Private Tales Beneath the Sands

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Khalid al-Hasan

Amir Khalid al-Hasan
Character Biography
Rumors spoke of a merchant, a special merchant, traveling the roads of Amol-Kalit. A merchant who could obtain items of a more mystical nature. A merchant who was not welcome under respected roofs and dignified streets. One that meeting with in public could tarnish the reputation of even the most pristine individuals. A disrespecter of life. A dealer in the foul and wicked.

So basically, another merchant with black products to Amir Khalid.

He had heard mention of this person through some of his more loose lipped peers. Peers? No more of higher status subjects. Only his brother and the Empress were above him. Calling them peers would not do. Their heads might swell to sizes unable to pass through gates. But he had heard of this rumored one through them and through them arranged a meeting. One held in a private place where not even the divine might see them.

Khalid sat on cushions in the most private room of a random tavern in a trading town which held a name he deemed to insignificant to remember. A place he would stop at from time to time while doing his rounds of inspecting various projects and estates owned by the royal family of Nah'hla. Water and wine pitchers sat upon a low table with bowls of honey drenched dates, olives stuffed with cheese, and grapes plump as bankers. It was an average spread for him but perhaps a welcoming one for others.

There was no specific item that the Amir held in mind for this meeting. He was sating his curiosity and opening up a potential door for the future. It did not hurt to keep tabs on the less lawful sorts as well. A smuggler could be as much an asset as a burden if friendly relations were maintained. Lines established so they knew themselves secure when others might not be. The kind of activities his brother would harshly denounce and bring swift, merciless justice upon if he found out. Not to Khalid of course, but to the associates carelessly breaking royal law.

Hopefully this merchant would prove to be someone worth establishing a good, mutually beneficial relationship with. Amol-Kalit needed less evaporated blood upon her sands.

Seretha ibnat Rezhe
  • Yay
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Seretha entered the town on her horse, entirely unconcerned about exhausting it. She was the only member of the caravan who had mostly ridden on this leg of their journey out to Annuakat, and hearing some of the other guards mutter about how she'd be useless in a fight with her reliance on the horse for simple travel made her secretly quite pleased. The illusions worked, more or less, especially to those who had no reason to look closely.

This stop was uncommon for this particular trader, a squat and fat man who preferred more direct routes between the cities rather than stopping in the smaller trade towns. She had convinced him, however, that this was the best place to restock and potentially sell some of their goods at a premium. That was the public reasoning, anyway; she had actually met with him in private at the outset of their trip and promised to cut him in on some magic charms she was investing in which were worth well more than their insignificant weights in gold.

The meeting location had been in somewhat obfuscated language - a common trait of many letters she both sent and received for the safety of both parties - but the town wasn't that difficult to get around. She entered a nondescript tavern and was directed to their back room after sliding the keeper a silver coin - expensive, but the silence was worth it on the off chance this meeting did not go the way she hoped.

She knocked on the door before opening it to reveal a finely dressed man and a large display of fruits and drinks. Her eyes lit up and she touched her hand to one of the claw charms on her necklace, imbuing it with some of the energy she was about to replace, storing it for later use.

"Very pleased to meet you," she said as she closed the door behind her. She glanced at the man briefly before returning her gaze to the food. "I'm Seretha, as I'm sure you've assumed by now."

Khalid al-Hasan
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A knock on the door then an entrance. A tall abtati woman entered. The first thing that struck Khalid was not this fact nor her appearance. What he first noticed about this woman was the smell of salt and ash about her. The scents of necromancy. Others were also mixed in, but they were insignificant and unimportant in the presence of such a forbidden art.

Khalid did not rise from his seat. He smiled up at her as she introduced herself. A hand was waved about the food. "Join me Seretha! Eat! Drink! Rest awhile away from the sand and sun!"

He snapped his fingers which saw a servant immediately respond. More food was ordered. The same. Different. There was no specific command. All they received was a vague mention of bring more food. A fun mystery for their time together. The servant took off leaving the pair alone together.

Khalid directed his attention back to Seretha. "You may call me the Handsome Man. I know! Rude of me not to give my name. But it is best for both of us that identity remain secret.... For now."

He picked up a honey covered date and slipped the whole fruit into his mouth sucking the honey from his fingers. Sweet indulgence. Modesty was preferred in Nah'hla. He did not. Why not enjoy the perks of wealth and position while inflating one's ego with gloriously lie filled stories?

"Tell me about yourself. I am most interested in how a necromancer comes to be a merchant rather than a self proclaimed warlord of a lost forgotten city or tomb." Khalid held only curiosity in his voice. In truth it was all he held on the topic in general. Others might fear the forbidden and see it as dangerous. It was, but that was true for the wielding of fire to cook and craft and heat the home as well as the use of a blade. Magic was but a tool in service of the user. A fact he was aware of given his modest talents. Rumors of the woman did not suggest she wielded them recklessly. The least he could do was find out a bit more about his current companion.

Seretha ibnat Rezhe
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At the Handsome Man's invitation, Seretha sat and immediately began eating her fill of the grapes and dates. The way she ate wasn't so much desperation but more like she was getting paid to do so and had a deadline to meet. "Of course. It's of little concern to me if my name is known, so I am actually Seretha. My appearance, on the other hand...."

She adopted a blank look to make it easy and waved a hand over her face, changing from a dark-skinned Abtati to a lighter human woman before removing the illusion and changing back. Smiling, she said, "That can vary greatly."

As he went for a date himself, she watched him intently for any helpful tells. He ate like the only good it did for him was entertainment, like it was a luxury to enjoy and not a basic necessity.

"Tell me about yourself. I am most interested in how a necromancer comes to be a merchant rather than a self proclaimed warlord of a lost forgotten city or tomb."

She mirrored his eating of the honeyed date as she considered his statement. She did it twice, in fact, trying to organize her myriad thoughts on the subject. The second time, however, was more to prevent herself from simply grabbing a handful of olives and downing them as quickly as possible.

"Why do Elbion's scholars not fight like the Dreadlords?" she asked. "My art... my science can be so much more than armies and destruction and death." She paused for a moment considering the last word before continuing. "Some people commit themselves to evil, others don't; in this, as in all things. Besides, I quite like being alive, myself."

Grabbing a bunch of grapes, she laughed and added, "And sunlight, for that matter. A tomb sounds very cold."

Khalid al-Hasan
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Reactions: Khalid al-Hasan
An illusion of the face. One moment an elf the next a human. A wonderful trick for her trade. Secrets were worth more than any gold. Best someone in her line of work keep how many truths known hidden.\

Khalid listened patiently as if time itself was of no concern as Seretha spoke. In truth he had as much as he desired. He was a lazy Amir according to many of his people. His work of overseeing projects and checking up on things more an excuse to sight see and travel than do anything important. Those were the less insightful and more glory minded nobles. The sharper ones understood the importance of keeping an eye on one's people and properties firsthand.

But such musings would be better suited to another time. This merchant was proving to be sharper than her peers with her answers. The art might be forbidden but the way she conducted herself was no different than any alchemist, mystic, or sorcerer known and licensed under the crown. Tools of the trade to achieve goals. Her's was unknown, but it certainly was proving to not be domination and delusions of supremacy.

The ordered food arrived. Trays with fresh kebab of lamb and antelope. More honey glazed dates. Olives and cheese. This time there was even humus with flatbread.

Khalid smiled and waved off the servants as soon as the new food was laid before them. He picked up a pitcher of wine and poured it into a cup for himself. Then he held it outwards her ready to pour it himself.

"A tomb does sound dreadful. No palace or manor is complete without a garden to bask in the sun surrounded by the fresh scents of nature.... Wine?"

If she accepted his offer he would pour. If she declined he would set the pitcher down with the handle facing himself. A drink would follow either outcome.

"Tell me of your science and trade. What can they accomplish? What merit do they bring?"

Seretha ibnat Rezhe
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Reactions: Seretha ibnat Rezhe
The moment the kebabs came within reach, she grabbed one and downed a large bite quickly. With the offer of wine, she grabbed a cup and held it for him to fill. She took another full bite and washed it down with a deep drink.

She grabbed a necklace claw between her thumb and forefinger again and pushed more energy into it. With wine, it was better to store it slowly over the course of the day and night than to go for large infusions as she filled herself.

"The trade is a means to an end more than anything. Artifacts and charms are...," she waved her hand dismissively. "Well, they're trinkets to pay for necessities. I can make portal keys. their value is self-evident I think, but anyone can do that."

She took another kebab.

"What I dream of is a place where things get done with minimal need for living labor. Camels that endlessly walk in caravan with no need for food; the skies full of messenger birds with no need of rest." She paused again to eat, but this time in a thoughtful manner. "No need for slaves even. They needn’t be taken when you can use soulless vessels to carry out your tasks."

"I suppose this place would have its soldiers still, so maybe it would still be frightening for the ignorant. But what's stopping Vel Anir or Annuakat from sacking everything and killing anyone they want? They have their flesh and bone tools, too; they just pretend that a living person taking a life is somehow better than animated bone, at best as smart as an animal, doing it."

Khalid al-Hasan
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Reactions: Khalid al-Hasan
Interesting ideas. A world without the need for work. Tireless workers and servants requiring nothing in compensation beyond their creation. Truly a dream he could get behind. To live a life of pure leisure in pursuit of his hedonistic desires. No honey could be sweeter upon his tongue than those words in his ears.

But he also saw flaws. Ones she had no reason to consider. Ones that were only within the view of those burdened with high status and authority. The bane of his freedom and requiring him to work.

Khalid just enjoyed a taste of every dish that had been presented. Deep drinks of his wine between them with immediate refilling of his cup after each so the count of how many he had drunk was impossible to say. Once his last bit had been swallowed following the end of her words he gave her a smile.

"Goals I could support with my whole heart.... But I fear you have not considered certain problems that would arise with such ambitions fulfilled."

The man straightened up his posture. Not fully so that he seemed fully attentive but it certainly showed he was no longer in his fully relaxed and carefree state from when she arrived.

"What of the livelihoods of those displaced from their work? Workers need to feed themselves and their families. Breeders will be without income with no more need of work beasts. Farmers losing another source of income to keep themselves afloat without beasts and workers to feed. No taxes to collect from those without jobs. The entire system would crumble like a house who's foundation suddenly goes from being upon bedrock to upon sand."

After a momentary pause he added, "Do you see the problem and why those in positions of power might oppose your wonderful ideals?"

Seretha ibnat Rezhe
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Reactions: Seretha ibnat Rezhe
Seretha nodded thoughtfully at the Handsome Man's words as she continued eating, every bite seemingly disappearing into her with no effect. Indeed, there would be little lasting effect, as she reached up to her claw necklace again and squeezed one of the charms, infusing it with more of her energy. She let his final question hang between them for some time before responding.

"I think you could say the same for animals and slaves, and we still use those. Did a horse with a plow replace farmers? The fields are still full of them. So full in fact that half or more of them are slaves in some places. Did wagons and carts replace pack animals? A bone... contrivance is a tool, and tools need people to wield them properly. There will be more jobs, new jobs, for anyone who needs them."

She finished her wine in a deep gulp and followed it up with the last honeyed date. And then she pointed at him, knitting her eyebrows. "Besides, you don't really think that's why people would oppose me, do you? No one even gets this far into the conversation most of the time because the moment I make it clear how I'd achieve this, they assume the worst. You know, the normal 'she'll feed the flesh of the living to the dead' sort of hysterics."

In her sixty-some years of practicing, she had definitely seen a lot. As a child she was carefree, protected by her family and her tribe, but when she set out on her own to find her own path... well, she had spent quite a lot of time in jails or running from enforcers.

And she hadn't killed a single person in the course of her practice. Every life she had taken had come for her first, and nearly all caravan raids in Amol-Kalit or elf-haters looking to chase her out of Anirian territory. None of them had to do with her affinity for unlife.

Khalid al-Hasan
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Reactions: Khalid al-Hasan
Just smiled and waved a hand in front of him. "I am open minded. Rejecting a thing out of ignorance is how small men stagnant their little homes to hold onto false senses of power. I prefer to reject something after I know the value and costs of it. Such as the first ones to work metal and tame beasts."

A dated was plucked and slurped again. She might begin to notice how he gravitated towards the dates and sweeter foods. As if the expense of the food held little value for him.

"To address your points, those are not the same events as what you suggest. More beasts of burden. More workers in the fields. These are additions upon the foundations of labor. Your suggestion is reductive seeking to remove them. The living require more resources and more of them as they do tire. This is a boon as it creates work and wealth to support its labor. Using those already dead removes this work and this wealth. Work and wealth that must be sought elsewhere. An upheaval of the foundation. Chaos that will breed banditry and revolution. These people will need to learn new skills and trades to survive. Who shall teach them? Who shall put bear the burden of wealth to pay for them to learn? For how long must they learn? For how long can one afford the cost of it? While they are learning they will not be putting coin into coffers. Coffers that are being drained to support them because letting them go unsupported would be more costly."

Khalid took a drink. Certainly he was not in need of one but it provided a needed pause.

"These are the fears and concerns of the wealthy and powerful. They are the ones who would need to bare the burden of reformation. They are selfish and greedy so would seek to avoid the need by removing the root of this concern. Your method is their justification. They will fan the flames of zealotry and ignorance. Declare it heresy.... But it will not be from any sense of faith. It will be purely out of indulging their greed based fear."

He twirled his cup a moment before adding, "This is if you seek to do this all at once or quickly. There is a better method that would require far more time and preparation but a far better chance of succeeding.... All in theory of course."

The man finished off his cup fully for the first time before pouring himself more wine.

Seretha ibnat Rezhe
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Reactions: Seretha ibnat Rezhe
In the time that the Handsome Man spoke, Seretha grabbed several kebabs and ate them quickly. Her hunger was quickly becoming ravenous as she kept tricking her body into believing it would be sated before immediately draining herself. Still, though, when he finished speaking and gave her time to interject, she first did so again.

"I would teach them the mechanics of the tools. The first ones would then go on to train others. Two new professions will be created. I don't imagine this would change the world, though. I can't and wouldn't dream of forcing people into this." She waved her hand nebulously and added, "I don't think your view of the economy accounts well for slaves, though; these are no different except that they're simpler and you're not committing grievous harm to people to use them. And in that, there, is the irony."

She leaned forward to pour herself more wine only after he had finished doing so himself and had settled back away from the table. "Many would think I'm here to disrespect and defile life, but I don't deal in life at all. The life has left before I commit to work. Slaves, though... their lives may as well be forfeit by the hands of their captors, nevermind those killed in the process of obtaining them. Freely deciding whose lives are fine to sacrifice seems far more disrespectful to me."

"Would that I could have a parcel of land to begin building a city,"
she said, leaning back. "Elbion can keep its college and Vel Anir its walls; Annuakat its so-called empire. I would take that parcel and build wonders with it, and teach others to do the same. All with chicken bones and donkey skulls if need be.

"But I think I'm not very convincing, am I?"
She smiled to show her good humor and to defang any possibility of her words being read as an accusation. "I can at least qualify as entertainment, I guess," she laughed out loud considering that to be a joke, with absolutely no heed given to the fact that the Handsome Man had no additional context for it.

Khalid al-Hasan
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Reactions: Khalid al-Hasan
"Slaves were accounted for. Banditry would be a product of their sudden freedom from lack of necessity. Their needs seen to by their masters before but now wholly their own responsibility possessing only skills no longer needed or in demand. What other options would they have to feed themselves but to turn towards robbery? As for their treatment, that is a conversation lacking in context of laws and culture. Not all are as harsh as those arrogant pigshits in Vel Anir."

Khalid always hated the discussions around slavery. Too many points to be made for and against all coming from vastly different centers of view. Morality and practicality truly did not align upon that subject and for that reason alone he often wished it banned and forgotten.

But she brought up another topic about attempting to create a system in a parcel of land. One dedicated to the pursuit of reliving the burden of labor. A very interesting topic. This saw Khalid to fully straighten himself up. He was properly sitting instead of lounging for the first time since her arrival.

"An interesting proposal. One that would require you to build up trust with those able to grant such a request and fund such a project." He smiled at her. His eyes held an edge like that of a cat looking upon a songbird. "You certainly have been entertaining me."

He picked up a kebab and took a bite from it.

"Tell me, how would you go about gaining the trust of one who could grant you this land and funding? Serve under them for a time? Bring them a grand treasure as tribute? Become their lover? Many options exist and all can work equally well depending upon whom you use them on."

Seretha ibnat Rezhe
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The question hit her surprisingly hard. Seretha suddenly realized that she had never actually considered the "how" of getting to where she wanted to be. She had thought of hundreds of devices and designs, and tricks of illusion, but never once to where her city would start and how she would obtain any right or security to use the land.

A stereotypical necromancer, she supposed, would have no problems on that front.

It took her a moment to compose herself as she was visibly discomfited, if only subtly. She tried to cover it with another deep pour of wine.

"I suppose it depends on who I can attract interest in and won't run me out of town. I take contracts of all kinds, but I wouldn't call it serving under the employer. They are not my master. As for treasures... I have or can obtain some but who's to say they value the same things I do, or my people do, or even Allirians do?" There she stopped for a moment, considering the next option he had thrown out so casually.

She then said, "And then... I have two children in my tribe; I'm not unaccustomed to a fling. Becoming the lover of someone wealthy enough to start me on my way, though, seems like a bigger commitment than I've ever made before."

"I didn't stop working for them until they were ready to enter this world. What would I do if this lover asked it of me? I'm not even seventy, I'm far too young to tie myself down. They had better start helping me build my little sanctuary quickly, I suppose."
She laughed again, first with a bit of a bark to it before settling on a quieter, lower pitched chuckle. "What if you were in this position?"

Khalid al-Hasan
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Reactions: Khalid al-Hasan
The Amir watched her closely as she worked through his words and the problems needing solving held within. The one she wished to address aloud was that of how she would secure a benefactor for her project. She addressed each option he had mentioned but brought up no new one. A detail he noted as he knew of other less moral options for her as well. Ones she either did not think of or did not share.

His smile grew as she took his hint. Was he in such a position? Indeed he was. Little had been done to hide this detail from her even if not outright pointed out to her. If she could not grasp who he potentially was without a guiding hand then she would be a liability to him and herself pursuing these kind of goals. It was reassuring to know she was not a liability.

Khalid leaned forward slightly with his hands coming to rest upon his knees. His smile now holding that same predatory edge as his eyes. He was a cat inching closer towards its songbird.

"If I were in such a position then your best option would be the third. To become my lover or more precisely my concubine. While indulging in carnal delights would be a part of it, it would not be the point. Becoming my lover would be a cover and shield to built towards and justify granting stewardship over some land to you under my supervision. Take time to establish in the eyes of others our perceived relationship. Perhaps even having children together if need be or if it happens naturally to strengthen the association. Give it time and prepare so that once the project can begin it can do so without prying eyes."

Khalid leaned back and took on a more relaxed position once again as he paused. His face told there was more to be said soon but for now a moment of silence so words might be processes properly.

"This establishing of our lover status would also be a time used to know if I could trust you and if the project would be worth the time and effort. If deemed not then at least some shared entertainment came of it.... What are your thoughts on this if I were in such a position?"

Seretha ibnat Rezhe
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"Well," Seretha said, leaning forward. She grinned. "I had meant what if you were in my position."

Like him, she let the silence hang for a moment. "But I suppose since you've given it such easy thought that you've considered it before. Being that's the case, let's say you are...."

She drained her wine again. She couldn't deny that he had his charm and more importantly likely had the resources she would need to get started. The name he had invented for himself spoke of either arrogance or an accurate sense of self - or maybe both.

"The problem that I would see is my business takes me all over, and my business is what makes this possible. Naga bones, dragon if possible; battlefields and plague-felled villages. It's dangerous and time-consuming work, so how would it even be possible? I, of course, would be of the opinion that the sooner I can start to build the better. The sheer resources, though. I would wager you don't really know what you would be getting into."

Still holding the empty cup, she waved at him in a manner that indicated she was referring to his entire being. "That said, what would you, hypothetically being in this position of power of course, be seeing as a benefit to yourself from this? I know of no merchants who invest so early in a trade that they may not see profit for a decade or more, certainly not human in any case. Is it just the privilege of basking in the sheer power of my beauty and intellect?" She laughed again, the same loud start and quiet finish.

Khalid al-Hasan
  • Smug
Reactions: Khalid al-Hasan
Khalid had been listening closely to what Seretha had to say. Certainly there was a misunderstanding on his part about the nature of her original question, but she seemed open to this new direction of discussion. Details were given and potential issues on her end as to how such an arrangement might work. Soon enough she finished and ended it on a question meant to be rhetorical yet both already knew he would answer all the same.

"The privilege of basking in your beauty and intellect is the main and far biggest reason."

The man smirked at her impishly then chuckled.

"I do not see your travels as hindering nor the requirements of such rare, precious materials. The proposal is not of having you as a wife but a concubine. A lover. It would be viewed as a relationship with many benefits to us both not just carnal ones. You would have a benefactor that is powerful and wealth enough to support you. I would have access to a well traveled and competent procurer of highly valuable treasures. This is how it would be viewed from the outside and so not strange after a time that land for a project be granted to you. If we had a child then it would only secure it past the end of my own life. A child born with royal blood inheriting royal land is common place. Granting time and security to the project. All of it a means of preparing, securing, and hiding the project with the added benefit of basking in your beauty and intellect."

Khalid picked up the pitcher and refilled her cup as he spoke. She wished for him to fill her in on his side of things. That was what the empty cup told as much as he own words. There was no promise that she would partake of them after or if she would set it down and walk away. Truly the fun of these games for him.

"My interests are not the same as merchants. They need only worry about their profit. Caution and sticking to tradition is bred as risk can see they lose it all. I have wealth and resources that will not stop flowing. I have no need to worry about petty profits. My worry is that everyone be provided for so that my wealth and resources continue to flow. Solving problems is my concern. Risks must be taken as problems can not be solved any other way. Change is a must and I see benefit in your project. It is a risk that could fix many problems with the changes it brings. First I need to test it and see if it truly works before implementing it. Hence why I do not need someone to bring me treasures or do as I say. I have those already. Greed and pride are of no concern for me. I would not be the Handsome Man if they were. No, I am well known as a man of appetites and little control not indulging them. Taking you on as a lover makes the most sense and would see the best results."

Khalid took a drink from his cup. A sign he was willing to partake in this venture.

"And so I ask, is this acceptable for you? Or have you perhaps thought of another means of gaining my trust and support? I am open minded. Any method is acceptable so long as it might work."

Seretha ibnat Rezhe
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He was a talker, that much Seretha could say. And he had allowed to her he was royalty - somewhere nearby, certainly, and that provided only a few possibilities. That did, unfortunately, mean he was tied well in to the Empire, an organization she was no fan of even if she had been a mercenary in the army that created it, and so fought to make it happen. To be fair to herself, though, at least she hadn't fought hard as a mere scout. That helped her keep herself from finding any guilt in it.

But the Empire didn't have to exist now. The Gods all knew that her tribe remained independent and paid no heed to it, and she agreed on that front. It was easy in a position like hers not to think of it. Armed patrols were armed patrols regardless of what entity they claimed to represent. So, she pushed those thoughts away.

"I'm not sure I could trust someone whose primary interest was in me and some base offerings I can provide. What if they got bored of me? What if I became dangerous to them? You seem like you're smart enough to have at least two complicated plans running at all times, though. So, what benefit aside from the obvious...." She gestured over herself, her long-fingered hand offering a level of elven grace when it moved which even Abtati still possessed in spite of their more brutal reputation. She, too, could wield it in spite of her lack of in-built social propriety; it was just a more conscious effort on her part to put on the mask in much the same way her actual illusions were, just draining in a different fashion and no amount of stored charge in her amulets and charms would renew.

In fact, she could feel herself moving ever closer to her limit there. If he'd seemed to care about the way she endlessly consumed the food before her, if she'd had to hold herself back there, then the meeting may well have gone downhill by now.

"What good might it do you if there is so much risk in destroying the livelihoods of the peasantry and draining your coffers dry as result? You make it sound as though I would create problems for you to have to solve, on top of whatever you have to do already."

She placed her cup down and grabbed the wine, pouring it with one hand while eating grapes with the other. She kept her head bowed a bit to make her mouth less visible as she said around two of the grapes, "I of course think I have everything to offer but your lack of skepticism at this moment makes me wonder if there's more to this."

Khalid al-Hasan
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Reactions: Khalid al-Hasan
The Amir sighed at the merchant's response. It would seem somethings had been misunderstood or not heard. What good was subtlety in this world? Things were either too vague or too obvious. That sweet middle center was a mere illusion.

"Let me be direct with you Seretha. I have stated my interests in this already. I seek change. Tradition will be too much of a shackle for my people and see it broken in the end. Taking people away from their traditional work and aiding them in learning new ones will be beneficial. That is my interest in seeing if your project can work. The problems I brought up will be if it is all done too quickly and before minds can be primed for change. That is why I wish to take a slower more thorough route. Small scale before the big scale. Prove it can work then expand bit by bit. Retrain the people in one town, one city, own region at a time. As soon as they can be productive once more then move onto the next. That is my desire. But I need to know I can trust you and it will require time to get all the preparations done. This act of lovers is beneficial towards both ends. I will grow to trust you as we spend time together. Those who might oppose the project grow to trust your intentions and character as they see you around me."

These moments of honesty and directly repeating what had been said under the surface was dreary and boring. Not enough to stop him from the acts, but he enjoyed the games more. The impressions of clothing and actions to say something without words. Constant positioning and repositioning of topics to get a good opening to address the main concern of the conversation. Battles fought without blood yet were even more bitter than any physical conflict fighters partook in. Joys his brother did not share nor his near peers of the nobility.

"Skepticism does not always mean denial or aversion. I have my doubts but they are not proven true yet. I will see for myself which way these winds will blow and until then I have no reason not to at least begin the process. It can always be backed out of if it produces no results and ties with a skilled individual are never a waste. I am willing to take a risk for my ambitions. Are you?"

Seretha ibnat Rezhe
Finally, the Handsome Man spoke plainly, which was Seretha's preference. She had always struggled with social cues both within her own tribe as well as abroad with humans or elves... or anyone else, really. It was not, as one might say, her forte. Her general approach was to be blunt and honest, but to add a layer of obfuscation if the situation truly called for it. That was why most of her preserved journal pages were analogies and metaphors rather than speaking to the truth of her skills.

It was odd to Seretha, though, that he seemed actually earnest in this. In her mind, a royal didn't actually care about their people as such. Them being shackled wasn't an issue, so long as they did what they were told. Tradition helped to guide them toward doing that. What did he gain by up-ending that?

Or maybe she simply didn't understand nobility. If that was the case, then she likely never would.

"I never dreamed of a revolution, only incremental improvement, so I guess then that I agree with you there. So the question, then, is if there's anything I can do to work on those doubts. Are any of them easy to resolve?"

She also still had her own, and his ability to understand and handle the work she did still needed to be gauged.

Suddenly her face lit up and she snapped her fingers a couple of times. She said, "Do you want a demonstration? It's worth the entertainment value, at least. Do you have a whole chicken?"

Khalid al-Hasan
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The woman, or assumed so given the illusion about her, seemed to be of a similar mindset as himself. The problem was addressing doubts to build some trust. Easy ways to resolve them was not how doubts worked. Much like changing tradition so a culture could advance and progress it would require time.

But her follow up suggestion caught his attention. A demonstration that involved a whole chicken. Interesting. Already his mind played potential scenes for him. What sort of creativity would she mold for him?

Khalid clapped his hands and a servant swiftly arrived. With a smile he said never once looking away from Seretha, "We need a whole chicken. Only its neck snapped nothing else down."

The servant bowed on their way out and they disappeared behind a closed door.

"That is how you need the chicken is it not?" He took a drink of his wine before eating another date. "A demonstration of your skills would help ease some of my doubts. Actually getting an answer to your commitment would as well. Your avoidance did not go missed. If I were a prideful noble I might even feel slighted. Good thing I am not."

He flashed her a predatory grin. Once more he was a cat inching ever closer to pouncing upon a songbird.

Barely any time past before the servant returned with a live chicken. The neck was snapped before them then the corpse left away from the food but on their table. Khalid waved them away without looking at them once again. Instead he just got motioned to the chicken inviting her to begin her presentation.

Seretha ibnat Rezhe
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"Rotisseried is much harder, I admit," Seretha said as the chicken was laid before her. As she studied the chicken and placed her hands on various parts of it, she spoke slowly to the Handsome Man, responding to his insistence for an answer. "And one might suppose that I have less interest in a prideful noble, from which one might then conclude that I have tests of my own."

Her voice was distant, though, as she spoke. It was like she talking to herself in an empty room. Her lips moved silently as she formed words but did not speak them aloud. The dead could not hear, after all. Her eyes clouded over with a swirling black and blue as she saw the connections of unlife forming through the skeleton of the former animal, hot and burning blue tendrils snaking their way through it, invisible from the normal mortal realm but detectable by those with any skill in magic. She began to etch commands directly into the bone, her hands hovering over the corpse, fingers sometimes twitching.

"Do you want it to do anything in particular?" she asked, her voice still entirely lacking in emotion or character. "A practiced and prepared demonstration is less insightful, I feel."

Khalid al-Hasan
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A fun retort back! Seretha was adapting a little to the game. A small joy and victory for Khalid. One he might have pursued if not for the business at hand involving the dead table fowl. He just smiled to her and reclined as if time itself bent to his whims.

"What shall I have this chicken do...." Khalid mused idly seeming as if no thoughts were running through his mind. After a moment he slapped his knee. "Dance then find a fire for it to throw itself into! Yes, that would be most entertaining and a demonstration one could not prepare in advance!"

There was point and purpose for what he had asked. It indeed was not something one would likely predict to be asked. More importantly it would answer a few questions he held about these animated flesh dolls. Range of movement. Directness of command. Sense of preservation if any existed at all. And if it did throw itself into a fire then evidence of her magic would be destroyed.

Khalid smiled at Seretha as he leaned forward slightly. "Can this be done?"

Seretha ibnat Rezhe
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The Handsome Man's request was an interesting one, testing several aspects and even including something on the more difficult scale difficult - searching for, identifying, and making use of something that could not currently be seen. Seretha carved commands and descriptions into the bones with necromantic energy, describing how to dance in simple terms since she had no idea how dancing might work physiologically for a chicken. At a command from her, just a simple order to leave, it would circle the room looking for a large enough fire to rest in.

Detailing the proper size of flame was not that easy, however. Merely hurling itself onto a candlestick was not particularly skillful on her part.

"That won't be an issue. It might find either hearth or brazier, I will not tell it which just to keep it interesting."

The electric fire of necromancy enveloped the bones, charging them with the power to operate within the bounds given to it. No phrasing on her part gave it wide latitude to act besides the running in search of the hearth and even that strictly forbade the use of wing or beak, or physical contact with people just to be on the safe side.

She unhooked one of the smaller charms from her necklace and stuffed it into the chicken's mouth, pushing and tearing its way to be fully enveloped. This was a store of energy to keep the chicken going without her needing to actively manage it. The cost of this to her physically was largely the preparation of the spell.

As the final step, she tied the essence of this impending form of unlife to the charm and commanded it to rise. It did so and started to "dance" by hopping from leg to leg, bobbing once or twice between jumps, and slowly flapping its wings. Each hop turned it slightly and it made a full circle before Seretha waved her hand and said, "You're dismissed."

The unchicken leapt from the table and began circling the room in search of an obviously recognizable fire of sufficient size to engulf it.

Khalid al-Hasan
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The Handsome Man watched the merchant's actions closely despite the only half interested appearance about his demeanor. Her words listened to carefully as he half lounged and half leaned in attention. A fun demonstration soon followed.

The undead chicken rose up once her magic was imbued into it. Her necklace of bone charms being used as fuel was noticed and her little habit of touching as she ate remembered. At first it seemed but a quirk and habit. A habit indeed but one with purpose for her craft. A storehouse for her magics as any silo was for grains? Perhaps, but he was not here to sort out and devise solutions to her magic. That would be rude and actions for the future should their deal be struck.

Khalid clapped and smiled as the thing made strange movements fitting of a dancing chicken. Silly yet complicated enough for the short period of time she had to develop the motions. It continued without signs of tiring until she dismissed it. Then the thing began to roam around the room with a singular purpose: find a fire to jump into.

The grin upon his face grew from cheerful to predatory as he saw the action. Khalid was satisfied with this demonstration. He rose his hands up and made the series of claps as he had done before. The servant summoned opened up the door ready to receive another command. This action let the chicken loose into the main room where it ran straight for the central fire pit and leapt into it. The servant was shocked and seemed confused as to what to do next. Those gathered in the main room erupted into chaos. Some worried. Some laughed. Some silent in their shock. All had no idea what was going on outside of watching a chicken commit suicide by flames.

"Bring us more meat and more wine.... Oh and let the owner know the chicken was my doing. A bit of entertainment for his good guests."

The servant left as Khalid smiled to him and made a waving motion with his hand immediately following his words. Eccentric actions were common for him when bored. A worthy cover and a fun tale to bring in more guests as word spread of the fire dancing chicken.

As soon as the door shut, Khalid turned his attention to Seretha once more. "Most satisfying of a demonstration. When the food and wine arrive eat and drink your fill. If you desire more then it shall be. Even if I must empty every larder within the town."

The man smiled at her with that cat like look once more. He leaned fully forward. Any lounging or relaxation gone from him. He was a coil set to spring forward at any moment. "Part of my worries are gone. Only those on your willingness to commit to your goals remain.... Do you have any worries of your own? You may test me if you wish."

Seretha ibnat Rezhe
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Preferably the chicken would have remained with the room, so as to not risk outing her skills in a company many strangers, some of whom were unlikely to be of sound mind. But the Handsome Man diverted attention easily and seemingly with no question from those assembled. His word alone seemed exceptionally powerful... here, at least.

She turned her attention back to him, studying his features carefully. There was a lot to potentially read but most of it outside of her expertise. She had never been that good with behavioral cues and had only barely been able to figure out tells for straightforward business negotiations. He certainly had the upper hand here, she could tell.

Her disadvantage in this did make her concerned, but she told herself that at the end of the day chances were that he didn't pose sufficient danger to actually harm her in the long term. She made a mental note, however, to continue attempting to secure her existence beyond her mortal life should it be cut too short. Suddenly that felt a little more urgent than it usually did.

"I will need to know your name and your family before any decisions are made, of course. But if you can deliver to me the land and resources necessary to begin this experiment, then you are my current best hope for a better world." She laughed, "And I suppose the worst that would happen should you betray me is that you end up with a skeletal army and positioned like any other would-be conqueror, mundane or otherwise."

And frankly that would position him to weaken the so-called empire, which was a bonus in her book. She might have helped put the emperor who claimed divinity on the his throne, but that had been for money and never belief. The money hadn't been worth it, though.

"But first...," she said, trailing off as she unhooked an earring and reached out to hand it to him. "Can you tell me anything about this? What it does, anything about its components?"

The earring was the pelvis and part of the spine of a small creature, likely a rodent - she couldn't remember anymore - strung together using gold bands with two teeth of a large omnivore. The top was a polished bone disc inset with a sapphire. Only one piece of the earring contained any magic at all and it wasn't either of her primary skills. The rodent pelvis was a portal key, one of the several she kept on her in case of emergency, having never been good at activating stones in a hurry on her own. It had no identifying marks on it, however, just the chaotic, universe-defying smell of the teleportation stone magic.

Khalid al-Hasan
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His identity, his true identity, was finally demanded to be revealed. It was good she doubt his claims without proof of their validity. What sort of merchant would she be if the promised riches were not presented before her eyes before she began to count them? Not one he wished to associate himself with.

The man smiled at her as he contemplated if and how much to share with her. It was not as if his identity would be hard to figure out after she left. He had certainly dropped enough hints for her already. But before any of that could be considered she asked him a question then handed over an object. He took it and examined it over.

After a bit of study and getting a feel for it, Khalid spoke up.

"Enchanted trinket. Bone with a sapphire set inside of it. I am uncertain of what effect it might have. I am no scholar of the mystical arts. Judging by how it feels I assume it is persistent or perhaps has a trigger that occurs without your will directed upon it?"

Khalid hands the earring back to Seretha. He had made up his mind on the previous topic while speaking.

"You desired to know my identity. I am feeling generous this evening so shall grant your request."

The man sat up then stood as he spoke holding his arms out so she could get a good look at him. His eyes on her face the entire time with a smile upon his lips.

"Before you is Amir Khalid al-Hasan. Prince Khalid the Handsome. Royal of Nah'hla. Brother of the Sultan of Nah'hla. The tavern, the town, the region you currently sit within belongs to my family. Rejoice, Seretha, the merchant of the mundane and magical! You have the privilege of becoming the lover of an Amir if you so wish."

He allowed silence to pass for a moment before he sat himself back down. Lounging upon his seat was immediate yet his eyes remained upon her waiting for her reaction and reply.

Seretha ibnat Rezhe
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