Tona T'lon

Tona T'lon

Biographical information
A nest not far from Tirnua 8 Thagretis
Physical description
Quill Drake (Male) 3'2" (Plumage not hair) White, Blue, Violet, Peach, Rose Gold and Pale Yellow Amber (Scales not skin) Reddish Violet
Political information
The Draconic Order Healer, Scholar, and Alchemist
Out-of-character information
Jabez 09/26/24 Archaeopteryx by Zerix

Tona means sunlight in the Quetzal tongue. And he has proven himself bright and bold enough to be worthy of the name. Unfortunately he's also proven a bit too curious and open minded for his own good these days.


Standing at just over three feet high, with a tail that adds about another two and a half feet or so to his length, Tona is a feathered reptile with a beakish maw filled with sharp lizardlike teeth. His feathers are mostly shades of blue, with white downy feathers on his bellyside and with purple and pale yellow feathers emerging from the blue on his wings and tail. Scaly skin visible on his face and legs presents varying tints and shades of purple. Each of his wings ends in three reptilian clawed fingers. At full unfurled wingspan, these claws apply to emerge from the center of the top of his wings, but this illusion is created by the length of he flight feathers.

Skills and Abilities

Good eyesight, keen observation, highly studious.

Fast reflexes, quick-witted, efficient problem solver.

Well versed in the lore and languages of Malakath.

Herbalism, alchemy, anatomy, and medical lore.

Flying, flying combat, ground combat, and aerial acrobatics.

Untapped magical potential. (He has no idea.)


Tona is a very typical Quill in some ways. He has a mind like a blade and a tongue to match. He loves to fly and do tricks in the air. He loves languages, words, songs, poems, inscriptions. But in many other ways, Tona is very much his own Quill with his own will. He questions the beliefs of his people. He can't quite get into the ritualistic rhythms which his kin seem to find so much comfort in. Nor does he long for a return to the ancient glory days of his people when, it is said, that they had a vast and wild kingdom of wonders and counted the stars from their towering spires. No, this Quill insists that HIS glory days have barely even begun.

Biography & Lore

Tona was an eager learner from the time he hatched. Equally hungry for knowledge as he was for fish, it was no time before he could speak Quetzal and Kalar fluently. And he had questions. So many questions. Many of his elders had answers, and the wise old Quills explained much.

Some of it made sense. The ways of time and of the world and of the heavens. The ways of dying and surviving. The lore of the wilds. The healing herbs. The struggles of the Humans. But the history of his own kin, and the worship of Quetzalcoatl, and making sacrifices of innocent quills to him in order to preserve the world from the darkness... these gave him questions that made his elders uneasy.

And so they sent him on little quests designed to teach him but also to distract him. Eventually he was pronounced rebellious and despite his success with learning, adventuring, healing and his growing appreciation for the mysteries of this world, he was no longer treated with as much hospitality as he had been when he was a learner.

But his people enjoy a freedom that many never know. The freedom of flight. And so he went to Thagretis, and sought from the priests therein to learn of the their Holy Elder Dragon. As he had suspected, there were many eerie similarities between the dragon-god of the Thagretans, and the ways in which his own people saw Quetzalcoatl. Not the least of which being the concept of a people on Malakath having an ancestry going back to gigantic serpentine divinity supposedly protecting the world from chaos and darkness.

During his time in Thagretis he got to know many of their clergy and was well acquainted with a few of their High Priests. This led to him aiding several of their priests and paladins on missions within and well outside the boundaries of Thagretian territory. Before long he came to be respected as an unofficial ally of the Draconic Order.


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