Fable - Ask 1/365th

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Yuriko remembered her manners enough to give the proper little bow in return greeting before beaming up at the old man who her earliest memories of were when he had yelled at her to get down from the Bubblegum tree. He'd soon given up and had even installed a swing for one of their birthdays so the girls could play on it safely. The old man returned her smile with great warmth.

"Yes please - one by the tree if possible," it was an unnecessary ask of course, the Kubo family always sat beneath the tree when they visited. So much so in fact that the pink dragon had already alighted on the branches of the Keom tree, the pink blossom flowers nearly obscuring her from view. Of course the dragon didn't get told to get down.

"Our special today is the plum and blossom tea, used with blossoms from our very own tree! I thought it fitting for you girls today of all days..." Mr Yue smiled.
  • Wonder
  • Bless
Reactions: Airen and Takashi
Airen followed her sister's lead and bowed to Mr Yue, a quiet smile to follow once she was upright again.

Yes, the table by the tree would be most lovely, a seat they had often sat at beneath the blossoming tree throughout the seasons. They were being led to it by Mr Yue, and as if it were planned, there were decorations being sported to celebrate the birthday of the Kubo twins. Blue and pink dragons made from folded and dyed parchment hung from the boughs of the plum tree, and Airen delighted at them, delicately holding a blue Blueberry paper dragon.

"Thank you Mr Yue!"

Small tea cakes were brought out to the table, as made by Yue's niece that owned a bakery in the Inner City of Thanasis. Each cake were decorate in iced dragon scales, and promised to taste as good as they looked.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Yuriko
"Mr Yue has outdone himself."
Takashi admired the decorations and the delicate icing scales. He told Mr Yue as much himself and that he needn't have went to the trouble. They had been having the same exchange on this day for years.

As he sat and removed his bag and hat he let out a long sigh, the kind fathers do when they settle into a spot.

All these paper dragons put his mind back to the inevitable and it took the wind from his sails a bit.

"You know, some people believe that if you make a thousand paper dragons that you will be granted a wish."

His attempt to start a light conversation.

"What would you both wish for?"

  • Frog Sip
  • Bless
Reactions: Airen and Yuriko
A pink tail casually dropped down from the tree and Yuriko placed one of the cakes into the tight coils and watched tail and cake vanish back into the canopy.

"That I could meet Mahmi, even if it was for just one day."

The sentence was out of her mouth before she had fully processed what it was she was saying. She snapped her mouth shut and threw her father an apologetic, bashful look.

"I'm sorry Pahpi, I didn't mean... I just love your stories of her and I... I would like to meet her."
  • Aww
Reactions: Airen and Takashi
His surprise must have shown on his face but it softened into a smile as he reached over to pat Yuriko on the hand to reassure her that no offense was given or taken.
"It's okay Yuriko."
Despite his efforts he could not entirely keep the soft sadness from his voice and he reached over to take Airen's hand as well.
"I know that your Mother wanted to meet you both more than anything and she would be overjoyed to see the young women you have grown into."
Takashi felt his voice break just a bit towards the end so he did not say anymore, just smiled at them both and with a final squeeze released their hands.
At times like this he saw Ayane in their faces and he could not help the deep feeling that brought him. That oil on water of joy and sorrow.
  • Spoon Cry
  • Aww
Reactions: Yuriko and Airen
"We hear the stories growing up... and we may not remember her well, but you make her sound alive and well..."

Was is possible to miss someone you barely remembered? For Airen, it was the sadness in their father's face when he could not remember something, or even the paintings of their mother smiling with younger versions of the girls.

"You have done brilliantly making sure Yuriko and I have everything we want, I wish you took time to have to yourself than worry about us... You know, we will still have to visit you even if we join the Thunder."
  • Bless
Reactions: Yuriko
Takashi was quiet for a long moment, his eye traveled inward to his memories of Ayane and the girls.
A lifetime passed in an instant and when he returned he found himself ready to speak. To say what he had to despite what he wanted. Though he made no secret of his frustrations with the dragons he had been somewhat reserved on his attitude to them joining the Thunder.

"Perhaps you are right."
He smiled, sweetly but the edges were still longing. as he poured himself a cup of tea and held it. Something to do with his hands.
"I am so proud of you both and happy that you have answered your callings but it is a father's duty to worry for his children and... I am going to miss you both when you are gone."
The last part was spoken into his cup as he hurried to drink it afterwards, as if the taste could wipe the words away.
The truth was a bit more than that.
Takashi had been rushed off his feet for 17 years. Years of potty training, lessons, cleaning and bathing, years spent devoted to his children and now he was faced with the fear that his life would be terribly quiet and that he might feel a little lost without them.
And though he would never admit it, he realised that he would miss Blueberry and Bubblegum as well.
  • Bless
Reactions: Yuriko and Airen
"Maybe now you can find someone for yourself..." Yuriko broached gently. Even as a child she had worried that her Pahpi might be lonely. Airen and she had each other and their dragons. Of course he had them as well but she had always been aware that it was... different. That he needed a partner of his own. For a time she had hoped that might be another dragon and when she was older, she had hoped one of the Mahmi's who had lost their husbands in war might catch his eye.

Perhaps without two daughters with dragons he would be more appealing and feel less as though he could not find happiness for himself.
  • Wonder
  • Bless
Reactions: Airen and Takashi
Airen relaxed in her seat, tilting her head back to watch the blossoms in the tree above. "... like Lady Tallis on the other side of the hill. You both get along well." It was as if she finished her twin's sentence.

It probably would be years before they will be sent into battle, given the rarity and small size of their dragons, preserving them and learning from them would be important before throwing them against monsters and creatures. Airen had always dreamed of visiting the city proper, of going to the Great Library to learn more about their dragons and perhaps one day understand what they are. To have this become reality soon only made her eager, giddy, to be able to experience this one day soon.

Now, she dropped her gaze to her father, smiling. "You never realised she was interested in you, did you Pahpi?"
  • Peek
  • Bless
Reactions: Yuriko and Takashi
Takashi almost spilled the tea as he poured it furrowing his brow at the suggestion his daughters had brought to him.
"Lady Tallis is... much too busy to be concerned with..."
His mind tripped a bit and he paused for a moment to place the teapot down before jumping off again.
"And besides she is herself a widow and I would not presume..."
After attempting to drink and pausing again he put down his cup and looked to Yuriko and Airen, his head turning to them both.
"Besides, Lady Tallis has many suitors, men of great means and good names. Even if I... There is not much a botanist could offer."
Lady Tallis was of means herself, her husband was a General. A brave man by all accounts. Takashi could not easily believe that anyone who was used to such a life could be truly happy to be the wife of a humble shopkeep.

  • Smug
  • Sip
Reactions: Yuriko and Airen
Yuriko brought the tea cup to her lips but it did nothing to stop her laughter at her father's reddening face. He hadn't said an outright no, though, and Yuriko took that as a win.

"She has everything she needs, Pahpi. She doesn't need to marry to survive, she can marry for love. Just like you."

She snuck another piece of cake up to the coil of pink scales that had dropped down from the blossoms.
  • Bless
  • Wow
Reactions: Airen and Takashi
Airen giggled, nodding her head to agree with her sister. "All those suitors are after her money and title. Besides, they are much too young for an established lady like her!"

She reached for the teapot, filling her small cup once more and smiling at the conversation they were having. It was often like this between them, and when allied with her sister, the twins were a force hard to fight against.
  • Frog Sip
Reactions: Yuriko and Takashi
Takashi's head turned from Yuriko to Airen and back again.
He wondered in his fluster if they had planned this talk to set him up with Lady Tallis or wether it was one of those spur of the moment things. It would not be the first time their minds slipped into the same thought.

Before he spoke he took a bite of cake to buy himself time to think.
Lady Tallis was, he had to admit, a lovely woman. She did not visit often but whenever she was in the area she did come to the shop and always purchased something. A good customer.

"Well, yes, those men are too young for her. They should see about chasing women their own age. It's a sad thing, many young men would rather chase for what a woman has than who that woman is."

Washing down the cake he spoke again.

"And let that be something for you both as well. Especially because of Bubblegum and Blueberry. Young men and women may try to use you to get close to them. You must be cautious with your hearts."

There that was a bit of a distraction.

"As for Lady Tallis..."
He sighed thinking that it could do no harm to broach a friendship and that the girls would not let up until he agreed to something. Tenacious as their mother.
"I suppose I could ask her the next time I see her if she would like to get tea. She has been a good customer after all."

  • Frog Cute
  • Wonder
Reactions: Yuriko and Airen
Yuriko flashed her sister a conspirators grin then quickly hid it in her tea.

"I think that is a very good idea Pahpi," she said in her most grown up sounding voice which was soon worried by the disgusted wrinkle of her nose. "And, Airen and I won't have time for kissing. We're going to be dragon riders. Go on adventures! I've heard there's even an entirely different world out across the sea. They don't believe a dragon can fly it in one go but I bet Bubblegum could," there was a trill from the treetops of agreement and Yuriko smiled smugly.
  • Stressed
  • Bless
Reactions: Takashi and Airen
Airen shared in Yuriko's curiosities of the world, but instead of casting her dreams to the vast lands to the north, Airen had hoped to see more of their home in Thanasis lands. There was the wylds, the wastes, and the sea.

She would like to document her encounters one day, and perhaps if she were as brave as her sister, she could one day make that journey above to other lands. But today, on their seventeenth name day, she was happy to look forward to joining the Thunder and learning more about their dragons.

To fly.

"How can any boys think to kiss us when you are always there to talk loudly of poisonous plants you could serve boys at tea?" Airen laughed, grinning at her father. "Remember? You made the Haneda boys so nervous when they began working at the temple the same time I was?" She raised a brow, happy that they had a father that was not overly ridiculous in his defending of his daughters.
  • Smug
  • Haha
Reactions: Takashi and Yuriko
Takashi eyed Yuriko and knew that despite her protests it was likely that her, Airen or both their eyes would be caught by someone sooner or later. Such things could not be helped but for now at least their minds seemed blissfully busy with other things.
Dangerous things, which he did not know if he considered worse or not.
"Across the sea?"
His eyes flicked up to Bubblegum as he rubbed his face and tried to imagine such a carefree thing making the great journey across the seas. The thought of Yuriko flying away and never being seen again struck his minds eye like a bolt of lightning and a gulp travelled down his throat.
"Maybe she could try something shorter first?"
He offered hopefully before turning his attention to Airen and smirking.

"Those boys were getting too familiar too fast."
There was a year between the Haneda boys and while they were around Airen's age when they decided to accompany her home Takashi did not like the look in their eyes so he let them know that he would not tolerate careless treatment of his daughter.
"And rude boys make fine fertilizer."
He winked at Airen and took another sip.

He'd miss this, he realized suddenly. Holding two conversations at once.

  • Haha
Reactions: Airen