Letters About the 'Prentice

Roleplay dedicated to correspondence type roleplays such as letters.

Maho 'Jerik' Sparhawk

When there's no more room in hell
The Empire
Character Biography
A letter from Jerik, Maho Sparhawk's mentor, to the masters at the College of Elbion.


I am writing to you, beseeching you to have the upmost caution. I am travelling to the Eretejva Tundra to do some research, and i need the Foard of Maesters to keep a watchful eye over the boy. I bought Maho's freedom years ago whilst travelling to Cerak At'thul on urgent business from a ruling lord, as his son was dying of a plague. I have trained him for many years, and his attainment of Arcane power is extraordinary. I have only seen such power in few others, none i have personally trained.

I've watched him accidentally create forest fires near Fal'Addas, at the annoyance of the Elves of course, but at the shock of their local sorcerers. Of course these actions are nothing to the feats of most sorcerers, but the boy was 15, and i had only begun teaching him how to reading Oskavoshian runes. He both scares and inspires me, and i have nothing left of the basics to teach him, and i'm worried i have neither the resources nor the strength to control him if something goes wrong.

I've seen visions. Terrible visions. I've seen fire. Fires the likes of haven't been seen since the early ages of men. Deaths of countless innocents and guilty. I've seen visions of a half-giant, of fire and brimstone. I've seen what will happen to the great slave city. It will be raised to the ground, and a terrible construction shall be built on it's foundations, built from the skeletons of the dead. We know too well the capabilities of sorcerer's gone unchecked, even those who wish to do good can perform feats of terrible power. I'm terribly afraid, and to my dismay, i fear the boy could be linked with what could follow.

You must heed my warning, if nothing is done about the boy when he reaches the age of magery, he could face a danger to everything we believe in.

I'm travelling far into the North. I feel i may find what we've been looking for there. I know the council have tried and failed to retrieve one alive, but i feel i can succeed. If i do, you shall hear back from me within the next half-cycle. If not, i fear you may never hear from me again.

Keep the boy safe, i beg of you. He is like my son. I can't watch him become the next great enemy to the free cities of men.


Your Loyal servant and friend,
Jerik Arkosh.


The letter never reached the council.