Desemir's story begins in the familiar echo of many Dreadlord tales.
Born in the historic seat of House Luana, Desemir's parents were neither wealthy nor scraping by to escape the slums. His father was a tradesman, of some sort, though he was never old enough in their presence to understand. His mother stayed home, though often wove tapestries to help the family get by.
With three children the daily struggle of life was no small thing, and much of Des' early life is marred by what his family lacked. Though never starving for months, wane weeks occurred often enough, and the memory of those days of denial still drive him now.
When he was only six, Desemir displayed the first marks of his magic.
Living still in a day where Dreadlord's were something to be feared, and magical children offered something to be gained, Des' family almost immediately turned him over to the Proctors. Though he did not know it until much later, it was this act which allowed his family to escape to better lives.
A gift he himself was not given.
Jealous greed took hold within Desemir from his early days in the Academy. Whether driven by his magic or marked by the early memories of what he did not have, the potential offered by his tutelage was something he took fully for himself. Buying into the system, Desemir trained and practiced as hard as anyone else in the class.
His magics quickly set him apart from his peers, and with early dedication he became one of the top Initiate's in his class. Brutal, efficient, and entirely ruthless, Desemir made it plainly known who and what he was to be. Other students often going missing on dangerous missions with him, and questions swirling around the reasons why.
Graduating as a Second Level, Desemir swore to House Luana only two months before the Revolution struck.
Unlike many of his peers however, the young Dreadlord did not resist the tide of the coup. Though not in Vel Anir proper at the time, Des practically jumped to join the Guard in it's revolutionary efforts. Swearing to uphold the oath they offered and quickly supporting the nearby soldiers in their efforts to arrest the Nobility.
An action driven only by the opportunity it presented. To the young Dreadlord, it was a simple fact of the path ahead of him. Joining the losing side would do him no good, and the Guard had always been built on Merit. His path was still clear and after the Republic was formed Des wasted no time in continuing the pursuit of his goals.
Declared a Lieutenant, Desemir quickly set to work proving himself as an exceptional soldier.
He took every assignment, every mission, every possible task he could. An effort that was quickly rewarded by the Guard as Desemir was given the control of his own small taskforce. Now, with war brewing in the West, Desemir seeks to prove himself even more. Hoping to use the battles of Cortos to earn his name, and join the ranks of the Noble Houses he helped fell.

Not gifted with a unique magic such as the manipulation of fire or the creation of ice, Des' power instead lays in the marking of others. Done by choice, or by force, the Dreadlord is capable of creating a tattoo on the flesh of any being alive.
This tattoo changes depending on what or who it marks, as well as how they were marked. The effect of this mark, is essentially the draining of ones willpower at whatever rate is determined by the tattoo. This willpower is then transferred to Desemir as a fuel for the arcane. His magics growing directly in proportion to how many people he has marked, how those marks were applied, and how much will they take.
Over the years Desemir has created a vast pool of people and animals marked with these Tattoos, giving him no small amount of strength.
The use of this pool of power can vary almost as much as the applications of college magic. Creating shields of energy, beams of focused Arcana, or even manipulating the very earth are all simple matters of course. Though some things are more difficult to other, and greater exertions might kill those whom Desemir has marked.
Living with a Mark can be both fulfilling, and incredibly empty.
This fact comes from the simple point of Desemir not being the only one capable of creating the Marks. Once someone is branded with his Sigil, they too are capable of making their own Tattoos. These then allow them to take the same power from those below them, building a pyramid of arcana with Desemir standing at the top.
It is this prolification of Desemir's ability that makes him so dangerous. Not only is he a powerful sorcerer, but given the right Mark he is capable of producing even more.
Though this ability is exceptionally powerful, it does not come without it's price. There is something inherently evil about the taking of someone else's will, and as Desemir uses his magic more and more he himself begins to change. Slowly drawing him down into an uncomfortable abyss.
The Red Blight

Though there are many rumors as to why the 5th got it's name, most agree it has something to do with the general unpleasantess of the soldiers whom make it up.
Recruited not directly from the Guard, but instead the various military Prisons around Vel Anir. The men and women of the Blight tend to be tougher, meaner, and generally far more cruel than their ordinary counterparts. Due to this, it is thought the name came from a particular terrible disease known as 'The Red Blight' which causes excessive bleeding and a long strained death.
Handpicked by Desemir himself, each and every member of the currently rather small squad have some history of criminality. Chosen for their particular skillset, attitude, and potential. Many of the squads members are actually older than their leader, though that fact seems to rarely bother anyone.
Despite their origin, The Blight is an exceptionally effective special forces unit. Often tasked with the more brutal and 'unjust' assignments which the Republic would rather not go on record. The 5th is also often sent on missions by the Vigilite, and thus they float on a strange sort of Edge when it comes to the Guard's regular structure of command.
Though still relatively new, only operating for two months, the Blight is poised to take the stage in the coming war. Several of their operations already having influenced the coming opening battles.