella was not..

Not that she had an aspirations of being like her but..

She wasnt an idiot..

Melina had the curves..

The confidence to show them off..

Even her dress made Stella feel like a nun.. A pale eyed scarecrow compared to a confident goddess.. Stella stared into her eyes all the same though. Her jaw set in rebellion as she refused to break the gaze and submit.

"How interesting.." She admitted. and she was being genuine..

It was kind of cool..

Stella liked weapons..
She maintained her secretive conversation a moment longer.
"On another note, miss Salamanca. I'm sure you know that brining up the topic of "fecal matter" is not appropriate conversation for noble ladies, I'm afraid that might be a point against your grade should the staff find out."
Stella was taken a back for a moment..

Her sharp retort dying in her throat. She did not care about much..

But her grades were something she took pride in..

Her parents saw those..

If they thought she was messing up the opportunity Priscilla parents had granted her with this scholarship..

She finely broke the gaze looking at her feet..

"T-That wont be necessary Melina.." She said finally..

Letting her know she got the message..
She arched an eyebrow at Stella meaningfully before straightening and clapping her hands excitedly with a bright smile.
"Excellent! I'm glad we understand one another."
By "understand" it's clear that they were enemies and Melina had no intention of losing even outnumbered as she was.
"I..Understand.." Stella said reluctantly..

Looking towards Priscilla for moral support..
She looked over the small clique they had formed, of course, theirs wasn't the only clique with a hostile undertone. She wasn't about to walk away now, but this conversation needed a change of scenery.
"It looks like the punch bowl has finally cleared,"
She looped her arm with Priscilla's.
"Shall we avail ourselves of some refreshments? My maid will serve us."
Stella bristled at Melina taking charge and looping her arm through her friends to drag her away. It was like she was dragging away the life raft while lost in a sea of the social interactions she so feared..
Without waiting for an answer she started leading Priscilla towards the table with the punch, almost certain that the others would follow but she was eager to tear them down another notch for insulting a gift from her father.
She paused, turned and gave both Eris and Stella an indifferent glance.
"You're free to join us if you feel you must."

First rule of domination, always take charge of the situation.
Stella dutifully followed her friend even if she was seething Melina had decided to assert her dominance over the group but she wasnt going against her..
Eris was still fuming as they departed for the punch bowl. A wicked grin slowly crept onto her lips as Melina spouted an endless stream of noble nonsense to Priscilla. Eris got closer and deftly yanked the hairpin out of Melina's hair, and watched smugly as her hair fell. She waved the hairpin in the air, as if she were laying brush strokes down on an invisible canvas.

"If Lady Melina keeps talking," Eris remarked nonchalantly, "I'll have enough excrement to paint a whole 'nother set of canvases with what's coming from her mouth."
Stella allowed Eris a chuckle..She didnt like the girl, but crude humor was always something Stella could not resi
"We made a fortune from my grandmother's paintings, just imagine the price we could fetch if the "paint" came from a noblewoman!" Eris smirked and bent the pin in half before carelessly tossing it at Melina's maid. She pushed past Melina, taking the lead.
Stellaris sighed. "Do you hear yourself Eris..." She muttered.

She would not have admitted to that even if it were true. Admitting someone would buy them...

Let alone that you sold them..

Wouldnt have been Stella's idea of a solid comeback...
She also hated just being around her sister. There was no choice but to submit. Standing up for herself was no use. Elexnia had ways of tearing down even the most steadfast person. "Thank you... I hope to become even better friends with them during my time here." What the hell was she saying? There was no way she was going to be friends with these girls!
Stella had remained silent as Elex had made herself known..

Something about the girl before her made her feel like any speaking would make her the next target and she had a feeling that she would rather not be. However..Eris seemed to be having a worse time of it...

"O..Oh we're your friends?" She said quietly as Elex's gaze shifted to her...Oh goodness..She did not like this..But she pushed on anyway..

"Then why did you just bend Lady Melina's priceless family hairpin and throw it at her maid? Thats not a very good way to become even better friends..if..Im..not mistaken..." She said trailing off as Elexnia's gaze wilted her even further..

Only for her to smile..

It was a smile of genuine joy for once.

But the warmth remained absent. "Is this true Eris?" The older sister would say slowly turning to her.

Malicious glee only building.

Like a shark smelling blood...
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Priscilla didn't quite understand Melina's comments on art. Yes it was a disgusting thought, but her father always told her art was supposed to make you question things. Even if it was hideous, people would always ask 'why' and that was a good enough reason for her to put in a gallery.

"Ooo! Punch sounds delightful." She let herself be dragged along by her fellow student, motioning for Stella to follow. "Come, come!"

A very pale and very pretty woman approached them, claiming to be the sister of Eris. "Hello Eris' sister!" She held out her hand to shake. "I'm Priscilla Vasseret, Eris' friend." She grinned proudly. "Good friends. Maybe one day even best friends." She pulled her arm away from Melina to give Eris a squeeze as well as let the girl introduce herself to the man who was speaking with her.

Of course they were friends, right? Why else would she go out of her way to converse with Priscilla all the time? Sure sometimes she was clumsy and knocked her books out of her hands of flung weird foods at her, but that didn't mean she couldn't be her friend.

"Oh Stel, I'm sure it was just an accident. Eris throws my things all the time. She's actually quite good at throwing things. I am not very good at catching them though...especially when she throws them the opposite direction...." She let go of Eris and moved towards the buffet, grabbing an enough snacks to feed a small army and a glass of punch.
Stella smiled slightly at Priscilla calling her a lady..

She was on scholarship and Priscilla knew that. Her family had offered it to her in the first place..It just showed her how kind her friend could be..

Another deadpan glance her way.. Seriously... Did priscilla not know how bad Eris's grades undoubtedly... Well.. This was Priscilla... Her father's purse had single handedly carried her through every failing mark..

The young woman felt Melina's gaze shift to her and already felt sort of self conscious... Melina was everything Stella was not...

Not that she had an aspirations of being like her but..

She wasn't an idiot...

Melina had the curves...

The confidence to show them off...

Even her dress made Stella feel like a nun.. A pale eyed scarecrow compared to a confident goddess.. Stella stared into her eyes all the same though. Her jaw set in rebellion as she refused to break the gaze and submit.

"How interesting.." She admitted. and she was being genuine..

It was kind of cool..

Stella liked weapons..
Stella was taken a back for a moment..

Her sharp retort dying in her throat. She did not care about much..

But her grades were something she took pride in..

Her parents saw those..

If they thought she was messing up the opportunity Priscilla parents had granted her with this scholarship..

She finely broke the gaze looking at her feet..

"T-That wont be necessary Melina.." She said finally..

Letting her know she got the message..

"I..Understand.." Stella said reluctantly..

Looking towards Priscilla for moral support..
Good, so Miss Salamanca could be easily cowed. Knowing she had something to hold over her made Melina like her a little bit more.
Stella wouldn't try matching wits with her again any time soon, and Melina might just let her tag along with Priscilla if she behaved herself.

"Ooo! Punch sounds delightful." She let herself be dragged along by her fellow student, motioning for Stella to follow. "Come, come!"
Melina walked arm-in-arm with Priscilla, smiling and making smalltalk as they made their way to the punch bowl.

Eris was still fuming as they departed for the punch bowl. A wicked grin slowly crept onto her lips as Melina spouted an endless stream of noble nonsense to Priscilla. Eris got closer and deftly yanked the hairpin out of Melina's hair, and watched smugly as her hair fell. She waved the hairpin in the air, as if she were laying brush strokes down on an invisible canvas.
Eris pulled out the pin and Melina's long glossy hair cascaded gracefully down her back.
Melina let out a surprised 'oh!' and turned to see what was happening.
"If Lady Melina keeps talking," Eris remarked nonchalantly, "I'll have enough excrement to paint a whole 'nother set of canvases with what's coming from her mouth."

"We made a fortune from my grandmother's paintings, just imagine the price we could fetch if the "paint" came from a noblewoman!"
Eris smirked and bent the pin in half before carelessly tossing it at Melina's maid. She pushed past Melina, taking the lead.
Melina quickly assessed the situation... And upon spotting the sister silently approaching Eris from behind, decided she didn't have to do anything to retaliate.
Eris was making a spectacle of herself and no doubt the teachers noticed, it would reflect on both of their grades, negatively for Eris for instigating unladylike behavior, positively for Melina for keeping her head at the severe insult.
That was half of what it meant to be a noble, to always act as if someone was watching... Which was usually the case.

Melina simply turned up her nose as she imperiously regarded Eris, her face neutral while Eris made a fool of herself.

Melina's maid gasped at the display and could only marvel at how calm Melina remained.
She collected the hairpin in her apron and stowed it away in a pocket.
She nodded to Melina, indicating that she'll fix her hair again at the next opportunity.
Kallach was about to ladle his fourth glass of punch when he observed an odd little group of young women coming toward him.

The ladle was set down and rested against the punch bowl's side. He arched an eyebrow as he gazed inquisitively at the visitors.

He was plainly a few years older than the females in question, which was underlined by his already mature appearance. True, Kallach appeared and sounded older than he really was. The fact that he was muscular and hairy in addition to this didn't help.

"Ah, and what is this?" He wondered aloud, raising his voice high enough to be heard. The strength it carried was greater than even what his frame would've otherwise implied. Could it be that he was using magic to make himself more... imposing? Possibly.
Melina was distracted for a moment from Eris by the man's voice that imposed over theirs and looked up to see the tall man standing in front of them.
He was certainly imposing, but in a charming sort of way. He was built like a northerner, perhaps of country stock.
Like the protagonist in one of those fantasy novels!
He could tell they were arguing over something by the tone and expressions on their faces, but he wasn't entirely sure what.

The man shrugged and made the decision to stop them, sauntering in their direction until they were only a few meters apart.

He came to a stop, looking at the girl who was in charge of the crowd. Then it dawned on him that they were probably the pupils he would be instructing while in Mardania.

For a brief minute, he felt foolish and was about to apologetically scratch the back of his head with his palm.

Instead, he grinned while pulling his lips into a thin line at the corners of his mouth.
"My sincerest apologies for the intrusion, but you wouldn't happen to be the Melina Calcutte, would you?"

In reality that was the only name he had managed to remember, and only a stroke of luck did it materialize in his mind.

His eyes, framed by long lashes, bore down on the brunette girl heavily. He was looking down at her from an elevated position, and those eyes of his seemed to sparkle a little. It was hard to tell if it was simply the sunlight bouncing off them or if they were, in fact, glowing a little.
Melina was... Impressed a little by this man. She recognized him as one of the magic teachers. A rumor mentioned he came all the way from Elbion! Trained at the college there and now teaching her at the School of Script!
She nodded and curtsied, releasing Priscilla's arm in the process.
"Yes, a pleasure to meet you sir. I am Lady Calcutte. And you are our magic teacher, yes?"
As always she was polite and poised, even when dealing with a teacher she technically outranked in the sphere of nobility. Without her hair up she really didn't feel very confident in pulling rank on him, not that doing so would do her any good at this juncture.

She arrived fashionably late. No one questioned her.

If she was late it was deemed so by someone far above the pay grade of any of the staff in a position to discipline her.

Elexnia Fulton drew every eye as she entered the courtyard.

Her white formal dress fitted to accentuate her perfect form. Curves in all the right places.

But never too obnoxious. Her dress was conservative and covered her quite well, but her figured oozed such sensuality the dress merely needed to fit it.

Nothing swooping or low cut. A bright blue sapphire sat centered in the lace choker necklace around her neck.

It complemented her icy blue eyes that seemed to almost glow with chilling confidence to the point of light bioluminescence.

She walked calmly with purpose as if every step was well thought out, planned and expertly executed, and her posture made those that glanced at her to stand up a little straighter.

Her usual group of admirers swarmed her all trying to curry favor. She smiled nicely and excepted thier hands in greeting like a queen happily greeting her subjects.

Her every mannerism reeked of authority. Soon her icy gaze fell on the reason she had arrived.

She excused herself from her own large and quickly forming group.

Her eyes barely leaving her new found target.


Her good for nothing younger sister.

Even her twin brother had been less of a disappointment.

But he was a boy.

More under her fathers area of raising. He was adequate at what was expected of him and was kind enough to win over those he couldn’t with skill.

In short? He was no threat to her reputation even if he did not add to its growth in any serious way.

Eris on the other hand was nothing but trouble. Fighting, drinking, uncouth language and poorly executed backhanded insults.

A stain to be tended to on occasion.

And now she was surrounded by urchins.

Leeches clinging to her sister no doubt knowing her relation.

Melina was the only one worth her time in the least. And she certainly meant in the least.

Being ahead of the rest of this assembled group was no better than beating a man with no arms in a sword fight.

Needless to say…

It wasn’t saying much.

The rest simple dregs, and that included her sister.

She made her way over with a smile on her face as she approached her sister first. Eris’s back was to her so she doubted any of them noticed.

The smile was genuine though rather than being the smile of a loving older sibling it was the smile of a predator taking joy in catching her prey unaware. She would gently place a hand on her sisters shoulder. “Hello sister..” She would say casually giving her a light kiss on the cheek.

“I see your making friends..How..charming.” She would say in a way that she always had.

“Charming.” Clearly being a substitute for surprising. Eris had always had trouble making friends and Elexnia would never miss an opportunity to point that out. After this quick greeting she would pull away her hand and brush past her younger sister ever so lightly allowing their shoulders to touch. So that the group at large could face her.
Elexnia Fulton. Another lady from the family of a knight, low born but acting greater than she actually was.
She probably acted superior the way she did because she was engaged to a man of upper nobility, she had to act the part and get used to it... At least, that was Melina's own theory.

Any lingering frustration Eris felt flew out the window as an icy voice sent a chill down her spine. Her posture instinctively corrected itself as she turned to face the woman behind the voice. "H-Hello... Elex..." Eris stammered fearfully, all the arrogance and boldness having left her body the moment she heard her sister's voice.

Elexnia Fulton. Perfect in every conceivable way. Perfect hair, perfect posture, perfect ladylike demeanor... She was everything Eris wasn't. Elexnia had discovered this very early on in their childhood and lorded it over her younger sister. She had her subtle ways of making sure Eris knew that she was a lesser creature in her eyes. Elexnia had lofty standards that Eris could never live up to.

Eris hugged her sister stiffly, before releasing her and turning back to her little group. "I wouldn't say we are friends, Elex. We..." How was she supposed to tell her sister that she had been tormenting these girls? Oh Elexnia would just love that. Just another way for Eris to prove that she would never be a proper lady, or love up to high standards. And the way she said "charming" was infuriating! Elexnia always found a way to belittle her and she hated it.

She also hated just being around her sister. There was no choice but to submit. Standing up for herself was no use. Elexnia had ways of tearing down even the most steadfast person. "Thank you... I hope to become even better friends with them during my time here." What the hell was she saying? There was no way she was going to be friends with these girls!

Eris breathed a small sigh of relief as Elexnia moved on to introduce herself to the rest of the group.
“I would be remiss not to introduce myself.” She said the smile never leaving her face as she made eye contact with every member of the group.

Sizing them up.

Not even giving Melina a pause.

As if she saw what she needed with a glance and the girl was worth no more.

A nonverbal slap to a woman who undoubtedly had the mental capacity to fully take it on the cheek.

“I am Eris’s older sister. Lady Elexnia Fulton.” She would say with a short graceful curtsy.
Elexnia played the game almost as well as Melina did, but she seemed to adopt a positively predatory attitude when it came to high class banter. Going on the offensive with her attitudes and demeanors.

Melina felt the insult fully when this upperclassmen hardly spared her a glance.
A simple lady of a knight snubbing the daughter of a Duke? It was a bold move that Priscilla, Eris and Steallaris probably weren't refined or intelligent enough to notice.

But ultimately, she didn't like the way Elexnia seemed to pray on her sister, Eris was clearly terrified of Elexnia. It made her remember how kind Melina's stepsister had always been to her.
If Dianna had become a lady instead of a Knight Paladin of Mardus, she likely would have been in the same age class of this lovely little pill... She could only imagine Dianna getting verbally torn to pieces by this bitch and it made her blood boil.

She simply smiled politely in response, as she was taught to do from a young age.
So, Elexnia didn't see Melina as a threat, that will be HER mistake, not Melina's.
"An absolute pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Lady Fulton! I must say that your reputation precedes you!"
She stepped forward confidently and curtsied with a slight dip, but didn't lower her head in the slightest, maintaining cordial eye contact and smiling with this Princess Kyxo wannabe.
"Are the rumors true? Are you really engaged to a Duke's son? You must be so excited!"
To pull your family name out of the gutter.

She purposely overshot the status of the guy in the actual rumor... that she created. If the rumor was partially true she would have to admit the actual status of the man, which couldn't be higher than a Count for any man that would actually consider marrying a lady of such low status. If the rumor was baseless, she simply needed to deny it and it was no skin off of Melina's back.
After all, it was simply a harmless rumor that SOMEBODY was spreading...

"Hello Eris' sister!" She held out her hand to shake. "I'm Priscilla Vasseret, Eris' friend." She grinned proudly. "Good friends. Maybe one day even best friends." She pulled her arm away from Melina to give Eris a squeeze...
Melina decided to reinforce Priscilla's initiative.

She stepped beside Eris.

This was it...

This was Melina throwing Eris a lifeline.

"Of course we're friends! Why, in just a few words your sister has absolutely charmed all of us!"
She put her perfectly manicured hands on Eris's shoulders.
"I just know that we're going to be the best of friends for years to come!"
She looked at Eris, her smile dripping with malice as if to say, 'I own you, bitch.'
Melina was... Impressed a little by this man. She recognized him as one of the magic teachers. A rumor mentioned he came all the way from Elbion! Trained at the college there and now teaching her at the School of Script!
She nodded and curtsied, releasing Priscilla's arm in the process.
"Yes, a pleasure to meet you sir. I am Lady Calcutte. And you are our magic teacher, yes?"
As always she was polite and poised, even when dealing with a teacher she technically outranked in the sphere of nobility. Without her hair up she really didn't feel very confident in pulling rank on him, not that doing so would do her any good at this juncture.

He assessed her briefly as she bowed. He took one of her soft hands in his own, being careful not to grip too hard. He didn't want to damage her because of the huge size gap between them.

He lifted Melina's delicate hand to his lips, hunching his back slightly, and kissed her on the knuckle. Kallach relinquished his hold on her before allowing his arms to fall limply at his sides. His pleasant and interested look darted across the other girls. He was committing their features to memory. Each important one was properly stored in one small folder in his head.

"I like that you are straight to the point, miss Calcutta."

Kallach straightened out, letting his eyes descend till they met her own.

"I'm Kallach Hilbod, and for the time being, I'll be the one instructing you in magic."

More or less, he considered.

Yes, he would be instructing them. But that wasn't really the main reason he was here. He treated instructing young nobility more like a side job. He was thinking of something else. far greater and more important
Kallach made the decision to turn the conversation around in light of that.

"I'll be honest, I have trouble recalling names. I find burning faces into my memory to be much easier."

"Your's happened to cross my mind by accident."

In part, that was accurate. Although Kallach had a propensity for taking notes, he would never confess it. Being addle-minded wasn't appropriate for a sorcerer.
Melina simply turned up her nose as she imperiously regarded Eris, her face neutral while Eris made a fool of herself.
Euris huffed quietly to herself as Melina regarded her coldly. That definitely wasn't the effect she hoped her antics would have. She had just allowed Eris to continue and make a fool of herself. Eris couldn't say that she wasn't a tiny bit impressed at how well Melina had held her composure despite having a family treasure ruined in front of her. She was so refined and ladylike that it almost made Eris angrier.

"O..Oh we're your friends?" She said quietly as Elex's gaze shifted to her...Oh goodness..She did not like this..But she pushed on anyway..

"Then why did you just bend Lady Melina's priceless family hairpin and throw it at her maid? Thats not a very good way to become even better friends..if..Im..not mistaken..." She said trailing off as Elexnia's gaze wilted her even further..
"Why? B-because she... Well... I... You see..." Eris was at a loss for words. Steallaris' question seemed worded in just such a way that made it hard for her to defend herself. And Elexnia asking if what Stella had said was true with her trademark predatory smile, certainly wasn't helping matters.

"I'm Priscilla Vasseret, Eris' friend." She grinned proudly. "Good friends. Maybe one day even best friends." She pulled her arm away from Melina to give Eris a squeeze as well as let the girl introduce herself to the man who was speaking with her.
Eris tipped her head to glower at Priscilla. The woman could be so dense at times that it made Eris want to smack her. But Priscilla really was a sweet girl even if she wasn't very bright. She returned Priscilla's squeeze halfheartedly. If Eris hadn't been petrified by her sisters withering gaze, she might even had enjoyed the moment.

Caught between two competing sides, Eris felt like a trapped animal. There was no possible way to defend herself. No chance of talking her way out of the situation. Unable to do anything but stand there and take what was coming to her. She was ready to throw herself to the wolves just to get it over with when an unexpected savior came to her aid.

"Of course we're friends! Why, in just a few words your sister has absolutely charmed all of us!"
She put her perfectly manicured hands on Eris's shoulders.
"I just know that we're going to be the best of friends for years to come!"
She looked at Eris, her smile dripping with malice as if to say, 'I own you, bitch.'
What the hell was going on! Eris was sweating bullets and on the verge of tears thanks to the combined efforts of Elexnia and Steallaris. But at the same time, Melina, her new worst enemy, was lying to cover for her.

Truth be told, Eris really did appreciate Melina stepping in, even if she hated the woman with every fiber of her being. Though she wasn't so sure that she liked the evil grin present on Melina's lips. She began to think that maybe she had gone a bit too far by bending Melina's hairpin. It was a priceless family heirloom after all.

Melina likely had ulterior motives of course, but if she had been willing to step in and stand up to Elexnia for a lowly woman like Eris, she couldn't be that bad of a person. Right...?

Eris would have to think up a way to make things up to Melina. But there were more pressing matters at hand. "S-See sister? I told you I had made friends." Eris stammered, reaching up and putting one hand over Melina's. She would have to make a point to thank her new frenemy later.
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An absolute pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Lady Fulton! I must say that your reputation precedes you!
Elexnia blinked as if finally fully noticing Melina.

“Yes, yes the pleasure is all mine of course darling.” She would say dismissively. Her eyes barely leaving her trapped and squirming sister.
smiling with this Princess Kyxo wannabe.
Are the rumors true? Are you really engaged to a Dukes son? You must be so excited!
To pull your family name out of the gutter.
Elexnia finally begrudgingly gave Melina an inkling of her attention.

“Rumors are for underclassmen tea party’s and childrens sleep overs. I’ve been far too busy to attend either such function so I’m a bit behind on what the mills cooked up..” She said with a kind smile and a good natured chuckle.

“This one however seems to be correct.” She said with a slight raise of her eyebrow thinking on it further for a moment realizing she had not breathed a word of the truth to anyone…perhaps one of her maids tongues could be loose….

“In fact I’ve been busy taking specialized classes to help run and manage my future husbands estates and holdings. While he pursues his…life long passion..” She paused snapping her fingers struggling to recollect.

“Raven. What’s his life long passion this year?” A maid would appear almost from no where though she must surely have been just out of view presented herself beside Elex.

The young woman wore a traditional maid uniform save for what was usually black being a soft ice blue. The color of house Fulton. But a small insignia of a rose was woven on the shoulder of her right sleeve.

The pink standing out slightly against the blue.

She looked like a taller Stella almost.

If Stella grew 5 inches, trained, slept more, and ate nails three square meals a day.

She was Elexnia and Eris’s servant and body guard. She was highly skilled and came from a prestigious school in Vel Anir. It was cherry something or other.

Elexnia had stopped listening to her parents explain. She just knew her friends higher on the totem pole (for now….) would be impressed.

While most nobles favored other schools for their various expertise this school was prided on the effective dual nature of body guard and servant.

As a knight family they were often involved in conflict.

Having a maid and a body guard just meant a larger group to move and more hands to pay from a knights smaller purse.

It made more sense to have someone effective at both roles. Even so. This schools graduates were expensive.

Often a knight was loaned the service by whatever lord they served to show they were valued and in good standing.

She was there for both Eris and Elexnia, and never really showed much preference for either sibling.

Simply doing what was asked in a calm and polite manner.

But being one of the few status symbols related to their family h that wasn’t degrading Elex was the one who called on her most often.

At times she would pretend to need her for mundane things just to simply show her off.

This was one if those times.

“Young master is on academic leave for…Ice fishing on the tundra I believe mistress.” Raven would say looking to both Elex and Eris silently asking if she was needed further ,before taking her leave back into the back ground with a polite curtesy.

“Yes there you have it..” Elex say nonchalantly turning her attention fully on her younger sibling once more.

Of course were friends! Why, in just a few words your sister has absolutely charmed all of us!
She put her perfectly manicured hands on Eriss shoulders.
I just know that were going to be the best of friends for years to come!
She looked at Eris, her smile dripping with malice as if to say, I own you, bitch.

Despite her ineffective barbs…

This move ……

Gained Melina Elexnia’s FULL attention.

Her eyes met hers calmly but anyone refined enough could see the challenge in the false warmth. Like two lions laying claim to the same kill.

Her gaze wordlessly asking “Are you sure you want to do that?”

S-See sister? I told you I had made friends. Eris stammered, reaching up and putting one hand over Melinas. She would have to make a point to thank her new frenemy later.

“Yes I see sister.” Elexnia would say with slight disappointment creeping through her calm facade.

A cat who’s prey escaped. Her fun was spoiled…..

For now.

“With any luck she can teach you not to stray so far into trouble.” She would say good naturedly.

“At any rate. I must be off. One does not run three clubs and lead the grade curve by having bundles of free time. Ladies.” She would say with a slight curtesy to the group at large.

“Until next time sister.” She would say as she passed Eris barely managing to hide the bite in her words as she took her leave.
Stellaris remained quiet through most of the proceedings.

It was what often made her so good at listening in on conversations. Most people forgot she was there.

To someone with aspirations of being a social butterfly this would be an infuriating curse, however it suited Stella just fine.

She wasn’t awkward or anti social so to speak..

She understood very well how social system operated.

How to maintain them…

How to bend them…

She was just a bit more thoughtful was all..At least that’s what she told herself.

In all honesty..Her nightly book keeping and and various other morally grey side hustles she engaged in, along with her relentless schoolwork load had left her drained..

Her heart yearned for her little hideaway.

She hadn’t been in a couple of days..

Would the deer and fixes still remember her…

Her mind fuzzed over as it often did for a moment before she blinked. Elexnia was walking away..

Good riddance.

Wether she knew it or not that white haired tart baker was a thorn in Stella’s side.

One of her clubs was specifically a set of prefects. The prefects were chosen at the beginning of the year.

They were all seniors with little class work left and plenty of free time.

What was thought to be an easy way to allow a student body to police itself using the oldest and brightest students…

became the most popular and bored being allowed to inflict cruelty on a whim. In truth they did enforce the rules..

Most of them anyway..

They broke up fights and kept people from devolving into sex or booze fueled madness.

Never above a bribe.

All in all bad.

But not evil.

Elexnia’s little crew on the other hand….

Were just plain nasty.

They used the rules to great effect holding perfect attention to them over all but themselves.. any opposition was crippled by them with little or zero ability of the foe to retaliate.

Any retaliation only resulting in the situation becoming worse.

They had never caught Stella..

But between the book keeping, the booze smuggling.

The rat races..

She was always dodging them.

Seeing this departure she saw a chance to take her leave as well. Unnoticed by the rest of the group.

She would see Pricilla later anyway. No need for a farewell.

And judging by her chewing she wouldn’t have heard it anyway…

Stella smiled to herself at that thought. Her friend was so kind.

Even after that summer where she’d gone missing in the woods…

She had come back so different..

but still just as kind and caring.

Stella couldn’t imagine her life without her..

There was still sometime to slip to the greenhouse before the party wrapped up and classes resumed.

She could grab some snacks to appease her animal friends for her absence..

Yes they would..

She bumped into Melina as she wasn’t paying attention.

It was just a slight bump of the shoulders but it was giving away her retreat…

Stella muttered an apology and started to take her leave.

“oo the witch is trying to slip off to her lair in the old haunted green house.” One boy said nudging his friend and nodding to Stella.

It wasn’t in a tone directed at her, but it certainly wasn’t difficult to hear.

“Do you really think that’s what she does in there…” his friend responded in a much more hushed tone that barely met Stella’s ears.

“Who knows. But would YOU put it past her?” He retorted raising an eyebrow.

“Fair enough.” His friend responded after they both gave Stella a rather obvious once over.

“Oh Francescais here with one of her friends from Elbion. She says th..” Their chatter drifted away as they faded back into the crowd.

Stella’s cheeks burned slightly. Her eyes remained on the ground.

If she had just heard that exchange she was sure Melina had as well as anyone else paying attention.

Stella’s hands went to the front of her dress gripping it’s front folds tightly for a moment.

Letting the embarrassing moment wash over her and pass.

The redness in her pale cheeks fading and her grip loosening after a moment that had felt like an eternity.

Before starting to take her leave once more. Hoping Melina would mercifully allow her to leave without throwing any verbal daggers into her.
Elexnia blinked as if finally fully noticing Melina.

“Yes, yes the pleasure is all mine of course darling.” She would say dismissively. Her eyes barely leaving her trapped and squirming sister.
Elexnia finally begrudgingly gave Melina an inkling of her attention.

“Rumors are for underclassmen tea party’s and childrens sleep overs. I’ve been far too busy to attend either such function so I’m a bit behind on what the mills cooked up..” She said with a kind smile and a good natured chuckle.
Melina shared a private smile with herself. An attempt to disassociate, like she's not just as much of a socialite like the rest of them, as if she's not listened to the latest gossip about the first year new arrivals to assess their threat level... Although by that logic it's both an insult and a blessing that Melina's not even appeared on Elexnia's radar till now.
“This one however seems to be correct.” She said with a slight raise of her eyebrow thinking on it further for a moment realizing she had not breathed a word of the truth to anyone…perhaps one of her maids tongues could be loose….

“In fact I’ve been busy taking specialized classes to help run and manage my future husbands estates and holdings. While he pursues his…life long passion..” She paused snapping her fingers struggling to recollect.

“Raven. What’s his life long passion this year?” A maid would appear almost from no where though she must surely have been just out of view presented herself beside Elex.

The young woman wore a traditional maid uniform save for what was usually black being a soft ice blue. The color of house Fulton. But a small insignia of a rose was woven on the shoulder of her right sleeve.

The pink standing out slightly against the blue.

She looked like a taller Stella almost.

If Stella grew 5 inches, trained, slept more, and ate nails three square meals a day.

She was Elexnia and Eris’s servant and body guard. She was highly skilled and came from a prestigious school in Vel Anir. It was cherry something or other.

Elexnia had stopped listening to her parents explain. She just knew her friends higher on the totem pole (for now….) would be impressed.

While most nobles favored other schools for their various expertise this school was prided on the effective dual nature of body guard and servant.

As a knight family they were often involved in conflict.

Having a maid and a body guard just meant a larger group to move and more hands to pay from a knights smaller purse.

It made more sense to have someone effective at both roles. Even so. This schools graduates were expensive.

Often a knight was loaned the service by whatever lord they served to show they were valued and in good standing.

She was there for both Eris and Elexnia, and never really showed much preference for either sibling.

Simply doing what was asked in a calm and polite manner.

But being one of the few status symbols related to their family h that wasn’t degrading Elex was the one who called on her most often.

At times she would pretend to need her for mundane things just to simply show her off.

This was one if those times.

“Young master is on academic leave for…Ice fishing on the tundra I believe mistress.” Raven would say looking to both Elex and Eris silently asking if she was needed further ,before taking her leave back into the back ground with a polite curtsey.

“Yes there you have it..” Elex say nonchalantly turning her attention fully on her younger sibling once more.
The maid, while it made sense for a lesser nobles more limited purse, was indeed an effective tool for impressing others. The rumor mill hadn't been misleading when word slipped of the girl from Vel Anir... Melina's mother hadn't seen fit to provide her with any footmen or butlers along with her maids, the capable hand of a man was lacking in her own entourage and likewise an effective tool for protection.

But the reasoning for this was sound. In this prestigious school in the heart of Mardus their safety was practically guaranteed, the security staff that the school hired could handle most physical altercations between students... But, should an occasion arise in spite of all of that, her mother expected Malina to be able to use her skills to recruit whoever she needed. After all, she was to support a husband some day, and being able to negotiate for the safety of their household in his absence was a necessary skill.

Because of these factors, while the Anirian girl was an impressive pawn, it's effectiveness was slightly lessoned by it's pretentiousness to her.

Despite her ineffective barbs…

This move ……

Gained Melina Elexnia’s FULL attention.

Her eyes met hers calmly but anyone refined enough could see the challenge in the false warmth. Like two lions laying claim to the same kill.

Her gaze wordlessly asking “Are you sure you want to do that?”
Melina was unperturbed by the challenge in Elexnia's eyes. Even though Elexnia was the elder in this situation and an upperclassmen, the girl couldn't escape the fact that she simply didn't hold a high enough station in society to intimidate Melina.

“Yes I see sister.” Elexnia would say with slight disappointment creeping through her calm facade.

A cat who’s prey escaped. Her fun was spoiled…..

For now.

“With any luck she can teach you not to stray so far into trouble.” She would say good naturedly.

“At any rate. I must be off. One does not run three clubs and lead the grade curve by having bundles of free time. Ladies.” She would say with a slight curtsey to the group at large.

“Until next time sister.” She would say as she passed Eris barely managing to hide the bite in her words as she took her leave.
Melina curtsied politely as Elexnia turned to leave.
"It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss Fulton."
Humility and grace, the picture of a proper lady both before and after the battle, just as her mother taught her.
Melina had won this round, and now she had Eris under her thumb as well. Perhaps she could use the younger sister against the elder...

Stellaris remained quiet through most of the proceedings.

It was what often made her so good at listening in on conversations. Most people forgot she was there.

To someone with aspirations of being a social butterfly this would be an infuriating curse, however it suited Stella just fine.

She wasn’t awkward or anti social so to speak...

She understood very well how social system operated.

How to maintain them…

How to bend them…

She was just a bit more thoughtful was all... At least that’s what she told herself.

In all honesty... Her nightly book keeping and and various other morally grey side hustles she engaged in, along with her relentless schoolwork load had left her drained..

Her heart yearned for her little hideaway.
She hadn’t been in a couple of days..
Would the deer and foxes still remember her?

Her mind fuzzed over as it often did for a moment before she blinked. Elexnia was walking away..

Good riddance.
Wether she knew it or not that white haired tart baker was a thorn in Stella’s side.
One of her clubs was specifically a set of prefects. The prefects were chosen at the beginning of the year.

They were all seniors with little class work left and plenty of free time.
What was thought to be an easy way to allow a student body to police itself using the oldest and brightest students…

became the most popular and bored being allowed to inflict cruelty on a whim. In truth they did enforce the rules...

Most of them anyway...

They broke up fights and kept people from devolving into sex or booze fueled madness.

Never above a bribe.

All in all bad.

But not evil.

Elexnia’s little crew on the other hand….

Were just plain nasty.

They used the rules to great effect holding perfect attention to them over all but themselves.. any opposition was crippled by them with little or zero ability of the foe to retaliate.

Any retaliation only resulting in the situation becoming worse.

They had never caught Stella..

But between the book keeping, the booze smuggling.

The rat races..

She was always dodging them.

Seeing this departure she saw a chance to take her leave as well. Unnoticed by the rest of the group.

She would see Priscilla later anyway. No need for a farewell.

And judging by her chewing she wouldn’t have heard it anyway…

Stella smiled to herself at that thought. Her friend was so kind.

Even after that summer where she’d gone missing in the woods…

She had come back so different..

but still just as kind and caring.

Stella couldn’t imagine her life without her..

There was still sometime to slip to the greenhouse before the party wrapped up and classes resumed.

She could grab some snacks to appease her animal friends for her absence..

Yes they would..
She bumped into Melina as she wasn’t paying attention.

It was just a slight bump of the shoulders but it was giving away her retreat…
Stella muttered an apology and started to take her leave.
Melina gave a small "oh!" As Stella bumped into her, returning her apology with her own even if it wasn't necessary.
She was then about to return her attention to her prey when her sharp ears picked up the barely concealed conversations.
“oo the witch is trying to slip off to her lair in the old haunted green house.” One boy said nudging his friend and nodding to Stella.

It wasn’t in a tone directed at her, but it certainly wasn’t difficult to hear.

“Do you really think that’s what she does in there…” his friend responded in a much more hushed tone that barely met Stella’s ears.

“Who knows. But would YOU put it past her?” He retorted raising an eyebrow.

“Fair enough.” His friend responded after they both gave Stella a rather obvious once over.

“Oh Francescais here with one of her friends from Elbion. She says th..” Their chatter drifted away as they faded back into the crowd.

Stella’s cheeks burned slightly. Her eyes remained on the ground.

If she had just heard that exchange she was sure Melina had as well as anyone else paying attention.

Stella’s hands went to the front of her dress gripping it’s front folds tightly for a moment.

Letting the embarrassing moment wash over her and pass.

The redness in her pale cheeks fading and her grip loosening after a moment that had felt like an eternity.

Before starting to take her leave once more. Hoping Melina would mercifully allow her to leave without throwing any verbal daggers into her.
Daggers weren't Melina's preferred choice of weapon... She was more fond of lassos and snares, and from what she overheard and what she saw from Stella's reactions was an opportunity to trap another pawn into her game... An opportunity to have another girl under her thumb, one could never have too many "allies".

While Stella was struggling to regain her composure Melina was plotting... There were several ways to endear someone to you, and helping them save face in public was a very effective way to do so, and a tactic she seemed to use frequently today!

"Oh! miss Salamanca. Are you leaving already? Let me finish my drink and I'll be right with you, we'll go visit your horse together!"
It should be iterated by now that Melina was not truly a nice person, but that she fully intended to indebt as many people to herself as possible in order to use them, and preying on the socially inept and outcast were the easiest marks that she needed in order to build her numbers.
Later in the year she would aim to trap bigger fish, but for now she needed to build her base quickly.
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Oh! miss Salamanca. Are you leaving already? Let me finish my drink and Ill be right with you, well go visit your horse together!
Stella’s retreat was halted by Melina.


She had heard as well it seemed. She was almost grateful..

But Stella knew..

Melina wasn’t being kind.

She was trying to place stella under her thumb.

Endear her to her.

The weight of the hollowness of her offer hurt her stomach, and the flutter of hope she had felt when she first heard her, before it was soured by her logic. It put her in a awful mood at the moment.

Tears had almost threatened to break and she would NOT allow that.

Instead she tapped into her cold anger. She wouldn’t make a scene or act wild, She wasn’t THAT stupid.

However..anyone getting in the way of her retreat to her sanctum (provided they weren’t a teacher.) would be calmly, verbally imploded.

She set her jaw as she stood fully.

“I will be fine lady Calcutte. I appreciate your kind offer but I really must be going…” She looked away.

“My potions will be boiling over any moment, and the ritual sacrifice is still fresh.” She said with a raised eyebrow looking directly at the boys who found just at that moment that any direction, but her direction was extremely interesting.


Stella kept her emotions to herself.

This was why she hated parties and things like these.

She felt trapped..

She glanced to Pricilla once more..

She always handled things like this so easily. If not a bit naively..

Stella felt the familiar pang she always did when she realized how much of a weight she was undoubtedly around her friends neck.

Stella noticed groups that approached her after Stella would leave….

Friends and admirers looking to curry the favor of a dukes daughter. Once she was rid of “The weird looking girl.” That hung around her holding them at bay.

She would be doing so much better if she didn’t insist that Stella accompany her everywhere.


Dragged her everywhere.

Pricilla had learned early that giving Stella a choice often resulted in her doing things alone.

Soon she had decided to do away with it, and began just grabbing her by the arm and taking her places.

This had a far more desired result. Stella was never much of a protester.

She glanced at her again.

Then to Milena.

“So if you would Be so kind to forgive me I really must be going.” She would say with a half hearted curtsy before she headed off. So focused on reaching her goal while she had time..

She didn’t notice someone following her.

A prefect.

One of Elexnia’s prefects to be exact.

They rushed off to the ice queen herself after they saw Stella slip in by climbing the vines and branches that had overgrown the left wall and dropping into the greenhouse through the roof.

The door was overgrown in the same way leaving her sealed after her climb.

“And this is the girl we suspect has been running a lot of the illegal activities and contraband?” She asked as the pawn slowly nodded.

“Excellent. You’ve done well. Go enjoy some refreshments in the break room. From MY break room.” She clarified with a wink. Elexnia always had the best refreshments. Wether it was allowed on school grounds or not.

It was a real reward….

“She’s toyed with us for too long. let’s see how that little scarecrow likes it in return..”

She muttered as the prefect left. Thanking his patron goddess for the 7th time that day that he was not the target of that girls wrath.
Stella’s retreat was halted by Melina.


She had heard as well it seemed. She was almost grateful..

But Stella knew..

Melina wasn’t being kind.

She was trying to place stella under her thumb.

Endear her to her.

The weight of the hollowness of her offer hurt her stomach, and the flutter of hope she had felt when she first heard her, before it was soured by her logic. It put her in a awful mood at the moment.

Tears had almost threatened to break and she would NOT allow that.

Instead she tapped into her cold anger. She wouldn’t make a scene or act wild, She wasn’t THAT stupid.

However..anyone getting in the way of her retreat to her sanctum (provided they weren’t a teacher.) would be calmly, verbally imploded.

She set her jaw as she stood fully.

“I will be fine lady Calcutte. I appreciate your kind offer but I really must be going…” She looked away.
Well... That stung...

Not only did Stella decline her help, but publicly called her out for the off the cuff farce she constructed to help her save face... An embarrassing rejection, especially by one so low on the social ladder, but not entirely disastrous.
Melina would be viewed by many as kind and philanthropic for what she attempted to do for Stella... While Stella...
“My potions will be boiling over any moment, and the ritual sacrifice is still fresh.” She said with a raised eyebrow looking directly at the boys who found just at that moment that any direction, but her direction was extremely interesting.
... She decided to lean in to the accusations.
Now, on top of the previous rumors, she's further damaged her image by publicly rejecting Melina's benevolence.


Stella kept her emotions to herself.

This was why she hated parties and things like these.

She felt trapped..

She glanced to Pricilla once more..

She always handled things like this so easily. If not a bit naively..

Stella felt the familiar pang she always did when she realized how much of a weight she was undoubtedly around her friends neck.

Stella noticed groups that approached her after Stella would leave….

Friends and admirers looking to curry the favor of a dukes daughter. Once she was rid of “The weird looking girl.” That hung around her holding them at bay.

She would be doing so much better if she didn’t insist that Stella accompany her everywhere.


Dragged her everywhere.

Pricilla had learned early that giving Stella a choice often resulted in her doing things alone.

Soon she had decided to do away with it, and began just grabbing her by the arm and taking her places.

This had a far more desired result. Stella was never much of a protester.

She glanced at her again.

Then to Milena.

“So if you would Be so kind to forgive me I really must be going.” She would say with a half hearted curtsy before she headed off. So focused on reaching her goal while she had time..
Melina was too shocked by Stella's outburst and her rejection that she could only stare after her in stark amazement.
She didn’t notice someone following her.

A prefect.

One of Elexnia’s prefects to be exact.
Melina couldn't take her eyes off of Stella until she left the room... Which is why she noticed when someone clearly moved to follow her.

Unfortunately she couldn't contemplate this for long, soon a small gaggle of girls came over to her and complimented her for what she tried to do and to disparage the scary Stella a little bit, bantering and trying to get in Melina's good graces, which brought Melina back to reality and she politely accepted their comforts.

They rushed off to the ice queen herself after they saw Stella slip in by climbing the vines and branches that had overgrown the left wall and dropping into the greenhouse through the roof.

The door was overgrown in the same way leaving her sealed after her climb.

“And this is the girl we suspect has been running a lot of the illegal activities and contraband?” She asked as the pawn slowly nodded.

“Excellent. You’ve done well. Go enjoy some refreshments in the break room. From MY break room.” She clarified with a wink. Elexnia always had the best refreshments. Wether it was allowed on school grounds or not.

It was a real reward….

“She’s toyed with us for too long. let’s see how that little scarecrow likes it in return..”

She muttered as the prefect left. Thanking his patron goddess for the 7th time that day that he was not the target of that girls wrath.