Fable - Ask A Watchful Peace

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Alistair stepped in behind Mihali as they exited the carriage. He, like all dreadlords, learned when it was the right time to shut up and just try and look intimidating. This seemed like one of those times.

It struck Alistair once again, how much fear the Vigilite had branded themselves with. The way this guard looked at Mihali was fascinating. This was all without any magic. Well, Al did not actually know if the Grand Inquisitor possessed magic, but he had not shown it so far.

The cock of the head registered to Alistiar. Maybe there was a rivalry, or some other animosity between the Vigilite, Vestigare, and even the Dreadlords.

Speaking of which, Alistair could not stop himself from wondering what Dreadlord was inside. Maybe he knew them. Were they also here tracking the murders?

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The doors opened in front of Mihali as though they had parted themselves.

It was of course the two Guardsmen standing flank on either side that had made his way, but the way the Grand Inquisitor regarded them they might not have existed at all. He stalked forward, his steps echoing through the halls of the ostentatious manner.

Grand steps rose to the second floor, easily followed by the new entrance. Gold and marble statues lined their every step, the echo of their boots continuing to reach out until they reached the end of the expanse. A single open door greeted them, standing within a man garbed in black robes.

He half turned towards the newcommers.

Alistair would recognize him. A dreadlord of the First, a former Proctor at the Academy who had left five years ago. Strict, but fair. "Dreadlord Jadrin. I didn't realize you had taken an interest in this matter."

Mihali showed no emotion in his tone.

"He was a dear friend...Grand Inquisitor. I did not realize you had been promoted."​

The Dreadlord answered, eyes flickering to the silver badge on Mihali's chest.
Alistair had originally applied for this apprenticeship because he wanted to discover a new way to fight. A way that used intelligence, knowledge, and subtlety to fight against brute force. However, maybe he could learn something even more valuable.

It was becoming more apparent with every minute spent around the Grand Inquisitor that he might be able to learn a more important skill. Mihali had an aura about him. He wielded his gravitas as effectively as any blade.

Hell, the guards had been the ones to open the door, but you would think Mihali willed the doors to open given the way they looked at him. It was incredible.

Alistair remained silent and followed behind, trying not to draw attention to himself. He politely nodded towards Dreadlord Jadrin, as he was worried doing any more would look bad seeing as he was representing the Vigilite at the moment.

Jadrin had trained him when he was younger, and he had liked the man. Then again, he liked any Proctor that wasn't a complete and total asshole.

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”Some of us were luckier than others in the Revolution.” Mihali commented dryly, offering nothing further on the subject of his promotion.

Much of the information surrounding the matter was still hidden. Either not spoken of in public, ro simply not existing in the first place. Such was almost always the case with the Vigilite. Information was sparse, and true understanding even more so. An important aspect of how they functioned.

”Since you were so close.” The Inquisitor prompted. ”Had the Governor been acting strange lately? Afraid? Anything concerning him?”

For a moment the Dreadlord only studied Mihali and Alistair.

A frown touched his features, brow furrowing as though he were puzzling something through. After a moment his head shook, gaze lingering on Alistair as he answered Mihali’s question.

“No, not as far as I know. He has been obsessed with some project as of late, though wouldn’t speak of it beyond saying it would do ‘great things’ for the Republic.”

Mihali slowly perked an eyebrow. ”I see.”

No project had been mentioned by the Guard, though that wasn’t too shocking. The Republic was undertaking a dozen grand designs. Everything from war to the creation of new cities was on the table. Parliament had more ideas than it had members. Mihali frowned for a moment, and made a note to look into this project.

Then slowly he glanced at Alistair, curious to see if the boy would question his former Proctor.
Alistair did his best to hold the former Proctor's gaze when he noticed that he was being looked at. While he worked for the Vigilite, he would not be cowed by anything as petty as seniority. He had a job to do.

He would have preferred to keep a poker face, but his right eyebrow rose slightly at the mention of a project.

There it was. It had to be. The first thread of the web. They had it, so all he needed to was follow the web and see where it led.

"Personal project, or was he going anywhere to meet with people? Things that mean big things for the Republic usually take more than one person."

Were the others that were murdered involved in this project? Maybe the killer was trying to stop this plan from coming to fruition.

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It was a good question, and one Mihali also wondered. It was more than likely that the Dreadlord would lie, of course, but that didn't matter. Watching his reaction, listening to the words that he chose. It would be small clues they could use.

One had to think of all angles.

"There were certainly meetings involved."​

The Dreadlord spoke with the same level tone as before. There were slight twitches in his face as he spoke, but Mihali did not think it was the words. More than likely an injury of some sort. Dreadlords did face such awful conditions. "You do not know with whom?"

A pause, then another answered.

"He never mentioned any names."​

The man said, never uttering the lite. Mihali only smiled, nodding his head slowly as though he were thinking of something else ot ask. When a few seconds passed, the Dreadlord added.

"If that is all, Grand Inquisitor. I have things to attend to."​

"Of course." Mihali said with a gracious nod.
Yes, there were many things that Alistair still wished to ask, but he had to show a little self-control. If the Grand Inquisitor was done, then Al would also refrain from such questions.

Besides, it might just be better to speak with Mihali about this new information when they were alone. He shot a glance at the Grand Inquisitor, before turning back to Jadrin and offering a polite bow.

"A pleasure speaking with you, sir."

That was technically true, but more because Alistair finally felt like he had discovered a few pieces that maybe he could actually play the game with.

Alistair took a step back indicating that he had no further questions, and waited for the Dreadlord to leave the room and leave him and Mihali with more room to speak more freely.

The only thing that was rattling around inside Al's head. He had said that Governor never mentioned any names. Did that mean he had mentioned something else?

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Reactions: Mihali
Mihali stayed quiet as the Dreadlord departed, not impeding the man's movements more than he already had.

The expression he wore was utterly blank, though through his head ran a thousand prospective questions and lines of inquiry. It was more than clear that the Governor had been killed for a reason, not some shamble of a cultist sacrifice.

Even a fool would have been able to see that the cultish overtures of the murder were nothing more than a sad cloak.

Mihali slowly looked to Alistair. "What do you think?"

He asked the young Initiate, motioning with a small wave at the same time. The Grand Inquisitor lead them through the massive manor as Alistair gave his answer. Roaming down hallways and heading towards the eastern portion of the manor.

There they would eventually find the sight of the murder; The Governors old office.

His body would be long removed, but the scene of the crime would be otherwise untouched. The Vestigare had managed that at least.
The walk gave Alistair a chance to put all of the information together. He was slow to speak his ideas at first out of fear that he would say something wrong. However, not saying the right answer, was worst than potentially throwing out the wrong one. Mihali would tell him if he thought he was going in the wrong direction.

"Not a cult murder. We need to find out what that project was...I have a feeling that the other deaths were also connected to this project, but that is just a suspicion...Does the Republic keep track of meetings where members get together, or do you think this was done in a more secretive manner?"

The site of the killings would hopefully provide more clues, but they should also look to figure out where these meetings occurred.

"Maybe they were meeting in the same place, that might tell us something."
