LFG A Royal Wedding

Arastan Aellevanda

Prince of Aellevanda
Character Biography
Hello, I am gauging interest for anyone wanting to make some elven characters that are leading in their communities. It can be members of nobles' houses, leaders of tribes, or other important roles in elven society.

Hoping to rp them getting invited to a Royal wedding at the Elven city of Aellevanda, which will also serve as the city being revealed to the outside world for the first time in centuries. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of opening up the city for more rp and interacting with the rest of the world.
  • Cthuulove
  • Devil
Reactions: Varys and Taliyah
Ereven is a warrior of almost legendary skill at this point; he doesn't quite fit into the mold of nobility, but his existence might be of some interest to some of the nobles who might see value in having a capable warrior in their service, or otherwise working for them. He could even be hired as a bodyguard for the wedding itself. I'd be interested in trying at least, even if he doesn't quite fit the mold.
  • Aww
Reactions: Taliyah