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Deep in the wooded wildlands of Malakath, the the spiring city of Veradune reached up through the trees, its towers reaching up to be seen from above the canopy like fingers reaching up from the surface of a pond. Here, Zorrens, humans, and fae, clawed out a living amongst the dangers of mother nature, enjoying her bounty and braving her perils. Its walls were subtle, a weave of enchantments and patrols meant less to keep out invaders, and more to ensure that the various deadly beasties beyond the city stayed out of the streets and homes.
Despite its wild location, there was a savage beauty that could be found in Veradune's bustling market place. The native Zorrens were a warrior people, but they fought at the direction of their lords, the Fae Triumvir of the Vitae Court. Weapons in this city weren't merely tools. They were art. Every honed edge and polished shield spoke to the love and dedication that their craftsmen put into the work. Walking through the various booths and Vendors, Vulpesen found himself admiring a set of daggers within a glass case, their gleaming blades of layered steel curving up from beautifully polished handles. His own weapons, being his leysteel sword, his own black bladed daggers, and his rugged hunting bow were fine enough for him, and his desire to keep his load light on the road prohibited any additional purchases. But that didn't mean he couldn't admire the artisanship before him.