Fate - First Reply Another Test

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join
There wasn't anything else to speak on. He'd said what he needed to and Noel had told him the truth. It wasn't a shock that he beat himself up over it but there was no reason to dwell now. As long as he paid attention to what she had said, really considered it, she was certain he'd come to his senses.

No one was defined solely by their magic. That was a ludicrous notion.

It was why Noel, despite not having the most flashy or powerful magic at the academy, was still convinced she could rise to Archon levels. Because magic did not define any of the students.

Noel nodded. "I'll get them rounded up." Checking the Dreadlord wasn't a bad idea. Maybe Edric could take the insignia with them, they'd surely earn bonus points with the academy for slaying a full-fledged exiled Dreadlord.

Several of the pig-children were sniffling and huddled together in fear at the display they'd just seen. A few others, the braver ones, were rubbing at their wrists. Likely relieved to be rid of their metal bindings.

"Come on," she said simply, "we're here to take you all back to Teaobo."

They were hesitant at first but after the first child approached her the rest followed. Including one pig-kid who felt the need to hold her hand. She tried to resist the urge to grimace at the sweaty palm that clung to hers.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Edric
Edric approached the corpse with no small amount of trepidation.

Most men were not dangerous when dead, but Dreadlord's? Most of them were smart enough to maintain some sort of threat even beyond death. He had heard rumors that some of the more powerful of their order even warded their bodies.

Traps that would trigger when their corpse was moved.

Luckily, this man had not taken such care. Edric gently jabbed him with the toe of his boot. The body shifted slightly in the sand, but did nothing else. A moment passed, and then the Initiate flipped the man over in the sand.

The closeness did not reveal any more memories for Edric, the man still a stranger. A frown touched his lips, and quickly he began to search his person. Within his jacket he found a small notebook, a purse of gold, and another Dreadlord Insignia that seemed even more worn than the one of his clothes.

Edric frowned, and tucked the things away in his belt satchel.

A few moments later Edric returned to Noel. His eyebrow raising slightly as he found her coddling the pig-children. "Found a journal."

He remarked.

"We can take a look at it later." For now he was eager to get the fuck out of here.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Noel
"A journal?"

That was interesting. Plenty of the soft-bellied kids back at the academy kept journals and diaries where they scribbled their insignificant hopes and dreams instead of honing their combat talents. Seemed like a waste but also like a waste that most Dreadlords would've grown out of. Noel had assumed that those willing to go into exile would be even more clever about it.

Could that journal reveal state secrets? Lead them to other exiles? Who knew. But it was clearly careless to keep it in the first place. Or perhaps the fallen exile was simply that arrogant.

Noel nodded after a time to Edric and added, "right, let's go."

They herded the miserable children through the brush as the humidity of the tropical forest grew thick and beads of sweat covered her brow. After a short while they were back in Teaobo and the villagers began to crowd around each unique little pig-child. She assumed those were their parents.

"Time to ask the village shaman to make good on that offer for a ride home." Then they could dive into that journal Ed was carrying.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Edric
Edric stood with Noel on the edge of the reunion, tilting his head in a nod. "Probably could have just taken that ship in the cove."

He remarked, though neither of them knew fuckall about sailing.

Briefly he wondered just how these people would get him and Noel home, though something occurred to him in the back of his head. Fingers furled into loose fists for a brief moment, and then he glanced towards his companion.

"We get Alvernia back to her people first." He remarked dryly, the words not a question.

Despite her kindness towards the girl, he half expected Noel to reject the notion outright. To push back and call him a fool, but he knew it needed to happen. Even with the Republic, she couldn't go to Vel Anir, and bringing her to the Academy...

That just wasn't an option.
  • Bless
Reactions: Noel
Noel tilted her head to avert her gaze from Teaobo’s reunion. Something about parents being overjoyed at their children’s return didn’t sit well with her.

Were all parents like this? She remembered her father fondly, her mother… not so much. Would they be so joyful if she suddenly appeared after all this time?

Pointless. It was pointless to dwell on such things.

”Unless you can circumnavigate the oceans that ship at the cove would’ve led us to our deaths,” she said with a biting cut of sarcasm.

To his next statement she simply nodded along. ”I agree.” The girl had taken them to Teaobo. If they secured passage then home then it was thanks to her. They owed the girl a reunion with her own parents. Her own people.

They had taken only a few more steps when Noel could feel the voice of the pig shaman in her head once more. Calling out, probing into her thoughts, and then putting a picture of a pig-man missing two fingers on his left hand into her head. It seared into her mind so harshly that she squeezed her eyes shut and cried out in a short yelp of pain.

She could only assume that Edric must’ve felt the same thing.

When she re-opened her eyes the pig-man she’d been shown was standing before her. Alvernia standing right beside him. In a snort the man before them laughed.

“I’m Buck,” he squealed, “I’ll be the cap’n of our ship.” Though where that ship was, Noel wasn’t entirely certain.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Edric
Edric once again cringed as he found his mind invaded by foreign thought.

I have to find a way to stop that. The Initiate considered bitterly, fingers scrunching into a fist as he took in a sweeping breath. Eyes fluttering open to see the pig-man that had flickered through his mind.

Lips thinned almost instantly as he 'spoke'. The guttural sound grating upon his ears like nails on a chalkboard.

"What ship?" He asked, echoing Noel's thoughts. "An-"

Before he could finish the oinking bit of pork cut him off.

"The Great ship Sch-ni-tzel!"​

The Captain declared with no small amount of pride.

"Come, come this way. We hide her on the opposite side of the island, away from the pirates. Away from Cerak!"​

Edric glanced over towards Noel, clearly unsure, but Alvernia happily turned and traipsed away with the side of Bacon as he began to lead the way. A frown lingered on his face for a moment more, and then slowly he began to follow.

The trip took only ten minutes, and before long they were presented with another cove. This time however there were no pirates, only a ship and a cadre of more pig-men. The ship itself was surprisingly sleek, sitting high in the water with three masts.

A sight that might have been impressive if Edric was a sailor. "This will get us home?"

He asked curiously.
  • Sip
Reactions: Noel
Noel crossed her arms as the two-fingers-shy-of-full-fist pig tried to convince them that he wasn’t just a captain but that he had a great ship called Shitsail.

Her feet felt like they were made of lead as she quietly sighed, ”when will this nightmare end.” Had Alvernia not been so keen to follow along Noel likely would’ve suggested they try for another way home.

Not that there were very many options at this point.

At the cove she couldn’t help but marvel at how well made the triple masted ship was. A thought ran through her head questioning whether the residents of Teaobo were far more advanced than she’d given them credit for or if they’d simply stolen the ship.

“Of course it’ll get you home!” Buck said before slapping Edric on his shoulder with a gruff chuckle. “Schnitzel is one of the fastest ships to ever grace the Akea’oma’o Sea!”

”It certainly looks like a boat.” Noel wasn’t an expert on naval matters so being able to judge speed by simply looking at a ship wasn’t in her wheelhouse.

Still, the thing looked more than capable. ”I presume we’re heading to the Falwood first?” Get Alvernia home then head up the coast to Vel Anir.

Buck ruffled at Alvernia’s hair. “Right-o, drop off lil’ Alvie and then we’ll get you two pups back to your ma and dad.”

Noel’s eyebrows practically lurched off of her face.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Edric
The pig-man slapped him on the shoulder, declaring with jovial intent that his ridiculously named ship was one of the fastest ship in the sea.

A thousand doubts carried through Edric's mind the moment the declaration was made. A long breath flowing into his lungs as he resisted the urge to reach up and pinch the bridge of his nose. Lips thinned, and then slowly he shook his head. "Right."

He said, trying to press down the urge to eat bacon for dinner. "Let's just get this the fuck over with, shall we?"

The words were cold, dry, but the Captain chuckled as though he had told some great joke.

"Indeed we shall! A week at sea and we'll have Alvernia home, then the two of you!"​

Sausage fingers left Edric's shoulder as the Captain swept past him and moved towards the gangplank of the ship. The Dreadlord Initiate slowly turning his head towards Noel. Horror flickered through his gaze, a pleading look screaming simple words. A week?!

How in the ever loving fuck of Kress' name were they going to survive that?

Before he could speak though the little elf girl reached up. One of her tiny hands grabbed Edric's the other Noel's.

"Come one! The Captain said we're getting a cabin. It's soooo much better than the cages!"​
  • Nervous
Reactions: Noel
One week.

"One week!?"

One. Entire. Week.

Brown eyes went wild in distress as she caught Edric's sight. They were going to get back to Vel Anir, sure, but by the time they did they'd reek of hog. Worse still, what were they to eat on this voyage? She assumed swine simply gnawed on slop and bile and any other manner of gross, unappetizing, filth.

Her concerns subsided, only slightly, as the young elven girl clasp her hand into Noel's and Edric's.

Seeing someone so young reminded Noel of her own youth. Of what could have been had she never entered the academy. Maybe instead of this serious person who spent every living moment trying to be as pristine as possible she would've ended up joyful and carefree like Avernia.

Instead of dwelling on that though she simply allowed a smile as the infectious excitement spread. Not having to spend the voyage in a cage surely was an improvement. She just hoped they had a proper bed and not a pile of hay or whatever it was that pig-people slept upon.

The door swung open to their cabin and Noel had to take in a deep breath just to process the sight. "Wow. This is... amazing."

It was far larger than her dormitory back at the academy. There were three beds spaced out appropriately, an armoire that she assumed stored fresh clothing (which was sorely needed at this point in their adventure), and even a table with chairs that were all bolted down to the ship so that they wouldn't slide around as they sailed.

"This is much, much, better than the cages." Noel remarked as she tested a hand against one of the firm beds.

"I think supper is being served in the galley before long! Then we're supposed to set sail right after we fill ourselves up," Alvernia said with a wink and a grin, "I caught a bunch of fish while you two were out on your task so it should be pretty tasty!"

Hopefully she caught enough fish for the entirety of their trip. Noel wasn't sure if she could stomach pig-slop for a week.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Edric
Edric looked at Noel, his head cocking to the side slightly as he saw the smile curl on the corner of her lips.

It was a rare expression on her face, and part of him couldn't help but wonder why she wore it now. He studied her for a moment, and then suddenly he felt himself tugged forward by Alvernia. She chattered up and down as they stepped onto the ship, Edric only half listening as he looked at their new home.

He was half lost when the Elf swung open the door to their cabin, his lips thinning for a brief moment as he noticed three beds in the room.

Noel stepped forward into the cabin first, leaning down to press a hand into one of the mattresses. Edric perked an eyebrow, opening his mouth to speak before Alvernia declared her fishing expertise. "Lucky us."

He commented, his voice so indiscernibly neutral that he might as well have been sarcastic.

The Elf girl didn't seem to notice, simply beaming with excitement.

"It's going to be fun!"​

She declared.

"Maybe we can even play some games!"​

Edric eyes closed for a moment, a quiet prayer offered to whatever deity might still bless him with some sort of divine intervention. Before he could speak again he felt Alvernia grab his hand, her fingers squeezing his palm.

"Wouldn't that be fun?"​

His eyes opened, and he looked down at the girl. An image flickered through his mind, a distant memory that had long ago been buried. His vision became hazy, Alvernia's face shifted and changed. He saw not the young Elf girl, but another face. Brilliant emerald eyes, raven hair, a purity that showed nothing but innocent love.

Edric froze for a moment, his fingers curling into a tight fist. When he spoke, his voice was a bare rasp. "S-sure."

He croaked, Alvernia grinning wide.

"I'll go make sure we have some cards before we leave!"​

She said, letting go of Edric's hand and rushing out the door before either of the Initiates could say anything else.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Noel
For the briefest of moments the expression on Edric's face shifted. Had she not known better she could've sworn that the battle-hardened teenager was on the brink of tears. As if some piece of humanity was extended to the empty husk of a person he considered himself to be.

But, no, it passed nearly as soon as it came.

So dramatic that Noel simply dismissed it as if she'd somehow misread his body language. There was no sentimentality in that one. He was miserable and trying to hide it from the young elven girl. Nothing else left to explore there.

"It sounds like we're playing cards," Noel chimed in after Alvernia left the room. "I've never played before. Have you?"

She knew that at least some of her fellow students had played games. Particularly after the revolution brought about far more lax rules and restrictions. Noel had never seen much gain in such trivial matters. Learning how to play cards or clap her hands or whatever wasn't going to improve her martial prowess. Thus, it was a waste of time and a waste of energy.

But they'd all taken various missions throughout the years. There was no telling if Edric had played a hand of cards out of necessity somewhere.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Edric
For a brief moment Edric wondered what he had been duped into, and just how the little Elf girl had actually managed it. He shook his head, taking in a sharp breath as he regarded Noel with a shake of his head.

”No.” Much like her, he had never much been one for games.

Even after the Revolution he had spent most of his time training…because that was what he had always done. There had never much been any appeal for him to join in with the ‘fun’ others were having. Everleigh invited me to play a game once.”

He recalled. ”Though I don’t think that was cards.”

No, that probably didn’t have enough element of ‘chance’ for the poison-eater.

Edric let out a long sigh, slowly stepping up to one of the beds and plopping himself down. His hand slowly reached up, raking through his hair as he shook his head. At least the beds were comfortable.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Noel
Everleigh?” Anirius only knew what sort of awful game she’d roped Edric into playing. If Noel had to guess it likely involved ingesting toxins and seeing who passed out first.

But learning that he hadn’t ever played cards didn’t come as much of a shock to her.

You’d think an academy training students to become elite warriors would at least teach them the basics of what the commoner’s did for fun. Then again, she supposed that in the old Vel Anir (and perhaps still in the new one) their purpose was singular. To bring about death and destruction to Vel Anir’s enemies.

There were other groups of agents who could blend in with society, gather information, all that Vel Anir needed the Dreadlords for was wide-spread calamity.

Noel took a seat on the cot she had claimed as Edric stretched out. Part of her debated laying down as well but the threat of sleep was too large and the allure of an impending meal that wasn’t slop too strong. Just as she debated lying her head down the door of the cabin burst open.

“Got ‘em!” Alvernia cried out as she practically leaped into one of the chairs that flanked the table of their quarters. She let a packet of sixty or so cards fall out of a leather casing and began to work them through her deft hands. “Just let me give them a good shuffle.”

A smile had opened up on the elven girl’s face as she beckoned for the two initiates to join her.

Noel plopped herself down into one of the seats just as Alvernia began to question, “so what do you two want to play? We could try Go Fish or Cerak Hold ‘em or, oh, what about Baker’s Dozen?”

There was a pause as Noel stared at Alvernia like a deer caught in a trap. ”We’ve never played cards.” A look of astonishment broke out across the elven child’s face.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Edric
Edric's eyes had fallen closed when Alvernia burst through the door like a hurricane. Slitted blue eyes open, a slight tinge of horror clinging to the ceiling.

Slowly he turned his head towards the Elf Girl. She flickered the cards between her fingers, turning them over and shuffling with a surprising amount of deftness. He didn't move to join Noel as she stood up and went to the table. Instead he folded his hands behind his head.

"How could you have never played?!"​

The Elf demanded, and Edric only rose his shoulders in a shrug. "We never really much had a chance to."

Bewilderment grew into a mixture of astonishment and curiosity. Her head shook.

"I can teach you!"​

Edric took in a long, dragging breath. Even now he couldn't deny this current journey was far superior to their last one, but he hadn't exactly thought he would be playing cards. Still, it was nice to see the Elf girl so bright. Her face not marred with fear of potential horrors that could befall her.

A long sight drew from Edric's lips.

"Alright." He relented, pulling himself up from the bed.
  • Bless
Reactions: Noel
There was something about Alvernia’s innocence that softened Edric. It softened Noel a bit too.

Outside of the academy it was difficult not to view every living being as some sort of threat. To not meet them and immediately start debating all of the ways you could kill them. But with Alvernia it was different. She was so… joyful… about everything.

It was a stark contrast to anyone who grew up in the academy.

”I’d love to learn,” Noel’s words were coated in an unusual honey as the elf began to pull out every card and lay them flat on the table. ”That’s a lot of cards.”

“Yeah! There’s sixty in total!”

Sixty cards? That really was a lot. ”You have to keep track of all of them? All the time?”

That seemed easy enough to her. They were marked in unique patterns and many of them were numbered.

Alvernia grinned and cast a look at both Edric and Noel as she went on to explain. “There’s five suites of cards! Hearts, spades, diamonds, clubs, and blades. Each suite has cards numbered from two to ten! Then there’s three ‘face cards’ which we call the Jack, the Queen, and the King!”

Alvernia pointed at cards with a fresh faced young man, a regal looking woman, and a worn stately king.

“There’s all kinds of games you can play with them. My favorite is a game called, ‘Dummy,’ and it involves making matching sets of cards.”

They had a card game called Dummy? And all you had to do was match a set of cards? That seemed very, very, simple.

Alvernia began dealing seven cards each to Noel, herself, and the empty spot where Edric was intended to sit.
Edric blinked as Alvernia downloaded a mountain of information upon them. His fingers clung to the back of the chair meant for him, and with every word that fell from the elves lips he couldn't help but let his frown deepen.

Eventually fingers pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay."

He said calmly, trying to put everything that Alvernia had said together.

Out of all the students at the Academy he had probably been on the...lower end of book learning, but he certainly wasn't stupid. After tracing all the suites, numbers, and faces he managed to get it all together in his head well enough.

Slowly he pulled the chair back, and then sat himself down.

"Alright then." Edric said with a nod. Let's play.
  • Smug
Reactions: Noel
As Edric sat the game began and over the course of the next hour or so they played multiple games of Dummy. Alvernia managed to win nearly every one of them, putting to bed the idea that card playing was a pure luck-based activity.

"Are you sure you aren't cheating?" Alvernia smiled as she laid out her hand after declaring yet another victory.

"No, you two are just really bad at this." A giggle emerged from the small elvish girl's lips and she shook her head in disbelief. "It's OK though, we'll have plenty of time for you two to get better. I think I can smell dinner though."

She wasn't wrong, the scent of roasted fish began to waft into their cabin and the trio stepped out on deck to go find their dinner.
  • Aww
Reactions: Edric
That was how it went.

It took them almost two weeks to cross the sea to Alvernia's city, a place that she kept re-pronouncing for him whenever it slid off of his tong. Fen'Althkesis'Dalmir. Except when she said it the word actually seemed to flow through the air. When Edric did it fell like a brick into the ear.

Not that he much cared.

Aside from grammatical rebukes the journey was not too bad. As it turned out the residents of Teaobo liked to eat well, and they were treated to twice daily meals that would have made most of their fellow Initiates green with envy.

In truth there wasn't really much at all to complain about during the trip. Alvernia even began to tell them a little bit about her home, where she'd come from. It was interesting, a view into a life that he had only been taught of in twisted ways. She spoke of her home as a utopia, where the forest touched the sea and their people dwelt in peace.

On the thirteenth day a call went down from the crows nest. One of the pigs in the crowsnest seemed to oink profusely, and Alvernia called up.

"Just wave the flag! They'll see you!"​

The Pig looked down at his Captain, and a nod was quickly offered along with a squeal. Edric looked at the exchange, offering Noel a dubious stare. Alvernia had told him that the Elves would come to them, foreigners not being allowed to know where the city actually was.

But he didn't see how. There was no bay, no towers, just an old ruin of a spire. "There's no way this is going to work."

Edric commented dryly, proven wrong an instant later as a ship suddenly poured out of existence besides them. As though someone had drawn a curtain away from reality. The vessel was almost as large as an Anirian War Galleon, but it was sleeker, far more beautiful and smooth. It's sails in the shape of great wings that fluttered even as the ship slowed besides them.

Alvernia gave him a smug look as Edric took an involuntary step back from the much larger war ship.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Noel
Over the course of their journey Noel had entirely given up trying to pronounce the name of her home city. Instead simply referring to it as, ‘your home,’ and rolling her eyes everytime Edric would stubbornly mispronounce it.

After two weeks of stuffing their bellies and becoming more accustomed not just with elves but with Teaoboan pigmen they’d reached land. Off in the distance she could see the mighty trees of the Falwood which came right up along the coast.

And she shared Edric’s pessimism too. ”Just wave a flag?”

Of course even the Teaoboans were silent as the massive elven warship seemed to materialize out of thin air. A marvel of beauty that appeared to move through water like a dove soaring through the clouds. However the delicate looking curves and features of the ship belied a viciousness that one could notice upon further inspection. Massive arbalests were mounted on either side of the ship and each bolt glowed with a violet arcane mist.

For a precious few moments Noel wondered if they’d made a mistake. She contemplated if these elves might recognize the pairing as Dreadlord initiates and seek vengeance for centuries of Anirian excursions into the elvish forests.

But no, they had Alvernia and she’d been insistent that everything was safe. That her people were kind and accommodating. Although they would not be permitted to see her back to her home, to see her reunited with her parents.

Apparently, they guarded the secret location of Fen'Althkesis'Dalmir with their lives.

“Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn.”​

A man with flowing gray hair and a braided beard called out from the vessel and Alvernia’s cheeks flushed with red. Her eyes practically beamed at the greeting. “Siim síla,” she called back and then immediately followed up with, “Alvernia Eysitch’Iorhael.”

Noel presumed it to be her full name, though much like the name of her city she doubted if her Anirian tongue could replicate the speech. ”Do you think we’re safe?” she whispered to Edric as a silence fell over the air.

It was interrupted by a mighty cheer from the elvish ship and the teenager beside them began practically jumping out of her boots from joy.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Edric
"I have no id-" Edric was cut off by the sound of raucous elven cheers before he could offer a full answer.

His head turned almost immediately to Alvernia, who seemed to be practically bouncing up and down. He raised an eyebrow, glancing at Noel with no small amount of suspicion. The ship alongside their own seemed to come to a final stop.

"Is this..." Edric began as ropes were thrown and the sailors around them began to secure the two ships together. "Is this...normal for someone coming home to your city?"

The Initiate asked slowly, Alvernia's cheeks growing to a new shade of Crimson that he had never seen before.

Her smile seemed to falter for a moment, and she looked up between Edric and Noel. Teeth sank into her lower lip as she considered something. Her eyes turning down towards the ship as her foot gently pressed against the deck.

"I...please don't be mad, but I...I may not have been entirely honest about who I am."​

Alvernia confessed quietly, and then turned her head as a gangplank was dropped from the Elven warship down onto the deck of the Teaobo merchant vessel. Edric glanced at the ornate plank of wood, then looked at Alvernia. "What do you mean?!"

Before the little elf girl answered, an Elf appeared on top of the gangplank. There was a wide smile on his face, and the word he bellowed made Edric pale. For even he knew what it meant.


  • Wonder
Reactions: Noel
Oh. They were so fucked.

Alvernia hadn't been some lost elven girl who was captured by slavers. She'd been an elvish princess. In a worst case scenario they'd be mistaken for her captors and have their lifespan reduced to a few hours, maybe a few minutes. Or perhaps they'd spend years rotting in some elven prison.

But strangely there was no aggression on the face of the elf atop the gangplank. And the Teaobo pig-sailors didn't seemed concerned either. So it was a best case scenario...

Edric and Noel had just helped return a princess of the elves.

Vel Anir wasn't engaging in border skirmishes since the revolution but to call the elves of the Falwood a rival state would be a bit too generous. If a Proctor found out about this, or one of the newly elected Senators of the Anirian Republic, their careers as Dreadlords might be over before it began. That was if they avoided being charged with treason, of course.

"A princess? Of... all of the elves or?"

"No," she replied with a giggle, "just my people. Our kingdom spans the southern Falwood and the coasts."

So, the elves weren't so different from humanity. A loose coalition of kingdoms made up the massive forests with pockets of secret cities. Very interesting, but it did not change the fact that the two initiates had just aided a stateswoman of a nation Vel Anir considered 'hostile.'

Noel tugged on Ed's wrist and whispered as quietly as she could, "no one can ever know of this."
  • Aww
Reactions: Edric
"No shit." Edric whispered back quietly, lips a thin line as he watched the elder Elf waltz down the gangplank. His arms spread wide, and he said something else in Elvish that the Initiates would not be able to translate.

Whatever he said though seemed to please Alvernia a great amount.

The little girl jumped on her feet once more and rushed towards the older man. Before Edric knew what was happening Alvernia embraced the man in a tight hug, a motion that was almost immediately reciprocated with a bubbling of an almost ethereal laughter.

Edric watched the whole thing with no small amount of trepidation. The warm reunion something that he thought most Initiates would find utterly baffling. He shook his head ever so slightly, watching as other Elves began to poke their head over the railings of the massive war ships.

Most of them wore wide smiles. For a brief moment Alvernia and the older elf conversed, talking quickly in their soothing alien language.

"Edric, Noel!"​

Alvernia said, dislodging herself from the older Elf and turning back towards the Initiates. She was practically beaming as she continued on.

"This is my uncle, Ayred!"​

The old man kept a single hand on his niece, as though he was scared that she would somehow disappear. He looked at the sailors first, then slowly let his eyes slide onto Noel and Edric. He studied them carefully, and briefly Edric thanked whatever god that they had ditched their Dreadlord gear all the way back in Cortos.

It felt like the man was staring into their very souls.

"My nation, and I owe you a great debt. My Niece tells me that you three escaped Slavers together, and were it not for you she would have been in their clutches still."​
  • Nervous
Reactions: Noel
This day was getting more and more eventful. Alvernia was a princess and now her uncle stood before them. Thanking two Dreadlord initiates for saving his niece from her captors.

If this Ayred was her uncle and she was a princess did that make him a prince? Or was he a duke? Second-king? The royal family had been so irrelevant in Anirian society that Noel always got it confused when learning about royalty in other civilizations. Just seemed like a complicated mess of titles to her.

”They aimed to enslave us and we weren’t going to leave anyone to that fate.” she stated. It sounded like a solid enough answer in her mind but she clarified by adding, ”and Alvernia did plenty to help out.”

Sure, Edric and Noel had done the heavy lifting but the elven girl had told them of Teaobo which secured them the ship they were standing aboard right now. She’d kept their spirits up and even provided a few meals with her fishing prowess.

”Please, there’s no need for so much humility. Tárisya Alvernia has been quite clear that without your talents there would’ve been no escape to speak of.”​

The elven teen spoke up at that, “it’s true! Without you two I’d be in a cage at the markets of Cerak At’Thul right now!”

Noel tried to shake her head, tried to come up with some way to change the subject, but before she could take any action the prince-duke-uncle had raised a brow and continued to speak.

”It was very fortunate that two sorcerers with the talents to take down an entire vessel of slavers happened upon the princess of our people.”​

His skepticism was beginning to show.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Edric
Edric could see the way the man was looking at them. Could feel the suspicion and tension growing in the air. The man was happy for the return of his niece, but he was more than weary of the two strangers traveling with her. He likely saw some plot or plan, something from the traitorous humans.

With all the history between their nations, Edric couldn't blame them. He felt that same tension in his chest, and his own assumption from the start had been that if the man knew the truth they would be arrested. Briefly glanced over towards Noel, and then slowly spoke. "We were glad to help."

His words were slow, almost as though he'd practiced them in his head.

"But, now that Alvernoa is safe we would simply like to return home." Edric said, trying to broach the subject of this little gathering simply parting ways.

"Ah yes of, course, and where is home?"

Inwardly the Initiate cringed. Having realized his misstep in speaking the way he had. Offering the man an opening to inquire. It was foolish, and anyone with negotiating still likely wouldn't have made the mistake. But Edric had never been a wordsmith.

He cleared his throat, quickly answering. "The North."

The man tensed slightly, a fact which seemingly no one was unaware of. Alvernia, thankfully, stepped forward. She still maintained her happy smile, squeezing her uncle's arm before she stepped between him and the two Dreadlords.

"Edric and Noel just want to get home, Uncle, and I do too. I'm sure my mother and father miss me."

For a brief moment the elderly Elf glanced down at his Niece. Then looked back up to stare at the two Initiates. Seconds passed, Edric's heart began to thunder in his chest, and then finally the man nodded.
  • Bless
Reactions: Noel
Noel's teeth were gritted, her fists clenched. She really didn't want to kill Alvernia's uncle right in front of her but if this conversation kept going the way it was...

But then the young teen chimed in. Had she known that they were Dreadlords all this time? It likely wasn't a difficult thing to deduce after seeing Noel foolishly destroy that slaver ship but still... the elven girl had trusted them. Possibly even seen something good in Edric and Noel? It was an odd feeling.

After what felt like an eternity her uncle nodded, and eventually spoke once more.

"The North is good country. But I suspect we won't be seeing either of you in our part of the woods ever again."​

"It's a rather long trek," Noel said returning his nod, "not sure we'd ever find the time to come back here." Her jaw finally loosed, her fingers fell away, and she ceased concentrating on every scrap of metal aboard the elven ship.

As Ayred turned to head back up the gangplank towards his ship, towards their elven home, Alvernia tugged her arm and they stopped briefly. Clearly exchanging words of disagreement but they were too far away for Noel to make them out. Instead the teenager turned her head and waved her free hand while shouting, "you can come visit if you wish! Just ask for me by name!"

A radiant smile beamed on her face as she added, "I'll never forget either of you!"

With that the elven pair boarded and the pig-captain approached the two initiates. "What was that all about?" he oinked while looking over the two Dreadlords-in-waiting with skepticism, or perhaps it was just snot, oozing out of his snout.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Edric