Cortos - The Isle of Kelrin 
"Don't like these others none, Boss." Vis whispered quietly to his Lieutenant, eyes flickering over towards the group of Initiate's and Dreadlords perched on the other side of the small ship.
His lieutenants words were no surprise to Desemir. Vis had been the first of nine he'd plucked from the bowels of Harrowgate and half a dozen other Prisons. The two of them had worked together for two months building up the 5th, and none of them had ever played well with outsiders in that time. Most of the members of the Blight were weary around any form of authority, much less Dreadlords whom they knew would rather kill them than take them back to prison.
Not that either would happen if they behaved themselves. "Ignore them."
Desemir told the former Blackguard, clapping a hand on his shoulder and gently nudging his attention back towards the table. Upon it lay a map, if one could even call it that. The parchment held a drawing of the fortress they were to take, the Keep of Kelrin it was called. Standing as a bastion on a string of isles just off Cortos' shore, the Keep was guarded by Baron Torrin and his militia.
More Pirate than true noble, Torrin had nevertheless decided over the last few years to throw his lot in with the free-cities. Frequently he sent out ships to harass and plague Anirian Merchant ships. A thorn that had pricked once too many times. Before, the Republic had not wanted to devote the resources to take down the Fortress. It's thick walls, near impenetrable cove, and surprisingly well trained defenders posing an obstacle none had wanted to tackle.
Until Desemir had volunteered.
Though Reluctant, the Guard acknowledged that Kelrin would provide too much of a risk if it were allowed to remain. The Fortress could provide a haven to the navies of the Free-Cities in the coming war, allowing strikes on supply lines and other areas the Republic could simply not afford.
So Desemir had been given leave to attack and take the Keep, though not alone with he and his.
The Guard had insisted on support, and thus the group at the other end of the ship. "Still sure about that gate?"
Vis asked, still staring daggers at their guests.
"I'm sure." The information had come from a source he'd not trust with his dirtiest sock, but the amount of coin they had paid was enough to offer some assurance. If only because the man had already fled the Keep, and spent half his earnings in the gambling dens of Vel Odren.

"Don't like these others none, Boss." Vis whispered quietly to his Lieutenant, eyes flickering over towards the group of Initiate's and Dreadlords perched on the other side of the small ship.
His lieutenants words were no surprise to Desemir. Vis had been the first of nine he'd plucked from the bowels of Harrowgate and half a dozen other Prisons. The two of them had worked together for two months building up the 5th, and none of them had ever played well with outsiders in that time. Most of the members of the Blight were weary around any form of authority, much less Dreadlords whom they knew would rather kill them than take them back to prison.
Not that either would happen if they behaved themselves. "Ignore them."
Desemir told the former Blackguard, clapping a hand on his shoulder and gently nudging his attention back towards the table. Upon it lay a map, if one could even call it that. The parchment held a drawing of the fortress they were to take, the Keep of Kelrin it was called. Standing as a bastion on a string of isles just off Cortos' shore, the Keep was guarded by Baron Torrin and his militia.
More Pirate than true noble, Torrin had nevertheless decided over the last few years to throw his lot in with the free-cities. Frequently he sent out ships to harass and plague Anirian Merchant ships. A thorn that had pricked once too many times. Before, the Republic had not wanted to devote the resources to take down the Fortress. It's thick walls, near impenetrable cove, and surprisingly well trained defenders posing an obstacle none had wanted to tackle.
Until Desemir had volunteered.
Though Reluctant, the Guard acknowledged that Kelrin would provide too much of a risk if it were allowed to remain. The Fortress could provide a haven to the navies of the Free-Cities in the coming war, allowing strikes on supply lines and other areas the Republic could simply not afford.
So Desemir had been given leave to attack and take the Keep, though not alone with he and his.
The Guard had insisted on support, and thus the group at the other end of the ship. "Still sure about that gate?"
Vis asked, still staring daggers at their guests.
"I'm sure." The information had come from a source he'd not trust with his dirtiest sock, but the amount of coin they had paid was enough to offer some assurance. If only because the man had already fled the Keep, and spent half his earnings in the gambling dens of Vel Odren.