Aviana Sabel
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Her throat seized up, a deep pain lancing through her chest to the point where she couldn't take a breath. She closed her eyes, silently moving her lips in prayer without actually uttering a word. After the heartache ebbed to the point where she could move again, Aviana slowly crawled out of the bed and sought out the satchel she had been tasked with guarding.
She quietly unfastened the clasp and peered inside to check on the precious cargo that was tucked away. Nestled in a silk cloth was a large, black, oval egg that was laced with thin streaks of blue and gold that was embedded in the scale-like protrusions that covered the surface. She carefully slipped a hand into the bag, gently brushing the back of her fingers against the warm surface and murmured in a soft, lilting language. The streaks of color flared briefly, as if in reaction to the touch or the voice, and Aviana managed the first genuine smile she'd had since she'd arrived on the mainland.
Sighing quietly, she fastened the satchel and then moved to buckle her cuirass into place over her chest. Once she was dressed, she slipped the satchel diagonally over her chest and doublechecked to make sure that it was secured shut. As she made her way out the door, she was clipping her cloaking into place.
The inn was still quiet, but she could hear people moving downstairs in the common areas and their low voices echoed up the narrow halls. She crept as quietly as she could down the stairs, hoping to avoid making another scene when she stepped into the tavern area this time. Those few people who were seated downstairs were too enthralled with their breakfast to notice the small woman as she slipped out the front door.
She hurried to the stable, wanting to go ahead and get started saddling Erodin before her supposed travel companion arrived. If he even showed up.